
Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Hollywood, the land of dreams, the birthplace of modern cinema, the-. ah, who am I kidding, it's just a big old game of snakes and ladders. You either go up or down, depending on whether you got a ladder, or a snake in your corner. But what happens if you just, flip the board over? Let's see what happens when Richmond 'Ricky' Stirling attempts to do precisely that. Why wouldn't he? When life is just a game for him. Don't forget to add this to your collections for daily updates, and leave a 5 star review will you? It'll be much appreciated. Do share your honest feedback though. As an author, I strive to improve myself and I can't do that without my dear readers' varied opinions. Also, don't forget to join my discord server: https://disc ord.gg/uh2fS Guatb P.S, here is my p.a.t.r.e.o.n account for additional chapters: https://www.patr eon.com/user?u=42 576719 (remove the spaces after copy pasting the link) or just search 'Archonstine' on patreon... whichever works

Archonstine · Movies
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69 Chs


Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

Also, join my discord will ya? For movie and tv-show recommendations and character images. And also it's the one place where I ask you all for suggestions. The link is in this book's bio.

Also, donate some power stones while you're at it. And maybe... write up a review?

P.S, Merry Christmas folks! And Happy Holidays! 


18th November 1996 (Monday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)


"You wanted to see me?" Were the first words out of my father's mouth as I enter his study room at our mansion, piles of documents scattered on his desk.

"Yes, yes I did. Thank you kindly for sparing me a second of your oh-so precious time."

"Ricky," He sighed as he pointed towards a pile of documents next to him, "I'm busy, and tired. The only thing keeping me going is this," he pointed at a plastic pack of amphetamines, "so please, tell me what you want, and for the sake of whichever twisted deity you worship… drop your quips. I enjoy sarcasm in general… just not from you."

Oh, well now isn't that just rude?

"Come now daddy, I believe in the one true god just like you do… Jesus Christ." I smiled. Oh father, it is shockingly easy to rile you up, might just be due to how well I know you I guess… or maybe you are genuinely tired of my quips?

Nope, you have endless patience for my shenanigans… unlike some others.

I'll deal with them later.

"Jesus Christ is not the one true God… you would know that if you had bothered coming to Church even once. Seriously though, I have a terrible headache incoming so just… Do me a favor Ricky. Say your piece, and then go do whatever the hell you usually do when you've got nothing to do. Understood?"

I was really fucking tempted to just shake my head and go 'No' but, my common sense and more importantly, my survival instincts persevered over my impulsive urges.

I sighed deeply, "Fine! I'll drop it. Geez you're no fun nowadays… Anyways, the nominations are out! And guess what? I've been selected in 2 categories!" I announce enthusiastically, spreading my arms wide, my face stuck in a manic grin.

My father's exhaustion was clear but nevertheless, he tried to sound ecstatic, "Ricky! That's- well it's amazing! Wh- sit down! Tell me all about it!"


It's moments like these, when my constant craving for chaotic entertainment takes a firm backseat… my father so clearly fucking tired, not just cause he announced it upon my entry.

Sometimes, Observe is a nasty ass bitch.

"Independent Spirit Awards, Best Debut Performance and… the John Cassavetes Award."

"The what? Don't get me wrong, I know the Spirit awards, hell I attended a ceremony some 6-7 years ago but you'll have to refresh my memory. John Casa-whatsit?" He asked, his face filled with confusion, and a hint of curiosity.

"The John Cassavetes Award, named after John Cassavetes, a pioneer of the American independent film industry. It's presented to the creative team of a film budgeted at less than a million dollars. And considering PA's officially reported budget is 96k, it makes me more than eligible."

Dad took a second to process that while rubbing the sides of his forehead with his hands, before eventually speaking, "That's great news Ricky! You know what? I'll tell Wyatt, he'll make his famous Roast Chicken today. Let's celebrate- hold on. I remember reading PA's file, and the budget was 82k."


"Yes papa?"

"You only call me papa when you're trying to hide something you did that was stupid as hell. Out with it."

"Alright so, yeah production wrapped up in 82k, but I… please don't get mad. I wanted it to be 69k for… reasons. But once it became clear I would exceed it, I opted for the next best option."

"96?" Oh hell, the vein on his forehead is popping all over the place.


"Ricky, you remember I told you about that incoming headache? Well, it came so… get the hell out of here, before I throw you out myself."

I complied immediately.

I regret nothing.

I really don't. Marking the budget as 96 was an inspired decision as far as I am concerned.

