
Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Hollywood, the land of dreams, the birthplace of modern cinema, the-. ah, who am I kidding, it's just a big old game of snakes and ladders. You either go up or down, depending on whether you got a ladder, or a snake in your corner. But what happens if you just, flip the board over? Let's see what happens when Richmond 'Ricky' Stirling attempts to do precisely that. Why wouldn't he? When life is just a game for him. Don't forget to add this to your collections for daily updates, and leave a 5 star review will you? It'll be much appreciated. Do share your honest feedback though. As an author, I strive to improve myself and I can't do that without my dear readers' varied opinions. Also, don't forget to join my discord server: https://disc ord.gg/uh2fS Guatb P.S, here is my p.a.t.r.e.o.n account for additional chapters: https://www.patr eon.com/user?u=42 576719 (remove the spaces after copy pasting the link) or just search 'Archonstine' on patreon... whichever works

Archonstine · Movies
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69 Chs

Sound of Freedom

Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

Also, join my discord will ya? For movie and tv-show recommendations and character images. And also it's the one place where I ask you all for suggestions. The link is in this book's bio.

Also, donate some power stones while you're at it. And maybe... write up a review?


18th November 1996 (Monday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)


"So, to recap… the movie follows Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT, gifted in mathematics but troubled. Discovered by Professor Lambeau, Will undergoes therapy with Dr. Sean Maguire, confronting his past and embracing his potential. The story explores Will's journey of self-discovery and personal growth in the backdrop of love and friendship… and you want me to be one of his 'friends'. Chuckie I believe you said, right?" Trent concluded his little summary, STILL trying to process the situation at hand.

I mean honestly, he's been friends with a bonafide genius for over 5 years now… I thought he might've acclimated to the element of absurdity, considering quite a few of other actions, but nope.

Apparently, college and the real world differ from each other in a multitude of ways, and so expected me to start over on a fresh page or something… me, of all people… start over on a fresh page…

I kid you not, I had never laughed harder in my life than when he uttered that ludicrous statement.

I mean, seriously what the fuck did he expect?

Then again, I can't really fault him here. He had and still has absolutely no idea about the scale and magnitude of my ambitions.

"Yes Trent, that summarizes the plot. Got anything else to say?" I couldn't help but include a tinge of sarcasm.

"So many things…," He whispered, while rubbing the sides of his head as if the very thought of my actions induced a headache in him, "...Just tell me one thing Ricky. How long have you had the idea for this? How long have you been writing the script for?"

I adopted a thoughtful expression, acting as I was trying to formulate a response… obviously he fell for it.

"Hmm… writing the script… Well today is a Monday so… 5 days I believe."

"You're telling me you wrote the entire script in 5 days?"

"Oh! Wait no… It took me 5 days to write the script and the score. The script alone? A couple of hours give or take."

Actually, It took me a few hours to write the score. The script took a couple of minutes when you factor in my typing speed…

"... And you said the story, you had that in mind for some time, I'm dreading the response to this but, here goes… how long?"

"...Trent, I told you before, and I'm telling you again, my brain does not work the same way yours, or anyone else's does. I don't have a single line of thought, I have multiple of them, each one with varying perspectives that converge to form my final drafts. Even now I've got like 15 stories, each of them could be converted into a script in a week at most. I'm sorry to spook you buddy but you know me… I'm just built different."

I am, it's the truth… but not what I just told him, oh no that was a pile of baloney.

But the rate I'm gonna be pumping out movies, I need the rudimentary beginnings of a justification, or anything really, that won't allow conspiracy theories to prop up about how I'm pumping top-level scripts, each with a tone different from the other, one after another without any reprieve.

Trent just looked at me, the same way I used to look at a Rubix cube in my past life, like I was an annoying complicated puzzle that he had essentially given up on solving. "Alright, fine. I believe you."

"Oh my! What a privilege!"

"Oh Shut up! Ricky, there's a time and place for your quips… and it's never and nowhere."

"Hey, you're the one who taught me."

"Not- whatever the hell this is! Ricky I taught you how to be just funny enough to flirt effectively, too less, and you're not funny enough, too much, and you're essentially a fucking clown. You on the other hand… you perverted my teaching Ricky, into whatever the hell this is! But let's- let's put this behind us okay? Now tell me… what did Mr. Stirling think of this?"


