
Snow Trap

Caught in a storm six college students find themselves trapped in a game they don't understand. They'll have to get close to survive. The bigger question is why the Watchers chose them? * This story is sexually explicit. 18+ only. Proceed at your own risk.

RedPandaOona · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 34: Two for the Team

"I'm proud of you Kai." Fia says as she grins at him adding, "Last task. Pretty sure you don't have to mew anymore, unless you want to."

"Sorry." Kai says with a shy grin as they see the bed appear in the center of their dungeon. Red ribbons on hooks drape above it. He can't help but grin saying, "Looks like bondage."

She raises a brow finding it familiar before it clicks in her head, "Ooh nope. How do you feel about breathing?" She finds his confused head tilt adorable as the ears add to it. Deciding to slide into her Mistress roll she whispers in Kai's ear, "Get on the bed pet and lay down."

Now alone Kai didn't bother to hide his eager nature. In a flash he was in position.

Fia smoothly gets on the bed on her knees. Her hips hovering over his as she sits up tall. She can see his dick harden as she gets closer to him. "Ooh eager…" She smiles leaning forward as she grabs the center of the red fabric above Kai. Her breasts swing gently over his head as he can see her pert nipples faintly under that thin tank top. "If you're a good boy I may let you finally see my breasts…"

"I'll be good!" He says with a nervous smile. He feels her pull the fabric down; she twists it around his neck gently twice making sure it stays between his collar and the mask. He gulps as nerves get to him wondering where this is going. Her hands leave his neck as she caresses his skin before grabbing the two ends of the red fabric in her hands wrapping them around her hands twice. Slowly she sits back tall as he starts to get the mechanics. The fabric around his neck gets a little snug as her hands are held aloft.

"Now...I want to know what pleasure you want for being good. I know the others have had more…" She wonders how to put it, "Sexual gratification than us...do you want some my pet?"

Kai's eyes get wide as he blushes, "Only if you think I deserve it Mistress Fia." He remembers the sign above her new outfit, "Whatever you are comfortable with."

She leans down letting the cords get a little tighter as she whispers in his ear leaving him only shallow breaths, "No Kai, they don't demand we fuck or masturbate. I am not going to take anything you don't want to give. I took your first kiss. I'm not stealing anything else from you. They want breathplay." With this she eases her pull letting him catch his breath.

The shallow breaths make his head spin but he can hear her words as all the blood not rushing to his head goes right to his dick. As she eases up on him he dares reaching up for a chaste kiss before whispering back, "Be my tormentor Fia...you've always owned all of me. My first kiss, first crush, first hate. Leave me wanting more…"

Her eyes widen as she hears his words catching what he snuck in there. "First crush?"

He shyly nods his head.

With that she lets an evil proud grin cross her face as she whispers, "Tap your hand three times if you need to breathe alright?" She kisses his forehead as he nods. Standing tall she rubs her pelvis against him asking with heavier breath, "Is this what you want pet?" She tightens the cords.

Letting out a moan right before her stealing his breath he slowly nods his head loving the sensation of being out of control. He feels his head begin to spin before she gives him some, but not a lot of slack. He makes sure to focus on his breathing, catching what he can. 

Thankfully the watchers do not intervene seeming to be entertained by their play. They go back and forth before she gets her only necessary prompt letting her know it's the last pull and to make it good. She purrs at Kai, "Mmn I love all the blood rushing right where I want it. Now lets see how long I can take your breath away…" Fia lets an evil grin show on her face as she does one last pull on the cords.

The prompt gave Kai the heads up he needed as he enjoyed the floaty feeling. She'd kept most of them fairly short but this time he felt his body gasp for nothing. His body stiffens as he struggles clinging to the sheets before his body starts flailing. He smacks the bed three times, but she doesn't stop. His eyes open wide as he gazes up at her in fear a moment or two as he starts seeing spots before she quickly releases him. He gasps coughing as he tries to get fresh air into his lungs.

She lets her pelvis grind on him as her hands release the cords looking relieved. Fia knew they'd figure out their signals so she had to hold out a little past his assumed limit. She knew they wanted him to be afraid. By now she could feel her pussy dripping wet from grinding on him and could feel a little precum on him. He was so close, but he told her to be his tormentor. She crosses her hand in front of her torso peeling off her tank top tossing it onto the bed. "You did magnificently my pet...my Kai…"

He managed to get his breath under control as he saw her tank come off. The straps around her torso only emphasized her pert smaller breasts. He feels her lean them just above his mouth as he asks, "May I Mistress?" Already licking his lips gazing at her tits already ripe for the licking.

"Yes Kai. Make it fast. We still have one more tas--ooh…" She is caught off guard by how quickly he's sucklying her. His hands fly up to play gently with her before he starts experimenting. His fingers twist her nipple as she lets a moan out. She forgot that while all this tension had been building with him she'd been tormenting herself as well. As his mouth switched sides she felt him nibble now giving little tugs as her lips poured out purrs and moans. She was going to lose it just from this attention. It's then she felt a jolt realizing his collar has gone off, but he didn't want to stop.

