
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

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While Mommy and Daddy Are Away (OLD) by val3far

Summary:Sebastian babysits Chloe once again, but she's a bit resistant. Fortunately, pleading or a "no" is not enough to stop Sebastian from getting what he wants

Ever since that night with Chloe, Sebastian found himself struggling to keep his mind on anything else, his work even started to falter. His mind constantly switched between immense guilt and disgust with himself, and an intense, burning and powerful desire to do more to that little girl. Night after night, he tossed and turned in bed as he thought about her.

When Jacob and Lisa asked him to babysit Chloe again a couple months later, Sebastian knew he wouldn't be able to control himself once he was alone with her. Despite the overwhelming shame that ate away at him, he quickly accepted their request even on such a short notice.

The day that he was meant to babysit Chloe, he arrived at Jacob and Lisa's house early, his heart practically jumping out of his chest. All he could do was mutter some pleasantries to the couple before they left.

As soon as the click of the door signaled Jacob and Lisa's departure, Sebastian shifted into a different person. He quickly made his way to Chloe's bedroom, where he saw the outline of her small body under her blankets. His breath quickened the second his eyes landed on her. He slowly slept closer to her, like a predator stalking its prey.

He clambered onto the bed and shook Chloe gently. "Chloe, baby," he murmured softly.

"Uncle Sebastian?" Chloe mumbled sleepily he as she slowly started to wake up.

"Mommy and Daddy are out again," he explained quickly, while still trying to speak quietly. "I want to play another game with you."

"I'm sleepy," she groaned and rolled onto her side so her back faced him.

He yanked the blanket off her with a rough tug. "Come on," he snapped with a sense of urgency. He couldn't wait any longer, he could feel how hard he was.

"I don't wanna!" Chloe huffed.

"You're going to," he hissed.

With a loud huff, she begrudgingly sat up and crossed her arms with a pouty face. Sebastian pulled her onto his lap. He immediately began showering her with heavy kisses and digging his rough hands under her clothes. Sebastian smirked with a gleam of satisfaction as he felt Chloe lock up under his touch.

Eventually, he slid out of the bed. He wasted no time unzipping his pants and kicking them off his ankles. Chloe's eyes lowered down to his cock displayed fully erect at her, feeling her tummy churn.

Chloe squirmed as he pulled her off of the bed by her hand. She plopped down at his feet with a soft thud and let out a shaky exhale. "Uncle Sebastian…" she mumbled tearfully.

As Chloe trembled, Sebastian grabbed her by the chin to force her head up to look at him. He narrowed his eyes as he gazed down at her. "Put it in your mouth," he said gruffly.

Chloe sniffled and began to cry as she frantically shook her head. "I don't like this game," she whimpered, her voice choked with emotion.

But, Sebastian only pulled her head even closer to his body until her lips were firmly pressed against his cock. Chloe exhaled and slowly wrapped her small, trembling hands around his girth. She parted her lips and tentatively took the head of his cock into her mouth. She winced, her jaw aching as she worked to stretch her mouth open enough to wrap her lips around it.

He held her in place, his grip tightening as he pushed her head further down his length. His hips began to thrust rhythmically against her face while still gripping and tugging at her hair, pulling her head back every few strokes to look into her wide eyes.

Chloe gagged and choked, her throat tightening with each intense thrust. Her eyes bulged out unnaturally and snot poured out of her nose. Her hands flailed wildly at his thighs, slapping him in a pathetic attempt to make him stop.

"It'll be over soon, baby," Sebastian groaned between grunts as he thrusted into her throat. "God, it feels so good."

Chloe's body shook as he slammed into her face with every stroke. His thrusting started to become more erratic and wild by the second. It felt like he was going to rip out all of her hair with how hard he was pulling. She clawed feebly at his thighs with her painted pink nails, her attempts to free herself weakening with pain and exhaustion.

Finally, Sebastian let out a loud guttural groan and squeezed his eyes shut, his muscles tensing up. Without warning, he exploded inside her mouth, his hot cum shooting down her throat.

Chloe gagged and choked, unable to swallow fast enough as he drove her head down to the base of his cock, forcing her to swallow his thick pumps of seed while he continuing to thrust his pulsating dick into her mouth. His cum spilled out of the corners of her lips and down her chin, coating her in a sticky, glistening mess.

Eventually, Sebastian jerked himself out of her mouth, a sudden motion which made her fall backward. Her chest heaved with every breath as she gasped for air. She rolled onto her side and hacked and coughed out globs of his thick cum.

