
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Life of a devil

Birds began chirping signaling the start of a brand-new morning. Issei slowly started waking up, yawning while stretching his hands. He looked around to realize that he wasn't in his room. It took a moment before he recalled the events from last night. He turned to his left to see his beloved Akeno sleeping in the nude right next to him. He couldn't believe it. He had sex with Akeno. It was by far the best experience ever. He felt happy, amazing, rejuvenated. There were so many words he could use describe his emotions right now but the most accurate would probably be that he was satisfied. He had held back his draconic instincts for so long and after last night, finally indulging them, it felt right.

He soon felt some movement near him signaling that his mate was about to wake up herself. She rubbed her eyes and the first thing she saw was Issei. She smiled as she also recalled prior event.

"Good morning Issei" she had the brightest smile he had ever seen her have so far and who could blame her. Yesterday was amazing.

"Good morning to you as well Akeno. Hope you slept well."

"ufufu indeed I did." She answered before quickly capturing his lips which he gladly reciprocated. He then felt her body slowly grinding on his which definitely turned him on. However, as much as he would love to continue where they left off last night, a quick look at the time deterred him from doing so. With a heavy sighed in his mind, he separated from Akeno who looked to be pouting

"As much as I would love to continue my love, it's 8:15 and we should get ready for school." They only had 15 minutes before class starts so they needed to get ready quickly.

"oh come on, how about a quick one" she suggested seductively as she traced her fingers up his chest. In response, Issei cupped her cheeks

"Tempting, however there is no way I would stop for a quick one. I would ravage you until you could barely stand." He whispered in her ear and he got the reaction he wanted as he saw her cheeks blush crimson. He then kissed her cheeks

"Which is why I'll have to take a rain check on your offer and we should get ready for school."

Getting over her blush, Akeno chuckled

"a shame then but I guess I wouldn't want to be late and anger the Student council president." She moved to get up and winced a bit when she felt a slight pain on her hips. Issei, of course, noticed her expression.

"oh, is my little angel sore?" he teased her a bit.

"and whose fault do you think that is?" she accused but Issei could tell she was just teasing him as well.

"In that case, I should take responsibility and heal it." She seemed a bit confused until he conjured a bright yellowish flame in the palm of his hand sent it towards her waist. It was a soothing warmth and she could feel the soreness evaporate almost instantly. She was surprised that he had healing capabilities. Seeing her reaction, Issei could guess what she was thinking.

"Those are my healing flames that I developed. They can heal most wounds and injuries and even restore one's stamina." He explained which did surprise her. Now that he mentioned it, she felt very refreshed as though she could run an entire marathon.

"my oh my, my boyfriend is full of surprises isn't he." She complimented him which earned her a grin from Issei.

"Damn right! Now we should probably get dressed and get ready to leave for school."

"by what about your un-" As soon as she was about to ask about his uniform, she saw him use his power to conjure a brand-new uniform which basically answered her question. She soon put on her own uniform and they were now ready to head for school. Luckily, they could afford to walk since Akeno lived very close to school so there was little worry for them to arrive late. Not even 5 minutes and they were already at the gates. Many students saw them coming in but their focus was mainly on Akeno, especially the girls

"Look at Akeno-sempai."

"Oh my lord, she is positively glowing."

"She is even more beautiful."

Many of the girls were complimenting Akeno who as they mentioned was positively glowing at the moment. She was already idolized as one of the two great one-sama for her beauty and grace as a woman but now she looked absolutely radiant as though an angel had graced their presence. The men were still worshipping her and were completely jealous of Issei. However, some boys and girls could already tell the reason why she seemed to be glowing considering they also experienced it and they congratulated the couple in their thoughts.

Eventually, they arrived in front of Issei's classroom and Akeno had to separate which she did with great reluctance. She wanted to spend as much time as possible with Issei especially after what they experienced last night, not that Issei was any different.

That is why when lunch arrived, Akeno immediately went to fetch him so they could eat together. It wasn't long until rumors began to spread throughout the school that the two had gone all the way. Many of the guys were super jealous of Issei for having scored one of the two most beautiful women in the school while the girls were also jealous that Akeno had scored the jackpot with, who they dubbed, the "Second Prince" of the academy. Soon those rumors reached the other members of the ORC and it would be a lie to say that they were not shocked at the news, especially Matsuda who instead of being shocked was mostly jealous due to the fact that Issei lost his virginity before he did. LOL. The other members each had their own reactions. Rias was both shocked at the news but also happy for Akeno because she knew how much Akeno loved Issei and would congratulate the two of them when they all meet up at the clubroom. She was also going to enjoy teasing the heck out of her queen. Little Asia turned crimson when she heard that Issei and Akeno had sex together. Koneko didn't seem to be bothered as much by the news and Kiba simply continued to smile.

