
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

tikller · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

Inside the dining hall of Winterfell, The new Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North, Ramsay Bolton, receives Smalljon Umber.

"Umbers are a famously loyal house," Declares Ramsay, not bothering to stand up from his seat.

"Famously loyal to the Starks." Finishes Harald Kastark, Who swore loyalty to the Boltons the enemies of the Starks.

"And You? Lord Kastark? Your people share blood with the Starks, don't they? But here we are." Smalljon Umber mocks back.

"When my father became the Warden of the North. Your house refused to pledge their banners." Ramsay implores the Smalljon letting the unasked question hang, Why was he here?

"Your father was a cunt." The Smalljon Umber says without care.

Ramsay Takes a moment to compose himself, and not snicker in agreement. "My beloved father, The Warden--"

"Your father was a cunt," The Smalljon repeats. "And that's why you killed him." He smiles knowingly. "I might have done the same to my father If he hadn't done me a favor of dying on his own."

"My father was poisoned by our enemies," Ramsay responds calmly, not giving a hint about what he truly feels. The Smalljon hums in acceptance and doesn't press the new Lord of Winterfell anymore.

"Why have you come to Winterfell? Lord Umber" His patience running out, Ramsay asks.

"The bastard Jon Snow led an army of wildlings past the wall. We are farther north than any of you, fuckers. Wildlings come down, We always have to fight them first. I like fighting wildlings, been doing it all my life. But there are too many of them for us to beat them back alone." He admits, bitter to be forced to resort to Boltons and Kastarks for help.

Ramsay thinks of the Stark bastard. Another obstacle he will have to get rid of, For if he lives, there's always the chance that he will try to take Winterfell from him. He is probably also the destination of his Stark wife, Sansa. Oh, How he will enjoy breaking her. Perhaps he will cut off the head of her brother and make Sansa look at it while he rapes her?

"So now you've come seeking help." Ramsay smiles, stating the obvious to humiliate the Smalljon.

"We need to help each other. The colder it gets, The further south those goat fuckers will roam. Won't take them long to get here." The Smalljon explains but that convinces neither Ramsay nor Lord Kastark.

"You think a horde of wildlings can take Winterfell." Harald Kastark snorts, Sharing a look with Ramsay.

"If they get Jon Snow leading them, Maybe. He knows this place better than we ever will." He snaps. Ramsay ponders for a bit before deciding.

"Pledge your banners to House Bolton. Swear loyalty to me as Warden of the North, And we will fight together to destroy the bastard and all of his wildling friends." Ramsay promises.

"I am not kissing your fucking hand." Samlljon Umber refuses.

"Traditionally, A Bannerman kneels before his lord," Ramsay states as an alternative.

"I am not doing that either," Smalljon repeats the refusal.

"Why would I trust a man who won't honor tradition?" Ramsay asks.

"Your father honored tradition. Knelt before Robb Stark. Called King In the North. Was Robb Stark right to trust your father on it?" Smalljon replies, mocking Ramsay for trying to use tradition.

"Then it appears that we are in a bit of an impasse," Ramsay declares.

"Fuck kneeling, And fuck oaths." The Smalljon turns around. "I've got a gift for you." He nods to one of his men to go fetch his 'gift'.

"A girl, I hope. I prefer redheads." Ramsay says hoping that the Smalljon brought him back his wife.

"A girl, Aye." The Smalljon laughs. The guards bring two people into the room with bags on their heads. "A wild one," He removes the bag from the head of one of them and reveals Osha, The wildling woman the Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy caught before the war of the five kings.

"I like them wild," Ramsay smirks and gets up to inspect his new toy.

"And the boy. Nice and young, The way Kastark likes them." He mocks the Lord of Karhold. before removing the boy's head bag.

"Who's this?" Ramsay asks, disinterested.

"Rickon Stark" The Smalljon reveals the identity of the last male heir of Lord Eddard Stark.

"How do I know that's Rickon Stark?" Ramsay asks, Not outright believing what the Samlljon said.

The Smalljon doesn't respond, instead, he takes something from of the Umber retrains in the back. He puts it on the table, revealing it to be the severed head of a black direwolf. Rickon's expression of dismay and anger confirms it's his direwolf, Shaggydog.

"Welcome home, Lord Stark." Ramsay smiles sinisterly at Rickon while sarcastically welcoming Rickon to his own ancestral home.

"I fear that this is not the time for Rickon to be back in Winterfell, Lord Bolton."

Ramsay turns around to the source of the voice, but there was nothing behind him. All the men in the room draw their weapons.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Demands The Smalljon Umber while looking around him.

"I think it will be better for Rickon to be back here after reclaiming his ancestral home, Lord Bolton." The voice declares beside Osha and Rickon.

The men turn around to see a man in hooded armor and a white mask completely covering his features including his eyes and mouth. His hands were on the shoulders of Osha and Rickon.

"I'd love to remain and enjoy your generosity more, My Lords. But I have an appointment to attend to. So long, Suckers~~~." The man says in a sing-song tone before vanishing into thin air along with the two recent captives.

The men still for a few seconds before Ramsay explodes " FIND THEM! I COMMAND YOU TO FIND THEM AND BRING THEM TO ME, DEAD OR ALIVE!!!"