Sebastian's eyes widened with horror he saw Chloe lying on the foor, her face red and contorted as she touched her sore neck. His face softened and he quickly knelt down beside her. Sebastian placed a tentative hand on Chloe's side, but she flinched away from him and tried to push his hand away.

He wrapped his other arm around her body as he began to kiss her repeatedly across the head and face, which Chloe squirmed in response to. "It's okay, it's okay, pumpkin" Sebastian uttered softly. "We'll play a different game. I'll make you feel better, okay, sweetheart?"

Chloe was quiet as Sebastian tried to comfort her, her small body rigid. Every time he tried to touch her she slightly flinched and squirmed, and when he would go to kiss her face she'd turn her head away. Her eyes were glossy and staring off into nothing.

After a couple minutes of failed attempts to soothe Chloe, Senastian scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bed. He carefully laid her down and brushed loose strands of hair from her delicate face.

As Sebastian reached for the buttons on her pajama top, Chloe resisted, silently pushing at him with her little hands. She began to grow more frantic and shake her head. "No," Chloe said weakly, her voice strained and hoarse. "Mommy—"

"Shh, it's okay, baby. Mommy doesn't need to know," Sebastian whispered. His movements were gentle as he removed her top and pants.

Chloe squeezed her legs together when Sebastian moved to grab her panties. He huffed in annoyance and pried her legs apart. Finally, he hastily yanked down the panties with a forceful tug before she could close her legs again.

As Sebasian reached out to touch her, Chloe squeezed her eyes shut. Her small body tensed up as his hands brushed against her skin, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Sebastian cupped his hands around her nipples, feeling the hard little buds on her flat chest against his palms.

He dragged his hands up and down her flesh, struggling to remain tender and slow as he felt himself growing more and more excited as he explored her innocent, tiny body.

Sebastian leaned closer to Chloe, his breath hot on her skin as he whispered in her ear. "You like it, don't you?" he whispered. "You love it when Uncle Sebastian touches you, baby girl." Chloe squirmed and reached to cover herself, but his hands would get in the way.

He climbed into the bed and laid behind her, pulling her back against his chest as he held her tightly. Her body was incredibly stiff and warm to the touch, like a tiny furnace. He could hear the sound of her breathing, which became more labored as he held her.

He lifted one of her legs up and reached under it, his hands wandering until he found her tiny clit. Sebastian grinned as he felt Chloe squirm and writhe beneath his touch. With his other hand, he began to play with her nipple, pinching and pulling at it until it hardened even further.

He moved his fingers in slow, circular strokes around her clit, feeling the tiny nub grow and enlargen under his touch. As he stimulated her, Chloe's breathing became even more shaky. Sebastian could feel her body quivering with a mixture of fear and pleasure, her hips naturally gyrating against his hand.

Chloe tried to hold back her moans, but they slipped out of her throat anyway, a long and nearly constant stream of sound that grew louder and more desperate as Sebastian continued. She had tried to pull away from him, but he held her firmly in place with his other arm.

Sebastian increased the intensity of his touch, rubbing her enlarged clit with an increasing force and urgency. He rested his head against Chloe's, listening closely as she whimpered and moaned because of him. "You like it don't you, Clo-bear?" he whispered in her ear.

"I feel weird, Uncle Sebastian," Chloe choked out, her face bright red and her hair stuck to her sweaty skin.

Despite her best efforts to resist it, though she didn't exactly know why, Chloe could feel herself succumbing to his touch as Sebastian's fingers moved faster and more vigorously against her clit. Chloe's cries and moans grew louder, her nipples were hard and sensitive, and her little pink bud swollen.

Chloe began to gradually loosen up and let Sebastian completely take over. She clung to Sebastian's arm that held her in place and pushed her face against his hand, seeking some semblance of comfort as her body was overpowered with confusing and brand new emotions and sensations.

Suddenly, with a shuddering moan, Chloe's body tensed up as waves of pleasure and relief overcame her tiny form. She gasped and panted as Sebastian continued to rub her clit even as she convulsed, her body quivering and writhing in ecstasy.

But finally, once she came back down from her climax, Sebastian withdrew his hand from between her legs. He wrapped his arms around the little girl, cuddling her close to his chest.

"Good girl. You did so well, pumpkin," Sebastian said between repeatedly kissing her atop the head. "Do you feel better now?"

"Ah… yeah," Chloe mumbled. "My throat hurts, Uncle Sebastian."