When the school day finally came to an end, everyone headed to the old school building to reunite in their clubroom. Issei and Akeno were the last ones to arrive considering that Akeno simply waited for him to finish class to go together. Once they entered, they were bombarded with questions regarding the rumors going around but mostly from Matsuda who started shaking Issei vigorously.

"BRO, is it true that you and Akeno did the deed." He shouted clearly jealous.

"Yes, we did" he admitted not caring about Matsuda's reaction. If anything, he found it hilarious and was holding back from laughing. On the other hand, Rias kept teasing Akeno which seemed to be working based on her blushes. Eventually, when Matsuda finally managed to calm down, they all seated and began their meeting.

"How is everyone doing?" Rias begun.

"Pretty good. Other than all the stares I've been receiving all day long, it's been a good day." Issei replied first.

"That's normal Issei-san considering that everyone knows you are dating Akeno-san and especially considering that all those rumors about you two are true." Rias stated which everyone seems to agree with.

"lucky bastard" mumbled Matsuda.

"What about the rest of you?"

"Everything was wonderful Buchou" Akeno smiled as she looked at Issei who smiled in return.

"The day was fine Buchou." Kiba said.

Koneko didn't say anything and simply nodded.

"Y-Yes. Everything was good Rias-Buchou" Replied a shy Asia.

"Everything was normal for me. I was chased by the kendo club for peek- for admiring their art with Motohama, got beat up by them. Then got called by Sona-Kaichou for reprimanding." It's funny how that's considered a normal routine for Matsuda. Rias sighed knowing her pawn's personality but it is what it is.

"Alright, anyways Asia" The aforementioned person turned her emerald eyes towards her king.

"Yes, Buchou."

"I have a new contract for you and I actually had an idea. Issei, would you like to come along to see how a devil performs a contract. It would be good for you to know how devils perform their jobs. Of course, that's only if you are interested." Rias inquired which Issei nodded.

"Sure, sounds like fun. Plus, I get to make sure that nothing happens to Asia at the same time."

"Hell yeah. No one is touching our sweet Asia-chan" added Matsuda

"I-Issei-san, Matsuda-san" said a flustered Asia although she was really appreciative of their worry for her. Rias smiled at their interaction.

"It's good to know. In that case, let's be on our way." Rias got up from her seat. That was when Matsuda remembered something.

"Oh, Buchou, wait a minute."

"Yes, what is it Matsuda-kun?" she asked her pawn.

"I almost forgot but my mother has asked me to invite you guys for tonights dinner if you were interested. Although since we are going to have the contract ot deal with, should I tell her to postpone it?" Matsuda asked, already pulling out his cellphone, ready to call his mother. However, Rias dismissed it.

"None sense! This contract shouldn't take to long and it's been a while since I've been to your place so please let Mrs. Suzuki-san that we would be honoured to come for dinner." Rias firmly stated. Matsuda, on the hand looked apprehensive.

"A-A-Are you sure. I'm sure I can tell her to postpone." His reaction confused Issei. Here was Rias, the women of Matsuda's dreams, saying that she wouldn't going over to his house. He thought he would be jumping for joy and thanking whatever god or satan was listening for the opportunity.

"What's wrong? I thought you would be overjoyed to have girls come over your place." Issei asked. Matsuda took a heavy breath

"It's not that. It's just that … ever since my mother met both Asia and Rias, I've been bombarded with several embarrassing questions which involved grandkids. She just wouldn't shut up and it's a bit embarrassing." Matsuda scratched the back of his head, blushing a bit.

"Ahhhhh, I think I understand your predicament my friend." His own parents kept teasing him about when he was going to give them grandkids ever since he reunited with Akeno. At least, he hoped they were teasing.

"Anyways, let's not waste any more time. We do not want to keep our client waiting, do we?" They all gathered in the center and Rias activated her magic circle to teleport them all to their destination. The magic circle gave off a bright glow that caused everyone to close their eyes as they teleported. When the light dimmed down, they opened their eyes and found themselves in a new environment.

