
Son Goku in Marvel World

Kakarot or Son Goku was sent out by Bardock from Planet Vegeta but there is an accident on the way.

AliefLucas · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

Kakarot and Karla wake up from their slumber. They look at their bodies that now 8th year's old. It's fortunate that with Frieza's force technology they already gave the knowledge of their race and another history into their brain so that they are not a blank space when they wake up.

As soon as they are out of their healing pod, a hologram starts to activated showing Bardock and Gine telling them about why they send them here and start to teach them how to operate the spaceship.

After digesting the information they got Kakarot started to speak.

Kakarot:" So, it seems that it was only us left of our race. What do you think of this information?" Kakarot asks Karla since he wants to know what she thinks about becoming his mate without her consent.

Karla:" I will follow their wish. If it was not for them I might not be alive now, besides we can take our time to know about each other for the time being. The question is what should we do now?"

Kakarot:" There is so much knowledge inside this Spaceship. We should start to learn the martial arts from a Planet that father highlights for us to learn. After that, we will start to explore this Earth and learn it's customs."

Karla:" You are right. Let's do that!" she answer and start looking into the console.

Kakarot:" Before that. Let's look at the ship log first. I don't know why but from the look at our body, it's already been eight years. We must find out the reason for the delay in our way here."

Kakarot said and they start to look at the log and found out that they are trapped inside a wormhole for eight years of their lives and the place that they are now is not the same Earth as their destination.

This stopped their plan to get revenge toward Frieza and revive their race with Dragon Ball later. Then all that left is to start repopulating their race here in this universe but, that's for the future. Now, they just have to start their training to get the strength to protect themselves.

They stay at their landing place at the foot of Mount Fuji for ten years. They go toward the town close to their place once in a while to learn about the language and culture of the place they are now.

The first time Kakarot and Karla visit the town one of the villagers called him Sun Wukong because of his tail and it makes him interest about it. And from this, he starts to read the literature Journey to the West and he was fascinated with Wukong and take the name as his own to blend with the locals and named himself the Japanese version of its name Son Goku while Karla gives herself a surname Yuki so she was Yuki Karla now.

Goku even makes his own version of Ruyi Jingu Bang using Magic Materialization with the strongest metal in their world as it's material. He even learns magic so that he was able to imbue his staff with the same ability as Ruyi Jingu Bang it was easy to make it able to lengthen and shorten or getting bigger or small. But, for him to make it have intelligence like the original Wukong and make it be able to move around and flexible he has to study magic more intensely. He was able to succeed after studying magic for six years, he even manages to bind it so it was only listening to him and being used by him.

Before they start training in martial arts they use the Scouters left by Bardock to see their Power level, especially for Goku since he has to see if the Serum that his fathers inject him is working or not. When they used it they found out that Goku has 50000 power levels while Karla was around 3500. This drives her to train more intensely to catch up to Goku level. Now, after ten years their Power level is for Goku he was at 750000 while for Karla she was at 400000. (Their Battle Power is so little because they only have each other to spar and never fight other people.)

They trained in all martial arts from their Earth which is Kame Style, Crane Style, Wolf Style, Kami Style and many others and for Goku, he adds learning Bo staff to his list. Unlike Goku who also learn magic Karla focus on learning Martial arts, she just learns telekinesis in her free time as it was convenient to use. They also learn instant transmission, Kaioken, Bluts waves and meditation since it was highlight by Bardock as a must learn technique. Because of the meditation, they can transform into Oozaru form without losing their minds. Their transformation causes an urban legend that there is a Monkey God who lives at the foot of Mount Fuji it was also not helping that when they visit the town close to it, they never bother to hide their tails.

They also once in a while clean up the bandit that comes to the vicinity of their home. Making the area around them save, even though this was an Age of Warring states where crimes rate is high, it was safe close to their home so the villagers start to think that their home was a holy land and start to Worship them.

The Lord of other places starts to hear about the rumors about their home. Start to send their army to conscript the villagers to their army and to confirm the rumors then take it for themselves. This always ends in failure as Goku and Karla always kill them whenever they come to cause trouble and left one alive to send messages to their Lord. They also once in a while stopped Mount Fuji from erupting.

Their deeds cemented the belief of the people on them being a God and attract more and more people to live in their land. By the time ten years passed the areas that once in the past were only a little village, now it was a big Capital City with them as it's Rulers.

Goku and Karla's Saiyan blood like it. The feeling of being above the masses and ruling others. So, start from their seventh year's they are here. They start to truly help their people to prosper. They start by building a school, a police force, and an Army which at the start they take ten people for each institution and train them by themselves and these thirty people then will teach the others the knowledge they impart them. ( Just to let you know, the land that they rule is around Shizuoka, and Yamanashi Prefecture)

After three years their people were already well educated the city is safe because of the police and their Army reach 30000 people strong with the average soldiers Power level at 50 while a small Captain at 80 and Major is at 120 when normal people power level is at 5 and strong people like Dokugan Ryu Date Masamune is at 150. In this years they were able to recruit many important figures to his Capital Date Masamune, Takeda Shingen, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke, Uesugi Kenshin, Kasuga, Miyamoto Musashi and Maeda Toshiie. After being taught how to use Ki their Power Level explode and reach at average 800.

Their home was facing Suruga Bay so their Marine Corps also start to be built after their army is finished forming. They never lack any fish products because of the fishermen and their farm was quite big so they never lack any food especially rice as a staple food.

They also teach the people food recipes since the food at this time is lacking. So, they introduce the cooking technique from their Earth making their city having the most delicious and variety food in the country.

Right now, on June 16th, 1589. Toyotomi Hideyoshi starts his campaign to unify Japan under his rules. He starts with Hojo clan at Odawara defeating them making them run to our place at Shizuoka. Toyotomi then continues his march to their place with his strong Army at 150000.

Seeing this Goku left their Capital along with Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura, and Maeda Tosiie to intercept them only bringing with them, 5000 soldiers.

June 20th, 1589 both army met with each other and start to lock in battle. The result is Total defeated of Toyotomi Hideyoshi Army being destroyed by the combined force of Masamune, Yukimura, and Toshiie. Goku didn't have to go to fight and their Army did not suffer any death, only superficial injury. This battle signifying the end of warring states and unification of Japan under Son Goku the Monkey God making him the first Emperor of Japan.

Goku clothing style looks like Goku Black but on his waist and hand there is tiger leather like Jin Mori Armor.

Karla look like Tier Harribel from Bleach but with black hair and she wears a Shihakusho as her attire. Like Shinigami from Bleach.

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