
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Back Home

Issei and Tiamat, who followed closely behind him, made their way towards the others. Eventually they came across what seemed to be a building. Issei could sense Akeno and the others taking shelter there. They must have waited there instead of teleporting back to the ORC.

The others could also sense him coming closer and came out to greet him, only to be shocked when they noticed that Tiamat was following him from behind. They panicked thinking that they had not finished their conflict yet. None was more afraid then Matsuda who feared he was going to die at the hands of the dragon king.

When they arrived, Issei quickly reassured them "Don't worry guys. The battle is over and she isn't here to fight." He told them. They all breathed a sigh of relief knowing that it was all over. Akeno quickly went and embraced him as she was the most worried for her boyfriend.

"Thank the Maou, you are alright" she whispered earning him a smile.

"I did promise that I would be" he whispered back as he returned her hug. After they separated, Matsuda nervously walked forward.

"So umm s-she isn't going to kill me anymore" he asked still very much clearly afraid of the dragon king in front of him. He could still remember her murderous killing intent and all of it directed at him so no one could fault him for being so afraid at the moment.

His query was answer by the object of his fear.

"You do not need to worry Ddraig's host. While I still hold a grudge against Ddraig, I am no longer interested in killing his hosts for something beyond their control." Matsuda breathed in a huge sigh of relief, his shaky legs gave in as he fell down on his ass.

"Thank God Oww" his head hurt at the mention of the lord's name but everyone could see how relieved he was. Asia went to him to help him up.

"Alright! Since everything seems to be in order, let's go back home" Rias stated as she was preparing her magic circle until she was interrupted by Tiamat

"Not yet Gremory. There is something I would like to ask your queen. I believe your name is Akeno correct?" Tiamat shifted her attention to Akeno who was wondering what the dragon king would want from her.

Nevertheless, she nodded. "Yes! That's my name. What is it that you would like to ask me?" she asked, curious what she would want from her. That curiosity intensified when she saw Issei fidget a bit near her. He seemed to be nervous and also dare she say a bit afraid.

Tiamat grinned. "I want to become Issei's mate and since you are his first, we wanted to ask what your opinion on the matter was?" For a moment, everything went silent. Even a graveyard was more noisily than the current environment until

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Almost every one shouted, being caught off guard by the sudden statement.

All the girls started blushing at Tiamat's question. Although they knew she meant his first girlfriend, the way she said it seemed to imply something a little more… intimate shall we say. Matsuda had a full blown nosebleed and even Kiba could be seen blushing a little bit.

Issei seemed to be a nervous wreck thinking about how Akeno would feel about this. The person in question, had her eyes shadowed by her hair and Issei couldn't tell what she was thinking. He thought the worst and thought that she was feeling sad. Was this a good idea? Should I intervene? What do I do? A million questions were pondering inside his head trying to figure out what he should do.

Eventually, Akeno expression became visible but contrary to what Issei believed, it was not one that expressed sadness and sorrow but one of understanding and possibly determination.

"I don't mind" was all she answered.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" This was the second time Issei has been caught off guard today. Did he hear her correctly?

Seeing his reaction caused Akeno to giggle.

"ufufu, did you think I would really be opposed to this Issei. You are a dragon and we live in the Supernatural world. I knew a long time ago that this could very well be a possibility. As long as the feelings are indeed mutual then I don't mind sharing." Akeno explained to Issei who still looked to be slack-jawed.

"Besides, I already had this discussion with uncle a while back." She added which further surprised Issei. He hadn't been aware of this.

"With Dad? When?" he asked. Akeno smiled as she recounted the events


During one of her school's day offs, Akeno had received a phone call from Great red asking her if she could come by their house to talk about something. Akeno, of course, gladly accepted. She loved spending time with them and had to try and recover the lost years they spent apart. She teleported herself near their house. Great-red had long since adjusted the protective barrier around their house to allow Akeno to teleport in and out if she wanted to but she felt it would be more polite to greet them at their doorstep. She was raised that way by her mother and nothing would change that.

Knock Knock

She knocked twice on the door to make her presence known but Great-red could instantly tell she was there which was why, not a moment later, he opened the door.

"Good morning Akeno. Thank you for coming by on such short notice." He greeted her with a smile which she immediately returned.