Granted 69 would have been better, but we can't have it all I guess.

Nevertheless, I'll never give up. And if I receive an opportunity in the future, the budget of one of my films will be marked 69,696,969.

I don't care what I have to do to achieve it, I will do it… at any cost.

Speaking of unlikely achievements, PA is having a blast at the box office.

It's been 3 and a half weeks since its release, and it has already grossed $92 million at the domestic box-office.

Factoring in international, the total comes off to a hefty $203 million!

It feels interesting for sure to have already surpassed the OTL's PA in box office, especially if we consider the fact that at the very least, it's gonna stay in theaters for 3 more weeks.

To be honest, my original plan was to let it screen for 2 months minimum, before unleashing it in the VHS market, but time has once again put things into perspective.

Let me back track on why exactly I want PA to end its run so abruptly.

It's mainly cause I need my share of the first dollar gross ASAP if I want to get started on my next project.

Ah, my next project. Now that I am actually gonna have some dough in my bank account, I can consider so many options for my next movie.

Well… considering I want it to fulfill a number of criteria, the options decrease considerably.

Let's see… What exactly are my criteria?

First, I need something that will appeal to the critics, just as much as it does to the general audiences.

Next, it needs to be a small-mid budget production, preferably in the ballpark of 5-15 million.

This range is not to limit my spending in any way, I could easily invest double the amount without batting an eyelash after my paycheck from PA arrives.

Rather, I am imposing this budgetary restriction, to ensure I gain enough experience before tackling big-budget productions.

Just like an auteur from back home, a man so visionary in nature, he has often been described as a 'franchise unto himself'... Christopher Nolan, the man, the myth, the legend.

Fun fact, did you know Nolan had written a treatment for Inception a decade before actually making it? It's because he realized his own limitations and wanted to gain more experience tackling big-budget productions, and thus ventured into the Dark Knight trilogy, possibly kickstarting one of the greatest film trilogies of all time. And after the unprecedented success of the 'The Dark Knight', he finally gathered the courage to take the script to Warner Bros, asking for a massive budget of $160 million to make a sci-fi heist thriller.

Now I might be the Gamer, but I am not laboring under a delusion where my success was solely because of me. I can admit privately, within the safe confines of my mind, that in the end… I am just an extremely methodical plagiarist.

Except, my plagiarism could be defined as a talent in and of itself.

Because how do I plagiarize anything? How do I remember every single word of a number of books I had read years ago in passing? How was I able to recreate an entire movie, with such precision, that even the camera placements were similar to the original?

I suppose I can credit my INT for it. Due to the gamer's progression level, my INT leveled up rapidly by absorbing every little dreg of knowledge I could get my tiny little hands on, augmenting my memory to near superhuman levels.

Hell, when the stat reached 50, I even got a sweet little perk that made things easier…

Perfect Recall: This perk bestows upon you an unparalleled ability to memorize and retain information with astonishing clarity and allows you to possess an extraordinary level of mental acuity.


This little boon allowed me to perfectly recall every single detail from my previous life, including any article or website I had given even a cursory read, to every single visual form of entertainment that had graced my eyes in any way or form.

Now keep in mind, due to my enhanced memory, I could easily recreate the script of any movie I had watched at any point in time, simply by recalling it and compiling the dialogue, along with the settings, and emotions displayed by characters.

This didn't mean I had access to the entire production process, rather simply the finished product. And recreating it all from scratch, better than the original even… I don't believe anyone, other than me and me alone, could execute such an undertaking flawlessly.

But, nonetheless… I'm still a rookie at it. I have only replicated a single film till date, and honestly, part of me doesn't even consider it a 'feature length production', along with several other industry experts, who believe my success was a result of 'luck'.

And so… a small-mid budget production, not just to reassure everyone around me but to some extent, myself too.

Now obviously it can not be a sole directorial venture, I think I might pursue those a few years down the line, I need to ensure that I play a lead, or at the very least, an important supporting role.

Because I'm not just trying to establish my legitimacy in film-making. In the end… actors are the most recognizable celebrities in the world, right next to singers.

And since I'm aiming to be both… huh.

Actor and Singer both… yes I'm… definitely onto something.

But what?

Trenton Campbell (POV)

"Yes ma'am, right away. And one more thing, would you like the spaghetti to go?"

"Oh yes! Now aren't you a doll?! Pack the spaghetti, I have a feeling my Mindy will love it!"

Mindy? Who is that? Her grand-daughter?

