
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

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While Mommy and Daddy Are Away (OLD)by val3far

Summary:A man who has a sick obsession with a 4-year-old girl, that's possibly his own daughter, fulfills his sexual fantasies while entrusted with babysitting her.

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the quiet suburban street as Sebastian approached his friend's house. He grinned to himself, his heart beating with anticipation for his evening with Chloe. Babysitting her was quite common for him, but today was going to be a very different day.

Sebastian had always had a way with kids, however he always seemed to struggle with finding a woman to settle down with. Regardless, he embraced the role as the favorite uncle. Every family reunion or holiday, it was rare to see him without a baby in his arms, or with a gaggle of kids on his tail.

Sebastian and his best friend, Jacob had been inseperable practically their entirely lives, ever since they'd met in 2nd grade. So, it came as no surprise when Jacob and and his wife, Lisa moved across the street from him, hoping for their children to grow up around their "uncle," Sebastian.

Unfortunately, after Jacob and Lisa moved into their new home, they began to encounter marital difficulties. As an outcome of it, Lisa started an affair with Sebastian which made her reconsider her life with Jacob. However, once she became pregnant, she immediately ended the affair with Sebastian. The baby helped her realize that Jacob was the man she wanted to raise a family with.

While the breakup wasn't mutual, Sebastian and Lisa managed to push past the affair to maintain their respective relationships to Jacob. Unfortunately, the married couple's rekindled happiness was short-lived, as Lisa's pregnancy was a difficult one. The doctors advised her against having anymore children, as any further pregnancies would be too risky, potentially life threatening. Despite the news, they found contentment with their small family and healthy baby girl, Chloe.

There was nagging thought in the back of Sebastian's head that wouldn't go away every time he looked into Chloe's dark brown eyes, a feature neither Jacob or Lisa shared. He'd never known for sure whether or not Chloe was his daughter, but he couldn't help but entertain the possibility.

Sebastian had started regularly babysitting Chloe when she was a year old, after Lisa had to go back to work once her maternity leave ended. He was always incredibly affectionate with Chloe as any doting "uncle" would be, but over time that affection became something darker, something sick.

As Chloe grew out of her toddler years and began blossoming into a little girl, Sebastian found himself struggling to deny his attraction to her; Chloe's big innocent eyes, and those adorable messy curls. He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way, and how wrong it all was, of course—she was only 4 years old, for god's sake—but he couldn't help himself. The way she talked, the way she giggled, even the way she smelled. It was all like a drug to him.

Sebastian was greeted at the front door by Jacob and Lisa who were looking more put together than usual. Jacob's typically lazily teased hair was now combed and slicked back, and he was no longer wearing his usual outfit of worn jeans and a plain T-shirt. Meanwhile, Lisa was wrapped around his arm, wearing a glittery blue dress that hugged her curvaceous figure and matched her heavy makeup, all complimented with a pair of dangly golden earrings.

"Thanks again for doing this, Sebastian," Lisa exhaled, flicking a stray curl from her face. "It's been a really rough week for us and we really needed a night just for ourselves."

Sebastian chuckled, playfully patting her on the shoulder, "Don't worry about a thing, you two lovebirds. Go out and have some fun, and let me know when you're heading back."

As the car disappeared around the corner, Sebastian lingered in the doorway for a moment before turning to lock the front door, a precaution he didn't normally do in their safe little neighborhood. Afterwards, he made his way up the stairs towards Chloe's room, noticing the door was slightly ajar.

The sound of the door squeaking open alerted Chloe, who squealed in delight and dropped her dolls, jumping up from the floor and running towards him. "Uncle Sebastian!" she cried put, throwing her arms around his long legs. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Clo-bear!" he replied, trying to hide his excitement as he felt her tiny body pressing against his groin. He gave her silky hair a playful ruffle before speaking again. "Mommy and Daddy are out having fun, so Uncle Sebastian's gonna take care of you for a couple hours, okay?"

As Sebastian spoke, Chloe's face lit up with uncontained, youthful excitement, nodding her head so much her hair bounced. "You get to play dolls with me!" she exclaimed. "You promised you would last time!"

"Alright, alright," Sebastian said, chuckling as she took his hand and dragged him over to her dollhouse. He took a seat next to her, feeling an intense rush of desire take over him.

Chloe handed him a plastic male toy, while she held a blonde female doll, and a smaller, seemingly younger version of the same doll. Sebastian couldn't help but admire how adorable she was as she played, there was a strange mix of innocence and allure that captivated him.