"Of course uncle, it's always a pleasure to come by and spend time with all of you." Great red moved a bit to invite her in which she accepted. She entered the room.

"Please take a seat. Would you like some tea?" he offered her some refreshment.

"Yes please!" she nodded. Great-red moved towards the kitchen and prepared some green tea. A moment later, he came back and gave Akeno the cup.

"I apologize if this isn't to your liking. I only know how to make green tea. It hurts to admit it but I'm not as good as my mate, your mother and even Asia when it comes to making tea." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

This caused Akeno to laugh a bit before she took a sip of her tea "Don't worry uncle, it's pretty good" she said to which he thanked her for.

Akeno then noticed something as she was scanning her surroundings.

"Where are the others? Are they not here?" she inquired. She couldn't see or even sense if Issei, Ophis and Asia were located in the building.

Great-red nodded. "That is correct. Our little Asia went to spend time with Ddraig's host. Issei and Ophis on the other hand went to the Dragon mountains in tannin's territory. Issei went to train for a bit while my mate went visiting the younglings. However it's better this way since I wanted to talk to you about something personal and I preferred doing it when they weren't here" Great red explained as his tone shifted to a serious one which Akeno noticed.

She placed her cup on the table before re-addressing her uncle.

"Is this about Issei?" she deduced. There wasn't many subjects that would require Great-red to keep a secret. Her theory was proven correct when her uncle nodded her head.

"Yes, indeed. It is about him"

"Is something wrong with Issei?" she began to worry if there was something going on with Issei but her worry was quickly dismissed by Great-red who shook his head negatively.

"No no! there is nothing wrong with Issei right now. Rather I wanted to talk about something that may happen in the future and it most definitely involves both of you." He explained. Akeno became very curious about what her uncle wanted to ask her and gave him her full attention. Seeing that he had her attention, he began.

"As you already know, Issei is a dragon and as I'm sure you know dragons are beings of pure power and power attracts both friend and foe alike." Akeno nodded as she already understood that. It was common knowledge after all. "That is especially true for Issei who is a Dragon God. His strength will attract attention no matter how much we try to hide it as shown during the fallen angel mess that occurred a while back. This is most definetly the beginning of things to come. Although now he has the power to protect himself so I am no longer worried about that. The problem comes over a different subject. I'm talking about potential mates." As soon as the word mates came off of Great-reds mouth, Akeno understood what her uncle was going to talk about. Great-red saw her look of understanding but still proceeded.

"As you know, people are attracted to power and Issei's power will eventually attract other females who will be interested in him. Therefore, I wanted to ask your opinion on the matter."

"My opinion?" she tilted her head. Her uncle nodded

"Yes. Issei loves you with every fiber of his heart and soul. Of that there is no question. Quite frankly, I was surprised that he didn't claim you the instant you were both reunited at the shrine." Akeno's face instantly flushed crimson understanding what he meant by "claiming" her which caused Great-red to let out a small laugh before he continued

"Anyways, the point is he loves you very much and will do absolutely everything in his power to make sure you are happy which is why I would like to know what you would think about Issei having another potential mate. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if you told him you wished to be his only mate than he would accept, in a heartbeat, even if it meant burying a part of himself. That's just how much he loves you." He finished explaining his reasoning to Akeno, who seemed to take everything he said with careful consideration. No matter what she chose, he would accept it and would never hold it against her.

However, his doubts were unneeded as she answered

"As long as their love is mutual, I don't mind if Issei wants to get another mate." Great-red was a bit surprised at her answer, more along the fact that she said it without hesitation.

"I've known for a long time that, as a dragon, Issei would probably attract other potential mate and I don't mind it. Besides, we live in the Supernatural uncle, so polygamy isn't really rare in our world. Therefore, if Issei wants to love another, then he has my full blessing as long as it is mutual and they are a good person. Even if Issei would bury a part of himself for me, that is not what I want him to do. I love him and I accept every single part of him and I would never want him to deny a part of himself. There's my answer uncle" she finished explaining her reasoning to her uncle. She will not mind if Issei wants to have multiple mates. She accepts Issei for who he is and if having multiple mates is par for the course, then so be it.

Great-red couldn't help but let out a big smile after hearing her response. But then again, he anticipated such an answer from her.

"There are no words to describe how happy I am that my son has someone like you as his mate."

