
Chapter 3

Lucus's POV, Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014,

"Pearl lets go, I am going to be late I need to go see Aaron he said that he would be waiting for me on school grounds. Can we please leave already" I say to my sister.

You might be thinking of what is going on, well I will tell you everything. About 4 months ago when I met Aaron at school for the first time and we became extremely close. I had become good friends with the other boys too, especially James, I can tell him anything and he wouldn't mind it, I knew all his secrets all except for 1. That was because he was too scared to tell me. All he told me was that it was a secret crush, the same one that I have had on Aaron since he came to my house over the long weekend we had last week.


"Mom, do you remember Aaron, my friend, he said that he would be coming over today, so we need to make sure that nothing goes wrong, alright? " I said to my mom and all she did was nod in response.

About 25 minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, I ran to open the door and saw Aaron with his backpack, you see, we were going to have our very first sleepover as best friends. "Aaron, you're here!" I say hugging him tightly, he had gotten used to them by now.

We walked into the kitchen where my mom and Jessica were standing. "Hey mom, jess, this is my best friend Aaron, Aaron this is my mom and older sister Jessica. My other sister Pearl is in her room " I said to him with a smile and then literally pulled him upstairs with me into my room.

"Your family is amazing Lulu and I really like your room too!" He says to me with a smile. I couldn't help but blush just a little at his comment. "Arbon do you want to build a fort with me and then we can camp out in it and stay up all night, wouldn't that be a fun thing to do? " I question waiting for his answer, I watched him look completely in thought before answering "Sure why not, it would be fun and we can make it really big. We can make it as big as this room if you want to that is" he said and I nodded. Then I headed out into the hallway to get 7 or 9 sheets, 12 pillows, 4 blankets and some of the stuffed animals I have. When I returned I was faced with a deep in thought Aaron once again. But, I didn't bother asking, what if it was something that he doesn't want to tell me, so I just let it slide.

As soon as I walk in and stand in front of him so he can see me and he snaps out of his thoughts and comes back to the real world. We decided to clear out everything in m room to make the bed on the floor. The bed was made of 2 fluffy blankets and 3 sheets. We added the pillows onto the bed for when we decided to actually get some sleep. Then we took as many as chairs that we could somehow get upstairs and placed them around the room making a little barrier with them. Then what we did was that we took another 4 sheets and place them on top of the chairs to make the roof. We ended up tying a few other sheets to the original 4 sheets for the roof and decided to extend the roof from the bathroom door to the door but still letting there be space for the door to open. We had also made an entrance to the tent, so when we had to come in or out of our tent then we can easily do it.

Finally, the tent was done with about 1 and a half hours of work. Then we just sat down in the tent and started to talk about anything and everything. Out of nowhere, the topic of my dad was touched upon. To e honest I never liked to talk to other people about my dad but since he was Aaron I guessed I would have trusted him. You see my dad is an extremely busy person because he always is away on business trips and he is rarely home, the last time he was home was the week of the first week of school after that, he has not been at home, we do call him though, we get to call him whenever we get the chance too.

We continued to talk, then Aaron had shared a weird habit he had. "LuLu, do you wanna know something weird that I do?" He asked and being curious I asked back " what?" I asked him. "Well, when I was younger about the ages of 2-7 I slept with a teddy bear and his name was crisp pie, I still have him in my room and I still sleep with him, he makes me feel safe. Anyway, back to my problem, you see because of this, I have a habit of holding someone's hand or hugging a person so I can sleep without the worry of someone who wants to hurt me. I know that sounds like a weird thing but I don't know how to solve it. Also, I thought that since almost everyone that I know like my friends know I have this problem and that is why whenever I go for a sleepover at their house one of the most of the time was Lyon who let me hug him. So I thought it was better to let you know before you wake up with me literally all over you" he said and I nodded.

It was now dinner time, we sat around the table and we had pasta for dinner. It was so good and Aaron also liked how it tasted. Then after dinner, we watched a movie until it was around 10:45 or 11 pm when the movie ended and we went back to our- wait I mean my room not our room although did want that to be our room. Anyway, we went into the bathroom from the other entrance and brushed our teeth and then got into our tent and fell asleep.

Then around 4 am I felt arms slowly wrapping around me at first I was scared but then I remembered that Aaron told me this might happen, so I thought nothing of it until he tugged me extremely close to him and he was almost digging his nails into my skin and the worst part was that I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and so was he. My t-shirt was very thin so that you could feel my bones through it. I know that this would sound weird for a 3rd grader but I actually didn't mind it actually liked it.

In the morning when we woke up and he asked me I told him only half of the truth. I told him everything except for the part where I really dug the attention and how he literally was digging his nails into me. He still apologized and I forgave him.


