
Son Goku in Marvel World

Kakarot or Son Goku was sent out by Bardock from Planet Vegeta but there is an accident on the way.

AliefLucas · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

Goku POV

Shingen and Kojuro enter the ring. They wait as the referee starts the match and they launched at each other. But, the match ends so fast as Kojuro was thrown out of the ring by the punch of Shingen. Maybe if it was without ring he can still fight. But, because of the rules he was deemed lost. I think I have to change the rules for a fight in this class later. It was a shame that their fight ended like that because of the tournament rule.

Next fight between Sanada Yukimura vs Maeda Toshiie. It was a fight between Spears users.

The match start and Yukimura start to attack with his dual-wielding spears. Toshiie blocks and parries his attack with ease. He saw an opportunity and strike back with a bash with the butt of his spears to hit Yukimura's knees.

Feeling his intentions, Yukimura stabs one of his spears to the ground and block the attack. He then uses the spears to jump and attack from above. Toshiie jumps back to dodge the attack and starts to fly up to attack Yukimura who was midair.

Yukimura stabilizes himself and starts to fly too. He then makes a posture with both of the tip of his spear touching each other. Making and A character with him in the middle. He then charges his Ki into his spear tip and shoots it at Toshiie. Seeing the Ki's coming toward himself he spins his spear while supplying his Ki on it, creating a barrier of Ki.

When the Ki hit his barrier, he found out that the attack was quite heavy and start to tip the barrier sideways to divert the Ki blast to the side. But, just as the ki has disappeared. He feels a spear blade at the back of his neck.

Yukimura:" it was my win, Toshiie-dono!"

Toshiie:" Yeah, it seems so! It's your win."

Commentator:" That it everyone. The winner of the third round was Sanada Yukimura-Sama!"

The spectators give them applause as they were quite satisfied with the fight.

Commentator:" Now, we will give Yukimura-sama a rest for an hour. Later it will be a three-way fight. Between Masamune-sama, Shingen-Sama, and Yukimura-Sama. Please look forward to it!"


An hour has passed and now the three of them were on the stage.

Shingen:" Yukimura, show me your growth from the expedition to Korea and China! Fight me with full power."

Yukimura:" Oyakata-Sama! Then, I will show you all my progress in this fight. Masamune-dono too, please instruct me."

Masamune:" Okay, Kozo! I will also beat you so prepare yourself, old man!"

Shingen:" Hmph, let's us see then!"

They look at each other, Masamune then starts to clad himself in Ki that he change its property into lighting. Yukimura starts to emit a fire red aura while Shingen emits a rock brown aura.

They start to fight each other. At first, it was a three-way fight, but in the middle of it. Masamune and Yukimura start to work together as they feel that Shingen was much stronger than them. They fight for an entire hour until they all fall from exhaustion. The crowd starts to cheer on them and I left the Arena back to my home.


A week later the citizen was still enthusiasts from the tournament last week and ask if it will be held again. which I told them that it will be held every year for regional and every three years for National.

Right after the Tournament, I gave all my General a Gravity Chamber for them to train. I also give them a more advanced Ki training manual. Shingen decided to stay at the Korin Tower. He said he wants to train the next generation, and the one that climbs the Korin tower will be worthy of his teaching.

Three months later I stepped down from my position as Emperor and choose Kenshin as the next one and if he was bored with it, he can choose his own successor but it has to be approved by me first. Even though I step down I still have a right to take back the Emperor position if deem the one who holds it not worthy.

Right now I was in Kamar-Taj along with Karla who also interested in learning Mystic art. We are staying there for two years learning all we can. We even scan all the books there with our spaceship so we can learn it alone. I then build a Kami Lookout above the Korin Tower as the Japanese Sanctum for the Sorcerer.


To help himself deal with the Capsules Corp business, Goku builds an A.I to help him manage his Company. This A.I can contact him everywhere he was and was connected to his spaceship and can use every knowledge in it. (the technology is the same as the one that installs into Frieza force scouter. Since Vegeta even able to receive Radits last messages from a faraway planet.)

With the help of Karla, they were able to finish it in only three months and they do it inside the time chamber so it was not even a day outside. They make the A.I loyal to themselves since they did not want a rogue A.I with so much knowledge on the loose. They are using knowledge from Big Gete Start to build it.

After the A.I finish they build it a body using a blueprint from Dr. Gero Android study. They finished the body in five months by using Goku magic materialization to get the resource to make it and use their blood as the main ingredients.

They fused the A.I with the Android body and it open its eyes. It has a girl body type and she looks like the definition of Japanese Nadeshiko with long straight black hair and black eyes a slender body a cute and beautiful face with white skin. She was wearing black kimono that accentuate her beauty.

???:" Greetings master and mistress I android 001 ready to help you!" She said as she gets up from the lab table.

Karla:" Greeting to you as well. From now on your name going to be Yui! And don't call us master. Since we are your creator so we are your parents call us Dad and Mom." she said as she wants to have a child but they haven't been blessed with it.

They ask the Ancient One about this problem and she tells them that it was harder for someone Immortals, has a long lifespan, and strong from birth to conceive a child. The world law makes it so they have a harder time to procreate to maintain the balance of the world.

Although the chance is not Zero it was still a huge blow for them who want a child and repopulate their almost extinct race.

Goku:" From now on, your work is to manage the Capsules Corp in our place when we are not here to manage it." he said while patting her head.

Yui:" Yes, father! I will certainly not disappoint you and take care of it." she answers and nodded her head.

After that, they teach Yui about this world's common sense and country history then bring her to Capsules Corp to tell the worker that she will represent Goku when he was not here.

After that Goku left with Karla to Kowloon Mountain to try fighting the Chi practitioners and he was disappointed by the fight since they were weaker than he thought.

So, change his target to the outer space and search for an alien race to fight.