
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Wanna be Friends?~boyninja12

Summary:A certain cat named Flash-Cat25 is going around conning people. However, this one con-job might be his last... (Er, he doesn't die.)

There was a small yellow cat boy walking down the street, with a spring in his step. However, this was no ordinary cat. He wore a blue hoodie, black booty shorts, white socks and red sneakers. This cat was simply known online as Flash_Cat25. And he was quite happy. Why?

He was notorious for putting on a cute face, looking for some fun with some adults, before basically robbing them with threats of being 'raped' and being a 'pedo'. Although he looked and sounded young, in actuality, it was a scam. The naughty feline used this to his advantage, getting a quick buck using hush money. He pulls out his wallet and eyes the bills and coins he's gotten from many of his suckers.

"Heh. It's so easy to fool these dumbasses. Put on a cutesy wutesy face, play along and then BAM!" Flash_Cat25 says with an evil giggle. He's been putting on this charade for a while now, and no one figured out he was older than he appears. Plus, the free sex was a plus~

He puts his wallet away and stolen money and eyes a house in the neighborhood. It was time for another round. He goes up to the door on the porch, and rang the doorbell. He already has his lines rehearsed and when caught off guard, he'll play his trump card. He was getting excited just thinking about it.

Flash_Cat25 could see someone look through the window before opening the door. It was a man who looked to be in his early 30s. Perfect~ "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Sorry to bother, mister. But I'm lost and need to call home." Flash_Cat25 said innocently. Putting on his typical cute face. "Would it be okay if I use your phone? Pleeease?"

The man looked concerned. "Oh, of course. Please, step in." He said. Worry audible in his voice. Oh, if only he knew…

The feline stepped inside, and had a secret smile on his face. Hook, line and sinker~ Now it was time for some fun and some extra cash.

"Thank you, mister. Say, do you live here all by yourself?" Flash_Cat25 asks the male. He couldn't see anyone else nor head anything.

"Well, yes. Just me. But what are you doing wandering all alone?" The man asked the cat.

"Oh, I got myself lost and now I needed to get home." The cat said, putting on his act. It was so easy to fool these people. If only they knew who or how old he actually is.

"I see…" Said the man. "Well, the phone's in the living room if you want to call your parents."

"Thank you, mister!" Flash_Cat25 thanked him before heading towards the phone and acted like he was talking with his 'Mom'. "Mommy, I got lost. Can you come pick me up, please?"

After his usual schtick with him giving the address and all that shit, the cat hung up and faced the man again. "She said she's on her way." He said.

"Alright, good." The man smiled. "So now what?"

Flash_Cat25 smirked. It was time for some fun~ "Well… I have a game in mind." He said.

"Let me guess. You want me to fuck you?" The man asked suddenly.

The cat was obviously taken aback by this. Did he know? How did he know?! Or wait, did he pull this on him before?? He's done this so many times, he lost count! "Huh??" He gasped.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know good and well what you're doing!" The man replied agitated.

This couldn't be right. Did this guy somehow figure what his game is? No, that can't be. He didn't even slip up once. And usually, he was the one initiating things.

"Uh... what do you think I'm doing then?" Flash_Cat25 asked him.

"What kind of boy goes around looking like that! Especially those shorts! I bet you don't even have underwear on either!" The man accused him.

'W-what?! How the fuck did he know!? No. He still thinks I'm some pervy little shit. He has no idea.' The feline thought to himself. This would definitely be a change. But if he plays his cards right...

"Okay, so what? That still doesn't mean good things for you. What's to stop me from squealing that you did something to a kid like me?" Flash_Cat25 says, using his trump card. This usually gets these guys panicking and just fork over hush money, and maybe a little bonus.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. "What would stop me if you were actually a kid." The man said. "I've heard from my brother that you had his way with him before blackmailing the shit out of him! What kind of 'kid' does that?!"

Flash_Cat25 stared at him in silent shock. Someone actually squealed?! And for that matter, what gave it away?! "How did-? Who would-?" He stuttered before trying to make his way for the door. However, the man grabbed him and lifted him by the tail.

"You've had this coming for so long." The man grumbled. Clearly furious as the cat's actions. Did he mean…? Shit!

"Help! Somebody! I don't know him!!" Flash_Cat25 called out. Hoping and praying somebody would hear him. Before he could make another peep, the man covered his mouth and, because of the shock, the cat passed out.

When he came to, he noticed something. He was naked and he had no clothes with him. Another thing was that he couldn't move his arms. Flash_Cat25 looked around, he was in sort of basement. He then remembered what led him here.

