
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Issei vs Tiamat Conclusion

The fight has been going on for quite a while and both opponents seemed even but their was a simple reason for that. Tiamat was fighting with all her might to kill the enemy before her while Issei was trying not to kill her. It was for this reason that Tiamat was able to go toe to toe with Issei despite their power difference. You could even tell based on their present condition. Tiamat was breathing heavily and was clearly injured, blood dripping down her scales. Her arm was out of commission and one of her horns were missing. Meanwhile, Issei, despite having been injured by her attacks previously did not seem tired at all. The only thing keeping Tiamat in this fight was her anger. Whenever she looked at Issei, she couldn't help but overlap his figure with Ddraig sending her even further into an outrage which empowered her attacks even further. Their fists once more collided with one another as Tiamat tried to blindside Issei with a tail swipe but with a beat of his wings, he glided backwards to dodge the attack.

Tiamat knew she had to finish this quick. Her powers were almost spent while Issei was clearly now holding back as he had yet to use those intense flames he used on her before to drain her powers and stamina. It was really frustrating to see how outclassed she was by this opponent. She couldn't help but wonder how someone of his caliber managed to remain hidden for so long but she lay that thought aside for now.

Issei understood that he would have to get serious in order to beat her but he had to make sure he held back enough otherwise he would kill her and that was something he didn't want to do. He understood that underneath all that anger was a poor dragon filled with nothing but sadness. He knew, from experience, how easily a dragon could succumb to an outrage when they lose their most precious treasure. For him, it was losing Akeno and her family. For Tiamat, it was becoming a mother. The main difference between them was that Issei had people to help him recover from his loss while Tiamat had no one to rely or comfort her in her time of need and her outrage kept increasing to what it was today.

"It's about time we put an end to this" Tiamat's statement brought his thoughts back as he saw her gathering every bit of her strength into one final attack.

"very well then." He also gathered his strength into the pits of his stomach. It seems both of them had the exact same though as they would finish this fight with their roars. The air itself seemed to tremble as both dragons gathered their power for one final assault

"Pandemonium" Tiamat launched her most powerful ability. This attack, at its core is a beam of very condensed chaos energy. Nothing special about that if you consider the fact that she is a chaos dragon. However, chaos is an element that is extremely volatile and difficult to control, maybe even more than fire or lightning. Condensing chaos at the same level of Tiamat's attack was practically considered impossible even by a God's standard and that fact alone made it the highest destructive ability she had in her arsenal which other beings feared. What made this ability even more fearsome was the fact that she also was able to condense multiple other elements within it such as water, wind and even lightning. With the wind being condensed she was able to achieve an attack that shamed any blade in existence while with lightning she was able to make the Angels light weapons look like toys in front of her lightning beam. An attack so majestic and powerful that many believed it to be God's own doing.

Seeing the magnitude of this attack, Issei had no choice but to use his decaying flames once more, however…

'It's not going to be enough'

Issei instincts were warning him that even his devastating flames would not be enough to deal with Tiamat's attack.

'In that case, let's try that'

"Reaper's Bellow" Issei unleashed his own ferocious roar as green flames rushed towards Tiamat. Both attacks soon collided and then


The resulting explosion could be seen and most likely even heard from miles away, reaping nothing but death and destruction to the already ruined forest. Luckily, there were no lifeforms within miles of their battlefield otherwise they would have been reduced to ash in the blink of an eye.

Tiamat was now panting, breathing heavily as it took everything she had just to stay floating in the air. She hoped beyond hope that her attack actually managed to finish him off. This was definitely one of the most difficult battle she had even been a part of. Something she never expected from a mere whelp barely 18 years of age. Unfortunately, her hope was short lived as Issei burst through the column of smoke resulted by their attack, with his fist reared back already coated in his flames as he rushed her.

Tiamat could do nothing but watch as his fist closed in on her. She had no more strength left so there was only one possible result.

"GGUUUUUAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Issei fist collided on Tiamat's stomach sending her crashing down to the ground causing a giant crater to form from her impact. Issei quickly dove down and placed his claws on her to restrain her movements however this was not needed.