Akeno chuckled "ufufu, thank you uncle. I also consider myself very lucky to have someone like Issei in my life. Although, I cannot believe that you actually doubted I would be objected to Issei having multiple mates" she teased him.

"hahaha, I never doubted you for a second" he responded before receiving a stare from her.

"Ok, maybe just a liiittle bit" he revealed a tiny distance between his thumb and index finger. After a moment, they both started laughing before they ended their conversation when they felt several familiar signatures appearing next to them.

Ophis and Issei both suddenly teleported next to the living room. They were both surprised and delighted to see Akeno there.

"Akeno, I didn't know you were coming by." Issei was the first to start speaking as he made his way towards his mate and embraced her, clearly happy to see her. Obviously, she wasn't going to reveal the reason behind her sudden appearance so she had to say a little white lie.

"I just wanted to come by and say hello. Although when I arrived, both of you were already gone so I stayed with uncle and we had a great time together until both of you came back" she smiled. It technically wasn't a lie. When Great-red invited her today, she thought it would be a good time to say hello to all of them but they weren't there when she arrived.

This time it was Ophis who came forward and took her turn to welcome her.

"Well, it's always good to see you Akeno. I wish you could have told us you were coming by. If I had known, I would have returned much sooner, if only to spare you from this idiot's blabbering." She pointed towards her husband who was definetly irked by her comment.

"HEY, what's that supposed to mean" Unfortunately, his rant was ignored save for a few giggles from both Issei and Akeno. Ophis then noticed that it was evening outside.

"Since it's the evening, would you like to join us for dinner? Since our little Asia is sleeping over at Ddraig's place, we have room for another and I have made enough food for all of us" she smiled as she made her offer which Akeno gladly accepted.

"Of course, I would love to" Issei seemed very happy that she would stay over, a feeling that was shared by everyone in the family.

"Alright, let's go eat. I'm starving" Issei said as he grabbed her hand and led Akeno to the kitchen, followed by his parents who smiled at the sight. In a way, it reminded them of the past. They had not changed since they were kids and they hoped that Shuri was watching over them from the Heaven's above.

End of Flashback

Akeno had finished recounting the events that occurred prior with Great-red. Of course, omitting the part that the parents in question were Great-red and Ophis. She simply referred to them as uncle and aunt.

"That is why I have no problems with you having other mates. As long as you both love each other than you will receive no resistance from me" she further added before finally stopping her explanation.

Various emotions seemed to be going through Issei as he heard her retell the tale. At first, he was shocked that she and her father had a conversation about this without him knowing. Then, his shock turned into joy when he heard her say that she would accept everything about him and didn't want him to hold back a part of himself, even for her. Truth be told, he knew that he would most definitely do that if it meant being able to ensure Akeno's happiness. He loved her that much. Yet, it would seem that Akeno also knew him very well and anticipated what he might do. To hear her say that she didn't want him to deny a part of himself for her sake reminded him just how lucky he was to have her as his mate.

He moved closer to Akeno before embracing her in an affectionate hug. "I don't know how many times I have told you this already but I feel truly blessed to have you by my side. I love you so much and no force in this world could ever change that, Akeno" he whispered to her ear.

Akeno then proceeded to return his embrace. "It goes both ways, Issei. It goes both ways. I also love you with all my heart." She whispered back before they both separating but not before sharing a kiss, not caring of the fact that they had an audience. Soon, they separated and Akeno took a step forward towards Tiamat and looked up towards her imposing form. Tiamat, in turn, focused her attention towards Issei's mate.

"Are you truly interested in Issei in a romantic manner" she asked the dragon king before her.

Tiamat's answer followed with an immediate nod.

"Yes, I can promise you, on my pride as a dragon, that I am most definitely interested in issei as a mate. Even though we just met, I've already witnessed several qualities about that I most certainly have come to love." Akeno tried to see if she could find any sort of deceit coming from her but she knew Tiamat wasn't lying. If there is one thing Akeno knew by now when it came to dragons is that they were honest beings to a fault. Lying was simply beneath them and they had no use for it unlike other factions like devils.

She turned her head towards her beloved "How about you Issei? Are you interested in having Tiamat as a potential mate?"

Issei started looking between both Akeno and Tiamat, who seemed a bit nervous waiting for his reply, before he nodded his head.

"Yes, I would like to give it a shot." was his answer. Everyone could instantly tell how relieved and happy Tiamat seemed to look like after his answer.

