
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


"But you should know that the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years." Professor Ozpin declared an Pyrrha's gaze immediately went to a certain student. A certain student that did not care about who she was and was named Baki, as she had learned while trying to stay close to him last night.

By the Brothers she had already decided that he would be her partner. The other people in the campus were all awed by her reputation and like hell she was gonna accept living next four years with a fan! No, she was gonna get the guy who did not care about her fame and that was it!

Unknown to the champion of Mistral, a certain other girl had similar thoughts, not so much about fame but more about who she wanted as a partner.

Ruby Rose was socially awkward and shy around people, she had accepted that a long time ago.

Unfortunately her sister Yang had not been as accepting as Ruby and wanted her to get out of her shell, meet new people and make friends. Which meant Yang was not gonna try to become Ruby's partner. So Ruby needed someone else as partner.

And who better than the guy that declared that she deserved her place in Beacon after knowing her for five minutes?!

So yeah, two different warriors of red had both already decided on who they wanted as their partner; so they both allowed the jumping mechanism to send them to air with determination in their hearts... or something similar to it anyway.

As Pyrrha watched the flying form of Baki, she wondered exactly what kind of strategy he was using. As far as she could see, he was not doing anything other than letting the force of their launch send him further away and... oh wait, he just clamped down onto himself and took the shape of ball! Pyrrha's eyes widened as she realized that her fellow student was intending to crash-land as his landing strategy!

Sure, having Aura meant that he would not die from the crash; but it would shave off a considerable portion of one's aura, if not completely break it!

As she finally stopped on a tree branch, she though about hurling Milo in the form of a javelin in order to spear him to a tree by his clothing; but with him going in the shape of ball meant that there were no parts she could shoot without hurting him.

So Pyrrha hardened her heart and simply ran towards where he should be crash-landing hoping to at least become his partner and help him through the initiation since he definitely would need help with so much aura shaven off.

But... there was no one in the crashing site. Only a huge crater and lots of toppled trees. But then Pyrrha's expression brightened as she heard some rustling from the near bushes, so she immediately went over it and...

""Huh?"" Made eye contact with a girl in a black dress carrying a huge scythe.


"That was fun." I said as I threw myself from one branch to another. My rather original landing strategy may not have been the most well thought plan I could come up with, but at least it had allowed me to check the effects of my Template.

Heracles, the greatest hero of all of Greece and a ridiculously powerful heroic spirit. Unlike the Indian Heroic spirits' noble phantasms, or Saber class beam spamming, his noble phantasm was almost subtle if you didn't count the whole resurrection part.

No, I already knew that I likely couldn't resurrect myself yet; what I checked up on the God Hand, also known as Twelve Labors, was it's defensive abilities. At Heracles' full power, the defensive properties of his noble phantasm would allow him to reject any kind of attack of below B rank; which included some noble phantams of other servants too.

With my current template stacking, it had not only been weakened massively; it also had adapted to my current body. Which meant that it defended itself better against blunt force trauma rather than slashes or piercing attacks.

Good news we're that it seemed to protect me from 'blunt force' in a more conceptual way as otherwise I would have gotten cuts or scrapes from my landing, as hitting the ground was considered to be a blunt force trauma if there were no sharp objects on the ground.

Still, I probably should be looking for a partner. Pyrrha probably would be my best bet due to her personality combine with her strength. I was also interested about her Semblance and how it worked. The next choice would either be Ruby or Yang, either would be okay. Or even…

"Stupid trees." My thought process was cut off as I heard a voice from my left and turned towards it, and saw a familiar white haired girl that just made eye contact with me.

"No…" She didn't seem to be happy about it though. "No, no, no, no!" The way her hands went to her hair and the way she screamed kind of made it obvious.

"Hello to you too, partner." I was definitely taking more pleasure than I should from her despairing voice. In my defense, she made it far too easy and I loved 'breaking the haughty' trope.

"…of all the people how did I end up with the oaf?!" Oh, she was still going on. She was really into it too; so much that she hadn't realized that a rather huge bear Grimm, and Ursa I believe, was approaching her from behind.

So I simply drew my shorter katana and threw it at the approaching Grimm, which had the side effect of Weiss paling and drawing out her weapon and then became confused as the sword went over her head and paling once more as the Grimm she had been unaware of let out a huge yell of pain.

Then I simply jumped towards the Ursa and kicked the hilt of the sword, driving it further into the Grimm's skull and killing it; and landed with a backflip.

"So, what next?" I asked with a smile to my open jawed partner.


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