Tiamat was spent. She gave everything she had and it was not enough. She could barely lift a single claw.

The battle was over. Issei had triumphed as he breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the battle was finally over. Even though it didn't look like it, his final attack took quite a lot out of him and considering what he pulled off in the thick of the moment, he had to admit he got off pretty easy.

As Tiamat lay defeated on the ground, she finally decided to give up as Issei could spot some tears dripping from her beautiful eyes.

"I … give up… Just finish me and end my suffering" she cried out begging issei to end her misery. So much spite, so much bitterness and so much regret could be seen in her eyes. In a way, this was indeed the case. Deep in the recesses of her heart, Tiamat knew that what she did was wrong. Blaming the hosts of Ddraig for his mistakes and killing them was wrong. They did nothing to her but host the source of her sorrow and even that wasn't done with their consent. Yet, she could never let go of her grudge against Ddraig. If she did, then her entire life would have mounted next to nothing and there is no way her sanity would have been held intact. If someone told her that she was mentally unstable, she would have been inclined to agree with them.

However, all of it was over. She was utterly defeated. She gave it all she had, turned her anger and hatred to fuel her powers but it wasn't enough. Strangely enough, she felt at peace now that every thing was over. Maybe it was because of the child… no the man who defeated her. He was fighting to protect while she was fighting to destroy. It seemed to bring her a small sense of relief that her end will be brought by the hands of such a powerful dragon which was why she closed her eyes and released a small smile as she awaited her end.

"No" Tiamat went eyed when she heard Issei say that as she felt him release his hold on her. She kept staring at him in disbelief.

"But… Why… I tried to kill you." She couldn't believe that he was letting her go after everything she did. Most of the times, in a battle between dragons, the defeated would most definitely end up dead. That goes double when they are fighting for their life.

Issei shook his head.

"It was never my intention to kill you Tiamat! Only to stop you from going after Matsuda and the rest of my friends and I accomplished that. There's no need for me to take your life."

Tiamat honestly couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was expecting her life to be taken after threatening to kill him and Ddriag's host but instead he is telling her that he only intended to stop her and did not wish to kill her which was why she was a bit tongue-tied and did not respond immediately.

"It would be better if you do. What's to stop me from going after him again?" she asked him. Issei grinned in response.

"In that case, I will simply have to stop you again."

She breathed in a defeated sigh, not understanding the man in front of her.

"Why are you doing this?" This time she could see his eyes turning into one of understanding and even detecting a hint of sorrow.

"It's because, like I told you previously, I understand what it is like to lose something you treasured more than anything in this world in the blink of an eye and the despair that results from that. Till this very day, that despair still lingers inside of me. I trained every single day to become stronger in order to make sure I never have to re-live that day again, cursing my powerlessness of being unable to do anything." He looked up at the sky as he once again remembered the events. Losing both Akeno and Shuri had been the breaking that sent him over the edge. The despair and powerlessness he felt consumed him as he went on a rampage. It was the worst moment of his life and it wasn't just him that suffered. His uncle Barakiel suffered even more than him, having lost his entire family. His parents lost a dear friend.

When they all found out Akeno was still alive, the relief and joy they all felt could not be described with words. The despair they once felt had slowly started evaporating but it would still remain. For, even though Akeno survived, Shuri did not and it hurts all of them to this day that they had been unable to protect her that day. Ironically, Shuri had been the only one to actually succeed in protecting Akeno at the cost of her life. Case in point, Issei could, at the very least, understand the pain that Tiamat was going through even though the circumstances were different. That is why he didn't want to end her life. She suffered enough. Plus, deep down, issei was a kind child who valued life. He wouldn't kill someone who didn't deserve it.

Tiamat was looking for any signs of deception but she could find none. It should be obvious considering that dragons were honest beings and seldom lied since it was beneath them to lie. There was no point.

"That is why I cannot and will not take your life Tiamat! If you need another reason then it's because I want to help uncle Tannin to fulfill his dream of rebuilding the dragon faction. He has done everything in his power to ensure our kinds survival even at the cost of becoming a devil. He forsaked his pride for the sake of our future and that is a noble goal that I wish to help him achieve. Therefore, killing you, a strong and beautiful dragon would not be going backwards, don't you think?" he smiled at her as he tried explaining his reasoning. His last remark actually caused her face to heat up a bit as she blushed.