"...Yes?" I answered sheepishly.

"You haven't told him have you?" Trent asked, his voice filled with exasperation.

"Not in so many words… or any for that matter." I shrugged, my voice turning unrepentant.

"Huh. So I'm the only one who knows about this?"


"Awesome. So… what's the plan?"

20th November 1996 (Wednesday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)


"And that was the charming Ms. Heather, a round of applause for her everyone, her performance today in 'Whack the hole' will be remembered for years to come I'm sure! Now, we'll be back after a short break with a surprise appearance… who will remain a surprise! HA! You didn't actually think I was gonna spill the beans, was I?" And he proceeded to emit one of the fakest laughs I had ever witnessed in my life. "Anyways, signing off folks, I'm Alex Dexter, and you're here with me on Nocturnal Banter!"


I knew it, I always knew instinctively, that all late night talk show hosts are bad news one way or another, but this?

This son of a… I'm half tempted to lop his head off right here, right now.

Oh, I'm sorry! You all might be wondering the cause for such hostility right? And to a man with whom I've barely exchanged a word or two?


Name – Alex Dexter

Age – 48

Relationship Status – Neutral

Occupation: Comedian, Television Host, Producer, Actor

Affiliations: NBC, Universal Studios

Citizenship: American

Base of Operations: City of Los Angeles

Education: BA from Denison University


Strength: 20

Dexterity: 17

Constitution: 22

Intelligence: 29

Wisdom: 24

Charisma: 42

Current Emotional State: Thrilled, Exhilarated

Bio: Alex Dexter is the son of Fogle and Debbie Dexter, a loving catholic couple who are not privy to their son's tendencies. Alex is a serial sexual predator who has drugged and preyed on 39 women. Through a series of threats and bribes, and a charming public demeanor, he has managed to evade any and all suspicion of his 'unique' proclivities. His successful career on television aside, he is a skilled on-stage comedian, and an accomplished actor to boot, though he has never found mainstream success in movies.


This is a sick world I'm living in.


"Ricky… everything okay? You look kinda tense." Janice asked, her eyes filled with nothing but concern.

Damn, I gotta control myself.

Predator he might be, but I have to stay focused.

My first television appearance has to be nothing but perfect, and I'm not going to let anything, ANYTHING distract me from my goal… plus it's Hollywood.

He is by no means the last sexual offender I'm gonna encounter in this fucked up world.

"I'm fine Jan, just last minute jitters you know? I mean, he's Alex Dexter! I've watched this show so many times, and now I'm gonna be on it… but so are you. How're you faring?" I enquire.

She smiled tepidly, "Well, it's just, I never thought I would reach this stage so fast you know? I've always dreamed of this, but now that it's actually happening… it's kinda difficult to believe."

I smile in agreement, "I feel you. I knew this would happen someday or the other but now that it's actually happening…"

Of course I'm talking about something completely different. I knew with monsters like Weinstein existing here, my chances of meeting sexual predators were pretty darn high, but now that I'm actually meeting one, and being interviewed by him no less…

Damn it, even if I wanted to expose him, I lack a vital ingredient to do so and that my friends is a little something called... evidence.

And to think that I was nearly seduced by the glimmering countenance of 90s American film industry... Honestly what did I even expect?

I haven't checked whether Epstein exists or not, but if not... someone must have taken his place here.

Can't believe all the conspiracy theories I encountered in my past life actually had an inkling of truth.

Just then, a woman with a clipboard and a mic makes her way to us.

"Ok, please tell me you two received a copy of the scripts?" She rattled off, clearly she had a lot on her mind.

"Yes we did, and we went over it thoroughly." I answer graciously, choosing to ignore her momentary rudeness.

Lost in her thoughts, or work, could be anything really, she never even met my eyes. She spared a cursory nod and brushed past me and Janice, making her way towards a bunch of stagehands.

"Wow, that was…"



"Just ignore it Jan, she had a lot on her mind."

"Yeah, ok."

(15 minutes later)

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a special treat for you tonight. Joining us in the studio are the creative masterminds behind the unexpected indie hit, "Paranormal Activity." Give it up for Ricky and Janice!"

Me and Jan made our way to the stage, waving at the applauding audience as we shook hands with Alex.

