
Chapter 2

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 6:03 am at Aaron house

Aarons's POV

"There is something that is going to happen today, I can feel it, in my gut y'know, but I can't put my finger on it just yet. Oh, wait I forgot to tell you, Hi my name is Aaron Alexender Walter. I go to a school called Edenbrook hill. I have gone there since the 2nd grade. It only has been a year that I have been going to this school but I am very well known in school.

I went to a school called Clark Bulavard public school from junior kindergarten through the first half of the second grade. Just so you know I have been up for about an hour helping around the house and praying. Anyway, there is this feeling inside of me that keeps on telling me that something is going to happen that will change my life and those around me.

Whatever it is okay, it probably doesn't matter. I walk out of my room and make my way to the bathroom. I decide that is better if I take a shower so that when the person or thing that is going to change my life will come I will be ready to face it head-on. I wiggle out of my onesie and step into the shower. What could or who could it possibly be that I am getting such a strong sense of the person or thing, it is a person. You might be thinking how do I know it is a person? Well you see it started 3 days ago;


"Hey Mama, I am going to Lyon's house, Marcus and James are going to be there too, is that okay with you?" I asked my mom and she nodded in response. I made my way out the door and to Lyon's house. I rang the doorbell, "Hey guys vas happenin' " I say when I saw my friends open the door for me. "Hey Agon you are here we've been waiting for you to show up for so long," James says giving me a hug.

After they let me inside the house we made our way to Lyon's room. "We have something to tell you Agon," Lyon says to me and the other two are looking serious. "What is it," I asked a bit scared. "DO YOU ..." he trailed off "do I what?" I said scared. "Want to get some popcorn," he said back. To be honest I got scared I thought it was something serious. "Sure," I say with a smile. He nods gets up and walks out the door.


We were watching a movie that I suddenly knocked out.

Aaron's dream

"HELLO IS ANYONE THERE" I scream into complete darkness. No response. Where was I. Just then I heard a deep voice. "Aaron my boy," it said. "Yes," I respond to it. "Do you know this letter?" the voice asked, what was he talking about there was no letter. Just then the letter L had appeared in front of me, "yea that is the letter 'L' I told the voice.

Aaron's dream ends.

Just like that, I woke up. What was the L suppose to mean? Why was I shown the letter does it have any importance in my life was something big related to the letter L supposed to happen.


Later that day, I decided to go back home. When I reached home I ran to my mom and told my mom about my dream and asked her about what the letter L could mean. It was then I found out that the letter L was for a name. But whose name. She told me it can be for someone I already know or for someone I am supposed to meet.

The entire day I was thinking about who the letter L could be? I decided to name everyone that I knew whose name starts with the letter L. I knew like 13 people, Which meant that the person can be someone out of the 13 people, but WHO?


Then Sunday came, on Sunday what happened was that I was eating my sandwich when an image of curly brown hair flashed before my eyes and then an adorable giggle played in my ears. Then it came to me the person that was supposed to change my life had :

1. A name starting with the letter L

2. Curly Brown Hair

3. An adorable giggle.

And based on that description, there were only 5 people left on my list of people who could be the special person. Yes, I did know how the people laughed. Who could this person be?


Now, this happened yesterday, I was thinking about how school was going to start and how I was going to impress all the teachers with my amazing grades when beautiful emerald green eyes with hints of yellow popped up in my eyes.

So now since I had gotten another clue of the person's appearance, I decided to see if anyone of the remaining 5 people had green eyes with hints of yellow, but somehow none of the 5 people had the types of eyes that I say. Which only meant one thing which was that this person is not a person I know.

Eventually, I decided to draw what I thought the person would look like. I took out my sketchpad and opened it to another page. Since I didn't know if the person was a boy or a girl drew both. I drew them with brown curly hair, green and yellowish eyes and a cute smile to match the giggle that I heard.

When I was done, they both looked so cute, especially the girl. I can't wait until I get to see how the actual person looked like. I even decided to name them, the girl's name was Lilianna and the boy's name was Lucus.


so you see that is how I know that the thing I felt was going to change my life was a person. I get out of the shower and see that my mom had already taken out my clothes for today. They were black jeans and a white t-shirt. For some reason, I heard someone say 'wear the overalls wear the overalls' so I put the shirt and pants back into my closet and took out the black and white overalls I had in my closet. But which ones do I wear? 'The white ones with the neon green t-shirt' the voice said to me. I did what the voice told me to do, and honestly, that voice scares me.