As they played, Chloe laughed and chattered away, weaving fantastical stories about the dolls. Sebastian listened half-heartedly, struggling to focus on anything else besides the throbbing between his legs. He shifted in his seat, trying to hide the uncomfortable bulge in his pants as best he could.

"Hey, Chloe, let me show you something cool," Sebastian grinned, lowering his voice.

Sebastian took the older female toy from Chloe's hand and began to remove its cheap fabric clothes, eliciting a gasp from Chloe. She tried to snatch it from him, but he held it just out of her reach.

Once both the dolls were naked, Sebastian placed them in the bedroom portion of the dollhouse, arranging them in a suggestive position on the tiny bed. He placed the male toy on top of the female one with its legs spread wide.

At first, Chloe was wide-eyed and confused by the sexual scene being played out before her. But, as Sebastian began to move the male toy back and forth, mimicking the motion of thrusting, she started giggling and laughing.

Sebastian reached for the little girl doll that Chloe was still holding and undressed it, swapping places with the woman doll. "Sometimes uncles do this with their nieces," Sebastian suggested.

Chloe gasped, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Can we do that?" she asked eagerly.

"We can," Sebastian replied with a smile, trying to mask the utter joy he felt at her naive willingness. "But, only when you're more ready. And we can't tell Mommy and Daddy, okay?"

Chloe nodded, sensing the seriousness of his last sentence. "Okay, I won't!" she agreed.

Eventually, Chloe returned to playing with her toys, but not before insisting Sebastian redress them. He pretended to be interested in the made up scenario she was playing out with her dolls, but he couldn't stop thinking about what he wanted to do with her.

Sebastian watched as Chloe played with her toys, her childish imagination running wild. He couldn't resist the urge to be closer to her, to feel her tiny body against his. Without warning, he lifted her up and placed her down on his lap. While momentarily interrupted, she didn't seem very disturbed, continuing to happily play out her scene with him.

As he stroked her hair gently, he couldn't help but imagine what it'd be like to touch her in other places, how her soft skin would feel under his rough, large hands. His hunger only grew stronger with every passing second.

To distract himself, he wrapped his arms around Chloe's belly and tried engaging with her playtime, asking her questions about her dolls and making small talk about preschool. But the entire time, his mind was elsewhere, and the throbbing between his legs was growing more intense.

Sebastian couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He slid his hands down to Chloe's hips and began to rock his hips slowly, grinding against her warm body. Chloe shifted, struggling to stay on top of his lap as he picked up speed.

"Stop it! I can't play!" Chloe huffed. Sebastian released his grip, and Chloe shot up, dramatically plopping down on the opposite side of the dollhouse.

"Sorry, baby," Sebastian mumbled, trying to catch his breath.

He tried to calm himself down, but he was just harder than before. The feeling of her soft body on top of his, the knowledge that he could do filthy things to her that she didn't understand consumed him entirely.

Desperate for some relief, he slipped his penis out of his jeans. His hand moved quickly, and he bit down on his teeth to hush himself. Though, he knew it eventually wouldn't be enough. He needed more. He needed to touch her, to take her, to make her body his own.

Sebastian was jolted out of his trance and snapped back to reality by the sound of Chloe's little voice calling out to him. "Uncle Sebastian?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she stood up and looked over the dollhouse at him.

Sebastian's heart raced as he quickly yanked his shirt over his groin. He looked up at Chloe, who was staring at him with wide eyes, before quickly turning his head away with flushed cheeks. However, he soon felt a bit of sick satisfaction when he realized this was likely the first penis she'd ever seen.

"What were you doing?" Chloe asked with a genuine curiosity, not fear like he'd anticipated.

Sebastian desperately searched his mind for an excuse. "I, uh… was just… scratching an inch," he muttered, his voice shaky with nerves.

He could sense Chloe's confusion and slight curiosity, and he knew he could use it to his advantage. He slowly pulled up his shirt, revealing his penis. Chloe's eyes widened as she took in the sight, her face etched with deeper confusion and a hint of fear.

Sebastian's behavior was so strange and weird, and the way he was suddenly acting made her feel uneasy. She fidgeted, shifting her weight from one foot to another, feeling a bad feeling in her tummy about what was happening.

Sebastian smirked, deciding to push his luck even further. "Hey, Chloe," he said quietly. "Do you wanna touch it?"

Hesitantly, Chloe shakily nodded her head, her eyes fixed on Sebastian's erection, wondering was was going to happen next.

Sebastian moved closer to her, their knees pressing together as he tucked his shirt into his waistband. Chloe sat on her legs. She looked up at him with a hint of curiosity through the confusion. "What do I do?" she asked.

"Go ahead, sweetie," Sebastian said gently. "Put your hands on it, touch it."