Sebastian struggled to ignore his hard cock pressed against her little thigh. As he cuddled and peppered her with kisses for a few minutes, his mind wandered elsewhere.

"Chloe, can we play one more game?" Sebastian looked down. She'd already drifted in a light sleep. He shook her awake and repeated the question.

"I'm sleepy," Chloe whined.

"Please, baby girl? Just one more game. It'd make me really happy," Sebastian pleaded. Regardless of what her answer was, he knew he'd get what he wanted, he just wanted to know how easy it'd be.

"Fine," Chloe finally said, too exhausted to argue.

With Chloe's sleepy agreement, Sebastian shifted his position slightly while also pushing Chloe onto her back. He rested his body between her closed legs, his cock pressed between her wet thighs.

He started to move his hips between her thighs, rubbing his cock against her warm, plushy skin. Chloe stirred as she felt the sensation between her legs, though didn't resist, she didn't have the strength. She started to pant softly and choke back tears as Sebastian fucked her thighs.

Sebastian felt himself starting to lose control and grow increasingly bold as he felt Chloe's squirming body against his dick. Sebastian shifted his body slightly and rubbed the head of his cock against her wet pussy lips while Chloe mumbled something unintelligible.

He teased her with the tip of his dick, pushing against her oversensitive clit and feeling her chest tighten and wriggle her petite body in response. She scrunched up her nose and bit her teeth.

As he pressed harder against her clit, the head of his cock began to slide and start to penetrate her tight opening. Chloe whimpered and began to squeeze her thighs together, pushing his dick out from between her legs.

Sebastian took a deep breath and pulled back from Chloe momentarily. It was far too tempting to take her virginity in that moment; she was wet, lethargic, it was so easy. But, he didn't want to hurt her. She wasn't ready to take his dick yet.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful, baby," Sebastian panted and kissed her on the cheek.

He gently pried open Chloe's legs. He held his dick as he rubbed against her slick pussy, ensuring he wouldn't push himself inside. The sensation of his cock against her puffy folds was intoxicating. He struggled to control his breathing as he desperately fought off the urge to bury himself inside her tight and fresh, 4-year-old pussy.

Sebastian continued to rub himself against her glistening folds, feeling the heat building within himself with each passing moment.

He pulled himself away from her body and began rapidly pumping his throbbing cock. His heavy pants shifted into grunts as he began to spurt hot cum onto Chloe's tummy. She gasped as the hot liquid splashed her skin, and closed her eyes as she waited for it to be over.

Once he was spent for a second time, he fell onto the bed beside Chloe. He kissed her cheek and played with her hair, his fingers tenderly combing through her silky hair. He watched her as she breathed heavily, the rise and fall of her bare chest.

His energy returning after a couple minutes of the pair laying side by side, Sebastian pulled himself up and retrieved a warm, damp washcloth from the bathroom.

As he wiped the cum off of Chloe's tummy, she giggled playfully and squirmed beneath his touch. He couldn't help but smile at her playful nature, one of the things he was so attracted to. In that moment he thought that maybe, just maybe, she'd be okay if they continued this relationship.

Eventually, Sebastian finished cleaning Chloe, making sure to get all the dried cum out of her hair and face as well. Afterwards, he climbed back into bed and cuddled her close, feeling her body perfectly fit against his, and savoring how their skin felt against each other's.

But their moment of peace was eventually cut short, as Sebastian's phone suddenly pinged with a notification. He felt a wave of anxiety and sadness wash over him as he checked the message from Jacob, announcing that they'd be home soon.

Sebastian hastily retrieved Chloe's clothes scattered across the floor, then nudged her awake. "Let's get you dressed, baby girl," Sebastian announced. "Mommy and Daddy are gonna be home soon."

Sebastian dressed Chloe as quickly, but carefully, as possible. In the heat of the panic, he nearly forgot to put back on his own clothes. However, they managed to redress with a few more minutes until Jacob and Lisa came back.

He sat down on the bed and straddled Chloe on his lap, hugging her tightly and smothering her with kisses which made her giggle and playfully push away.

"Remember Clo-bear, no telling Mommy and Daddy about what we do while they're gone. Just tell them we played with dolls, okay?" Sebastian instructed. Chloe nodded enthusiastically, which eased some of his anxiety.

Sebastian tucked Chloe into bed and turned off the light before stepping out of her bedroom. He sat in the living room with bated breath as he anticipated the couple's return.