
Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

After getting betrayed by his love, Michael was granted another chance to rewrite all his past mistakes. in a world ruled by AI virtual reality game, granting everyone with random life times on their wrist which determine their lives on planet earth, if your life times got to zero that is the end of your life. with no way to gain life times, more than half of the world joined the AI Virtual Reality game. This game is not like your common game you played on your phones, PC, or tablet. The game throws the players in a world where they have to fight either monsters or other players, if you die you die for real. no next life, no second chance, if you survive and be the last winner standing you win life times and other valuables. it all up to luck and skills. _ Ok let me stop there, this is my third book, if you want you can give it a try. I will release one or two chapters a day depending on my health. Thanks for checking out my book. Please leave a comment and review after the book passed the tenth chapter. Thanks again. No excessive explanation or complex grammars, just as simple as the title. Note: characters and surrounding description will be well describe. please leave a comment and review.

OP_Supreme · Games
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55 Chs

Final Stage

After losing huntress, he turned to the players, who in turn took a step back in fright.

'What about these ants?' Drakon asked telepathically.

'They aren't worth our time and energy.' Supreme turned around, and walked towards a spot and sat down on the green grass, closing his eyes.

'What are you doing?' Drakon asked, seeing supreme's action.

'This battle showed me that I don't have any attack and defense skill. I need to think of how to get these two skills'

'Uh... humans are always confusing.' Drakon flew off his shoulder and landed in front of him.

'You aren't even a day old, and you already knew so much about human?'

'Don't mock me human, or else...'

Supreme snapped his eyes open. "Don't forget you are weak in front of me, or do you want me to show you again..."

Drakon took a step back, feeling supreme's intimidating gaze.

'What are you saying human? I am just joking!'


Supreme closed his eyes again as Drakon lied in front of him.

'System, is there a way for me to acquire more skills?'

{Complete System's quests to gain permanent cheats, or buy skills in AI's store.}

'AI's store? How will I unlock it?'

{Enter level 10.}

'So the only way to gain skill, is by completing quests, which might give me random cheat, either skill or weapon, or even another egg. Or buying them in AI's store. I will make sure to buy some skills, after winning this game.'

The players stood 10 meters away from supreme and Drakon, staring at the baby Dragon with a deep frown, and apprehension.

Supreme wasn't dangerous in their eyes anymore, but this little baby Dragon was even more terrifying than him.

Drakon turned to the players and opened its jaws wide, revealing rows of shape teeth, which caused them to flinched backward.

'Humans aren't confusing... but surprisingly entertaining' Drakon snorted.

Supreme opened his eyes, and looked down at Drakon then at the players, before he could say anything, AI's Voice sounded.

< congratulation players, resting stage completed.>

< please proceed to the final stage.>

"Huh? The time is up?"

"We were so focused on the battle, and supreme's pet that we didn't even notice the time."

"Let go to the last game and leave this hellish nightmare!"

Moment next, a pillar of light appeared in the center of the field, shinning brightly.

"Come on" the blue hair man said and quickly walked inside the light pillar, followed by the players.

'Are these humans scared of me?'

'Yes' Supreme nodded and added 'it's time to go.' He stood up, with a wave of his hand, Drakon turned into particles, disappearing from the field.

'Let see what the final stage has in store for us?' Supreme walked towards the light pillar.

"Wait supreme"

He looked at the side seeing one of the players walking towards him. "Yes?"

"I want to ask for a favor" the only female player left in the group said.

"And who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Niki"

"Ok Niki, what is this favor?" Supreme asked calmly.

"Please, Can you help us in the next stage?"

Supreme was silent for a moment, he thought for a while and nodded. "Everyone has his/her own fate, I'm not a saint, so I'm sorry. I can't fulfill that favor of yours" he said calmly, then walked inside the light pillar.


Before she could say anything, supreme had disappeared through the light pillar, she sighed.

"God help us" she prayed and walked inside the light. Leaving behind the destroyed field that shows the devastating power of the battle that occurred.


< Welcome players to the final stage.>

The now eleven players appeared in a huge round arena, measuring 500 meters wide in circumference, at the far northern end of the huge arena was a big black gate, which was the only exit in this goddamn place.

"What are we doing in an arena?"

"Are we going to answer a puzzle here?"

"What is going on?"

Supreme just stood calmly observing the players. 'Who are you?'

{Imposters detected: 1/5.}

'No need to think too much, we are in the last game, if he didn't reveal himself, he will have to die after the players win the game.'

< Welcome again players to the last stage.>

< As you can see, that black gate is your way out, those who walk through the gate are the winner.>

All the players became excited hearing this, the huge gate was right in front of them, if they walked through it, they win the game, who won't be excited.

'Why are these fools so excited? They haven't even seen the task to complete.' Supreme shook his head calmly.

< Ok players.>

< To pass this stage, you have to...>

'Here it comes.'

< Kill the huge venomous spider in front of you.>

'That is surprising.'

< NOTE: Spider has a poisonous skill, which could corrode anything In seconds.>

< Kill the venomous spider, and the gate will unlock, players who walked through the gate are the winners.>

< Good luck players.>

'Venomous spider? That will be a good snack for Drakon.'

'To remind you partner, I don't eat bugs!' Drakon's voice sounded in his head.

'Don't worry, you will like it, when roasted with your dark flames.'

'You...! I DON'T EAT BUGS!'

Supreme just smiled, the next moment, the arena trembled as a huge green spider with eights red eyes, broke through the ground, it landed in front of the black gate, 100 meters away from the players.

"Oh my God!!"

"Are we going to fight that?!!!"

"We can't defeat that, that spider is a LV 45 monster!! Five levels higher than the knights!!"

"It's huge!!"

"W-what should we do?" Niki, who stood beside supreme asked in a trembling tone.

"It's kind of easy, kill the spider" Supreme answered. Causing her to turned to him with a frown.

"What are you saying, that thing is 10 meters tall, and 15 meters long, and its massive eight legs won't make it easy, and top it all, it has eight eyes and a poisonous skill!"

"I know all that" supreme stated.

"Then will you help us?"

"I told you... I'm not a saint, or a hero." He said, walking towards the other direction from the monster.

"What are you doing?" Niki asked.

"I want to sleep."

"...What to sleep? Who would sleep in this situation?!" Niki was stunned. She watched as supreme leaped into the audience section and sat down, crossing his legs.

'How could he jump so high? These walls are about 30 meters high!'

"Did you discovered something strange?" Supreme suddenly asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"AI didn't give a timer." He said closing his eyes.


The venomous spider finally let out a loud shriek and lunged forward with its eight legs leaving deep holes on the ground as it moved.

"Here it comes players!!" The blue hair man yelled.


We finally got in the last stage....

Wait... Why is supreme sleeping? 🤔

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