From the looks of it, it seemed to be a room in an apartment. However, when Issei looked around the room, he noticed a lot of collectibles that were related to the Sengoku period. Lots of armor and weapons hanged up on the wall for all to see as well as a few models of castles and warriors of old. It was very interesting to say the least.

Rias, on the other hand, was like a kid in a candy store. Her eyes were twinkling with excitement to see all these Japanese trinkets. She was pretty much an Otaku to all things related to Japan.

"Waah!" Asia let out a sudden voice and almost fell backwards. Luckily, she was caught by Issei.

"Relax Asia, its just armor." That's right. The thing that surprised Asia was a suit of armor of a samurai warrior right in front of her. It looked ominous due to how dark it was in the room. Looking around, there didn't seem to be any other people except for them. However with Issei's sharp senses, he could tell that the armor in front of them was not empty.



Just as the armor moved, a voice was also released from it causing Asia to jump in fright once again.

"Uwaah" this time she was caught by Matsuda.

"Are… Are you all devils?"

The armor started talking or rather the person inside of it started to talk. Based on the voice, it was most likely a woman. Or at least that is what Issei speculated. Nonetheless he was very surprised to see that she greeted them inside a suit of armor. Gotta give her points for ingenuity.

Rias stepped forward.

"We are the indeed the devils you summoned, except for Issei over here who is simply here to supervise." She pointed at Issei, leaving out the part about him being a dragon in order to not scare her. The last thing she needed was for the poor girl to start swinging her sword needlessly against Issei.

The armor nodded "I'm still a bit shocked that Devils do exist. My name is Rachel and just as you can see, my hobby is collecting various things regarding the sengoku -era. I'm sorry for dressing like this but I am really frightened at night and I dress up like this to protect myself" she motioned to her armor.

'the only dangerous one would be you' Matsuda couldn't help but think this.

Rias however nodded. Her eyes still displayed excitement at being surrounded by so many Japanese collectibles

"Yes, the first step to learning another country's culture is to experience it first hand. It's wonderful. My name is Rias Gremory and as I mentioned before, we are the devils you summoned" Rias motioned to each of her peerage members.

"I see! I'm glad that the ones who came out were kind looking devils. If you were bad devils then I would have drawn out my katana, 'Taira-Takada'" she says that while holding the aforementioned sword still in its sheath. Rias, the ever-Japanese fanatic, looked at the sword in awe and glee. Issei, upon seeing this, couldn't help but be a bit surprised at her childish behaviour. Seeing his reaction, Akeno shed some light

"Rias is a big Japanese fanatic. You should see her room. It is filled with nothing but a large variety of Japanese souvenirs and antiquities"

"Ohh, I see." He understood. Everyone had their hobbies.

Having heard their conversation snapped Rias back to reality as she coughed in her fist to regain her calm.

"Anyways, you summoned us in order to fulfill your wish. May I ask what it is?" When Rias asked, Rachel started to sob

"Can… can you come with me to my university. I-It's scary at night"

This time it was Matsuda who reacted to the request.

"Wait… What? Why do you need us to go to your school?"

" left my books there. University is scary at night so I can't go alone… uuu …" she kept sobbing. Is she really a university student? It's not even night yet.

"Couldn't you get go get them yourself?" Matsuda asked as he scratch his cheek.

"What? But.. what if I I get attacked!" It took a lot of will power for Matsuda not to burst out laughing.

"Pft… I seriously doubt that anyone in their right mind would even consider getting near you let alone attack you."

"It's alright Matsuda-kun. If that is what her wish is, then it is our job to accomplish it. Just let us know which University it is and we will retrieve your books for you Rachel-san" Rias stated.

"Wait, no no no. I cannot let Devil-san go alone. I-I wil also go with you" Rachel says it while crying. Rias smiled

"Very well then. We will go together. Let's be off then. This should not take too long."

Creak Creak

The sound of a suit of armor moving could be heard across the street.

"oooooooooooh" Rachel is crying even though there is no one near them for miles. She cries in such a low voice and had such an intensity that it scared Asia. After they had finished discussing the wish, they talked a bit about the payment. However, since it wasn't really a big wish, Rias didn't actually mind doing it for free since it was mostly a means to show Issei how they worked. Rachel however insisted that she would pay and she offered a small Japanese castle souvenir she had as payment. Rias instantly agreed of course saying it would look great in their clubroom.

