
Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

After getting betrayed by his love, Michael was granted another chance to rewrite all his past mistakes. in a world ruled by AI virtual reality game, granting everyone with random life times on their wrist which determine their lives on planet earth, if your life times got to zero that is the end of your life. with no way to gain life times, more than half of the world joined the AI Virtual Reality game. This game is not like your common game you played on your phones, PC, or tablet. The game throws the players in a world where they have to fight either monsters or other players, if you die you die for real. no next life, no second chance, if you survive and be the last winner standing you win life times and other valuables. it all up to luck and skills. _ Ok let me stop there, this is my third book, if you want you can give it a try. I will release one or two chapters a day depending on my health. Thanks for checking out my book. Please leave a comment and review after the book passed the tenth chapter. Thanks again. No excessive explanation or complex grammars, just as simple as the title. Note: characters and surrounding description will be well describe. please leave a comment and review.

OP_Supreme · Games
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55 Chs

Giant spider annihilation!


The blue hair man muttered as he fell on his knees. "Blizon is my one and only pet, How dare you!!" He roared.

"I will kill you!!!"

He stood up, clutched his fists and lunged towards the spider.

"Is this stupidity?" Supreme asked himself.


The giant spider stopped its ferocious attacks on the ape and turned towards the human.

"DIE YOU!!!"

The blue hair man leaped into the air, and channeled all his mana into his fist as he smashed down on the Spider's head.





Supreme was stunned.

Niki was Flabbergasted.

All the players were speechless and dumbfounded.

They all stared with widened eyes as the spider munch down on the man. The sound of bones breaking rung out making the players' skins crawl, as the giant spider chewed the him slowly.

"What a crushing defeat" supreme said with a chuckle. "Now let see what will happen next, can't wait to see how the spider dismember the bodies of these five players." His excitement was interrupted by the system's voice.

{Quest Activated.}


{Kill the poisonous spider.}

{Reward: A new system's function will be unlock.}

"System's function? I thought you said there are no other functions, then what is this function I'm hearing?"

{I said.... I don't have a store. When did I say there aren't other functions?}


"What is this function?"

{Quest is incomplete.}

"Hmm, I also want to know how strong I am"

Supreme stood up, and stretched his body.


After devouring the man, the huge spider turned to the players and dashed forward. The players didn't move an inch, they all stood still, waiting for their grim future.

"Our father, who at in heaven..."

"How noble thy name"

"These guys are..." Supreme was stunned. "Are they praying?"


The spider leaped into the air and smashed down towards the players, who in turn closed their eyes.




The players opened their eyes, and looked sideways, the giant spider was on the ground with a long spear planted in its head, bursting one of its eyes.

They all subconsciously turned their heads to supreme, who leaped into the air, steadily landing on the arena.

"Thank you Supreme, I knew you are good" Niki whispered.

'System, accept the quest.'

{Successfully accepted.}

{Timer: 29:57.}

"I will pretend not seeing that, I only accept this to unlock the new function" supreme muttered, as his starlight sword materialized in his hand.


The spider let out its first painful shriek, as it smashed the rare class weapon into splitters, it stood up from the ground sharply, seeing its attacker, its remaining seven eyes glowed brightly, as it lunged forward towards supreme.

"YAWNED..." Supreme yawned. "Let see how fast you are!" With A thought, two red daggers appeared above him and shot forward with lightning speed.

The giant spider wasn't slowing down, and collided with the Daggers. The huge spider stopped on track as green fluid flowed out from the eyes struck by the daggers.

"Why did you stop? Well then. I will just take the initiative." Supreme shot forward with his sword's blade cutting the wind behind.

{Red blood daggers description: A dagger crafted from the blood of countless rare monsters, it has high destructive powers against monsters, and have 35% chance of causing bleeding to them. Target bleed more every one minute. Epic class weapon.}

"It might not be as strong as other epic class weapons, but it's surely is useful when facing monsters"

He raised his sword and smashed down on the Spider, who in turn shot forward towards him with its Maw wide opened.

Supreme gave up on his attack and quickly leaped over the spider.


He landed behind it, without a second to waste he turned around and dashed towards it.

The huge spider turned around and raised both front legs to smashed down on the charging human.

Supreme smiled and increased the force of the red daggers, which were still stuck in the eyes of the spider. The daggers plunged itself deeper, causing the spider to let out a painful shriek.

An opportunity, he increased his speed and with a sideways slash of his sword, he successfully cut off both legs of the spider.


The giant spider moved back from the human, as it struggled to stand firm.

Supreme stood calmly, observing the cut off legs. Green goo was flowing out from the wound, melting the ground with such speed that made him dumbfounded.

'Is this its blood or defensive measures?' He raised his sword observing it slowly, its blade remained as golden as ever, there was not a single sign of corroding.

The spider finally stabilized its huge body, and glared angrily at supreme. "Oh wow, I think it's time for that attack"

The spider opened its Maw and released a torrent of poisonous arrows towards supreme.

"Let go!!"

Supreme lunged towards the spider dodging the poisonous arrows with a swirl of his body, dodging from right then left, as he continue getting closer to the monster.

His red daggers drove deeper and completely dive into the monster's head.


He successfully got close to the monster and leaped up, landing on the Spider's fovea. The giant spider moved from one side of the arena to the other, trying to shake off the human on his back.

Supreme raised his sword and smashed down on its cephalothorax, plunging all it blade in the spider.

With a backward drag, the sword's blade which was plunged in it moved forward, cutting open a big part of the Spider's cephalothorax.


The spider moved with more speed, using all its tactics, trying to throw the human off its back.

Supreme's face changed slightly, as green goo flowed out of the Spider's cut wound. With no other option, he leaped off the Spider's cephalothorax, and landed ten meters from it.

Successfully throwing the human off, the giant spider charged towards its attacker, whose back was faced to it.

Gotten five meters from the human, the spider let out another heart-wrenching shriek and its head exploded instantly.

Supreme finally turned around with a smile, as his two daggers flew out of the exploded head of the spider, and hovered above him.

"So you two are immune to its acid too, how lovely." He muttered, staring at the headless body of the spider.

"Did supreme just killed that giant spider?"

"It looks like it"

"He didn't even use the baby Dragon."

"Is this how powerful supreme is?"



So... how many survive the deathtrap... ahem, I mean game?

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thanks for reading and stay safe.

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