
Chapter 1

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 6:03 am

Luke's POV

"TODAY IS THE DAY!!" I scream and literally jump out of bed. You see today is the first day of school for me since my family just moved to this area about a week ago. I am going to a school called Edenbrook hill.

I run to the bathroom and lock the door "Alright Lucus McCurry, you have 2 hours and 32 minutes until school starts you better hurry up and get dressed your best so you can attract all of the cute boys in your class" I say to myself out loud. YES. I am GAY and proud of it. Of course, no one in my family knows that yet I never told them. You might be wondering, he is only in grade 3 how does he know which gender he is attracted too.


2nd grade:

"Navin, I really really like you, like the love you type of like you do you think we can date each other or be like a couple please I really am in love with you," I say to Navin, a really cute boy that all the girls and 5 guys (including me) had a crush on

"Look Lucus I don't like you like that, and I am not gay, besides even if I was gay I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS date someone like you," he told me, looking disappointed and disgusted.


So you see that is how I found out that I was gay and regretted it so much because of what he had said to me. But that didn't stop me from believing in finding true love in a boy.

A few minutes later I am standing in front of my closet, " what to wear " I say to myself and then I found it the perfect thing to wear; a white t-shirt and my favourite neon green overalls, (I have a lot of overalls).

"Luke bro you up" I hear my older sister Jessica say through the door before opening it. Jessica is pretty, she has beautiful brown hair and blue eyes. Jessica is in grade 6, today it is her first day of school as well she is going to a school called McCrimmon Middle school. I also have another older sister her name is Pearl she goes to high school she is in the 10th grade she is the eldest of the 3 of us.

"Yea I'm coming to give me a minute," I say while trying to find my matching white glasses from inside my drawer. The thing is that I can't see that well, I am nearsighted. There you are I say to myself and put them on and walking out of my room and hugging my sister before heading downstairs. "hey guys glad you finally awake" Pearl my older sister says when we enter the kitchen. "Where's Mom and Dad," I ask "still sleeping" jess responds "I see" nodding my head slowly. "When are we going to leave we are getting late it is like 7:59 already," I say a little annoyed. "Harry it's only 6:59 am, calm down we still have an hour and a half to get you to school," Pearl says to me while setting down a plate of 2 pancakes with strawberries and a chocolate syrup drizzle.

I start to eat and before know it I am done eating so I informed my sisters." All done" let me tell you that this was my 4th pancake, "c'mon one more pancake Luke " Pearl says. "NO! We are going to get late for my first day at school and we still need to sign me up for the 3rd grade," I said to her in an angry tone. "Okay okay, let's go Mr.Grumpy," she says picking up our plates and putting them in the sink to wash after she comes back from dropping me off at school.

We reach the front entrance of our house. I start to put on my hoodie then my jacket, gloves, pompom hat and snow boots. Grabbing my backpack. Ready to go. "Everyone ready?" Pearl says putting on her hat and guiding us out the door and locking the door behind us.

hey, this is my first story, here on web novel, hope you like it

- Manni

Manni_Ccreators' thoughts