"There's no need to be scared. We are with you."

"…uuu… thank you"

Rias tried to cheer Rachel on as she walked next to her.

"Aren't you exhausted walking in heavy armor" Kiba decided to ask Rachel, surprised that she was able to walk in such heavy equipment and not tire out yet, despite being human.

"Oh no, it's fine. Even though I look like this, I train while wearing this armor when I'm bored even though it's only in my room. The warriors from long ago used to head to the battlefield while wearing such heavy armor. I'm sure I could do that by now."

"I see." Kiba nodded.

After a few more minutes of walking, they had finally arrived at their destination.

"umm… We arrived at my university. Do… do you see how scary the atmosphere is? It's scary!"

After finally retrieving her notebooks, the group quickly made their way back to her apartment having accomplished their job. Rias started preparing the magic circle that would teleport them back to the clubroom so they could prepare to leave for Matsuda's place.

"Alright, we will be going now." Rias said however before they could leave, Rachel interrupted.

"umm… excuse me." Rachel walks up to Rias shyly making Rias cancel her magic circle so she could see what she wanted.


"It might be a bit rude… and selfish to ask this but but if… if it isn't, I would like to ask for one more wish if I could" Rachel fidgeted nervously as she asked for another wish.

Rias looked at everyone and they all nodded indicating that they don't mind and it was pretty much her decision anyways as the king to decide.

Rias nodded "Very well, it's okay. What is it?" she inquired

"To tell you the truth… I've been thinking of confessing my feelings to a boy who goes at the same university as me." She fidgeted even more than before, shaking like a maiden in love. Although that's pretty much what it was.

Rias gained a smile after hearing her request.

"That sounds lovely. Very well, we will help you with your wish." Hearing Rias reply made Rachel clasp Rias hand with both of hers. Normally, that would be a painful experience considering that Rachel was cladded in heavy armor but thanks to her enhanced strength as a devil, it barely did anything other than surprise her.

"Really? Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I's so glad devil-san are such good people." She started skipping with joy which caused everyone to chuckle at her despite the fact that technically, Rachel was the oldest of the group yet was acting like a child. It was refreshing to see such joy and innocence.

"ufufu, so what would you like us to do? Should we organise a special occasion or maybe you would like us to use our demonic powers" Rias asked only for her to shake her head.

"no, no, no!... umm… if it's possible I would like to go out with him by telling him my feelings. But… this is my first time trying something like this… I, I don't know where to start" In other words, she wanted to confess her feelings directly but didn't know what to do because it's her first time confessing.

"I see. It would be quickest of you confessed your feelings directly" Rias suggested but Rachel shook her head violently.

"It's impossible for me. I'm too embarrassed." That was her response. Being the scaredy cat that she is, it did seem hard for her to confess directly so they needed an alternative means.

Rias paused in thought, rubbing her chin as she thought of alternative solutions.

"How about a letter then?" The answer came not from any of the devils present but Issei himself. Everyone turned their attention towards him.

"If she cannot confess directly, then she should do it indirectly by writing a letter." Issei added. Rias nodded at Issei's suggestion.

"Yes, I think a love letter is a wonderful way to show your feelings as well."

Rachel nodded.

"I understand. I will write him a letter." Susan went to the corner of her room and began searching for something. Imagine their surprise when she pulled out a calligraphy set. In hindsight, they should not have been surprised considering she loves anything related to the sengoku period. She took out a blank page for her calligraphy and dipped the brush in ink. However, when she was about to write something, she stopped.

Her body started shaking which made them worry.

"I… I don't know what to write."

She sounded like she was about to cry again. However, before Rias could speak, Issei beat her to the punch and spoke what Rias would have most likely suggested her.

"Just write what you feel."

"What I feel?"

He answered while shifting his gaze to Akeno.

"Yeah. Write down what you feel when you are around him, when you think of him. Write down everything even if it is downright embarrassing or scary, write it anyways and don't hold back because it will show just how much that person means to you." Hearing that brought a smile to Akeno's face as she held his arm and lied her head on his shoulder.

"But, but, but what if he rejects me"

"Then you will have your answer. Trust me. It's better to reveal your feelings than regretting having the chance to do so since there is always a chance it will work out. But, if you don't try, you will never find out. Life is too short and it is better to live it with as few regrets as possible so don't be afraid and don't hold anything back."