Chloe looked back down at his dick, her hand trembling as she stretched it out towaeds him. She placed her hand on the tip, and to her surprise, his dick pulsed and dribbled out precum. She gasped and yanked her hand away, but Sebastian swiftly grabbed her arm and pushed it back down onto his dick.

"It's okay, baby, that's normal," he murmured gingerly. "Now stroke it."

Chloe's hand slightly twitched as she felt the slickness of his precum, but she continued to glide her fingers down his length. Sebastian groaned under his breath, his eyes rolling back as he felt her tiny fingers working him.

As he neared a climax, he gripped her pink bedroom carpet tight, struggling to hold on just a little longer. Chloe's touch alone was unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

"Stop for a second," Sebastian panted, barely able to get the words out of his mouth. Chloe quickly pulled her hand away, watching as he took quick breaths to calm himself down.

He pressed the palm of his hand against her shoulder and carefully pushed her backward. She shifted into a regular sitting position, bending her legs to keep herself upright. Sebastian spread her little legs slightly and dug a hand up her skirt.

"Only Mommy changes me!" Chloe blurted, shrinking in on herself.

"Hold on, sweetheart. I'm not changing you," Sebastian hushed, trying to soothe her fears.

Chloe nodded, taking deep gulps as Sebastian grabbed the stretchy waistband of her panties and dragged them down her short legs before placing them off to the side.

He leaned in and kissed Chloe on the eyebrow. "Don't shake, pumpkin. Why are you scared?" Sebastian asked gently.

"I don't know," Chloe mumbled, turning her head away.

Sebastian's hands became sweatier as he grabbed her skirt and folded it up against her belly. Her lower half was now completely exposed, and her legs trembled as she struggled to keep herself upright, leaning on her shaking arms. Chloe couldn't understand what was happening, but deep down she knew it didn't feel right. But, she desperately wanted to trust her uncle.

Sebastian moved closer to Chloe, his hand wrapped tightly around his aching cock as he slowly stroked it. As he grew more excited, his strokes gradually became even faster and more heavy

With a final suppressed groan, Sebastian reached his release. He rubbed his cock vigorously as his seed spewed out of his dick and landed between Chloe's legs. Chloe's face scrunched up, and she turned up her head, but Sebastian ignored her as he pumped his cock dry.

Chloe tapped the cum running down her slit with a face of disgust. "It's so sticky," she complained, her voice barely audible.

Sebastian leaned in for another kiss, "It feels really good, don't you like it?"

She pushed him away before his lips could touch her, as she shut her legs tightly. "No," she huffed. "Can we play a different game?"

"Of course, baby," he replied curtly, quickly sneaking a kiss on her cheek before standing up and heading to the bathroom.

He grabbed a damp washcloth and found Chloe running her fingers up and down her legs, feeling the cum between her fingers. Kneeling down beside her, he wiped her up, careful to leave no evidence of what he'd done to her.

As he picked up her panties and unfolded them, Sebastian leaned in close to Chloe. "You don't tell Mommy and Daddy about this game, okay, Clo-bear?" he said in a low tone. "This is a game that only you and Uncle Sebastian know about."

"Okay," Chloe said simply, nodding.

"Pinky promise," Sebastian insisted as he stuck out his pinky finger. "You know you can never break a pinky promise. You can't tell anyone, not even Mommy and Daddy."

"I promise," she reassured him as their pinkies locked.

"Good girl," he murmured, patting her head gently.

Sebastian pulled her panties back up her legs and fixed her skirt. Then, he pulled her in close and stroked her hair for a while, giving her a multiple kisses on the side of the head.

"Can I play now?" Chloe asked, as the kisses only continued.

"Alright, alright," Sebastian relented, finally letting her go.

After about an hour, Sebastian left Chloe to her own devices while he went downstairs to cook her favorire dinner, macaroni and cheese. He hummed to himself as he stirred the boiling pasta, his mind whirring with all the sick and twisted fantasies he knew he'd finally get to fulfill.

Once the mac and cheese was mixed, Sebastian set the pot down and tiptoed up the stairs. He crept into Chloe's bedroom, squeezing through the small gap in her door. The sight of her back facing him, completely unaware of the predator lurking behind her, filled him with a deep lust.

"Boo!" Sebastian yelled, tackling her to the ground. Chloe shrieked in surprise, dropping the dolls she was holding and laughing as Sebastian tickled her relentlessly.

As he continued to tickle her, his fingers suddenly roamed down her hips and then under her skirt, tugging at the waistband of her panties. Chloe squirmed and giggled, still believing he was messing around.

