
Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

After getting betrayed by his love, Michael was granted another chance to rewrite all his past mistakes. in a world ruled by AI virtual reality game, granting everyone with random life times on their wrist which determine their lives on planet earth, if your life times got to zero that is the end of your life. with no way to gain life times, more than half of the world joined the AI Virtual Reality game. This game is not like your common game you played on your phones, PC, or tablet. The game throws the players in a world where they have to fight either monsters or other players, if you die you die for real. no next life, no second chance, if you survive and be the last winner standing you win life times and other valuables. it all up to luck and skills. _ Ok let me stop there, this is my third book, if you want you can give it a try. I will release one or two chapters a day depending on my health. Thanks for checking out my book. Please leave a comment and review after the book passed the tenth chapter. Thanks again. No excessive explanation or complex grammars, just as simple as the title. Note: characters and surrounding description will be well describe. please leave a comment and review.

OP_Supreme · Games
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55 Chs

Ranking system, And Giant spider!

'System, show me my profile.' Supreme logged into the system, not bothered about the raging giant spider.


{Name: Michael Brian.}

{Game Name: Supreme.}

{Path: Demon lord legacy ~ stage one.}

{Level: LV 5.}

{Rank: Bronze medal 1 star.}

{Game played: 1.}

{Games win: 1.}

{Games lose: 0.}

{Strength: 84pt. 42,000.}

{Defense: 66pt. 33,000.}

{Agility: 63pt. 31,500.}

{Endurance: 61pt. 30,500.}

{HP: 1,000.}

{Mana: LOCK.}

{Intelligence: 60%(cheat: 90%)}

{Points earned: 235.}

{Skills: Brain wave~ Epic class. Demonic split body~ Epic class.}

{Owned weapons: Starlight sword~ legendary class. Blood daggers~ Epic class.}

{Guild: NONE.}

{Storage: Empty.}

'Even with twenty points added, I couldn't take down Huntress, that won't happen again, system... make all my stats a hundred with the points owned.'

{You will die host}


{Host need to enter the silver medal to be able to increase everything to 100, if not, your body won't be able to withstand the powers.}

'Silver medal? How can someone increase their rank?'

{Monsters from LV 30 above released soul essence after being slain, players will be able to absorb this soul essence to increase their ranks. Players' levels can be measured by their progress in a game, that why AI gave you your level after winning a game.}

{But... Players' ranking isn't measured by AI, that why some players will be able to rank up while still in the game. For example... Huntress is a LV 34 player, but she is a platinum rank holder. That means you can come in contact with a LV 10 player who can be a gold medal holder. Considering how many higher level monsters they killed.}

{NOTE: only level 30 monsters above releases soul essence.}

'You are saying, the higher level of monster a player killed and absorb its soul essence, the more that player rank up, right?'


'Can a player absorb the soul essence of a monster killed by another?'

{No, you can't absorb other players' kill.}

{If two or more players attack a monster, the player who gave the last blow will be the one who has the right to absorb its essence, even though That player didn't do anything in the battle. But... for giving the last blow already made him worthy for the essence.}

'That is fucked up, can't wait to try it on some players.' Supreme thought and added.

'Then what is the highest stats I can upgrade to?'

{85Pts. These stats will make you the most strongest bronze medal one-star player, who could easily defeat a silver medal two stars holder without a sweat.}

Supreme grinned. 'You know what to do system, increase all my stats to 85.'

{Successful Host.}

'Show me my stats and points remaining.'

{Strength: 85pt. 42,500.}

{Defense: 85pt. 42,500.}

{Agility: 85pt. 42,500.}

{Endurance: 85pt. 42,500.}

{Points earned: 169.}

Supreme opened his eyes and clutched his right-arm palm into a fist. 'So this is the highest strength I can have in the bronze rank, it's already terrifying.' Supreme smiled and asked a very important question.

'System, can you show me all the ranks and their stars?'