With Issei's encouragement, Rachel finally managed steel herself to write down her letter.

When she managed to finish her letter, Rachel thanked everyone but asked if they could come with her when she gets an answer to her letter. Rias accepted and told her that she would be with her every step of the way earning a big thank you from the samurai girl. When she was about to give her the promised Japanese castle as her payment, Rias told her to hold on to it until after they accomplished her wish. However, Rachel was extremely adamant that she wanted to give to her something for everything they had done for her and this payment is the least she could do. Eventually, Rias decided to accept the payment. When she asked Rachel how long she believed will take for her to get a response to her letter, she answered that she would most likely get an answer tomorrow at least. She would call them when she does.

Rias nodded and after saying her goodbyes conjured her magic circle and teleported all of them back to the ORC clubroom.

Once there, she looked at the time and was relieved that it was only 7:00pm so they would not be late to Suzuki's place but before that she addressed everyone.

"Alright. Good job everyone. Issei, thank you for accompanying us and I hope it was an enjoyable experience for you."

"Of course, it was a very unique adventure." He smiled at her.

"You can say that again. How come any contracts that I'm involved in end up with weird people." Complained Matsuda as he recalled all his past clients. At the very least, this one was a woman but he couldn't tell how she looked because of her armor.

"In any case, we need to get ready. We were invited to dinner and I don't want to be late." Rias said as she got ready to teleport them once more to Matsuda's place. Technically, there was no need to do that since Matsuda's place was literally a 10-minute walk but Rias didn't want to keep her waiting so she took a shortcut so off they go again.

She teleported them just in front of his house and rang the doorbell. They could all hear footsteps coming closer towards them. Soon, Mrs. Suzuki opened the door and was absolutely thrilled to see everyone.

"Hello and welcome Rias-san. I'm so grateful you accepted my invitation. Please, please come right in and make yourself comfortable." She motioned them to come in which they did. Rias was the first to greet her.

"Hello again Mrs. Suzuki. Thank you very much for the invitation" She bowed gracefully, as expected of the next heir of the Gremory clan before entering Matsuda's place and was followed by everyone else. After everyone entered, Rias begun introducing the other members that Matsuda's mother had yet to meet.

"Please allow me to introduce you to the other members of our club. This is Akeno Himejima and she is the Vice president of the ORC. She helps me handle matters involving our activities." Rias pointed towards Akeno as she introduced her queen, giving her a brief description of her position leaving out the fact that they were devils because she could not reveal it for obvious reasons.

Akeno stepped forward and bowed gracefully as well. "It's pleasure to meet you Mrs. Suzuki." Chelia was stunned when she saw Akeno. When she first met Rias, she thought she was perhaps, the most beautiful woman she had ever seen but Akeno was just as bewitchingly beautiful and possessed the grace of a Yamato Nadeshiko.

"oh…oh no, the pleasure is all mine. You can call me Chelia." She couldn't help but stutter at her response, taken completely by surprise but all this was ignored by Akeno who smiled and nodded. Rias then introduced the next person

"This here is Kiba Yuuto and he is another member of our club." She gestured towards Kiba who immediately greeted her with a bow

"It's a pleasure Suzuki-san"

"The pleasure is all mine." She greeted back. So this was the Prince that "kept stealing away all the girls" that her son kept whinning about.

"Next up, we have Koneko Toujou"

"Hello" Koneko greeted. Chelia found her absolutely adorable. It was no wonder that she was known as the school's mascot.

"Of course you already met our sweet Asia so there is no need for any introduction there."

Asia waved hello to Chelia.

"H-Hello again Suzuki-san, it's nice to see you again."

She was responded with a quick hug by the women causing Asia to blush.

"Hello Asia-chan, it's great to see you again" she said excitedly making Rias smile before introducing the last person.

"And last but not least, this is Issei Hyoudou."

Issei stepped forward and when Chelia looked at him, she felt as though she had already met the boy until until it clicked.

"oh my, you're the boy from before" she said causing Issei to smile.

"Indeed I am. It's nice to meet you again Mrs. Suzuki" answered Issei with a bow. The others seemed to be surprised over the fact that they had already met.

"Y-You already met my mom?" inquired Matsuda wondering when he could have met her.

Issei nodded.

