
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Young love..

Late in the wee hours of the night l received a call from Emma..surprising me off my bed onto floor accidentally knocking my head on the table.

It was ..all types of emotions to hear..but due to her being my first girl best friend l took the initiative to help her find a gift..for her boyfriend.A boyfriend l never knew existed until last night.l don't know if it slipped her mind to tell me or..anything.

Bathed in the midday sun,l stood under the fountain waiting for Emma..am telling you many many imaginery incidents happened in my mind on how am gonna....talk to her about this boyfriend of hers..yeah.

She arrived moments later bringing the sunshine to any complicated situations.

"Hey..thanks for helping with this and am sorry for not telling you sooner..l promise when we are done with this l'll tell you everything from start to finish and even the tiniest dot.l wont leave anything.Pinky promise."

l couldn't stay mad at her when she was acting like this.

"Okay fine..so where do we start."

..... ...

Our laughter resonated through the air, a chorus of best-friend banter as we delved into the quest for the perfect gift. The shop windows beckoned with possibilities, and our animated discussions about the boyfriend's preferences echoed through the aisles.Due to being surrounded by boy's through my life l tried helping her any way l could.

In the heart of the town,we stumbled upon a charming boutique, its shelves adorned with an array of thoughtful treasures. Together, we shifted through delicate trinkets and heartfelt mementos, each item sparking a cascade of shared memories and giggles. The highs and lows of high school life became the backdrop for this impromptu girls' day out.

We each bought each other gifts and matching jewellery as well continued our quest for the perfect gift due to it being their one month anniversary.

As we finally settled on the ideal gift, the satisfaction in our eyes mirrored the strength of our friendship.

We found a cafe near by for us to have a proper conversation at least.

We made our order and it arrived shortly after.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Emma unfolded the tale of how she and the boy next door became an inseparable duo.


As the moving truck rumbled into the neighborhood,her curiosity stirred like a delicate whisper. Peering through her window, she glimpsed the arrival of the boy next door, a newcomer with an air of mystery that captivated her imagination. The proximity of their homes became a canvas for a story waiting to unfold.

Through the shifting curtains, their eyes briefly locked—a fleeting connection charged with the electricity of anticipation. The first wave of emotions, a heady mix of curiosity and intrigue, enveloped her as she navigated the uncharted terrain of budding emotions.

In those initial moments, the air crackled with the potential for a tale woven with the delicate threads of first glances and unspoken wonder. The rhythmic cadence of everyday life gained a newfound allure as the boy became an unwitting protagonist in the quiet drama playing out through the windows of their neighboring worlds.

She recounted the first encounter which she finally spoke with the boy in their shared neighborhood, where she witnessed him facing a barrage of bullies. Fueled by an unwavering sense of loyalty or pure courage..she didn't know, she stepped forward, a shield against the taunts and jeers.

Their bond flourished over shared interests, clandestine late-night conversations over the backyard fence, and the unspoken language of shared glances. In the tapestry of high school, their friendship deepened, weathering the storms of teenage angst and blossoming into something more.

It was in the hushed corridors of their second year that he finally confessed his feelings, a revelation that caught her off guard yet filled her heart with warmth.

She actually her smiled more brightly as remembered that day like it was yesterday.

In the hushed corridor, bathed in the soft glow of muted lighting, time seemed to pause as her neighbor took a courageous step forward. The air hummed with the pulsating tension of unspoken words, a symphony of anticipation echoing in the silence.

His eyes, pools of vulnerability and sincerity, met hers, and the weight of his unspoken feelings hung in the air. A cascade of emotions danced on the precipice of disclosure, and the resonance of their shared history amplified the significance of the moment.

His voice, a tender melody that cut through the stillness, carried the weight of untold confessions. Each word was a brushstroke, painting a portrait of emotions long kept in the shadows. The raw honesty and vulnerability in his confession wrapped around her like a gentle embrace, and the corridor transformed into a cocoon where time seemed to stand still.

As he bared his heart, the atmosphere crackled with the energy of a revelation, and the world outside faded into insignificance.

In that moment, the corridor became a canvas where the colors of passion, surprise, and the sweet ache of realization blended, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of their shared story.

The authenticity of their connection, forged in the crucible of defending each other against the world, laid the foundation for a love story that unfolded quietly yet profoundly, painting their shared high school journey with hues of loyalty, understanding, and the sweet tenderness of first love.


The day had transformed into a tapestry of shared secrets, laughter, and the unspoken bond that made their friendship a timeless treasure, solidified by the unexpected joy of helping a best friend express her affection.