I go downstairs greet my family and it is 8 am, thankfully I already had breakfast so my mom and I let the house so she could go to work after dropping me off at school.


We finally get to school, I say bye to my mom and walk to the front door and let myself in the school. I walk by the office and just as I am about to turn the corner I catch a glimpse of a person with curly brown hair, could it be the person? I think to myself and go to my class on the second floor of the school.

I walk in to see my teacher Ms. Conner sitting at her desk. "Well hello there Aaron, how are you?" she says with a smile. "I'm good, how are you doing?" I ask. "Good" she nods, "Hey I have a favour to ask you, can you go downstairs? Apparently, we have a new student in our class, I would like to have you pick him up and be his friend and desk buddy? If you don't have a problem with that" I nod and give her a smile. "Thank you, Aaron," she says and I make my way down to the office to pick up the new student. I wonder who it could be maybe it was the person that I saw earlier.

I walk into the office and see 3 people there; 2 girls and a boy. I look at the boy sitting on the chair, the boy I drew from Monday he is real. I wonder if his name is lucus? I shuffle my way to the front desk, "Is there a new student for class 3C here?" I ask the lady nods and points to the curly-headed boy.

He gets up from his seat and greets me with a big smile. "Hi my name is Lucus Edwin McCurry, what's yours?" He asks me. "Aaron A, nice to meet you, Lucus," I say polity. "Nice to meet you too, you know Aaron I really like your name" he giggles followed by a smile. "Let's go to class," he says grabbing my hand and running out the door to the staircase. "Up from here?" He asks and I nod.

It is him he is the person the voice told me about. I mean if you think about it he qualified for all of the requirements:

1. Curly brown hair

2. The green and yellowish eyes

3. The laugh he has the same laugh that I heard

4. He even had the smile that I drew for my drawing

5. His name starts with the letter L

How could someone suppose to have the exact same appearance as a drawing? Does this mean that Lucus was the person that was going to be the change in my life? Who knew? But you know what whatever.

"Where to now," Lucus asks. "To the end of the hall, it is the last room on the left," I tell him he nods and continues to hold my hand drag me to my class. "Hey, you made it! You must be Lucus? It is nice to finally meet you" Ms. Conner says giving Lucus a hug. "Why don't you go and put your stuff on your hook, Class is about to start and I still have to go and get the rest of the class from outside alright," she says leading us outside and locking the door behind her.

We walk to our hooks and Lucus hangs his stuff on an empty hook beside mine. "Hey Aaron, do you have any siblings or maybe a nickname that your family calls you," he asks me a bit nervous about the answer I was going to give him.

"Well..." I started. "I live with my family within a 15 minutes drive from here. I am the youngest of 6 siblings; Peter is my eldest brother's name, he is 17. Then there are my sisters Subrina, Sasha and Sofia, they are triplets, they are 13. Then there is my twin brother Arven and I. Oh, and I don't have a nickname, everyone calls me Ave or Arbon though" I say to him, he nods slowly.

"Well, I am the youngest of my siblings, I have two older sisters; the eldest is my sister Pearl she is 16, then there is my sister Jessica, she is 12 and then there is me I am 8. My nickname... well actually I have 3 nicknames 1: Lulu 2: Luke and 3: Lava" he says to me.

"That's cool, so can I call you Lulu?" I say wiggling my eyebrows. He giggles in response, "only if I can call you Arbon" he says with another giggle. GOD that giggle will be the end of me. "Sure," I say and he smiles.

Sometime later, it was finally lunch. I met up with my friends I took Lulu with me. "Hey guys, how are you?" I say sitting down on one of the chairs and Lulu sitting beside me. "We're good, but who is this?" James asks gesturing towards Lulu. "Right, I forgot, Lucus this is James, Lyon and Marcus. They are my friends" I say to Lulu, he nods taking out his lunch from his lunch bag.

We are eating in peace when Liam decides to break the silence with a mocking laugh "Ha, Lucus, you have a dinosaur lunch bag?". "Oh, cut it out Cavan you have a toy story lunch box and a matching cowboy hat like woody's." I spat back, how dare he say that to my boy- to my best friend. Marcus and James laugh at what I said. That made me proud, but to be honest I feel bad for saying that because Lyon has been my friend since we were in kindergarten, our families are friends.