"Yes I did. After I was enrolled into Kuoh academy, on my way to school I could not find my way since I totally forgot to ask for directions and that's when I met Mrs Suzuki and she was nice enough to provide directions to school. I also met her again when I went to buy flowers for Shuri." He explained to them.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Chelia beckoned them to make themselves comfortable while they wait for the food to be ready which should not be taking much longer. Therefore, they sat and talked. Though it was mostly Matsuda's mother who was overjoyed that Matsuda has been able to make so many friends or rather that there were people who accepted Matsuda despite his extreme perverted tendencies.

"I can't tell you how thrilled I am to meet all of you. When I heard that my son had been accepted into a club, I had to pinch myself several times to make sure that this wasn't a dream. To think that there were people who would associate with my son despite his perverted tendencies and crazy fantasies is a dream come true." She extatically commented causing Matsuda to rub his head in embarrassment.

"Mom, alright we GET it, can you stop embarrassing me now" exclaimed Matsuda but received a smack in the back of his head from his mom.

"Oh hush you! Let me have this moment. Do you have any idea what it feels like to learn that my son, who is the incarnation of lust, and pretty much hated throughout your school, had actually managed to find people who actually accepted you as friend and even invited you into their club. Thank God for these blessings." She didn't notice the slight recoil everyone, except Issei, felt when she mentioned the name of the lord.

"Imagine my surprise when not only Rias but also Asia-chan came by to visit you, of all people. I might finally have grandchildren so you had better not screw this up Matsuda." She warned her son who simply groaned as he turned his gaze towards Issei as though saying 'Do you see what I have to go through'. Issei nodded as though responding 'trust me, I know'.

The others couldn't help but laugh at the interaction between mother and son.

"When did you join the club Issei-san?" Cleria asked Issei who redirected her attention towards her.

"I believe I joined a day after I transferred to the academy. My first day was spent getting familiar with the school and the next day I was approached by Kiba and later on, Rias asked me to join their clubroom which I accepted." He told her. Obviously, he couldn't tell her the whole truth since that would require revealing that they were supernatural beings. Therefore, he simply gave her the simplified version of his recruitment. He then chuckled as he recalled his conversation with Chelia back when he first bought flowers for Shuri and Akeno's graves.

"It would seem like I became friends with your son after all Mrs Suzuki." It took a while for Matsuda's mother to recall the same conversation she had with the boy but eventually she remembered it as she herself let out a chuckle of her own.

"ufu, it would seem so. I hope you will keep being friends with my son."

"Of course, despite his many flaws"

"HEY, I CAN HEAR YOU!" However, Matsuda was completely ignored by both Issei and his mother.

"Matsuda is still a good friend." Issei finished.

"Thank you" As soon as she thanked him, a sound was heard from the kitchen


Chelia turned around and saw that the food was ready.

"Alright, I believe it is time to eat" she said as she got up from her seat and everyone else proceeded to do the same. They all moved to the kitchen and sat in their respective seats before Chelia and Asia, who wanted to help her, proceeded to distribute the food to everyone.

They sat and ate and overall had an amazing time.

2 days later, the group received a call from Rachel saying that she would be meeting with her crush today and wanted to know if they were available to come with her. Rias, of course, accepted and the group gathered back together and went to meet with Rachel who was situated at a park. When they arrived, they were surprised by the fact that there were many flags with tons of symbols, most likely senkogu related, scattered everywhere and in the middle was an armored person sitting on a chair. That was clearly Rachel.

With the help of Rias a few days ago, she was able to finish writing her love letter and was able to deliver it to him. How she delivered it, they had no idea but they took her word for it so they convened together and waited for the recipient of the letter to arrive. Rachel, on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf causing her armor to make a lot of rattling sounds. She was clearly very nervous.

Eventually, they could hear distant sounds of what seemed to be metal colliding.

"He's here" Rachel stated. The person who appeared from far away was a person in knight's armor, equipped with even a lance as a weapon and a round shield.

"Of course, it's another person in armor." mumbled Matsuda. Why did he expect anything else? Of course, her crush had to be another culturally fanatical person.

Rias, on the other hand, was star eyed and couldn't hide her excitement.

"It's amazing. It's like a collaboration between a knight and a samurai."

"That is a splendid armor." In contrast to Rias, Kiba was complimenting the man's armor. Makes sense, considering that he is a knight and is fascinated by anything related to the topic.

