
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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173 Chs

Would You Know More?(RWBY/Riordan)-2

"That is... quite the tale you have told me, mister Green." Ozpin said with a very tired voice as I finally finished telling him everything I knew of the story of RWBY, which ended around the middle of volume eight since I had far more important things in my life than watching animation. Like learning magic and stealing objects of power.

'Please, call me Oswald. We are in a far too intimate position for such formalities.'

"Please don't make this weird."

'You are disembodied voice of a dead person inside my head and I am a demigod from another universe who knows of your universe from a cartoon show. I don't have to make this weird, it already is.' I said with a laugh, kinda getting hang of the whole talking inside my head thing.

"Which is something I would be having quite a bit of problem believing if it wasn't for the magic inside you. Though I still am not entirely sold on the demigod part."

'Not on the cartoon part?'

"That too is somewhat hard to believe but I can process it simply because of the wrong parts of the story you know of." Wait what?

'Wrong parts? What wrong parts?'

"The part about Salem wishing to destroy the world by summoning the Brother Gods. I assure you of this Oswald, neither Salem or I have any interest in letting the gods come back to Remnant." Huh?

That... that kinda threw me off my grove. I had been quite sure that the direction of the story was that Ozpin was gonna gather all the relics, summon the gods and then beg them to spare the mankind and just take him and Salem. Something that would merely require for the gods to act differently compared to any other time they did anything.

"So you see why I have no interest in calling them back." Oh, guess he heard that.

"Yes, yes I did. I don't know what kind of gods your world had Oswald, or what kind of god your father was, but I would spend a happy eternity if I never saw those again. A sentiment my ex-wife undoubtedly shares with me."

'Then we're not gonna go after the relics?' That was something of a relief. Cause pulling them out of their little pocket dimensions where Salem could not get to them was definitely...

"No, we do need to get the relics."

"Why?!" I yelled out loud, scaring some of the people around me who looked at me like I was crazy.

"Because Salem finally has a maiden on her side and Beacon has fallen, meaning that she'll go after the relics and I no longer have my system that checked whether vaults have been opened or not." Ozpin said with a sigh. "We don't have to worry about the Relic of Choice since it's vault's location is known only to me. The problem is the Relic of Knowledge and the Relic of Creation."

'Why those two specifically?'

"She will go after the Relic of Creation because it's used to keep Atlas in the sky, take it away and Atlas will fall. Which takes the kingdom with the strongest and most technologically advanced military off the board." Ok, that was a pretty damn good reason.

"The Relic of Knowledge on the other hand is something she has been wishing for a long time, it will allow her to obtain a certain knowledge she has been after for centuries."

'Which is?'

"Not important at the moment. Instead we should focus on getting to Mistral and contacting Qrow." Oh hell no, he wasn't gonna just weasel his way out of answering me.

'Ozpin I have been learning magic for over ten years, a subject that also touched the concept of souls and minds. So tell me about this information or so help me..."

"Ok, ok fine!" The ancient wizard yelled inside my head, defeated due to the fact that his newest host could actually threaten him. "It's about the current Summer Maiden."

Huh... that was quite a bit tamer than what I had been expecting. With the usual way old wizards try to weasel out of giving proper answers, I was kind of expecting it to be about some doomsday weapon or something.

"You are not too far off the mark." Huh? "Tell me Oswald, what exactly would one need the Summer Maiden for? Maybe a purpose that the other maidens have corresponding roles to?" The old wizard hinted and I flinched with realization.

'The last Relic?'

"And the most dangerous one. As you can probably tell from the fact that it has the word 'destruction' in it!" Ok yeah, that did sound dangerous.

"All these years I made sure that the only one who knew the identity of the each Summer Maiden was me so that no one could find them and force them to get the Relic. But if Salem gets her hands on the Relic of Information..."

"She'll send Cinder after her power." I said with a sigh.

"Only in the best case scenario. She is just as likely to go herself and make sure power goes to Cinder before taking the Relic to herself." Ozpin said with utmost seriousness in his voice. "And with hit, there will be no one who can challenge her." I had a half mind asking why he didn't use such a strong weapon against Salem when he actually had it but…

"She's immortal by the degree of the Brother Gods. Their degree takes higher precedence to their Relics." Yeah, thought it was gonna be something like that.

Well, I guess I did need to do something about it. I couldn't let the world be destroyed in good conscience, mostly because I was currently a part of the world.

"Reasons aside, I am happy to see that you are seeing reason. We should immediately leave and go to Mistral. And…" Actually there was something more important to do.


After all; I had a rough, if not fully correct, idea of the actions the enemy would take. Of what kind of resources they would be going after. And the best thing to do with such knowledge in a war?

"Well old timer, let me show you a little trick my father taught me years ago." Was to deny them those resources.

So I went to a tree and sat down under its shadow, my legs crossed and my hands over my lap as I closed my eyes; concentrated and then, I felt a part of my consciousness leave my body and go far away.


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