{Yes Host.}

"Show me"

{These are the ranks, and bracelet's colors.}

{Bronze medal ~ 1–3 stars. Green bracelet.}

{Silver medal ~ 1–3 stars. Silver bracelet.}

{Platinum medal ~ 1–3 stars. Platinum bracelet.}

{Golden medal ~ 1–4 stars. Golden bracelet.}

{Diamond medal ~ 1–4 stars. Diamond bracelet.}

{Elite medal ~ 1–5 stars. Purple bracelet.}

{Grandmaster medal ~ 1–5 stars. Red bracelet.}

{Sovereign medal ~ 1–10 stars. White bracelet.}

Supreme nodded calmly. 'I wonder how powerful a grandmaster or sovereign medal holder is...'

{No Players have been able to enter those medals, when an elite medal holder or higher entered a game. AI made sure to increase the difficulty to max.}

"Wait a second!" Supreme sat up straight.

"Are you saying all those things we went through are just the easy mode?"

{Yes Host.}

Supreme blinked. 'I need to get stronger.'


His attention was drawn by a painful shriek from a player, supreme turned to the arena, and his face changed slightly.

In the arena was countless pieces of players' limps, all scattered around the place. Some bodies were even missing their heads.


Supreme tilted his head to the side, as a long spear struck the backrest of the chair he is sitting on, an inch from his ear.

He looked below the arena, seeing the blue hair man staring daggers at him.

"You are lucky this spear didn't touch me" he said, pulling the weapon out.

"You brat!! We are getting slaughter here!! What are you doing sitting up there?!!!" The man yelled.

"Shouldn't you be happy about that, to be able to summon a weapon, shows you are the last imposter." He said standing up with the spear.

"So!" The man stretched out his hand, summoning his spear back, to his shock, the spear didn't move an inch, as supreme held it.

"Give me back my spear!!!" He roared. 'Impossible, that is a rare class weapon, what did he do to it?'

"Not really, I would rather enjoy the show" supreme sat back down, with the spear in hand.

"....?!" The man was confused. The next moment.


The giant spider was now heading his way.

"Fuck you Supreme!!!" The man turned towards the spider and stretched out his hand, the space distorted beside him as a Huge ape with sharp claws walked out.

This ape was an Uncommon class pet, but... A little smaller than the giant spider.

Supreme smiled seeing this. 'Uncommon pet, LV 30. That why you were hiding from me, because I defeated huntress's pet, which is a LV 35 and also a rare class pet.'


The ape beat its chest as it stared at the charging spider.

"Don't be scared Blizon!! Get it!!!"

HOO HOO!! The ape charged towards the spider, its claws leaving claws' marks on the ground.

The five remaining players stood 50 meters away from the Spider and ape, praying the ape should win this confrontation.

"God help us" Niki who was covered in a dead player's blood, prayed silently.

The ape leaped into the air and clawed down at the spider. The spider wasn't going down that easily. It used its two front legs and strike the Ape who was still in midair, knocking it to the ground.

"Don't fright Blizon!! Attack again!!" The blue hair man roared.

'Hey system, if a player's pet killed a monster, does it count that the player was the one who killed it?'

{Yes Host.}

"Drakon and reaper will feast on the monsters' flesh, while I absorb its soul essence, it's a win-win situation." Supreme laughed loudly.

The ape charged again, this time the spider attacked first, sending out its two long legs which has pointy ends on its tips, which the ape caught.

"Yes Blizon!! Break those legs and show it who is the boss!!!"

'Wrong move' supreme thought.

The spider opened its mouth and released a torrent of poison on the ape, due to the close distance, the poison accurately struck the ape's face and body.



It was too late, the giant spider raised its other legs and struck down on the ape.


All the long and dangerous legs struck the ape, knocking it to the ground.


Before the ape registered what happened, the spider arrived above it, and raised it two front legs, striking it furiously.


All the players stared with widened eyes and jaws, as the spider continued smashing its long legs which has sharp pointy claws on the ape, digging its body into the ground.

'And so... the battle ended.' Supreme thought with his devilish smile.


Terrifying spider!!!

Let see what happens in the next chapters.

Let go back to our normal release time.

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