'Shit! Somehow, that guys knows my little secret! I didn't even know he has a brother! Goddamn it! He screwed me!' He thought, frustrated that his scam was falling apart. He calls for help, but finds out he can't.

"Mmhh! Mmh? NNnh! Mmmmm... mh?" He then just now noticed something in his mouth. A gag made of tape. The feline's ears twitched as he heard footsteps.

'Fuck, fuck, FUCK! This is all wrong! I have to get outta here!' He thought desperately, trying to wriggle free. But no matter what he did, it doesn't work. His wrists were bound tight as he kicked his feet in the air.

Out from the shadows stepped the man for earlier. Was he in his basement? And for that matter, why was he naked?! Flash_Cat25 had no time to think as the man spoke. "It's finally time for some payback."

The cat's eyes widened hearing this and struggled some more. Now in full panic mode. "Oh come on, struggling will make this worse." The man said flatly. And eerily calm. "Besides, you've done this lots of times. So at least you know what to do."

'No, no, no, NO!' Flash_Cat25 screamed in his mind as the man revealed his cock. Holy shit, it was massive! Much bigger than anyone else he pulled this scam with! Without any disregard for the cat, the man ripped the tape gag off of his mouth.

"Don't scream and get sucking." He said impatiently. "Or else your secret is revealed to the world."

…How would he even do that? Oh well… Maybe if he played along, he would be freed?

The cat did as he was told, although begrudgingly. He opened his mouth and began sucking the man off. Giving him an expression with a mixture of disgusted and slightly fearful.

'What does he mean, my secret revealed to the world??? The fuck is this guy planning?' Flash_Cat25 thought to himself, as he bobbed his head on the male's length. Fuck, it was so thick!

"It's not a surprise you did this before. You must be the biggest whore ever. I bet you love taking dick from strangers." The man mocked him, as the con-cat glared at him.

He so desperately wants to bite this fucker's dick off. But he knows he'll be in deeper trouble if he does so. So he'll play along and be the obedient good 'boy' he is.

As he continues sucking his captor, his own body was betraying him as his dick was slowly getting hard.

"Mmgh! Fuck, your mouth feels good~" The man moaned in sick pleasure before he noticed that the cat's cock was becoming erect. "Huh. Someone agrees~"

'No, I don't!' Flash_Cat25 screamed in his mind. 'Not this time! I don't enjoy this huge… Thick…'

His mind was slowly becoming fuzzy. He tried. Really fucking tried to keep a level head, but it was becoming harder to do so. Suddenly, the man grabbed the sides of the cat's head and began thrusting down his throat. "Mmf! Fuuuck~" He groaned. "Take my fucking cock!!"

Flash_Cat25 tried to pull away, but the man's grip was far too strong. 'Stop… Please stop…' He pleaded in his mind as tears began flowing down his cheeks. 'Make it stop! I'll never do it again!!'

On and on it went before the man made his announcement. "I'm getting close…" He grunted. Gritting his teeth.

'W-what?! No, no, no!' Flash-Cat25's eyes widened in horror. In any other situation, he would be glad. But not in this case!

"Take it you shitty cat!" The man groans and came inside, filling the feline's mouth and throat.

"Ghghgh! Hhhgh!" The crying cat kicked the air again, trying to pull away, but the male's grip was too strong. He could taste and feel his stomach expanding a little. It was too much! Finally, the man pulled away and stained his face, as if marking him. Flash_Cat25 coughed up some cum and breathed heavily.

"You spat some out. You didn't swallow all of it." The man growled as the feline whimpered.

"P-please! Please lemme go! I-I promise never to do this again! J-just untie me... a-and I'll never tel anyone! C-c'mon dude..." The cat pleaded, he must have looked so pathetic, bound, naked and completely defenseless and sobbing like a little bitch. "I-I'll even give back the money! P-please..."

Flash_Cat25 was scared shitless. Scared for his life, scared of the man, and scared for whatever was about to come next.

"That's not enough." The man began. "You'be been committing this act for far too long! If it's cock you want, then it's cock you'll get!"

The cat's eyes widened. "W-Wait! No! I'll turn myself in! Just please, don't do this!!" He begged and pleaded and cried some more.

"No chance in hell!" The man exclaimed before lifted the cat up and positioned himself at his right entrance. "Get ready for it…"

Flash_Cat25 struggled and squirmed against his restraints. "NO! PLEASE!!" He screamed in terror, and then in pain when he felt the man's cock slam inside his asshole. "AAAAGH!!!"

