
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

That Time I Lewded A Slime! last

Flight, the mere act of flying under my own power is something that I find to be so… Freeing. The feeling of the air rushing past me as I soared through the skies towards my destination. It's so indescribable.

I had been at this for about an hour now and yet my target, Milim Nava, was still so far away. And for all my vaunted power, I was coming to find that I could only go so fast. Physics affected even one as great as me. Even as I poured on the speed, hitting mach ten in a matter of seconds, then quickly accelerating past even that as my wings spread out to catch the air.

That, of course, is when my skill Faust had to ping with an ever so helpful suggestion.

[Answer: spatial motion is available]

For a moment, I blinked blankly… d-did she mean teleportation?


I let out a long held aggravated sigh. 'How?' I groaned internally.

[Answer, through the Ultimate skill Solomon Ruler of all creation, it is possible to forcibly evolve the skill.]

I let out a long-suffering sigh, 'ok l-lets to that then.' working in concert exactly as Faust suggests, I pour my magicules into the skill to forcibly evolve spatial motion.

[Report: Evolution of skill Spatial motion successful. Creation of New ultimate skill, Polaris light of the north star successful.]

A gateway opens up before me, like a rift in time and space. I fly straight through it. Faster than an eye blink, one moment I was soaring through the skys, the next I was skidding to a stop within Frey's chambers.

And there she is standing there off in the room's corner is Milim Nava. she's just staring off into space like a broken doll. And for a second, it gives me pause. Only for a singular second. There might have been a chance that she wasn't faking it. That my memories could be wrong. That is, of course, before I feel the ever so slight fluctuations in her magic. Ones that denoted a frisson of fear and shock. That only confirmed what I already suspected and knew from my other life's memories. But more than that, thanks to Vassago, she couldn't hide anything from me. I could see her each and every intention as plain as day.

I was so focused on Milim that I hadn't even paid any attention to Frey. Not that she could hurt me mind. It was just now that I noticed that she was here, too. I gazed upon her and despite her bluster; she reeked of fear.

I resolved I would deal with her later. She could wait. So with the snap of my fingers and my building magic responding to my will. Both Milim and I were separated from Frey by a cage of roaring lightning made up of the blackest night. Instantly Milim rushes me, but it's far too late to stop the spell I cast.

Between the picoseconds, it takes for her to realize what is going on and for her to leap into action. My spell takes hold. And then one moment we're in Frey's castle, the next we have shifted planes of existence. And are within a pocket of altered reality maintained by my vast magic.

I can see the astonished look in her eyes in slow motion. But that surprise is more fleeting than a wisp of air. Before all of her attention is directed at me. She is fast, not as fast as Velzard or Velgrynd. But her speed is so fast that she clears the distance between us in less than a heartbeat.

So, not that much of a challenge for me to swat away her fist with contemptuous ease. I directed her blow down and to the side. And I suspect just based on the force that she just used were it not because we were now inside of the formless void, that was my pocket dimension. that I could manipulate freely. That her attack would have destroyed Frey's castle with just that blow alone. Instead, the force from her redirected blow rebounds off the 'floor' and dissipates harmlessly into the void surrounding us.

Grabbing her by her extended arm, I pull her onto my knee. Right as the formless void responds to my will and a 'chair' forms behind me as I sit down.

Before she can even struggle, I deliver six rapid blows to her hindquarters. "You've been such a bad girl." I growl.

She doesn't even so much as struggle to escape my grip. Not even reacting. That's just how shocked she is.

"Oi, you cut the act!" I bark, swatting her rear end harder. And this time she lets out a squeak of surprise. "I know you're faking it. You're not under mind control."

"So, are you going to explain yourself?" I level my best glare at her.

Her lips purse into a thin line, only wavering when I raise my hand in threat.


I dealt another blow to her backside, deciding that she had kept me waiting long enough.

"Ow, ow, ow, ok, ok, okokokok!" she squeals, almost desperately, as she wriggles to get free. "I'll talk! I'll talk! Daddy, please stop! I'll talk!"

"Well?" I say in a warning tone. Blatantly ignoring her Freudian slip of calling me 'Daddy'.

