
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

The comfort of youth..

In the cozy embrace of her weekend sanctuary, Yumi relished the unhurried rhythm of her days. Awaking with a leisurely stretch, she embraced the luxury of late mornings, a stark departure from the regimented school week. With sunlight streaming through her curtains,savoring the warmth of familiarity.

Her afternoons unfolded with a delightful blend of casual activities.

In the heart of her weekend retreat, Yumi and Mia engaged in a playful symphony of laughter and friendly competition. The soft glow of the screen illuminated their faces as they immersed themselves in the digital realm of games. Controllers in hand, they navigated virtual worlds, sharing animated conversations and occasional bursts of triumphant cheers.

Their laughter echoed through the room, creating an atmosphere alive with shared joy. Competitive banter intertwined with genuine laughter, forging memories that would linger beyond the pixels on the screen. The timeless bonds of family and the delight of shared victories made this gaming session a cherished chapter in the narrative of their carefree weekend escapade.

She also took part in lending a hand to her aunt's chores with a familial ease. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Seated comfortably on her bed,Yumi savored the simple joy of indulgence. A bowl of creamy ice cream cradled in her hands, she gazed out of her bedroom window, transfixed by the evening sky's enchanting spectacle.

As the spoon met the velvety sweetness, a contented smile played on her lips. Each luscious bite was accompanied by a quiet contemplation, the rhythmic cadence of her indulgence harmonizing with the shape shifting clouds above. The cool treat provided a comforting contrast to the warmth of her room, creating a moment suspended in time—a tranquil interlude in the tapestry of her weekend sanctuary.

Evenings ushered in a shared family dinner, a culmination of flavors and stories. With the moon casting a gentle glow, she retreated to her room, where the night sky painted a celestial mural.Yumi nestled in the comfort of her haven, approached her homework with a focused determination.


{l wished l was her am the person when the teacher asks for homework or says to collect thats when my mind says' you real bad' T-T...but..lets just go back}


Bathed in the soft glow of her desk lamp, she immersed herself in the world of textbooks and notebooks, pen dancing across the pages. The silence of her room was occasionally punctuated by the scratching of the pencil and the occasional sigh of concentration.

Outside, the world buzzed with its own rhythm, but within the cocoon of her studies, time seemed to slow down. The warmth of her favorite blanket draped around her shoulders, she delved into the intricacies of assignments, occasionally stealing a glance at the clock, finding solace in the realization that these moments were entirely hers. Each solved problem and written word carried a sense of accomplishment, blending seamlessly with the comforting hum of her room.

The allure of social media beckoned. Sh e decided to accept its alluring nature.Since she finished her homework a little bit of screen time wasn't bad..She thought. Laying in her favorite spot, she scrolled through her phone, delighting in the charm of cute pictures, an oasis of digital whimsy.

Wrapped in the cocoon of her thoughts, she drifted into her dreams, a whimsical tapestry woven with innocence and anticipation.