
SOLDIERs in Marvel's Hogwarts

https://www.scribblehub.com/series/496175/soldiers-in-marvels-hogwarts/ https://www.patreon.com/UnravelNNA! Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, they were pulled into a different world by a mysterious voice. It spoke of a mission, and gave them a system, in return, promised to send them back to their world, at the time of their birth, with the powers and knowledge they possess. To stop the tragedies that befell their parents and others. But, it came with few problems. "Why are we eleven again?" "We don't have materia or weapons either." "Wait, where did we fall? "Oh, good. You are awake, you are in Hogwarts, the School of Magic." And so began their journey in this new world, but wait, there is more to this world than meets the eyes. In the futures, Heroes will rise, and Hammers will fall from the sky. Well, the story title says everything, right? .................................................................... Hey! From now on I will be posting 8 chapters weekly (12000 words in total). 4 will be free available here, and 4 more can be accessed on my patreon. Hey! There are new Tiers on my Pat-reon. Tier 1 - Next weeks chapters in advance! Tier 2 - Whole of Volume - Ongoing One. Currently Ongoing is Volume One - Chapter 46 to Chapter 75 - Triwizard Tournament Arc Tier 3 - Whole of Volume 3 could be read in advance. - Chapter 75 to 109 - Final Year at Hogwarts - Part 1 https://www.patreon.com/UnravelNNA! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/UnravelNNA https://discord.gg/BYgE4yYxjZ https://www.instagram.com/unravel_nna/?hl=en - Instagram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OzNI1JhpZmxNAM_cu4BBQ ............................................................................................. About Tags - It's Harem, for sure, and it's R-18, but don't expect this to one of those (Well, mine mostly) stories where he pokes every hole he find. (That was crass way to put it.) The girls would be few, like Tifa and Aerith, as for the future ones. It would depend on how the story, characters and character relations develop.

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Chapter 52 & 53 - House Elves

[Volume 2! Starting with a big release of eight chapters. Four days, four releases!]

[Now, if you wish to read ahead of the whole volume, ongoing one, and the next one, then do visit my Patre-on - https://www.patre-on.com/UnravelNNA.]

[Next Volume is the big one, the finale with Voldemort is coming up, and so I have divided it into three parts. 50 thousand words each. Enjoy!]

The Burrow was once a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic. Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. It was Weasley's Family Home, and Molly was cooking for her family and other children.

"Ginny, is that you?"

Molly asked, hearing the footsteps coming down the stairs when the person replied.

"No…Aunt…it's me, Hermione."

"Oh, good, others aren't awake? I thought Tifa and Aerith would be awake?"

"No…they are tired after last night," Hermione sighed. She didn't blame them since Tifa went to fight against the Dark Wizard and save humans that got caught up while Aerith used wide-ranged healing magic that drained anyone.

"Ok, then wake the boys up. Oh, let Cloud sleep. He must be tired too."

"Ok," Hermione nodded, going up to the second floor, rubbing her eyes, yawning. She went into Fred and George's room and padded to not wake Cloud up. But when she looked on the bed, only Fred and George were there. She raised her eyes and looked around when she noticed someone beside her.

She nearly squealed, covering her mouth to not make a sound, only to realize that Cloud was sitting on a chair, his hands and legs crossed, dozing off.

'Pretty,' Hermione gazed at him, shaking her head; she silently shook Fred and George, waking them. She kept her finger on her lips, asking the first one to wake to be quiet.

He woke the other one up, shushing, pointing at sleeping Cloud, gesturing for him to walk away quietly.

The two of them woke up with energy that Hermione felt was too much and turned to follow them out, but before leaving, she moved her hand towards Cloud's shoulder when she felt a shudder in her heart.

She hastily looked up, realizing that Cloud had opened his eyes, and nervously pointed towards the bed, "It's…empty now…if you want to…?"

Cloud slowly stood up, feeling a slight headache, and he lay down on the bed, closing his eyes again. He tried to stay awake, but it was too much. Did the fight make him this tired? No. It was more than they had been running on gas for a while. Yesterday, the string was cut, and today he just wanted to rest. He didn't know how much time passed when he was half asleep; he felt a soft hand that raised his and sneaked into his arms.

He rested his hand on her head and knew who it was, "I thought…it would be Aerith."