"Mindy?" I ask politely.

"Why yes! My furry little kitten of course! Oh! She's just the best! Anyways, it's regrettable that I couldn't finish the spaghetti and meatballs, unfortunately my eyes were more hungry than my stomach today! But not to worry, Mindy will love it I'm sure!" Mrs. Catracas clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes shining with mirth.

Kitten? What in the- wait hold on, do cats even eat pasta? More importantly, CAN they eat pasta? Will Mindy enjoy the Italian treat? Or be having her stomach pumped later today? Find out on the next episode of… Feline Ball Z!

"I'm sure she'll enjoy it immensely Ma'am. Now if you don't mind, can I clear the table for you?"

"Oh yes please! Thank you very much dear!"

I smiled down at her while piling the plates on my hand, "No worries ma'am, I hope you had an enjoyable experience, and I look to forward to seeing you next week! Perhaps then, you can tell me all about Mindy enjoying the spaghetti and meatballs?"

"Oh, absolutely dear! Why one day, I'll even introduce you to her!"

"Looking forward to it Mrs. Catracas!" And with that, I made my way to the kitchen and deposited the dirty plates in the large sink, before cleaning my hands thoroughly and changing back into my clothes.

"Mr. Madrigal! My shift ended a half hour ago so… I'll be on my way."

"Sure boy. Just make sure to be here an hour early tomorrow! It'll count as overtime."

"Sure Sir, thank you very much and I'll be on my way."

Good lord, I can't wait to quit this shit job. Don't get me wrong, seeing the look Mrs. Catracas' is one of the highlights of my day.

A sweet old lady living alone with her cat, who comes here every week to eat a pizza and some spaghetti, and talk the ears off a waiter. I think she's just lonely, frankly… I pity her.

Just enough to face her with a smile mind you, not enough to visit her or anything, I've got my own set of problems to deal with.

Just then my phone rang, and this weird ass ringtone played again.

Damn it, I love this ringtone. Don't know what it's called, I just refer to it as the 'nokia ringtone'.


"Trent! It's me, Ricky!"

"Hey man! What's up?"

"DUDE! I've got some fantastic news for you. You ready to hear it?"

"Okay? What is it?"

"I've got a role for you bro! And guess what? It's in my next movie!"

"Wha- hold on, I-I'm sorry just… what? Ricky, what do you mean your next movie? Your current movie is still in the theaters! Don't tell me you thought of a script already?"

"Thought of it, penned it, made a final draft, and wrote the score… done, done, done and… guess what? Done."


"OK, OK! I'm gonna cut in right here buddy, just listen okay? Remember a few years ago, I told you I had like 20 different ideas for movies, but since I was still a student, I published a few of them as books? Well guess what, this might come as a shock to you but I was Not… and that is Not with a capital N, Not kidding. You following?"

"I-I wanna say yes but, I'm still like… you finalized the script And wrote down a fucking score? Ricky I knew you dabbled in composing from time to time but… what the- I got no words Ricky! I got nothing! So just, do me a favor okay? Tell me, what's the good news?"

"I told you bro! I got a role for you in my next movie! And guess what? It's a supporting role, you actually have some screentime, and can establish some decent fucking credentials."

"Ricky I'm not an actor! I'm learning to be a decent cinematographer! Till then I'm essentially a cameraman! I don't know acting! What makes you think I can actually do this role? Seriously I want to know Ricky, cause this is… all kinds of absurd, even for you."

"Trent, do you trust me?"


"Yes, yes Ricky. I trust you."

"Great now, I know you're gonna do a bang up job with this role, okay? And think of the positive! You get a paycheck!"

"The paycheck thing is tempting, I must say. Ok Ricky, I'll do it but first… tell me about the role. Right now."

"Ok, ok. That's a reasonable request I suppose. Now, this movie is a drama, ok? A touching tale of a young janitor at M.I.T, who has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life. Now, I'll be playing the janitor, and you my buddy… are gonna play the janitor's friend, Chuckie Sullivan."


"Trent, can you hear me?"

"I hear you just fine Ricky. How about this, let's talk in person yeah? I'm not that far from your house. Let me just hail a cab, I'm on my way."

"Yeah sure! You're always welcome dude. Always. Anyways, see you later."

And with that he cut the call.

Fuck! Damn it. And here I was about to go all Robocop on him but no… he just had to offer me a fucking role.

I glance back at the pizzeria, before making up my mind and hailing a cab.

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