Finally, Akeno nodded as well. "Very well! Since you wanted my opinion then I have no problems with both you pursuing each other. However-" She looked back at Tiamat with a look of fierce determination and seriousness "If you ever hurt or betray Issei's feelings then I will never forgive you. I do not care that you are stronger than me, I will find a way to make you pay dearly." Akeno promised Tiamat that she would never forgive her if she betrays Issei's trust.

Everyone seemed shocked at the fact that Akeno had just threatened the Chaos Karma Dragon king. The Familiar master looked like he was ready to faint since he knew that dragons in general did not take kindly to threats. Her fellow peerage and king were really worried for her safety. They didn't fully trust Tiamat yet and hoped nothing would happen. Issei, on the other hand simply smiled with pride. 'That's my women' he told himself.

Tiamat for her part couldn't help but be surprised at the girl's resolve, yet at the the same time expected no less from the one who claimed Issei's heart

'I can see why he fell in love with her. She is certainly an interesting one'

"Duly noted. Though I can promise you that as long as Issei will have me, then I will never betray his trust. The day i do is the day I will end my own life" she said with absolute conviction leaving no room for anyone to doubt that she was not serious.

"Alright then." Akeno responded seeing that she received her answer.

"Before you all go, there is one last thing I would like to request of Issei." She turned to Issei who looked back

"What is it?" he inquired wanting to know what she would ask of him.

"I would like to become your familiar" she stated. Issei couldn't help but blink a few times. "W-Wait what? Why do you want to become my familiar? I didn't even know it was possible for a dragon to become another dragons familiar" he answered confusing. He had never heard of such a thing.

"Anyone can become a familiar for anyone as long as you form a contract with them. For being higher level beings like me and others, in order to become a familiar, we need to accept the binding and that is what i am doing. I would like to become your familiar Issei. You'll be able to call me should you ever require my strength in battle or under the sheets."

Issei blushed a deep crimson at her last remark causing her and Akeno to laugh. Tiamat then proceeded to land near them before her body started glowing as her form shrunk down to a fraction of her size, assuming her human form. When the light dissipated, they could all see her new form. She turned into a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure with breasts rivaling those of Akeno. She was just shy of Issei's height, standing at 180 cm tall. She had beautiful blue hair that was tied by a ponytail similar to Akeno as well as clear blue eyes. Matsuda was seen drooling at the sight which earned him a pinch on the cheek by both Asia and Rias, one on each cheek. Issei, for his part, after seeing Tiamat's human form couldn't help but be stunned. She was absolutely gorgeous and he could feel his instincts kicking in screaming to claim her. Tiamat noticed his reactions and smirked

"Do you like what you see?" she asked seductively causing Issei to blush. She was still pretty happy to see that her form was pleasing to him although there will be more time to have fun later. Right now, she wanted to focus on the current task.

"Rias Gremory" the aforementioned person turned her attention towards Tiamat. "Can you please show Issei how to form a familiar contract" Rias nodded to her request as she showed Issei the steps needed to form a contract. It didn't take long and Tiamat soon became his familiar.

"Alright, the contract is set. You can summon whenever you need to" Issei nodded in understanding.

"now i'm going to have to move to a new place. My cave, where i was living in, got destroyed during our fight" At Tiamat's remark, Issei remembered that they literally turned the familiar forest into a wasteland and he felt really bad about it.

"I'm so sor-" Before he could apologize, Tiamat cut him off.

"You do not need to apologize. You were simply trying to defend your friends. It was my fault that a conflict arose which led to the destruction of the familiar forest and my dwelling. In fact, i'm the one who should be apologizing to everyone." she turned to everyone else "I hope you can accept my apologies for all the trouble i caused" She bowed her head a bit to show her sincerity. The action, however, came at a surprise for everyone. No doubt, for a dragon like Tiamat, bowing goes against her pride. It was a fact. Even now her instincts are screaming at her to stop such unnecessary actions but she managed to ignore them. It showed that she really wished to get along with everyone or at least to impress Issei which it did.

"Please lift your head Tiamat-sama, i think i can speak for everyone when we say that we accept your apology." Rias began to which everyone nodded.

"Yeah! As long as you're not after my life anymore then I'm good" Matsuda added, clearly in relief that he didn't have to worry about a crazy dragon king coming after his ass.

