
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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173 Chs

Would You Know More?(RWBY/Riordan)-1

House of Life, also known as Per Ankh, a global organization of magic users with over three hundred branches around the world that operates under the rule of their first branch; Heliopolis. Their goal is to keep the magical side of the world in check and keep the innocents protected.

"Stop there you heretic!" Or at least that's what they tell the new recruits of their little cult.

The true goal of their organization was to brood like edgy anime characters, claim that the fall of Egypt was completely the fault of the gods who had spent centuries protecting Egypt and force those gods into objects with the use of magic. Worst of all, whiny little shits had forbidden the use of the Old Ways; the ways where one could use the power of gods and potentially become nigh unstoppable to mortals!

"Cease your running, servant of chaos!" And they also had ridiculously cheesy lines against their enemies.

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it!" I yelled as I dodged a pillar of fire coming my way.

"Don't lie, godling!"

"You're not wrong but not in the way you think!" Well, as I'm running for my bacon, let me introduce myself. My name is Oswald Green, and I am a godling. Just, not in the way the people chasing after me think.

See, when someone from the House of Life says 'godling'; they will be thinking a magician who comes from the Blood of Pharaohs, a fancy way of saying that you have a pharaoh among your ancestors, and has allowed one of those gods they have been sealing for centuries into their bodies. In other words, a mortal with the potential of a god.

When I say that I'm a godling, I mean that one of my parents is a god. Except properly explaining that to my pursuers is somewhat hard since my father is not an Egyptian god. No, my dear old sperm donor happens to be a Norse god; and one of the most famous ones at that. Though in his case, it's more that he's infamous.

Loki, the god of Mischief and the harbinger of Ragnarok; the twilight of the gods.

Now, unlike what Marvel would tell you; my father is not the mistreated and misunderstood brother of Thor. No, my father was a full on psycho with only the barest hints of affection for his children that was completely overshadowed by his desire to bring Ragnarok.

Hell, it was that desire that had led to my birth. Father had wanted a child that could be dangerous enough to affect the Ragnarok and, as if the three children he had were not enough, decided the best way to do so was to get power from other pantheons. So he decided to seduce my mom, who was a descendant of pharaoh Merneptah, and sired me. Then he sent me towards the House of Life with several charms that would hide the fact that I was his son.

It was after that, that I decided to change the script. I had absolutely no interest in Ragnarok or my father, except for the powers his blood gave me, and decided to go nuts in order to gather as much power as I could.

Admittedly my journey of gathering power was not without its hiccups. Like having to deal with Greeks after I got a bit too close to one of their children. In my defense, I don't normally ask about the parents of those I was trying to get laid with; it kinda kills the mood.

Meeting Odin on the other hand had been quite pleasant. Sure, the good ol' one eyes had once ordered the horrifying murder of two of my half brothers and used their entrails in order to bind my father but those were unimportant between two knowledge seekers. Sure, one could argue that our meeting ending with me hanging from the world tree with a spear in my gut was not the best ending. My counter argument is, runes rule!

Though looking at this very moment, maybe I shouldn't have been so courageous with my search for knowledge.

"Come on guys, what did I do that was so bad anyway?"

"You stole the Book of Thoth!" Oh yeah... whoops.

"I borrowed the Book of Thoth!" After decking that nerd Desjardnis in the face with my staff.

Still, they did not seem to be very receptive of my very plausible explanation. That is if pulling out staffs and wands and pointing them towards me didn't mean something nice in a culture that I did not know of.

Oh well, not exactly the best situation but nothing that I could not get out of. They might be some of the best and brightest the House of Life could send after me, but I was the son of a fucking god of magic with years of practice of their magic. The result would be...

"Halt! Loki-spawn!" Oh boy, I knew that voice.

Everyone turned their sight upwards to see the clouds part and several figures clad in armor descend upon us like angels. If angels were bloodthirsty maniacs led by a more bloodthirsty maniac. So... biblically accurate I guess.

"Oswald Green!" The leading figure shouted as she pulled a hammer from her back and pointed it towards me. "I would have words with thee!"

"Gunilla." I said with a tight smile directed towards the leader of Valkyries, this was getting... difficult.

Oh who was I kidding, this was getting closer to a disaster! I could have dealt with magicians or the Valkyries if they were by themselves. But put them together, and I had problems. Hell, their presence here sealed my best trump card that was storm magic! Like hell I was gonna call upon the powers of storm against the daughter of Thor! That would be like trying to have a culinary argument with Gordon Ramsay! Of all the people with a grudge against my family to come here.

At least they seemed to be arguing with the House of Life for now, never have I been more glad about asinine rules between pantheons as I have been now. It gave me time to do something very risky after all.

I put my hand inside my little pocket space in Duat and pulled out a little experimental gadget of mine. A rune stone; one that had Ehwaz in its center, which represented transport, but the real important parts were on its side. Hieroglyphs that made three different Divine Words.

Drowah, which meant boundary. Fah, which meant release. And finally Sahad, which meant open.

I genuinely had no idea what would happen if I were to activate a combination of such concepts and magics of two different pantheons, but I had a rough idea what would happen if I was caught either by the House of Suckers or Gunilla the Gorilla.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" I said with a manic grin and activated the rune stone. Which led to me getting sucked into a whirlpool in space and then things...


...to get...


Then finally, I landed on ground once more. Then I spent a few minutes just laying down and laughing like a maniac.

I wasn't sure how long I laughed but when I finally got up from the ground; it was night, the air was cold, stars were shining and the moon was...

"The hell?"

...broken apart?

"When did the moon got broken?" I asked to myself but...

"About a few thousand years ago." ...I still got an answer.

"Bitch where?!" I yelled as I jumped and looked around, trying to find whoever it was that managed to sneak up on me.

"I have no sneak up on you, it's... complicated." The voice said once more and I tried to calm down, if only to create an image of letting my guard down in order to bait the enemy.

"My, quite a distrustful fellow aren't you?"

"Who the hell are you?" I said with gritted teeth.

"My apologies. My name is Ozpin, I used to be the headmaster of Beacon and I'm currently inside your head." He said but I was no longer listening.

Ozpin. Beacon. Broken moon. Huntsmen. RWBY.

All of those thoughts ran through my head and I did only thing I could do. I laughed.

"Quite an interesting reaction, may I ask what is it that you found so amusing?"

"Just an old story I heard once." I said as my laughter calmed down into a chuckle. "One about four young girls who tried to become heroes, facing dangerous enemies and monsters along their journey in order to save their world. A story of a Faunus warrior, an Atlasian heiress, a blonde berserker and a silver eyed warrior." I continued before I looked up at the broken moon.

"Tell me, Ozma." And I felt the soul inside me, yet did not belong to me, flinch.

"Would you know more?"


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