Fucking hell, even shaking his hand makes me feel filthy... After this… I'm gonna go full Sheldon. As in, empty a bottle of Purell all over my hands.

"Welcome, Ricky and Janice! Glad to have you here. Now, making a movie all on your own, Ricky, that's quite the feat. How did the idea for "Paranormal Activity" come about?"

"Hey Alex! Thanks for having us here, it's a dream come true really. As for the idea… well I've always had an active imagination you know? All these ideas bouncing around in my head, it's how I wrote my books! But there are a few ideas I just couldn't do justice in a literary setting, and I always wanted to kick-start my film-making career so I thought… why not? So me and Janice dived right in!"

Janice chimed in, "Yeah, I was a bit skeptical at first, but Ricky's enthusiasm was contagious. Plus, it sounded like a wild ride."

Alex snapped his fingers, "And wild it was! Now, tell us about the challenges of starring in your own movie. Janice, did you ever catch Ricky checking himself out on screen?"

And Janice took no small amount of satisfaction in answering this the way she wanted to, "Oh, all the time! Ricky, you have this thing about rewatching every take, thinking you're some kind of Hollywood heartthrob."

A series of laughter rang out from the audience, as I snorted loudly, all the while grinning like a loon. Thank God for my CHA, I still came off as breath-taking.

"Guilty as charged! But, you know, in my defense, I had to make sure the scares were just right. You know how it is, my first project and everything… I wanted things to be perfect."

"Valid point. Now, the movie's got some seriously spooky moments. Any real paranormal experiences on set?" he jumped right into the next question, as I exchanged a look with Jan.

Yep, tit for tat honey! You mess with the bull, you get the horns!

"Well, there was this one night when Janice swears she saw something weird in the background. But, hey, that's movie magic, right?"

Her eyes widened slightly, not knowing what to say, so she just laughed heartily, which came off as slightly awkward, "Yeah, just good ol' movie magic!"

Ha! Now who's laughing?

"Now, Janice, what was it like working with Ricky as both the director and co-star? Any diva moments?"

Oh you motherfucker.

The diva bit was not in the script, and now the ball was in Janice's court.

She smirked, recognizing the opportunity for what it was… sweet, sweet revenge.

"Oh plenty!" She glanced towards me, when all of a sudden her eyes softened a bit as she continued, "But in all seriousness, Ricky's a perfectionist. It was challenging, but it pushed us to create something truly special."

Damn… did not expect that.

You know what? After this, I'm gonna take Jan out for some drinks. She deserves it.

Plus, I'm still hung up on the predator thing, and I believe drowning my sorrows and regret in a river of vodka is the perfect way to deal with this nonsense.

Meanwhile, Alex continued where Janice left off…

"And special it is! Now, Ricky, quick one for you: If you had to sum up "Paranormal Activity" in three words, what would they be?"

I square my shoulders before adopting a slightly serious demeanor, "Intense, Unsettling, and Unpredictable."

"Perfect! That sums it up perfectly I feel! Now, before we wrap this up, any plans for a sequel?"

Ah! Here it is! The moment I've been waiting for. I smirk at him, before veering off-script, "Not really Alex. I mean, the magic of this movie I feel, just cannot be captured again, not by me at least! I welcome others to try their hand at it if they feel like it. But I'm working on my next movie, I even finished up the script a couple of days ago."

His eyes widened hearing my response, having not planned for this answer at all. But Alex is nothing if not a good improviser, "Well-well-well, now this, I've got to hear. Mind telling us a little more Ricky?"

I scoff playfully, "Not at all Alex, not at all. First of all, it's not gonna be a horror. If I have to describe it… I'm gonna go with 'psychological drama'. It's about… nope, I'm not spoiling it man! No chance!"

Alex laughs heartily, me and Janice join in, "Oh man! I completely understand. I'll be eagerly awaiting updates though! One last thing, since we're on this topic… for Paranormal Activity, you penned the script, directed it, edited it, produced it on your own dime, hell you even played the lead! So, what's your role gonna be in this… 'mystery project' of yours?"

I lean forward slightly, as the audience watches with bated breath… before I respond, "Alex, for this next movie, I'm gonna be even more involved. I'm directing, producing, editing, starring, scripting and guess what? I'm even gonna compose the score and record a song for it myself."

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