Pulling herself away she quickly stands, "Bad pet! I don't want them hurting you." She looks at him worried as he removes the ribbon before she takes it down heading for the box. Fia blows him a kiss whispering, "That's something I get to do…"

Placing the ribbon back the box delivers the last thing she was expecting. Her heart sinks.

Kai catches her dead stop as he asks, "What is it? Can't be that bad!"

Turning around she holds up a harness with a small strap on dildo attached. She breaks being the mistress as she quickly comes over to Kai who stares in shock. "Maybe we can negotiate it down to fucking. Wait, no you fuck me in the ass? Yeah that should be just fine." 

He gulps looking at that thing as the thought of Fia pounding into him enters his mind. It was a taboo he'd only come across once and clicked away from it so fast because it shocked him. Part because it was something he never considered and partly because that image haunted his dreams with Fia in the starring role. "N-NO!" He shouts unintentionally, "No...this is the last task. I doubt they'll accept substitutions. Besides, better it's me. My um...well it's already warmed up." He notices this one has a little more of a curve.

Fia looks down at his dick noting his erection surprisingly hasn't wained since seeing this final task. She reaches back into the drawer saying, "Don't worry they gave us plenty of lube."

He lets out a nervous laugh, "Well that's good!" It's then the wall tells him he can take his mask off. Part of him contemplates leaving it on if only to hide but takes it off pointing at the wall. 

She grins, "Oh good! I was beginning to miss your beautiful hair…" She notices that the mittens and corset can come off too. She comes over getting his mittens off. 

He stretches his fingers before working on his mask as she un-laced his corset. "I wonder how much all this stuff costs." 

"Quite a chunk." She smiles at him messing up his hair before focusing on attaching the strap on. "Are you sure about this? I mean this is asking a lot Kai." 

"Yeah...I mean the um...well earlier freaked me out, but you were so patient and gentle."

"I insist you get at least one climax out of all of this." She has a wicked grin on her face.

"I don't have to." He looks shy but kinda wants to feel her all over him.

She gives him a look as she points on the bed, "Stop being a hero Kai. Being on the verge will make this a lot smoother and once I get going...well I am rather good at this." 

He raises a curious brow before getting up on the bed not sure how or where to be. What position does one use for something like this?!

"On your knees my pet. Ankles near the edge and shoulders on the bed alright?" He follows her instructions as she makes sure to put the lube next to him squirting some into both her hands. One reaches around wrapping around his cock. "Ooh Fia...."

"Thank you? You're welcome Kai…" She purrs feeling him quiver in her hand as she gives him a slow stroke. Her other hand slowly spreads lube on that tight little bud. She already feels him relax as he raises his ass in the air a little more breathing hard. It doesn't take long for her to get one, two, soon three fingers inside him slowly swirling about.

Most of his shame now gone from this evening he focuses on the sensations coursing through him. Suddenly he feels her fingers hook a little and press at something. "Oooh fuck!" He gasps remembering her touching there earlier. Her hands move back a little as he surprises himself pressing back towards her fingers also getting her hands to keep moving on his dick.

"Mmn Kai...just stay relaxed alright? Mistress Fia has you…" She pulls her fingers out wiping them off on the sheets glad the clean up will be left to these observant sickos. She puts a generous amount of lube on the toy as she realizes the bed has adjusted him to the perfect height. Fia slowly presses against him as she feels his little hole relax wanting more. It doesn't take long til she's inside him. That's when she realizes this toy has a pressure point right against her clit. Letting out a groan she takes a moment grinding against his ass, "Mmn oh god Kai...you...you let me know if you need me to slow down…"

"Mmn no." He presses back against her before slowly pulling back and forth on her fake cock. He feels her hand stroking him unable to hold in his moans as they start to move together. Everytime she presses against his prostate he lets out a wanting wimper. As they pick up the pace both are groaning in desperation. He feels himself getting closer as she moans out to him, "Mmn cum for me Kai?"

He couldn't hold back as he made a mess of the sheets letting himself go as his back arches feeling one last thrust inside him. Kai never knew he could let go that long and hard as she ground against his prostate hitting her own high before their both panting.

Slowly Fia pulls out and takes off the harness placing it on some sheets that slipped off onto the floor. "Hope that wasn't too bad for you." She reaches a hand out gently rubbing his back.

Kai turns around slowly lying on the bed all sticky with his own spunk, "That...that was more than I ever thought sex could be...." He slowly props himself up with his arms as he sees her glistening pussy. Blushing he asks, "Did um...did you get there? I mean I hope I didn't disappoint."

Those eager eyes look up into hers for approval and affection she'd never felt before, "Yes." She looks down at herself then at his messy dick asking, "Mind if I clean you up?"

"Um sure." Kai says looking around for a towel before he finds Fia licking off some of his cum on his torso. "Ooh...can I return the favor?" He blushes, licking his lips. She gracefully swings her body up onto the bed and around leaving her dripping cunt above his face as she gently licks up every drop she can get of Kai Sol.

It wasn't long before they both cleaned up. She put back on her underwear and tank top deciding to keep the straps around her breasts and the boots feeling a little sorry Kai was left only in his underwear as everything else was returned. The drawer opens one last time leaving Kai with his big sweater and his snow boots. "Thank god!" He breathes a sigh of relief as they join the others at last both agreeing to keep the last two tasks a secret.