
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

Angra Avesta(Rewrite)(JJK/Isekai Crossover)-1

"With this treasure..." Zenin Yoshimatsu, the heir to the Zenin clan and the possessor of the vaunted Ten Shadows Technique, stuttered out between coughs that spit out blood as he extended his arms forward with his hands clenched into fists; wondering how exactly the situation had come to this.

It should have been a simple mission. It had been reported that a huge amount of cursed spirits had appeared in Aokigahara Forest, understandable considering the reputation of the place, and so the higher ups had decided to send out a team consisting of a dozen first grade sorcerers; simply to make sure the infestation would be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Instead they ended up finding no cursed spirits and found a single man. A man that turned out to be a curse user and just started to kill all of them, after one of their members told him to get on the ground and properly beg for forgiveness for wasting their time. Poor Hideyoshi, he did not die painlessly.

"...I summon..."

Though the same could be said for the other members of their team as Yoshimatsu could see their frozen parts lying around and the charred remains of the others. The maniac curse user likely had some sort of heat cursed technique and either ice or fire based attacks were the reversed techniques.

But it would not matter, Yoshimatsu swore this in his head. He swore that even if it meant his death, this maniac would die and regret going against the Jujutsu society!

"Eight Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General, Mahoraga." And then his shadows expanded, several wolves howled at the moon and the white figure of Mahoraga, the strongest Shikigami in all history, appeared with a roar.

It was... magnificent. An enormous humanoid figure with white skin, four wings protruding from it's eye sockets, a tail-like appendage extending from the back of it's head and a eight handled wheel floating right above it's head. Just like the tales of old described it.

"Hey, bastard." Yoshimatsu smiled a bloody smile as Mahoraga's walked towards him and a blade came out of its right wrist. "I'll be waiting for you on the other side!" And then the blade fell towards his head.

"No." But then he was choking in the grasp of the curse user, instead of being killed by Mahoraga. "Not yet."

How?! How was he suddenly in the bastard's grasp?! His curse technique was supposed to be some sort of heat manipulation!

"I let you live simply so that you could summon Mahoraga." He said as he dropped Yoshimatsu.

"And now you'll watch." Then he disappeared and reappeared with a boom as he threw a punch at Mahoraga, which the Shikigami blocked with it's left arm.

And then the man jumped back in order to avoid a slash from Mahoraga and pulled a sword out of nowhere!

The next few seconds were a flurry of blades clashing with some fire and ice thrown at the Shikigami. The way they moved seemed to indicate that they were evenly matched but Yoshimatsu was not worried as he saw one more ice spear hit Mahoraga before the wheel above its head started to turn.

When the curse used threw another ice spear at it, Mahoraga simply kept walking; not even bothering to block the attack as the ice spear simply broke when it came contact with the Shikigami.

This was the power of Mahoraga, the power to adapt any and all phenomenons! Soon it would adapt to curse user's whole possible attacks before it cornered and killed him, like a rat!

"So that's how it is." Yet the curse user seemed calm, too calm.

"Seven tongues, triple presence, two crowns of fire, guardian of southeast." The curse user chanted as a huge flame appeared over his hand.

"Dahana!" And then there was fire.

Where Mahoraga once stood, there was only a giant sea of fire, destroying all in its path. And right in the middle of it, was Mahoraga. The Shikigami's once bone white skin was darkened with burns and one of its arms was basically just charcoal at this point, yet Yoshimatsu still did not despair as he could see the wheel was moving. It would soon complete its turn and then…

"It's over." The curse user's voice echoed through the forest as he leaped at the weakened Shikigami with his blade raised high, which was then engulfed in lightning, and he cut Mahoraga's head off with a single slash.

The strongest Shikigami in all history was… Mahoraga was, for the first time in history, defeated.

"It's sad." The curse user said. "How incompetent you lot are when it comes to using Mahoraga throughout generations."

"Mahoraga is a Shikigami, it's meant to support its summoner in battle. If a proper sorcerer were to fight with Mahoraga on their side, they could give it the needed time in order to adapt and change between defending and attacking. It is the perfect Shikigami against strong enemies." He explained before looking down at Yoshimatsu. "Yet not only you lot can't do that, you can't even properly tame the Divine General; you're all so worthless."

This was wrong… this was wrong! This was a mission where they were supposed to fight only a small army of second grade curses, around three or four first grade curses and maybe one special grade curse! Not against a monster like this! This wasn't what they were told!

"Or maybe it's just my fault for expecting much from you lot, the quality of you lapdogs of clans have been degrading throughout the last two centuries after all." Curse user said as he raised his sword with a disinterested look on his face.

Curse him. Curse that weirdo! That nut job of Kamo clan! Curse that bastard son of a whore who gave the information!

"But you don't have to worry. I'll make sure to use the technique properly." And then the sword fell towards Yoshimatsu's head.

"Curse you! Kamo Noritoshi!" And Zenin Yoshimatsu died.


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