Upon closer inspection, the group noticed something very odd about the approaching knight.

"Is… Is that an arrow sticking out of his helmet?" questioned Issei, not believing what he was seeing for a moment. Was that part of the armor's decoration? He's never heard of such a design. Humanity are becoming really creative, it seems! However, his theory was thrown out the window when he heard Rachel speak

"Oh right! I was debating how to send the letter and, in the end, I decided to use an arrow letter."

Issei did not know what shocked him more. The fact that she sent an arrow letter or the fact that she said that as though it was natural.

"What the heck! Is this supposed to be a confession or a duel to the death." Shouted Matsuda. Even Issei couldn't help but think so when looking at the present scene.

"It-it-it-it's not a duel to the death. I j-just couldn't think of any other way to send the letter." Matsuda simply deadpanned at her answer. Like seriously, she couldn't think of any other way to deliver her letter. How about by freaking mail like a normal person! If the recipient of that arrow letter, as she called it, is also a fanatic like her then he may have taken this as a declaration of war. What were they supposed to do then?

While Matsuda's inner frustration was happening, the knight came ever so closer towards Rachel. The sound of metal colliding could be heard as he approached the girl in question. It honestly looked like a battle was inevitable, no matter how you looked at it. Even passerby people were slowly hightailing out of there, not wanting to be caught up in such drama.

Eventually, the knight stopped in front of Rachel. She stood up from her chair. There was an abnormal atmosphere between them. Of to the side, Issei leaned towards Akeno and whispered

"um… what happens if they actually start fighting. Are we supposed to jump in and protect the girl since she is your client or do we let them fight?" Issei asked

"ufufu… you don't have to worry about that" she chuckled as she answered her boyfriend. Seeing that she wasn't worried, Issei simply nodded and let it be.

The knight pierced the ground with his lance to hold it in place as he brought out something.

"This letter… I have read it" It turned out to be Rachel's confession/duel letter.

"Y-Yes" Rachel was shaking nervously as she waited for his answer.

"It was indeed a magnificent arrow letter. For me to be caught of guard and get shot, it was masterfully done."

"Ah, t-thank you Yamato-kun… I-I've always been good with the bow"

"If you are alright with me then I would be glad to go out with you" answered the newly revealed Yamato. Hearing the answer, she had hoped for caused Rachel to start crying

"I'm… so glad Yamato-kun"

The knight slowly embraces her gently. If it wasn't for the fact that they were wearing armor and you could easily hear the sound of metal colliding as they embrace each other, you would think this was a wonderful scene. Everyone still smiled at their client's happiness. Seeing them get together warmed Issei's heart as he looked next to him towards the love of his life and slowly intertwined his hand with hers. Akeno looked back at him and smiled gracefully before leaning her head of his shoulder.

Yamato and Rachel then separated and held hands.

"Thank you very much" she thanked the ORC with all her heart before they both proceeded to walk away. When they disappeared from sight, Rias turned towards the group.

"Our client's wish has been fulfilled. Thank you all, once more, for your hard work. Let's go back home." Everyone nodded as they prepared to go back.

A bit further from them lay a bird perched on top of a branch who was watching our little group.

"Oh my. It seems I will have to make an appearance soon" said a man surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women as he smirked at the image seen through his familiar.

Akeno left with Issei and decided to stay over his place today. Ophis and Great-red of course greeted her as usual before they headed up to bed. Akeno changed into her pajama's. Issei, technically didn't need to since he is very used to sleeping in his dragon form and he is technically naked.

In any case, they both went to bed as Akeno snuggled into Issei's chest, feeling his warmth's permeating around her. She smiled and looked at her beloved.

"Good night Issei-kun"

"Good night Akeno-chan" he responded before they closed their eyes and eventually fell asleep in each others arm.

Meanwhile, Matsuda was also getting ready to go to bed until he spotted a magic circle suddenly appear in his room, surprising him greatly. However, his surprised only increase when he spotted a certain crimson haired princess coming out of said spell.

"B-Buchou" he muttered, completely in shock at seeing Rias Gremory materializing in front of him. His mind started to think of various possible reasoning behind it. Did she forget to tell him something? Was there some sort of emergency? Is this possibly a dream caused by his perverted mind? Wouldn't be the first!

"Matsuda" Rias slowly approached him as soon as she saw him before saying what was probably the most shocking thing he has ever heard in his life.

"Make love to me"



