
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

tikller · TV
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Chapter 8

While the Boltons were searching Winterfell and Winter town for the three who vanished right in front of the Lord of Winterfell.

Little did they know, that those three reappeared in the haunted forest beyond the wall, away from their clutches. Osha immediately hid Rickon behind her once she took note of her surroundings. "Who are you? Where are we? And what do you plan to do with us?" Looking a the masked man she asked.

Well, well. I have to admit my surprise at her loyalty and genuine care for Rickon. Had things progressed as they did in canon, She would have tried to seduce Ramsay to save Rickon only to die at his hands.

"Easy there, Spearwife. You are beyond the wall," She tenses at that And began looking around as if wight would jump at her from the trees.

I snort. " Don't worry, We are just an hour from the wall. The White Walkers are still at Hardhome, Reorganizing their gains from the slaughter." I grimace at that, The number of those who joined the army of the dead is thankfully less than the show, But it still is a substantial number.

"Ghost?" Rickon suddenly asks from behind Osha. Looking behind I see Ghost rushing towards me, He nuzzles my hand as I pat his head.

"Aye, I see you still remember him, Rickon. Do you also remember me?" I say and allow the suit to change into my previous armor.

At first, he looks confused, My white hair and golden eyes seeming alien to him. But then he starts squinting his eyes, Feeling that my face looks familiar.

Eventually, his eyes go wide. "Is that... Is that you Jon?" He statures, looking hopeful, Yet, too fearful to move from behind Osha.

I smile gently at him. "You do recognize me, Rickon. Yes, That's me, Jon. Do you remember when you were still a toddler and I'd sneak you some tarts without the knowledge of Lady Catelyn?" I exclaim. He brightens a bit at that but still doesn't come out.

"Then how about that time I covered myself in flour and pretended to be a ghost to frighten Sansa when we went to the crypts at Winterfell? You laughed along with Arya, Robb, and Bran." I try, drawing these events from Jon's memories. Looks like it's succeeding, Since he is getting closer to me.

"Do you remember father sharpening Ice? Do you remember what he used to tell us when we were in the wolf's wood in front of the wirewood tree? 'When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies--...'" I don't have to finish.

"'..., but the pack survives'. Jon!" He hugs me, Feeling happy to finally see a member of his family, Someone from his days at Winterfell when everyone was still alive and Bran wasn't a cripple.

"It's good to see you too, Rickon." I hug him back. Despite not being the original Jon Snow, I still have all his feelings and desires. Even now, They still burn with rage every time I remember Rickon getting shot by an arrow just as Jon was about to reach him.

'This will not happen this time, I will let the White Walkers turn this world into a frozen hell before I let that happen.' I think while my cursed energy is swirling around me creating pressure on all giving beings around.

'Oops, Went a little too dark, right there' I retract the cursed energy. Letting Osha, Ghost, and even Rickon let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"What happened to your hair? And how did you bring us here?" Rickon asks excitedly.

"It's... a long story. I will tell you all about it later. For now, Let's go back to Castle Black, You both will be safe there. Besides, There is still another reunion before the end of the day." I say to them.

"I can't go to Castle Black. I am a wildling, remember?" Osha reminds. She calmed down after Rickon recognized me.

"You don't need to worry about that. The survivors from Mance's host have all gathered at the wall and are going to settle in the Gift." I reassure her.

Then I look at Rickon and tell him. "I need you both to keep this a secret, About me saving you. If anyone asks, Just tell them that a masked man saved you from the Boltons and their allies and brought you beyond the Wall, I just stumbled upon you after praying in front of the Wirewood tree." Rickon looks unsure. "I need you to promise me that you will do that, If you don't, Someone might think that I am a demon and try to burn me alive."

I hate lying to an eleven-year-old child like this, especially since I am using "Binding Vow" to ensure that they keep silent. But I don't want anyone to know that I am the one that helped Rickon escape. As a member of the Night's Watch, I am unable to interfere in the matters of the realm. That means if Ramsay knows this, He will be able to use it as an excuse to replace the current commander of the Night's Watch, Me, Kill Rickon, Take Sansa And banish the Free Folk beyond the Wall.

Of course, I'd kill him before he does any of that, but that doesn't change the fact that this would allow him to do what he wants with impunity since I was the one that started first. Powers or not, I can't just use brute force like that to put the Starks on power.

'But you could, You could even claim the Iron Throne this very moment and no one will be able to stop you.' A stray thought whispers maliciously into my brain. 'Yeah, But I shouldn't.' I whisper back. Yes, I could claim the Iron Throne this very moment and not even Daenerys with her three dragons will be able to stop me.

But to what end? Why would I try to claim something that brought so much ruin and madness to this realm? Why would I try to claim something that will mark me as a target and make everyone try to take it from me, despite them knowing that they will fail? Why would I try to claim something that will make me unhappy? Just because of the innocents? Just because of faces I will never know or recognize even if I spent my entire life trying to know all of them?

Just to spend my life on an impossible goal like trying to make everyone happy at the cost of my own misery? Fuck That! Daenerys can spend her entire life doing that! I might help her, Largely because I admire her goal, But I am not going to spend my life doing it.