It was now the end of the day, Lulu and I were standing outside I was waiting for my parents and he was waiting for Pearl I think that was her name. We were taking in the fresh cold air when Lulu broke the quietness. "Hey, I forgot to mention that we have the same outfits but opposite colours" he giggles and smiles at me. I look down at my body and realize that he was saying the truth. "I guess we do," I say with an assuring smile. Then I hear a car's horn I turn to see my mom waving at me. "Lulu, my mom is here I have to go, see you tomorrow," I say, just as I was about to turn around and walk to my car, Harry gives me a tight hug and smiles. What was that all about? I think to myself before entering the car.

"Is that your new friend?" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn to see my twin Arven sitting beside me. "ARVEN!! You're finally here" I say and give my brother a hug. You see when we were about 4 my mom and dad decided to send Arven to a boarding school in London. It has been almost 5 years since we last saw each other. Even though he was far away from me, we still managed to be the closest out of all siblings. I can't wait to tell him about Lulu and get his opinion on what is going on with what I am dealing with.



We finally reached home and walk inside to see everyone in our family ready to welcome Arven home for as long as he is going to be here. After meeting everyone and eating a lot of food, Arven and I make our way to our room. "Arvem, I need to tell you something very important," I say, "So do I" he responded. "Go take a shower, so that I have time to get your bed ready and then we can tell each other what we need to say alright," I say and he makes his way to the bathroom and locks the door. I wonder what he has to tell me.

About 15 minutes later he comes out with his black hair done in a little ponytail to keep his bangs out of his face, and his beautiful ombre of dark to light blue eyes shiny as ever. Sometimes I wish I had the ombre blue eyes but all I have are hazel brown eyes. My mom, Sasha, Zoyab and Presston (the eldest out of all of us siblings, he actually died about 3 years ago. We don't mention him much because it makes our mom cry because she was the closest to him), are the only ones who have the ombre eyes. The rest of our family; My dad, Me, Subrina and Sofia have hazel eyes.

"Okay Aaron get ready to spill all of your secrets to me 'cause we gonna be doin' this all night," he says and jumps onto my bed and sits with his pillow in his hand. "Alright, I'm ready," he says and I nod. "Okay well, on Saturday I was at my friend's house when I suddenly fell asleep and I had this weird dream and in that dream, there was a voice, the voice asked me if I knew what the letter L was and I told it that I knew what it was. Then just like that, I woke up. Then the next day I had an image of brown curly hair flash before my eyes with the sound of cute giggles ringed in my ears." I take a breath then to continue to talk.

"On Monday I saw green eyes and there were bits of yellow in them as well. So I decided to draw how I think the person looks like, then today I there was a new kid in our class and he looked exactly how I thought the person would look like, he even had the giggle. What's more, his name is Lucus, and I named my boy drawing Lucus and his nickname is Harold. So in short, I think Lucus is my soul mate."

There I finally said it, I believe that Lucus is my soul mate because how else could he have magically appeared in my life and besides I almost called him my Boyfriend. I look over to Arven who was in complete shock.

"Ave, you think a boy you just met could be your soul mate? How?" He says, "well mama told me that it can be for someone who I am supposed to meet and I assumed that the person has a big role in changing my life, so if that isn't true then I don't know what it is," I say to the still quite shocked Arven.

"Wow Zayn, I don't know what to say, I guess I am proud that you found your soul mate. But, even if that is true and he is your soul mate how are you going to tell Mama and Papa."I don't know I guess I will find out a way" I say to Arven. "Now, can I tell you my story," he says and I nod, switching places. I sit with my pillow in my hand and he sits with his back resting against the bed frame.

"Okay, so you know how the boarding school that I go to is only for boys right, well I actually have a boyfriend there and his name is jazz, it's short for Jorden. Jorden has already come out to his parents and they accepted him because he has 6 older brothers. Jorden is 11 years old. So yeah, that is my secret and is there anything else you want to know? If so, ask away" he says to me. I couldn't believe it my brother was gay and so was I this is so cool.

After that, we talked about our schools and how different they are, I teased him about Jasvin and he did to me with Lulu. Then eventually, we fell asleep.

Chapter 2 done,

so what did you think of it, hope its good

- Manni

Manni_Ccreators' thoughts