Tiamat lifted her head and thanked them. "Thank you! Also, you can drop the -sama. I'm not one for formalities. Tiamat is just fine. Now, i'm sure the devils will soon fix the damages done to the forest including my cave but i think it's time to move."

"You're going to leave the familiar forest Tiamat-dono" The familiar master was the first to speak after hearing that she would be moving. She lived here for as long as he could remember. Therefore, it was a real shocker to hear that she was going to move away.

"Yes Zatouji. I think i am going to move to the dragon mountains. For a long time now, Tannin kept asking me to join him and their race to live there but i never really saw a reason to do so. However maybe it is time to do so." Issei seemed excited that she would be moving to the dragon mountains since he goes there from time to time. No doubt Tannin would be extremely surprised to see Tiamat of all dragons move there of her own volition.

"Very well. Would you like me to inform Ajuka-sama of your departure?" Zatouji asked. Tiamat did have a small relationship with Ajuka since she became a rating games judge as a favor to the super devil.

Tiamat shook her head "No need, Zatouji. I will inform him myself. I still plan on continuing the job he entrusted me until my dept is paid. Besides, I can do the job from anywhere as long as i'm in the Underworld which the dragon mountains are." Zatouji nodded at her explanation.

Seeing that everything has finally concluded Rias decided it was time to head home. "Now that everything is settled. I believe it is time for all of us to head home. I think i can speak for everyone when i say that today has been a long day." No one could argue with that.

"Once again, thank you Zatouji-san for all your assistance today" Rias said to the familiar master who smiled in return.

"It was my pleasure, princess. I have to say that today was certainly one of the wildest ones i had so far" he joked which earned a chuckle from the princess.

"indeed, it was." she added before initiating her demonic power to create a magic circle to return back home. It enveloped all of them, except Issei who didn't need it since he could teleport himself back. In a flash of light, all of them were teleported out of there and back to the ORC clubroom. Issei prepared to leave himself but then felt a pair of arms embrace him from behind. He turned around to see Tiamat, as expected. He could feel her well endowed breasts pressing on his chest causing him to blush.

"I'll see you soon Issei." she said before quickly stealing his lips. leaving him stunned once again since he didn't expect it. She separated and winked at him. "A little something to remember me by and i expect more to come in the future." she then turned around and walked away as she needed to prepare to move to Tannin's territory. All the while, Issei couldn't help but be captivated at her form. She really was attractive. Realizing what he was doing, he shook his head real quick. Sometimes, he really hated his dragon instincts but they were a part of him as much as everything else. He did say he was willing to give it a shot with Tiamat and with Akeno's blessings, he intended to do so since he did feel something for her.

In a burst of flames, he teleported out of the familiar forest and back to the ORC. Once, in the room, he could spot everyone as well. It seems they were waiting since once he appeared, Rias spoke "Alright, although this trip didn't quite go as expected, we managed to get Asia her own familiar and unexpectedly so did Issei." Off to the side, Matsuda looked upset when he recalled that not only was he the only one who didn't get a familiar but everyone destroyed his potential slimy familiar. Seeing this caused Rias to sigh "Don't worry Matsuda-kun, i promise we will get you a suitable familiar." she reassured him. Matsuda nodded.

"It's been a long day so everyone should go back home and get a good nights sleep. I need to finish some official documents before heading back. See you all tomorrow." she wished them all good nights which they reciprocated and they all started going back home.

However, before Issei could leave, he felt a tug on his shirt and saw Akeno right beside him.

"Is something the matter, Akeno?" he asked.

"Can you come by my apartment, this evening? There's something i would like to talk to you about" she replied. She had a look that Issei could not quite described. She looked both perplexed yet determined at the same time. Whatever it was seemed to have been important so of course all he could do was nod.

"Of course, I'll come by later on." Issei answered which earned him a smile from his beloved

"Thank you Issei" she gave him a quick kiss on the lips before she left. Issei wondered what she wanted to ask but he would find out tonight. First thing is first, he needed to let his parents know about what happened today.

He teleported back home, in his living room and luckily he noticed that both his parents were present.

"Welcome back, Issei" "Hey there, son" Ophis and Great red welcomed him back respectively.

"I'm back!"

"How was your day?" Ophis asked him.