'he… he thinks I'm beautiful' In all her years, the only dragon that complemented her beauty instead of her strength was Ddraig himself. To hear it coming from Issei who was barely 2 decades old caught her by surprise but she couldn't deny that a part of her liked it. Her thoughts then shifted to what he said about Tannin.

In the past, like many other dragons, she did not understand how a dragon king of all beings would give up his pride and freedom to become not only a servant to a devil but a being weaker than him. (I'm assuming Pheles was weaker than a dragon king? Not sure on this one but lets just say it is :D so I don't look like an idiot)

She heard that he did it for their species continued survival as most of them depended on dragon apples to sustain themselves and the only environment left that was able to grow these fruits was located in the underworld under Devil's Territory. Of course, there was no way the devils would agree to hand over the territory to a dragon so Tannin decided to forgo his pride as well as his title as a dragon king and became a Servant to Mephisto Pheles. Tiamat as well as many other dragons would have belittled Tannin for doing such a thing. Dragons are a species that hold pride above all else. You would be surprised how many dragons lost their lives because their pride would not allow them to run away from a fight against a stronger opponent or even ask for help. Pride is not the strongest sin for no reason and dragons held a lot of it.

However, at this moment, Tiamat could understand somewhat why Tannin pursued his goal. If he was raising younglings like Issei then maybe, just maybe she could see why he was able to let go of his pride in exchange.

'I'm going to have to apologize to him for calling him an idiot' she chuckled to herself remembering the time when Tannin came to her dwelling and explained his newfound purpose. For a moment she could not help but envy him. He looked towards the future while she was stuck in the past and it was clear that he was doing something right if he was able to raise a dragon like Issei.

"In any case, you won our battle. I will give up on pursuing Ddraig's host just like you wanted" she said.

"Really?" said a surprised Issei.

Tiamat nodded. "Yes, since you spared my life, the least I can do is abide by your wishes. Oww" she strained her self to get up, however she took a lot of damage during their battle and really had to strain herself to even stand up.

Seeing this, Issei held his hand up to stop her.

"Please wait a moment." Issei activated his healing flames and sent them towards Tiamat. She could feel the warmth of those flames surround her entire body and she could feel her injuries heal up really quickly. Her broken ribs were fixed and even her horn that was destroyed in battle re-grew. Whats even more surprising was she could feel her stamina being replenished as well. By the time, the flames healed her, she looked to be in perfect condition and you would never guess she had just participated in a heated battle. She looked over herself and simply couldn't believe it. Not only did he possess overwhelming might but he also had healing capabilities on par or even exceeds the Pheonix tears. Who the heck was this kid.

"There! That should do it." Issei smiled although it looked like a grin. Tiamat still looked to be in shock with what she just witnessed. It was just one surprise after another with this dragon. Not only was he overwhelmingly powerful but he was also kind and honest. Something really rare to find in dragons these days as they were more prioritized with their pride. He really is everything you would want in a dragon which was probably why she was about to ask something very personal.

"Hey Issei" Issei redirected his attention to Tiamat.


"Do you have a mate?" she inquired. For moment, Issei wasn't able to register her question as he kept blinking his eyes, wondering if he heard correctly

"Um, I-I'm sorry Tiamat but could you uhh could you r-repeat that. I must have misheard it." Issei stuttered his question which Tiamat found adorable.

"I'm asking you if you would like to be my mate" she said, this time loud enough for Issei to hear this time.

There was complete silence for a moment until

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" For the second time this day, he was completely caught off guard by Tiamat. His face started burning as his cheeks turned even redder than his own crimson scales.

has crashed (lol)

"W-W-W-W-W-What are y-y-y-you saying! M-Mate umm I… you" Issei had no idea how to respond to this. Of course, Tiamat chuckled at his reaction. Despite the fact that Issei was powerful, he was still a young and innocent boy. Although his reaction was interesting to say the least.