"Mmgh! Fuck, so tight~" The man moaned in twisted pleasure before he began thrusting. The cat's asscheeks were bouncing and jiggling while the man moaned in pleasure, and the cat screamed in pain. "You know you deserved this; so quit whining!"

'H-holy shit! His cock's gonna break my ass!! I can't take this!!' Flash_Cat25 mentally screamed, cursing his small size. It was so thick and big inside of him.

"Hhnhgh! Hhah! O-oh fuck! M-my ass is gonna break! MY ASS IS GONNA BE BROKEEEEENNNN!!!" The feline screamed, and he was met with a slap from the man.

"I said no screaming! This is what you deserve you little shit! Besides, your slutty ass should be enjoying it!" The man says, and thrusts deeper, hitting his prostate.

"Nnyaah!~ Haahh...! A-ah...?" The feline felt shocked over what he just did. Did he just cry out in pleasure from this? Even his cock spurted out some pre from it.

'N-no... this is rape... I-I can't... w-why... why does... m-my head... everything...' He was struggling to even think.

"Oh? Did I hit your switch, kitty? How about this?" The man mocked him, nudging his prostate again, hearing his cute whimpers and moans with every push. "And this? And this?"

"Hhah!~ Hhah! S-stoooop!~ Y-You're gonna... aahn!~ M-make-make me...!" Flash_Cat25 moans out, the tears never stopped however, his despair suddenly changed to... pleasure? What was happening to him?

"Make you what?~" The man asked.

Slowly, a smile grew on the cat's face as the pain subsided. Pleasure replacing it, instead. "Make me cum~" He moaned as hearts were forming in his eyes.

"There's a good kitty~" The man praised the broken-minded feline. Making him shudder and purr.

"Nyaaah~ Fuck yes~ Rape me more!! Ravage my boy pussy!!!" He hollered. A metaphorical switch being flipped in his head.

Finally, Flash_Cat25 came as his eyes fully turned to hearts. Shattering his mind. "AAAAHN!~ FUCK YESH!!!" He moaned loudly. "Cum in me, Master!! I need it!"

Master, huh? The man chuckled hearing that. If this was what he wanted, it was surly what he was gonna get! With one last thrust, the two males screamed in ecstasy as the man filled the cat with his cum. There was so much, his stomach started bloating. "Mmnf! Fucking take it, you little slut!!"

"Hnng~ So good!~" The cat moaned as he was filled his new Master's seed. When he was finished, Flash_Cat25 was dropped onto the floor. Cum-filled ass in the air. "Haaah~ Holy shit~ That was awesome!~"

Flash_Cat25 he reached behind him and scooped up the man's cum out of his leaking hole and began tasting it. He purrs from the taste and starts fingering himself, not caring what state he was in.

"Aahhh... m-my boy pussy's all filled... B-but still.. empty. I-I want more. I wanna go again...~" Whatever sanity the feline had was long gone. He even forgot what he was even doing here.

"You really like being fucked, don't you?" The man asked, already knowing the answer from the pervy cat.

"Y-yesh... it's so good being fucked...~ I love it~" Flash_Cat25 said and giggles stupidly, scooping up more cum and tasting it like it was a regular treat. "Mmmhf...~ I'd do anything...~"

"Anything, huh? You're serious about taking my dick that much?~" The male said, an idea forming in his head.

Flash_Cat25 stopped fingering himself and shook his fat ass.

"Anything...~ I wanna be used like the sissy fucktoy I am, Master...~" He sounded serious when he said it, his cock leaking just at the thought of being played with again.

"Listen, forget about the whole blackmail stuff. I think I'll keep you for myself~" The man breathed.

Flash_Cat25 lit up at this as he began purring again. "Yes! Keep me, Master! Never throw me away! This is my purpose now!!" He begged. This was a thousand times better than… Whatever he was doing prior. It surly couldn't be THAT important, right?

The man picked the cat back up and slammed back inside. "Mmngh! That's the spirit!" He groaned. "You're such a good kitty~"

"Nyaaahn~" The cat moaned girlishly and shamelessly. "Fuck yes~ I love you, Master!!"


Since that day, the cat known as Flash_Cat25 was no more. In his place was a new persona: Slut_Cat69.

Currently, the slutty cat was being fucked by his Master once again. Eyes rolled back, tongue flopping out, the works! Did he have any regrets? Absolutely not~

And as his Master came into him yet again, Slut_Cat69 was reminded of his purpose: To be his fucktoy until the end of time~