
Somehow I became everything

Dude dies in a shoot out and gets reborn as well, everything This is a shit post, so don't take it seriously. Chapter length will vary. There is no plot.

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The seven deadly sins.

The sins, not the show.








If I had to assign a sin to every race that populates me then I would have to pick.

Humans - Greed

Dragons - Sloth

Dwarves - Envy

Elves - Pride

Beastmen - Gluttony

Demons - Wrath

Fae - Lust

There are a shit ton more races that live on me but based on my observation this is the best categorization I could come up with.

And I gotta say.

Greed is definitely the worst of em all.

Slaves and all that shit as a result of greed.

Discrimination and all that shit as a result of greed.

Mostly caused by the humans of this planet because they keep wanting more and more.

Yeah, the elves are stuck-up assholes, but at least they mind their own business.

Yeah, the demons are violent, but they're not into mindless war and slaughter.

The dwarfs are working hard trying to catch up to the elves by building more and more technological monstrosities.

The dragons are doing dragon shit just hanging out in their caves.

And the monsters, well they're monsters.

Unintelligent and parasitic to life.

They deserve death.

The Fae are all man whores and sluts. But at least they have a legitimate business. And by that, I mean whore houses and strip clubs in every major country.

Not clean living, but it's living.

The Beastmen are...

Well, I have no complaints there.

They are oppressed though.

Mostly by humans. Go figure.

Catgirls were popular on earth why wouldn't they be here.

There is even a coalition between every race.

Except for the humans.

They antagonize the entire fucking planet and then wonder why the other races don't like them.

I'm kinda ashamed of my people.

Well, former people.









Welp. Another group of adventures bites the dust.

Why do they even go in these dungeons?

Actually, who made these dungeons?


It's like a Saw movie met HP. Love craft, fucked made an abomination and then that abomination got pregnant with the Human Centipeds child.

It's just a huge clusterfuck of gore and horror.

Them tentacle monsters were not playing around.

Ripping people in half from the inside out and shit.

There was no ****, just pure slaughter.




Great, another elf girl just got fucked up by one of them.

What the hell me?


So as it turns out I'm NOT an EGO rip-off.

Thank god for that.

Or should I say thank me?


Okay, that was bad.

But either way, I'm happy that I don't have any insane planet-sized siblings.

As it turns out I'm literally just the whole planet.


And instead of a giant brain in my core, there is a huge tentacle monster that gives the inhabitants of me a status screen.

It's one of those fantasy planets.

Fucking freeloader.

The people think the status is a blessing from God when in reality it's a blessing from the devil.

With it, they can grow to obliterate mountains with a punch so it's definitely a boon for the current generation, but when they die all that power gets absorbed by mister mind flayer down here.

So the next generation is fucked when this thing inevitably wakes up and kills everything in sight.

It wouldn't be such an issue if they didn't rely on the system for literally fucking everything they do.

Everything they do is categorized and digitized by the system, and when you level a skill up the information is automatically sent to your body.

But you have to buy the skill with the points gained when you kill a monster.

You can't train and get a passive skill you gotta pay for it.

They don't need to train for years to perfect a skill, and instead can do it in a matter of months.

Convenient but not effective in a fair fight.

In a real fight between someone who has been doing archery or swordsmanship.

Even though based on the system's given value, the level is the same.

The one who has been doing it for longer would win, in terms of pure swordsmanship or archery.

For the most part.

Some people are just built different though.

And some people are just whales.

Lazy pricks.

Not my problem though.

I have been expanding my planetary business.

I chucked a small mountain at one of the 11 moons around me and as soon as it make contact I found that I became the moon as well.

I'm a planetary parasite bitches!

So that Nyarlathotep rip off can wake up and I'll be chillin.



hehe hehe.




*Cough* *Cough*


Okay, I'm calm now.

Anyway yeah. I can change the system's values at my leisure.

If I wanted I could reset everyone's stats to level one.

Boom! The demon lord can barely kill a goblin.

But I won't.

For now.


*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*


The fuck should I do?

Yeah, I'm a planet, but what the hell do planets even do?

I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing.

It'd be hella boring to have infinite power and do nothing with it.

Actually, anything would be better than watching these assholes fuck around with each other and the world in the worst way possible.

It gets annoying having to see blood splatter every second.

Like actually annoying to the point where I kinda want to just kill all life.



Go back two minutes.

And were back.

Might have accidentally committed multiple instances of mass genocide.

But I turned back time.

Or rather just reset the planet to how it was 2--

Now 1 minute ago.

So it's fine.
