
Snow Trap

Caught in a storm six college students find themselves trapped in a game they don't understand. They'll have to get close to survive. The bigger question is why the Watchers chose them? * This story is sexually explicit. 18+ only. Proceed at your own risk.

RedPandaOona · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33: Commemorative Shots

Kisho goes over to the drawer as Tamaya still looks shocked. "What happened to Evelyn?" She asks nervously, "And what did Asher do to her?"

"I don't know and if they don't want to talk about that we have to respect it." Kisho says as he opens the drawer and finds two vials that looked similar to the one Evelyn drank. "We might just find out." He says with a bit of a shiver. He hands Maya her vial saying, "I just feel sorry for Kai and Fia. I wish they'd let us take the extra number. We...well it hasn't been that bad for us." He blushes, "I know that's wrong of me to say."

"No, you're right. I was thinking the same thing! After this promise me we'll do anything we can to help them?" She looks at the vial nervously uncapping it and giving it a sniff.

Kis uncorks his, "Of course Maya! Bottoms up!" He quickly drinks his liquid as Maya does the same. For a moment he feels dizzy as she catches him before he falls to the ground.

"Kis?! Kis are you alright?!"

He can hear her voice in the distance. His body feels like it's vibrating even though it's eerily still. It felt like what he imagined being struck with a bolt of lightning must feel like. Somehow it felt more erratic, but not scary. Focusing his eyes Kis sees his love's face and the feeling disappears as quickly as it appeared. "I'm alright! Just tired. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it just tasted like watered down wine. Did it do something to you?"

"N-No...I feel just like myself. Probably just a little dizzy from too much cake and exhaustion." He grins dismissing that strange energy he felt for a moment there. He returns the vials glad to find his lab coat and shirt in the bin. "Looks like we got some consolation clothes." Maya eagerly takes the shirt leaving him the coat as their barriers fade away. The drapes even lift up.

"That was it?" She asks nervously as she looks around.

"Apparently so." He picks up his backpack that was left just outside of their enclosure. It felt weird picking it up.

"Do we leave?" Maya asks nervously, "I mean I don't want to leave the others but getting help…"

Kisho looks at her and sees the door she's looking at debating what to do. "Maya take my bag. My keys are in it. Go see if the van runs now. Leave a textbook in every door on your way out. I'll wait for the others. Alright?"

"I-I don't want to leave you."

He gives her a deep kiss as he presses the bag into her hands. Pulling away he says, "It's my job to keep my fiancee safe."

Nodding her head he opens the first door for her in case there was a trigger.  Heading out she leaves a textbook in each door along the way.