Ever since that day we also have been meeting each other at school a bit early to get to talk to ne another. And today was one of the days that he wanted to meet me and I was getting late. I didn't want to be late. Then finally we were out the door and on our way to go see Aaron. To be honest I can't wait to tell Aaron that I really like him. But I doubt that wouls would be any time soon because I mentally melt inside when I see him.

We finally get to school, I see Aaron and then wave bye to my sister am make my way to Aaron.

"Hello, hello! It is me Lucus Pocus your very best friend!" I say giggling a little and as I got a little closer I could see a small and sweet smile crept up on Aaron's face and in a matter of seconds we both started to laugh. "Well hello, there Lucus Pocus how are you today! Hoping you be having a good day? " Aaron says and I smile in response.

"So, what's the plan for today Ara?" I ask Aaron as we walk to our favourite place on the ground. It was behind the school, we hung out here a lot at the beginning of the year. " I can't even believe that it is almost the end of April, 2 more months and we are going to be in grade 4. I hope we end up in the same class" I say to Aaron who has been holding my hand a lot lately. The last time he held my hand was when I was new to this school and I had to drag him to his classes even though I was the new one.

"Aaron you okay ba-" so close I was about to call him baby but thankful he didn't hear it. "Hmm did you say, something baby?" Oh my god, he didn't even hesitate to say the b-word baby. Did he think that I was his baby? The weird thing was that he didn't even notice what he said he just said it so normally.

"Yea, I was asking if you were okay?" I ask. "Yea, it's all good, it's just that my brother Arven, you know my twin, yea he is coming home today, he finally got the permission to come home for a week because his school is going to be going under renovation. This means he gets to stay longer than 3 days like he usually does. It's just that, I am scared for some reason, I feel like something is going to happen to change Arven's life? Like how you came into my life as a change " he said. It is true over the past few months that we have been friends he has opened up more. Before he would only keep to himself and talk to like a max of 4 school people per day other than his friends. To be honest, I am proud of my BFF. But I wanted him to see my feelings. Well, I can't complain, he did start to call me baby lately. I wonder what is going on inside his head.

Aaron's POV

I called Lulu the b-word today, I acted as if it was a normal thing but I am not sure if he was okay with it. Anyway, I decided to walk home today because I need to think about stuff. By stuff I mean, how am I going to tell Lulu baby that I love him and what to do if he says no, I just hope he doesn't. Besides my mom is too excited about Arven to be home, the whole family is.

When I reach home and ring the doorbell I hear feet moving and then my older brother opens the door. "Hey, Ara, hurry up Are is about to be here any time with dad," he says literally pulling me inside and locking the door.


Finally, we hear the doorbell, this time I run to the door and when I open it, there he is my twin brother, looking as beautiful as ever. I pull him into a tit hug and he squishes me right back. "I need to talk to you" he whispers into my ear then pulls away and nods, I nod back.

Eventually, it was dinner time. Today my mama had made fried rice, Arven's favourite food. Mine was chicken and she had made that too. I love my mama so much.

After dinner, Arevn's and I went to our room. "Hey, I need your help with something, can you do me a favour. I was wondering if you could be there with me when I tell them" he says. "Tell who, what?" I questioned. "When I tell Mama and Papa that I, you know, have a boyfriend and that I am gay," he says. I nod in agreement and wrap an arm around him.

A few minutes later, I finally had gotten Arven ready for his coming out. He chickened out 3 times already. "You ready bro?" I said and he nodded. We walked out of our room and into the living room where everyone was eating ice cream. "Hey, your back, your ice cream is over there," Peter said pointing to two bowls of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

We sat down with our ice cream. We ate quietly until I noticed a worried look on Arven's, I nodded and we both stood up. "I have something to tell you all" Arven's said. All of the heads turned to face Arven and he was getting nervous so I held his hand.

"You see, Mama, Papa and family, I have a boyfriend and his name is Jordan, we met when I was 7 and I am now 9 and he was 10 and now he is 12. This means we have a 3 years difference but we have been together for 2 years now. I think that I should tell you that I am gay and NOT straight like Peter. Mama, Papa I am sorry, I know you are not happy with what your son has turned out to be. So go ahead, yell at me!!" he says closing his eyes and getting ready for what our parent's reactions were going to be.

After a few minutes of silence later, Mama had gotten up and squeezed Are tightly and so did Papa. " its okay Arven, it's your choice who you want to love and we can not change that but we could support you through the process of your relationship with Jordan" Mama says and papa nods. I wonder if I came out would this be their reaction? I think to myself and smile at my now happy brother.

Chapter 3

how is it?

Aaron's brother is gay

so that is yay

- Manni

Manni_Ccreators' thoughts