
Son of Tony Stark

Reborn as Son of Tony stark in MCU

Hanish_Ram · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

For Tony not knowing about graphene, Mark was not surprised.

At the beginning of the design, Mark did not use lithium batteries with supercapacitor chargers according to the original design, considering battery life and charging issues. Instead, he considered using graphene batteries with stable properties, fast charging, and powerful storage capacity.

But after searching on the internet and various scientific magazines and journals, Mark discovered that scientists in this world had not yet discovered graphene, a super material with infinite potential.

Since there were no ready-made materials to use, he had to make it himself. So Mark started with the preparation of graphene and spent more than half a year step by step, finally producing his ideal graphene battery.

Now that Tony didn't know about graphene, Mark would not let go of this opportunity to show off in front of him.

"Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial with a hexagonal honeycomb lattice composed of carbon atoms and sp2 hybrid orbitals. I continuously exfoliated graphite through the micromechanical exfoliation method, and finally formed a single layer of carbon atoms, discovering this nanomaterial. Graphene has excellent optical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Due to its special internal structure, it has excellent electrical conductivity and optical properties. I used the characteristics of lithium ions to quickly and massively shuttle between the graphene surface and the electrode to develop a new energy battery, which is the graphene battery used in Baymax now.

The storage capacity of a graphene battery is ten times that of an equivalent lithium battery, and the charging speed is 1000 times that of a traditional battery. Not only that, graphene also has very high strength, the highest among all known materials, and can be used as a new type of protective material in the military field; its excellent optical properties can also be used to manufacture laser weapons. It can be said that graphene is an almost omnipotent magical material."

After listening to Mark's explanation of graphene, Tony stood still, stunned. "Who am I, where am I, where did I come from, and where am I going?" At this moment, Tony Stark was utterly amazed by Mark.

"I, Tony Stark, would like to call you a little genius. I didn't expect that your research has progressed to this point. It has simply subverted my understanding of nanomaterials."

"Of course, while you and an unknown lady were fumbling on the bed, I was diving into the ocean of knowledge!" Mark's frank remarks made Tony feel embarrassed. He changed the subject and said, "So when you accepted the quotation, you specifically stated that only the mechanical data was included. This is the reason. The graphene battery and graphene material data are not part of the mechanical data but the material data. I thought I was a wicked capitalist, but it seems you're the one who leaves nothing behind. Give me a price. I want to buy this technology."

"Two and a half billion USD."

"So cheap?" Tony replied.

"License fee, and it's a one-year fee."

"You're truly my son. Deal! By the way, what do you want to eat for dinner tonight?"

"How about a cheeseburger?"

"J.A.R.V.I.S, order a meal!"

"Received, sir."

The next morning, Tony wanted to rest well to prepare for showcasing his new weapon, but he ended up staying up all night reading the technical information he had bought from his son Mark at a great expense. "This kid really inherited the high IQ of our Stark family. The content in this information has benefited me greatly."

"Good morning, sir. Miss Potts is already waiting for you in the living room."

"I see. I will wash my face and change into my clothes. Where's that brat Mark, is he up?"

"Master Mark said last night that he would write a Kung Fu master chip to make Baymax his personal bodyguard. He stayed up again until two o'clock in the morning, and he hasn't gotten up yet."

"Call him up. I didn't get a good night's sleep for this kid; he dared to stay in bed. I won't allow it." Tony, feeling he had lost ground in the mechanical field, used his fatherly authority to regain some dignity.

Thus, Mark, who was still dreaming, was forced to get up early due to his father's bruised ego.

"Good morning, J.A.R.V.I.S!"

"Good morning, Master Mark!"

"Good morning, Little Mark!"

"Huh?" A tactful female voice suddenly startled Mark, who was about to wash at the sink. Turning his head, he saw a slender blonde woman in a professional suit.

"Sister Pepper! Why are you here? Did my dad finally make a move on you?" Mark asked in surprise.

"What are you talking about? I'm here to remind Mr. Stark of today's itinerary. Since I need to stay and handle the company's affairs, I can't go to Afghanistan with him, so I have to explain the itinerary to him first to prevent him from oversleeping and missing the time agreed with the military. And how many times have I told you to call me auntie? I'm almost 30 years old, not a sister."

"I don't care, Sister Pepper. You're so young and beautiful, you should be called sister. Wait…" Mark seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, and he asked in astonishment: "Did you say Afghanistan?"

"Yes, why?"

"So Tony is going to Afghanistan to display new weapons!?"


"Oops! Oops! Oops! I forgot it is April 2010. I've been really busy. Fortunately, when researching graphene materials, I prepared something in advance. I hope it can help…"