Tifa hugged him closely while Aerith passed over her and him, hugging him from behind, "You missed me?"

Cloud lay on his back, and Aerith rested her head on his arm, stroking his chest, making him open his eyes, "Mm, both of you. What is this about?"

"We were thinking about leaving Hogwarts…."

"I know. But I figured that plan would be canceled after last night?"

"Yeah. It was," Aerith grinned, "I told you. He knew."

"So…" Tifa gave Aerith a 'be serious' look, circling her finger on Cloud's chest, "I was thinking…that not all of us have to be here…maybe…."

"Don't worry," Cloud turned his eyes to the roof, closing them, "I know someone who could manage the position for us."

"Between us two…we know everyone you know. So? Who is this person?" Tifa sat up, face to face, looking into his blue eyes that looked sky blue in the morning sunlight. She looked away from his eyes, 'That's not fair.'

Cloud hesitantly wondered if he should tell them or not when he felt two soft lips on his. He slowly blinked, and his gaze met Tifa's deep red eyes. He gently pushed her back, breathing out, and rather than speaking out, he started the Party Chat.

[Horcrux. I want to create one.]

Aerith abruptly sat up and exchanged a look with Tifa as both said the same thing.

[You are crazy!]

[Did you hit your head, Cloud?]

[What I am talking about isn't precisely Horcrux…but a combination of Sephiroth Clone and Horcrux.]

[I don't understand what you came up with, but as far as I know, Sephiroth Clone and Horcrux both need a life. If one needs it alive, then the other requires murder.]

Cloud didn't deny what Aerith said, narrowing his eyes.

[Yeah…but what I don't need alive…I don't need to kill…but…I think…I might have to desecrate a corpse.]

"That's…" Tifa parted her lips, only to see the same struggle on Cloud's face.

"You know…I remember you saying…you feel trapped…when we were in Seventh Heaven…and when we came to this place…I promised myself I won't do anything…that might make you feel the same again."

He got off the bed, picking up his black jacket from the chair, "I am sorry."

Tifa raised her eyebrows, watching him leave, and she shot a look at Aerith, "You aren't going to say anything to him?"

Aerith snapped out of her thoughts, "I am thinking…Horcrux…need a life as a price to take away a part of your soul, and put it in an object. So…why did he say Sephiroth clones?"

"Sephiroth Clones were subjects injected with Sephiroth Cells, which were Jenova Cells."

"Right…so he was quite clear…take a dead body, implant the cells…and then…."

"Separate the memories of only one personality inside and put it in the body," Tifa narrowed her eyes, "Much like Tom Riddle did with that diary, but he couldn't act?"

"That was because his Soul was the only thing inside…he didn't have any conductor that would connect him to the physical world."

"Which would be the C-Cells," Tifa narrowed her eyes, "They would be the conductor."

"It's…not a bad idea," Aerith puckered her lips, "And in case…the one who is revived goes out of control…won't be able to overpower the ones still in Cloud's mind. What?"

She noticed something that displeased Tifa, making her ask what it was.

"We could…always…put the part that we know won't be trouble…like Angeal or…."

"Not him," Aerith narrowed her eyes, looking away, "Not that part…moreover, I am sure Cloud needs that part of him for his stability. Angeal would be good, though."

"I don't like it," Tifa muttered, "I just don't like it…."

"I don't either, and maybe he doesn't as well," Aerith leisurely stood up, stretching her body, "But…I am sure it's between that and choosing to live…continents apart."

Aerith yawned, "We can decide tomorrow or the day after."

"Right," Tifa pulled herself together, and the two of them made their way downstairs. The Burrow was filled with voices and noises, so many mixed. If these weren't the people they had known for years, they wouldn't have been able to make who was saying what.

"Oh, Tifa, Aerith, hurry and eat!"

"Aunt Molly," Tifa tried to smile even if her mood wasn't so.

"And here I thought we slept too long and missed breakfast," Aerith grinned, pushing Tifa forward until the two reached the dining table.

Tifa glanced towards Cloud, who silently ate her food, and she fiercely sat down in protest.

"Heh, lovers quarrel?" Molly put food on the table for them since others had eaten already.

"No, there is no quarrel," Tifa slightly puffed her cheeks.

