
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

tikller · TV
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Chapter 9

I know things are a bit slow, but don't worry it will start picking up after 2-3 chapters.

Also is anyone else excited for Fallout: The Frontier? I am reorganizing my New Vegas mods for this!

Anyway, Enjoy!


I was shocked when I saw Giants for the first time. Not only because of the fact that I was standing in front of real-life giants But also because they looked almost nothing like the giants in the show. They looked like a bigger version of Bigfoot, with bad eyesight and a worse sense of smell, However, They were rare to anger and very calm around humans. If I hadn't seen the things they could do during Mance's assault on the Wall, I would have thought that they were too peaceful to harm anyone.

What remained of them was six females and 14 males. Of them six were old ones, nine were adults and the remaining seven were children. They may yet survive extinction if they manage to live long enough to give birth to future generations.

They stood outside the gates to the wall. I had them 'guard' it since they had nothing to do, And I didn't want them to move too much and consume the energy they would need to compensate for with food. We were running low on rations, And I would need a bit of time to get enough for the Free Folk host.

A cry to open the gates was heard once the watchers on the wall saw us, letting the giants open it for us. We went inside to be greeted by Sir Davos, Tourmand, and Edd.

"I almost thought that you abandoned us," Edd told once he saw us entering.

"I almost thought I'd too. That's why I went to pray for guidance at the Wirewood tree. Only to be met with my little brother." I replied, But seriously, I can't dessert even if my brothers at the Night's Watch understand my decision, the southerners won't. Even if my eye and hair color could disguise me from those hunting the Starks, It was too attention-grabbing for me to be able to hide, even if I went outside of Westeros.

"Osha? You are still alive?" Tourmand asks. Huh? Tourmand knows Osha?

"Aye, Giantsbane. You are alive as well. Thought that some crazy fucker like you would end up dead before he can even reach the Wall, But looks like I am wrong. So is what the crow told us true?" She points at me.

"Ahh, The host was broken when we attacked the Wall. We tried to regroup and mount another assault later... but The Others came and killed most of us. If not for Snow here," He pats me on the shoulder. "We would all have joined their army."

Before we can continue our talk any longer, The horns blow, and the shouts of 'Open the gate' are heard. The gates are opened allowing Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, And more importantly Sansa Stark to enter the Castle.

Tormund looks at Brienne with his mouth wide open as if he fell in love at first sight, As if he would jump her bones and steal her any moment now. I'd have stopped him had I not glanced at her blade. She has a lot of gall to walk around with one of the two blades reforged from Ice at her hip. If she wasn't using it to protect a Stark, I'd have taken it from her. But for now, I was content to let her suffer the advances of Tourmand.

They entered the Castle looking around them at the brothers of the Night's Watch and the men and women of the Free Folk. They dismounted from their horses in the courtyard to let them rest from the long road.

They stopped just as Sansa looked my way, or more accurately, Rickon's way. They stared at each other, not believing, no, not daring to believe what they saw to be real. Sansa broke her stare from Rickon to glance at me, she did as Rickon did before pausing and looking at me hard, finding my face familiar. But recognition immediately sprung on her face. I smiled gently, nodding at her.

She rushes at us and I am engulfed in a three-way hug with Sansa and Rickon. They both sob on my shoulder, Relief washes over them at the knowledge that they are finally safe. In a very long time, since the Starks left Winterfell, They are now once more part of a pack.


After the reunion, I usher both of them and the others inside, away from the cold. I had put my cloak around Sansa and had the cook make them something warm for them to regain their strength, Cabbage stew was the best that they could provide though. We were sitting by the fire.

"Sorry. This was the best available." I tell them as I give them each a bowl.

"It's alright. As long as it keeps us warm then it's fine." Sansa answers and Rickon doesn't even bother, too engrossed in eating to respond.

A comfortable silence falls on us, only interrupted by the sounds of Sansa and Rickon slurping on the stew.

"Do you remember those kidney pies old nan used to make?" Sansa says, breaking the silence.

"With the peas and onions?" I remember them, They were pretty good even with my modern standards, tasted homey.

Sansa hums an agreement. "You should have never left Winterfell, None of you." Rickon surprises us by saying this, Looking resentful that we abandoned him when he was a child.

Sansa kneels to look at Rickon at the same level. "I am so sorry, Rickon. I... I should've never left Winterfell. Every day, I'd wish we could go back to the day we left. I'd dream of that day and scream t myself back then 'Don't go, you idiot'."

"How could we know what would happen back then?" I mutter.

"I spent a lot of time thinking of how much of an arse I was to you and Arya, you know?" She looks at me.

"Sansa! That's not how a lady should speak!" I open my eyes wide looking mock struck by what she said.

Both she and Rickon snort a laugh at this.

"I was awful just admit it. I was too entranced by the tales of the south, of knights in shining armor and princes helping the poor. All of it was a lie." She bitterly says, swallowing bile down her throat. "Would you forgive me?"

I stare at her sensing her sincerity and regret, That's good, Looks like this is the real Sansa and not the one portrayed by the dumb writing of the show. I won't have to worry about her too much then, She should be able to take care of herself and the others when I leave.

"There is nothing to forgive, You were a child smitten with children tales. But if you want a confirmation, then yes, I forgive you." I admit to her. She smiles at this and then she hesitates a bit.

"What will you do now? With us I mean?" She looks like she regretted this question immediately.

"You mean what will we do. You are my siblings, from only the same father, yes, but still my siblings. I will never let anyone hurt you If that's what you ask." She smiles at this but I could distrust in her eyes. She doesn't believe that I could protect them.

"Give me your hand," I request, But She hesitates. "Do you trust me?" I ask. At this, She finally gives in and gives me her hand.

I take her small palm in both of my hands and close my eyes, focusing on inspecting her wounds. Rage wells up inside me, No wonder Sansa enjoyed Ramsay's death. That fucker had left so many scars on her body, But they paled in comparison with the wounds between her legs. That bastard marked her as if he was an animal marking his territory. I will have to devise a fitting punishment for this.

Clearing away these thoughts, I began to heal her body. A gasp is heard from her, but I continue anyway. It took me five minutes to completely heal her, Even her maidenhead was restored. With this, It was as if Ramsay never touched her.

I open my eyes to see her hers filled with tears. "...How?" She asks hoarsely.

"... I have gained powers after my death," I reveal to her. "Despite how impossible that might sound, I was resurrected after some traitors stabbed me to death."

"Heh, I'd have shown you. If the wounds had remained, But I already them." I tell them.

"Is that why your hair turned white and your eyes golden?" Rickon asks excitedly.

"That's one reason for it, but the other reason is too shameful for me to reveal," I tell them, not wanting to tell them about my secret.

"Oh, Come on tell us. We promise not to tell anyone. Isn't that right, Rickon?" Sansa looks very curious and Rickon nods at her.

I sigh, Guess it wouldn't hurt to tell them. They may be disappointed, But I am sure that they could get over it.

"Alright, Listen carefully. Because I am not repeating this twice." I warn them and they look at me with expectations in their gazes.

"Fuh. Ok, Here we go." I begin. "I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel. The Madam says--..." I don't even finish before Rickon and Sansa start choking on their bowls of stew.

My laughter echoes inside the chamber with the disappointed groans of Sansa and Rickon for company.