"It was quite an interesting day. A lot of things happened that i wanted to talk to you about" Issei revealed which got both his parents curious.

"Is that so! It seems to be important so you have our full attention" his father answered before both he and Ophis took a seat next to each other and waited for their son to explain. Once his parents were seated, he began explaining every thing that occured today. After he finished, it would be a lie to say that they weren't surprised by what they heard especially the fact that Tiamat will most likely become his second mate, after Akeno. Yet, they expected that it was going to happen eventually, especially Great-red who, as Issei revealed, had a conversation with Akeno about this subject. However, before getting to that, Issei had a question he had wanted to ask.

"Did you know that Asia was a Dragon Tamer?" That was the question that Issei wanted to know. Whether his parents knew of Asia's recently discovered talent. He didn't believe that Tiamat would lie about that. She lived far longer so there was little doubt that she knew things he didn't. That was why he wanted to ask his parents who outlived even her. If Tiamat could sense this then surely his parents must have known as well or at least had an inkling to her talent. His theory was answered when both of his parents nodded.

"I did have a feeling that our little Asia was a dragon tamer. After all, she smelled like dragon fruit and that is something that most dragon tamers feel like to dragons. It's how they can be tamed after all." Ophis started before his father then picked up.

"It's exactly as your mother just said. Although i couldn't be too sure at first because there has never been a case where a being was both a dragon as well as a dragon Tamer. This is an unprecedented case but it seems Tiamat confirmed my suspicions as well. One of her parents or their ancestors must have been a dragon tamer which she inherited." Great-red explained his theory where Asia's talent may have come from. Issei nodded. His parents knew more about this than him so he could trust what they say.

"This new discovery also enforces the fact that we need to keep Asia's identity a secret. If other factions discover that she is both a Fairy dragon and a Dragon Tamer, then there will be no shortage of people who would either try to take advantage of her or try to eliminate her". Ophis suddenly raised her aura in anger when she heard him say those words

"If they even think of touching her, I will erase them from existance" Ophis promised. No one would put her family in harm's way ever again. Luckily the barrier surrounding their house was able to contain her aura. Great-red embraced her to calm her down

"And we won't let anything happen to her. Don't worry" Ophis quickly breathed in and receeded her aura as she nodded. They would all protect their family together. Great-red then turned back towards his son.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Rias gremory, her peerage, Tiamat as well the familiar Master were present when Tiamat revealed that Asia was a Dragon Tamer." Issei answered who was present at the time although everyone was pressured due to Tiamat's killing intent back then so maybe they didn't process it.

Great red rubbed his chin "I see. In the case of Gremory, you should ask her to keep it a secret from her brother for as long as possible. Though I don't doubt she will keep it a secret if she understands that it relates to Asia safety. She didn't reveal the fact that she was a dragon yet to her brother so she seems trustworthy." Issei nodded at that, knowing that Rias was a trustworthy person despite being a devil.

"For the familiar master, I'm sure we can ask Rias or Tiamat to make sure he keeps his mouth shut. If not, then I'll use my powers to wipe his memory of that detail. With Tiamat, well…" he smirked "Seeing that she is a potential mate, I'm sure she won't do anything to jeopardize her chances with you." He teased his son. They had finally gotten to the most intriguing part of the story. The part where Issei has finally decided to get another mate. They were a bit surprised but at the same time, they expected something like this to happen. Especially, Great red which as Issei just explained, had a talk with Akeno about the subject.

"I still can't believe you talked to Akeno about this without me." He complained which got his father to laugh.

"haha. I had to, son. This was an important subject that she needed to know. In addition, I wanted to know her true feelings on the matter which was why I asked her to come when you were gone. If you were there, it might have influenced her answer somewhat." He explained why he wanted to talk with Akeno in private. He simply wanted to make sure he could get Akeno's true feelings on the matter and he believed it was better if his son wasn't present. Besides, if he told Issei about it, no doubt he would have become a nervous wreck and gave him even more needless worries.

"huh, fine" Issei relented. He wasn't angry or anything simply shocked over the matter but what's done is done.

Having explained what has occurred to his parents, it was time for Issei to fulfill his promise and go see Akeno.

"Alright, I'll be going now. Akeno wanted to talk to me so I'm going by her place." He stood up from his seat and prepared to leave. Since it seemed to be important, Issei decided to teleport to her place. He had already been to her apartment so it should not be a problem.