"So agree that you are lovers," Arthur walked into the house, laughing, having heard his wife's comment.

"Arthur…what happened?" Molly hastened her step, holding her husband's arms, worriedly looking at him from head to toe.

"Everything's fine…." Arthur reassured her, "Give me something to eat too. I am starving."

If Cloud and Tifa hadn't gotten involved and became the target of Death Eaters, he would have stayed there a little longer, but because they did, and they became the targets, he decided to hurry back as soon as possible. The children got to sleep, but Ministry called him, so he had to go back again, and yet, his mood seemed fresh, hiding a bit of his annoyance from the Minister's decision.

"Is it ok if I ask what happened?" Aerith carefully asked since they caused so much trouble.

Arthur shook his head, "It's nothing that couldn't be said…where should I start. Do you remember the mark that appeared in the sky while we were leaving? When I got back, I heard Mr. Crouch's Elf had a Wand, someone else's, and it was used to cast the Skull."

Molly put the plate full of food for him, "Oh, an elf casting that?"

"No, no. It couldn't have been the Elf. She only picked up the wand, but now Mr. Crouch is giving her clothes. Anyway," Arthur continued, "I told others that someone's powerful spell injured the Dark Wizards. Didn't take any names, and we went to Fudge for permission to give a quick look at who was injured in that matter, but Fudge refused it!"


"He's scared; why else?" Molly curled her lips, "His pockets are filled with many of the names that might come up when checking into Dark Wizards, and some of them might be the family members of people who are pillars of his Ministry."

Arthur ardently ate, waving his hand, "You kids don't worry about it. It's nothing but wine and reminiscing about the old days that made them go wild. Now that they are injured, they'd hide…but boy…watch your back."

Arthur stopped eating, looking at Cloud, "Be very careful. If anything happens, come to me, understand?"

Cloud nodded, standing up to go out, "Ok."

"Wait, Cloud. I have an idea," Tifa stood up, and he turned back, looking at her half-filled plate, and sat back down, "Eat first."

"No…listen," Tifa stood up, putting her fingers together, pacing, thinking, "Winky…she's a House Elf, right? Then there was another whom Harry freed?"

"Dobby? I think," Aerith tilted her head.

"Right, we could hire them. We need help and someone to manage things while we are in Hogwarts, and who better than them?"

Arthur and Molly exchanged a look, exchanging words through their eyes and eyebrows.

"But, child. House Elves only work for Pure Bloods…even we can't get one since we have been branded, Blood Traitors."

"Right, right," Tifa took a deep breath, darting her eyes between Cloud and Aerith, "Then these are perfect?"

"Huh," Arthur followed Tifa's eyes, finding confusion in Aerith's eyes, "What am I missing?"

"Pure Blood? I have read about them, but I didn't see anything that says they can somehow judge or find out the Purity of Blood. Magical Power and Magical Talent seem to be the only way and a consensus because of known history, right?"


"These two, they possess great magical talent," Tifa sat back down, "You have seen Aerith's ability, the one that healed everyone on a wide scale yesterday. That's not magic; that's…like bloodline magic that only she can use. It can't be copied or done by just anyone. The same goes for Cloud; he has unique transmutation magic that you saw yesterday when he turned his broom into a bike and a Unique Summoning Magic that allows him to summon wand and broom to him no matter where he is or how far."

"That's…that's a magic Unique to him," Mr. Weasley asked with much disappointment, making Molly slap his shoulder, making him focus.

"Right, but…even if that is so. You don't have a Family Tree, right?"

"No…but many Pure Blood Wizards got hurt and humiliated since a kid defeated them. If that kid turns out to be a Pure Blood, they will eat it up, right?"

"You are reaching," Cloud lightly said.

Tifa slammed her fist on the table, "I am desperate, Cloud."

Cloud watched her in silence, much like everyone else in the room did. He took his jacket and stood up, wearing it, "Fine. If that's what you want, you are going at it a roundabout way."

"Not you too," Aerith leaned back, watching him wear black gloves with silver knuckles, rubbing the stud earring on his ear lobe, "You can't make them believe that we are Pure Blood. Tifa was…."

"I'll have it done before lunch. I'll see you then," Cloud patted Tifa's shoulder, walking towards the main gate of the Burrow.