"What's wrong? Is it that surprising that I'm asking you such a question." She laughed. Issei, on the other hand, did find it surprising. They had just fought a big battle and she wanted nothing more than to defeat him to move on to kill Ddraig's host. Yet, she suddenly threw a curveball at him. He really didn't expect this.

"I-I guess. I mean we just met today and all we did was fight so I could stop you from killing my friend." He scratched the back of his head, as he explained his reasoning to her which only earned him another cute chuckle from the dragon king.

"Met today? Issei, we are dragons, not humans who spend a long time trying to figure out our feelings for each other. Even with our brief time together, I've discovered plenty about you that I liked" She got up and walk towards him.

"That is why I asked you to be my mate. I did not ask this question for no reason at all." He could tell from her tone that she was being serious and honest.

"Of course, if you do not feel the same way, then I would completely understand. I haven't exactly made the best first impression but, if you do feel anything then I would like it if you could give it a chance" she added. If Issei didn't feel that way about her then she would back off.

"umm" Issei had to give this a bit of thought. It's not that he didn't feel anything towards Tiamat. That would be a lie. When he first saw her, his draconic instincts instantly wanted to claim her the moment he saw her. If he had to make a comparaison, it was almost the same as when he first got reunited with Akeno in front of Shuri's grave. It was that kind of spark that awakened his instincts to want Akeno as a mate. In a way, it was the same with Tiamat. She is a strong, beautiful and determined dragon so he also found many qualities about her that he liked. Yet, that wasn't the main issue.

"It's not that I mind. I do find you very attractive but I don't know how Akeno would react." He was thinking about how this may affect Akeno. He loved her more than anything and the last think he vowed never to do was to hurt her in any way, shape or form.

Tiamat was thinking about who this person was, until she recalled that moments before their battle started, the black haired queen of Gremory grabbed his hand and said something to him. In her rage, she couldn't hear what she said but the pieces were falling into place in her head.

"The black-haired girl with Gremory, she is your mate, isn't she?" she asked him.

Issei nodded.

"Yes she is. I think I fell in love with her since the very day I laid eyes on her. I love her more than anything else in this world and I vowed to myself and her family that I would protect her." Issei said in an affectionate tone as Tiamat could do nothing but smile at how much Issei cared for his mate.

"That's why I don't know how she would react to this? We never got to talk about it." he scratched the back of his head feeling confused about the situation.

It seems she could also add Loyal and faithful to his list of qualities that she liked. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Then how about you go ask her? There's a possibility she is already aware of such a scenario. We live in the Supernatural world Issei. It wouldn't be surprising for a dragon of your caliber to end up with multiple mates. If anything, in our world, its very rare that you find beings who only have one mate. Mostly the leaders of factions tend to restrict themselves to one wife due to their position. This is why I believe your mate is probably aware that you may end up with multiple mates." Tiamat explained her reasoning to Issei who appeared to be taken aback. He thought about it briefly and he had to admit that Tiamat is probably right and she should ask Akeno what she thinks. This would be a good a time as any.

"Your right! I'll go and ask her. Give me a moment and I'll revert back to my human form and we can be on our way."

Tiamat sighed in relief at the fact that he didn't refute her as she removed her hand from his shoulder. "Very well Issei."

His body started glowing as he shrank back down to a fraction of his size before he was back in his human form. He then closed his eyes as he scanned his surroundings until he felt the energy signatures he was looking for. Akeno and the rest seemed to have travelled quite the distance but looking at the devastation they caused, it was normal. He actually felt bad that he destroyed such a beautiful forest where many different familiar dwelled. He hoped the devils would be able to repair this.

"Don't worry about all the damage. The devils will take care of all the damage. It will just take a bit more time than usual based on the scale of destruction we caused." Tiamat seemed to have read his worry and let him know that the damage will be repaired. The familiar forest was a very important place for the devil so it was obvious that they would truly take care of it. It was also the dwelling of Tiamat who was one of the rating games referees.

"I see." He was relieved so now he could go back to the others "Let's go. I was able to track down Akeno's signature so we can move to there location" He told Tiamat.

"Lead the way." She replied before both took flight and headed towards everyone.