Without even realizing what he was doing, Sebastian began to tug at her panties, exposing her private area. When she tried to pull away, he pinned one of her arms down and trapped her legs beneath his. Chloe's giggles subsided into silence as she realized this was no longer just playing, her eyes widening in fear.

But, before he could anything else, Sebastian came to his senses. He fixed his fly and and quickly pulled up Chloe's panties. Sebastian helped Chloe back to her feet, a searing sense of shame and lack of self-control flushing his cheeks.

"Sorry," Sebastian panted. "I made you mac and cheese, sweetie."

Her eyes immediately lit up, a big smile on her face. She rushed past him and down the stairs. Sebastian gave himself a few seconds to recollect himself before following behind her.

Sebastian watched intently as she hungrily devoured the mac and cheese he'd made for her. The way she closed her eyes with each bite, and how she licked off the sauce from her lips and fingers with her tongue. As she ate, he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to taste her, to feel her lips on his own—to experience being inside of her.

The sickening fantasy made his groin ache and his heart race all over again. He reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Chloe, honey, can you do what we did earlier?" Sebastian asked, fumbling with his zipper.

"But I'm eating," she protested.

"Please, just use your other hand. I really need you too," Sebastian insisted.

Chloe rolled her eyes in exasperation, but gave in, wrapping her tiny hand around his dick. Sebastian let out a soft moan of pleasure as she began to stroke him, her hand slowly moving up and down his length.

Sebastian set a hand down on the edge of the table to steady himself as he slowly rocked his hips. Chloe kept a steady rhythm, her grip tight and firm. Her fingers were slick with his pre-cum, making it easy for her to glide up and down.

Suddenly, Sebastian's body tensed up as he felt his release rapidly approaching. With a loud groan, he came, purposefully spurting ropes of cum into Chloe's bowl of mac and cheese, which made her recoil in disgust. Sebastian silently chuckled at himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight.

When Chloe tried to push the bowl away, Sebastian held down her hand. "You have to finish your dinner," he said firmly. "Or no dessert."

Chloe looked at him, her cheeks pink with anger. She glanced back at her food, her stomach churning at the thought of what she had to do. It looked more like slime she played with than anything she'd ever want to eat.

With a deep breath, Chloe forced herself to pick up the fork, her small hand visibly shaking. She took a small bite of the mac and cheese, closing her eyes and shuddering at the taste.

"Good girl," Sebastian praised while rubbing her back. "Keep going, finish your food, sweetheart."

With tears burning her eyes, Chloe continued to force down the disgusting mac and cheese, her throat contracting with each bite. Every time she swallowed, she heaved and had to fight with her body not to throw body.

"There you go, it wasn't so bad, was it?" he wiped her tears away with his thumb whilst she tried to turn her head away. "Let's get you some dessert, baby."

Sebastian pulled away and disappeared into the kitchen. When he returned, he was holding a can of whipped cream. With a grin, he pulled out a chair and sat down. His cock was still hanging out of his pants, though it was now flaccid.

"Get down on your knees, little one," he directed.

Chloe reluctantly complied, the sickening feeling in her stomach growing as Sebastian sprayed the whipped cream onto the tip of his dick. He held his shaft towards her.

"C'mon, lick it off, Clo-bear," he commanded, with a bit more of a gentle tone this time.

As Chloe stuck out her tongue, the taste of his cum mixed with the whipped cream made her gag. She looked up at him, her eyes pleading, but he only nodded encouragingly.

"Come on, Chloe. You wanted desert," Sebastian teased. "Hurry up, or I'll have to put you in time out."

Whilst trembling with revulsion, Chloe continued to lap up the disgusting treat until it was all gone and she was just suckling his soft dick. Sebastian rubbed her head lovingly, before tapping her cheek.

"You can stop now, sweetheart," he said. "You did such a good job."

He fixed his pants and then hoisted Chloe up into his arms, covering her squirming face with kisses. He didn't let go until he didn't hear her cries anymore. She was silent as she ran up the stairs.

"I love you!" Sebastian called after her, though decided not to chase after her.

By the time Jacob and Lisa returned home from their date, Chloe was fast asleep in her bed. Sebastian put a warm smile on as he greeted the couple and let them inside, desperately trying to hide the guilt and unease that weighed on his mind.

Jacob and Lisa talked with Sebastian for a couple of minutes as he tried to keep his composure, feeling a knot in his stomach every time they mentioned Chloe.

Finally, after finding a smooth opportunity to leave, he said his goodbyes and quickly headed out the door. The night breeze helped cool down his warm, flushed skin as he crossed the street back to his own house.