
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Would You Know More?(RWBY/Riordan)-3

Sienna Khan, the High Leader of the White Fang, was conflicted.

When she had taken control of the White Fang from Ghira, she had been quite sure about the whole fear being their best bet thing. Ghira's own method of protests and diplomacy was not yielding any notable results. And by notable results, she meant any kind of results.

So since peaceful protests were not getting them what they needed, Sienna decided to take a more violent road. After all, if they weren't gonna be respected like any other civilized person; they might as well be feared and respected like the warlords of old. And it had worked too!

Their attacks on SDC, the one company that abused the rights of Faunus-kind more than any other, and shows of power made people fearful of mistreating Faunus. They could no longer just abuse one with the possibility of a full organization dropping on top of them was a real possibility. Things were going good!

Except now they weren't.

Sure, she knew that some of their members were a bit too… passionate when it came to the whole getting more violent thing, which was a nice way of calling them psychopaths, but she had thought that those kinds of members were under control.

Then Adam went and destroyed the Beacon Academy!

What the hell was he thinking?! Knowing the redheaded bull, he wasn't! What could be the point of attacking a Huntsmen academy, they were the ones that trained people to kill Grimm and protect the kingdoms!

She could understand if he had tried to destroy Atlas Academy, they were completely useless when it came to protection those who actually needed protection, but going after Beacon made no sense! Vale may not exactly be perfect but they treated Faunus better than any other kingdom, not to mention the headmaster of Beacon had been someone who had vocally supported the rights of Faunus-kind more than once.

And now the headmaster of Beacon was dead and the academy was in shambles, all thanks to White Fang; or at least that must be how the people saw it.

With that they were no longer feared and respected like the warlords of old anymore, instead they were feared and hated like Grimm. It was a disaster.

"You seem stressed." Sienna's hand immediately went to her hip and then her whip's end flew towards the noise, for it wasn't one she had ever heard of before and they were in a secret base, leaving a huge gash on one of the pillars surrounding her.

"That was rather violent." The one who had spoken just before said once more and Sienna scowled as she realized that the speaker was a human. It wasn't anything racist, at the moment, but how the hell had a human sneaked into a White Fang safe house?!

"What did you do to my guards?" Sienna hissed at the man while he was dusting himself off.

"There is no need to be concerned, miss Khan. They are all merely having some pleasant daydreams that they will wake up from soon." He said with a smile. "But they aren't important. What's important is what I need to tell you."

"If you wish to offer some 'deal' to 'help' each other, then do not bother yourself. I am not interested." Sienna scoffed, not putting her whip away.

"I am not here to offer a deal ma'am. I am here to warn you." Sienna's eyes narrowed at his words. "You have a traitor among you ranks, Adam Taurus plans your demise." The man claimed and Sienna glared at him.

"A human sneaks into a White Fang hideout and accuses of a lieutenant, who has served our cause for years, of treason. For what reason should I not just call the guards and deal with you?" She said with a threatening step as she brandished her whip.

"Because you can't call me a liar." He declared and Sienna stopped. "You already do have suspicions of Taurus due to his attack on Beacon, an institute that has never stood against Faunus-kind, and something tells me that he still has not told you of his reasons." Sienna glared at him but could not refute his words.

"It's simple, Taurus jeopardized your cause for his obsession with Blake Belladonna. He led your men to their capture, and even to their deaths, simply in order to pursue a girl that has rejected his advances on her." The man declared as his emerald green eyes peered into her's. "He is a not a freedom fighter, he is a madman who is driven by his desire for one girl and his desire to hurt others. To which he wishes to claim your standing and power for." He... He wasn't wrong, Adam was always too willing to kill; even among the more bloodthirsty members of the White Fang.

"Therefore I must implore you to make sure the people surrounding you are truly loyal miss Khan, the world will be hurt in a way that it might not recover if Taurus gets his hand on too much power. He is a man that would restart the war simply for a chance to kill as many humans as he can before dying. He would make the Faunus-kind the second coming of the Grimm in order to satisfy his own bloodlust, something he already has started doing." He was right, Adam's actions in Beacon already had many people questioning their true motives!

"Who... who are you?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked deeply into his eyes.

"You can call me... Myrrdin." And then the man turned into mist and disappeared. Leaving Sienna alone, already making plans to make sure she was always surrounded by those who were loyal to her.

All the while thinking of the mysterious man that had warned her, and wonder what exactly he was doing now.


"Bleeech!" I keeled over as more and more waste came out of my mouth.

"There there, it will all be alright soon." Ozpin tried to console me but I wasn't really in the mood for it.

"By Odin's beard... I had forgotten, bleech, how hard that was." I vomited once more as I remembered why I consciousness splintering was a technique used by gods instead of demigods.

"How did you find them anyway?"

"Faunus... Faunus give off a different feeling compared to humans. Just went to the biggest concentration of the feeling, the hard part was to find Mistral." I said through gasps. "Couldn't feel that far without using consciousness splintering though, it really messes me up after the technique ends."

"You did good. If Sienna takes your warning to the heart we might not have to deal with Adam Taurus or the White Fang ever again." The old wizard said.

"Don't get your hopes up that high." I said with a sigh. "It never goes as well as it can anyway." Even if I had used my charm to make it easier to convince the tiger woman.

"Oh well, time for phase two."


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