Arthur was still unsure what was happening when his wife pushed him, gesturing towards Cloud with her eyes, asking him to stop the boy, which he should.

"Cloud, stop! What are you—"

A pop resounded in the air, and Cloud disappeared in the sight of stunned Weasleys.

"Did he just…Apparate?"

"Oh, don't worry…we got rid of the Trace," Aerith pressed her lips, wondering where he could have gone.

"You got rid of trace…of course…when?"

"Around the first year," Aerith confirmed with Tifa.

"Yeah…about December of our First Year."

"Oh," Arthur sat down, "Children nowadays…they grow so fast."

"Right, too fast," Molly patted Tifa's shoulder, "You, with me. What is it that's troubling you so much."


"Uuuuh," Aerith grinned, "Trouble."

"Damn it! It started raining!" Ginny rushed into the house, her brothers right behind her.

"The sky was all clear till now," Hermione entered with her hand over her head. She looked at the dark clouds, "Moreover, they are swirling in one place. It's like…a tornado."

"A sudden tornado?" Aerith raised her eyebrows before jumping to her legs and rushing to the door, looking at the dark sky crackling with thunder. The schadenfreudian smile on her lips disappeared and turned into a sigh, "Damn. That out to do it."

Miles away from Weasley Family Home, Cloud stood under the sky, with cat-like blue eyes swirling with magical green force, "Winky, Dobby."

A wave of magic left him, carrying his voice, unheard by most magicians, but that day, every House Elf felt the desire to hide away as far as they could. Though humans might not have felt it, the artifacts of the old or strange creatures did.

Hogwarts, Dumbledore's Office,

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were sitting in the office, discussing yesterday's incident since many of their students were involved when a wave of magic passed through Hogwarts. McGonagall didn't feel anything, but Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, feeling something had happened.

He wasn't sure when the Sorting Hat jumped in its place, "It's that boy, that boy. The Good one. He who Carries Evil and Good. Good or Evil? That is the Question. Sheer Power is he, he is."

"Ah…reminds me of one or two boys. What do you think, Minerva?"

"Huh?" Minerva was still trying to understand why the Hat started talking, "Sheer Power? I can only think of one boy that matches that description? But…did something happen?"

"Yes. He's searching for something," Dumbledore smiled, rubbing his beard, "Or maybe he's sending a message."

Riddle House, Little Hangleton,

It was a small village, and in this village was an even older house, the one the villagers called The Riddle House. And right now, it was being housed by Tom Riddle, who went by Voldemort, the Dark Lord whose name everyone feared to take.

"What, what is it, my Lord?"

A snake circled a chair, hissing, and a voice resounded in the dark room, "Ahh…Nagini says…that a powerful wizard is sending a message."

"Powerful Wizard, My Lord?" The short man with a rat-like face and missing finger rubbed his hands, nervously asking, "Like Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore? No…No…this is different. There is Dark Magic at work here…find out. Find out who it is."

Miles away from Weasley Family House,

Two House Elves Apparated at the center of the storm, towards the voice that called them over. The two of them were trembling in fear.

Both were much shorter than humans, standing only about three and a half feet. Dobby had large, tennis-ball-like green eyes, a pencil-like nose, and long, bat-like pointed ears. He was all but Wall; she had black hair on her head, a haggard-looking face, almost drunk, and indeed frightened.

Dobby asked in a trembling voice, "Sir…what might sir need of us?"

"Work for me."

"But…but…we…only work for…."

"Is this demonstration not enough," Cloud tilted his head, and the two being felt even their soul shudder.

"Enough, enough!" Dobby covered Winky's mouth, "If Sir is not Pure Blood, then no one can be Pure Blood. Dobby is sure that Sir is a Founder, alive. In the future, your Family will be the shining example for the Pure Blood Families!"

Cloud glanced towards Winky, who desperately nodded until it seemed like her neck would break.

He turned around, "Then. Start now. Wear better clothes, and you'll get your payments on time."

"Sir! Winky doesn't want clothes or pay!"

Cloud stopped; without even looking back at them, he asked, "Are you arguing with me?"

Winky gulped, saying in a shaking voice, "W-Winky …Winky understand…Sir. Winky will…wear good clothes….and Winky will accept the pay…."

"Good," He didn't look back, but they saw the corner of his lips move from the sides as he Apparated.