
Solo Levelling x DXD

Arcinster · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Status eye

I turned back only to see a girl smiling.

She was slim and of good figure.

Her assets were quite managed.

She looked sweet and cute.

But her aura gave something off. It was similar to a murderous intent.

I stayed calm and stepped back. My mind was now making paths and ways to escape as it might have sensed that something is wrong with the girl.

I asked, "Who are you, lady?". She kept smiling and her creepy smile was another thing.

Soon, her mouth was turning black and then gigantic tongue came out of her mouth.

Shocked, I maintained my stance and ran against her. As I was about to strike her neck with my rod.

She vanished for an instant and then something sharp like a dagger pierced my chest.

I screamed and I could see the blood coming out of my chest.

I looked back and then my vision went blank. My right eye was hurting.

"Aargh..aaa..aargh" I shouted at top of my voice.

I could hear the laugh of that lady which was spooky.

It seemed that my life is going to end and I will surely miss my mom and Kuro. At least for last time I want to see their faces and hear their voice. I was down with a heavy heart full of sorrow.

I could hear the voice of that creep becoming louder and louder until It went suddenly blank.

This made me quite perplexed. I managed to open my other eye to see a blonde haired man coming towards me and after that I closed my other eye.

I opened my eyes and saw myself lying in the dark black background around me. I woke up and called out "Is anybody there?"

A violet colored pop out window came in front of me and this had made me suprised.

It read," Do you want to acquire the system?"

It was a weird question but still curious, I pressed yes on the button.

It then read, "Processing 0%"

I suddenly felt a pain inside my body and I could notice that as the percentage increase the pain also rise.







It was fine till 20% but after then the acceleration of the pain increased uniformly.

I was shouting and my bones were cracking but still I stood upon my will







[ You have acquired the system and say 'status' to open the status window]

I replied, " Status!"

Another pop out window came out of nowhere.

It was a blue tab showing all the stats of Ryoma.


Player Name: Tachibana Ryoma

Class: Swordsman

Rank: B-class

Skills: Basic Mana Infusion Strike[Unlocked], Deadly Poisoned Cut [locked], Noble Sword skill[locked], Demon Breathing Sword [locked]

Intelligence: 79

Strength: 112

Stamina: 54

Mana: 43

Agility: 67

HP: 190/190

Message: "Increase your intelligence and mana, you idiot."


Seeing this message, I got furious and but I bit my lips. I closed my eyes and ordered, "Return!"

I opened my eyes once again to know that I was lying in a bed in hospital covered in bandages.

I took a mirror which was there lying on a table.

I could notice that I had violet colored eyeball in the right eye.

I am little amazed when suddenly someone opened the door and I looked at that person.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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