"See you later" He bid his parents farewell who nodded their heads and he was off. He teleported right in front of her door. Normally, he wouldn't have done that but Akeno did tell him that the entire building belonged to Gremory so there was no chance of any human witnesses and even if humans lived there, he could simply wipe their memories if he had been seen.

Knock Knock

He knocked twice before letting Akeno know who it was.

"It's me!" was all he said before he heard the door open and was able to see Akeno in her negligee and she looked stunning as usual.

"Hello Issei. Thanks for coming. Please come in." Akeno invited him in with a smile present on her face.

"Thank you for having me." He thanked her as he entered her apartment. Once inside, he could hear Akeno locking the door. He turned around to face her.

"So, what did you wish to talk about? Is everything alright?" he asked her, getting right into the heart of the manner.

"Ufufu, I'm alright Issei. Today has been quite an interesting day." She giggled. Of course, the first thing on his mind was whether everything was alright with her. Then again, it's what she loved about the man.

"Although, what I wished to talk about does involve what occurred today" she added which made Issei a bit nervous thinking that maybe she had second thoughts.

"Do you… want to reconsider what you said today?" he asked nervously. Seeing his reaction, she immediately grabbed both of his hands.

"No" she resolutely said. "I meant every single word I said back then and I will not go back on my word. I love you with all my heart and that will not change no matter how many mates you choose to have. What I wanted to talk about was somewhat of a selfish request on my part."

That caught his curiosity as he wanted to know what favor she wanted. It was redundant as he could never refuse her.

"What is it?" he asked before she loosened her negligee causing it to slide off and reveal her naked body. Issei's eyes widened in surprise and his face turned a deeper red than his scales.

"Make love to me, Issei." Once more, shock enveloped him as Akeno dropped a huge bombshell on him. It's not that he didn't want to, of course. Every moment he spent with her, his instincts screamed at him to claim her for his own and now she was literally offering herself to him and it took every single bit of strength within him not to jump her right now. He could tell that she was serious about it.

"I know that this is sudden and I'm sure your wondering what brought this about but as I said this is a selfish request of mine. I know you might have many mates after me and Tiamat but I want to be your first… unless… you don't want to." The last part was said with a bit of sadness. He quickly grabbed her hands

"I-It's not that I don't want to. Believe me, it's taking every bit of willpower I have to not simply jump you right now. I love you so very much. Ever since we reunited and I saw the women you matured into; my instincts have been begging me to claim you." He explained to her, his eyes could be seen shifting into slits back and forth proving what he said to be true. She then brought her lips near his ear and whispered the final words that pretty much sealed the deal.

(Lemon warning. Although will be short because im really not good at writing stuff like this so it's probably bad)

"Then claim me. I am all yours." That was all it took as Issei's eyes turned to slits and he decided to listen to his instincts and fulfill his mates wishes. He lifted her and, with a sense of urgency, made his way to her bedroom. Once in, he headed straight for the bed and laid her there as he hovered over her. He didn't even want to waste time removing his clothes so he just burned them with his power. He was now laid bare in front of Akeno and she loved what she saw. He was chiseled to perfection. Issei quickly captured her lips and they shared a blissful kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss which then turned into a French kiss. Issei then proceeded to knead her large breasts causing Akeno to moan in pleasure. They haven't even gotten to the main event and they were already close to release, especially Issei who has been holding back for so long. Now they didn't want to wait any longer. Issei positioned himself directed above her entrance.

"Are you ready?" he asked her and she answered with a nod. That was all he needed before he penetrated her and they became one. He could here Akeno moans of pain so to distract her he quickly reinitiated a kiss which seemed to work. Eventually her moans of pain turned into pleasure and then Issei started moving up and down. It started slow but then begun to pick up speed. So much so that it was a miracle that the bed was still intact. They were both in extreme bliss and it didn't take long for both of them to climax together. Issei removed himself from Akeno as both were breathing heavily however they were no doubt happy having felt each other for the first time.

"That was amazing" Issei exclaimed.

"Yes, it was." She turned and cuddled him.

"But the big question is… are you ready for round 2." She grinned in his ear. Issei responded by nodding his head very fast.

After several more rounds of nothing but fun and pleasure, they finally fell asleep from exhaustion. Their smiles never leaving their faces.