"Well… I have a plan…" she began, eyeing my hand over her shoulder like one might a venomous asp. "Clayman has always been the shimmying sort, you see. So when he used this." she pointed to the bangle she wore around her arm.

"He thought it would take over my mind. In an attempt to gain more power, I guess." She shrugged for a lack of better words. Clearly not understanding the magnitude of her error.

"So you thought it was, what? Ok to destroy an entire country?" I growled. Admittedly, I was being a bit of a hypocrite. But I blame that on the youth of my past. "Your actions, when you killed Carrion, destabilized an entire region, sent the beast folk fleeing as refugees."

"B-but I had a plan." She pouted.

"Oh, a plan, you say?" I questioned her. "Well, let's hear it."

"Well, there is a non-aggression pact among the Demon Lords you see…" she quickly nodded, "if any of us act against one of our fellows, then they would invoke the wrath of the others. And since what Clayman did wasn't enough to invoke the wrath of the others. Since falling under his control from such simple mental manipulation would be my own fault." I nod my acceptance. It would make sense for it to be her own fault if she did indeed fall under his control so easily.

"I just needed to make it look like I did something extreme while under his control in order to force a Walpurgis..." she continued.

"So you killed the ruler of Eurazania who was also your fellow Demon lord, Carrion." I stated, abruptly interrupting her.

She stiffened under my discerning gaze. "err, no…"

I scowled. "What do you mean no?" I asked, keeping my voice as level as I could.

"Well, he's not dead." I quirked a brow at such a timid response. She's not lying. But I can sense there's definitely something she's not telling me.

It's fortunate that Visago has more uses than just being able to spot out lyes, through a use of both my magic and Visago in concert. A tear in space into the real world opens up before me. The surface of it rippled into life. Before settling and smoothing out like glass. Settling on the form of a man… Well, what's left of a man that I can only assume is Carrion. Although he looks like he got into a very enthusiastic fight with a wood chipper. Then what she left of him also got into several… Ahem, fights with several furious honey badgers and he lost very, very badly… The fact that he's still alive is a miracle. Even if I'm certain he wishes he was, in fact, not.


Timidly, she glances at me out of the corner of her eye. "Y-Yes…"

"The Walpurgis is in less than a month! How the hell is Carrion supposed to recover before then?" I shout.

My anger only rises when she does not answer. "I can see that your continued silence on the matter is telling…" I resolved to do what needed to be done. "It's not good enough."

With her sprawled out over my knees, it's a simple matter for me to tighten my hold on her with one hand and harshly yank her spats and panties down in one quick motion.

I rained down blows upon her pale behind without mercy faster than she could react.

The squawk of surprise that Milim let out was music to my ears. She tried to wriggle free, of course, but for all that she tried, my arm was like an inescapable iron band around her waist. All she could do was tense up and take it.









"Good enough!" I growled, punctuating each of my words with a flurry of blows that were turning her rear red.

"Wait, wait, wait, please!" she begged, the beginning of tears pricking at her eyes.

"Well," I growled, hand poised high for another blow.

"It…" she mumbled.

"Speak up." I growled. Causing her to flinch.

"Yes!" she squeaked. "It wasn't just my plan. Frey and Carrion were in on it too!" she wailed.

"Oh, so it was a part of your plan to make Carrion look like you maimed him with a cheese grater?" I cocked my head to the side in puzzled curiosity. "Or did you just get carried away…"

I knew I had my answer when she didn't answer me.

"I see…" I sighed. "You've caused Rimuru so much trouble… so accept your punishment and think about what you've done."

I started back in on her with no further preamble.










I didn't wait, not in the slightest, not at all. I didn't even deign her with my attention. Merely continuing with meting out her punishment as dispassionately as I could.




"I'm Sowwwy!" she sobbed. "Ow, Please, I'm Sowwy!"





"Daddy, I'm sowy! Daddy!"




Steadfastly, I ignored her slip as best I could. When my hand came back wet, that, however, I could not ignore…

"Did you piss yourself?" I asked, and even with her head down turned, I could tell even with her cheeks burning as red as her rear she hadn't pissed herself, so there could only be one explanation. This little pervert… was-was she actually getting off on this?

When I slid my hand between her legs to check, she didn't bother with resisting. Her reaction was quite the opposite. She shivered, moaning lowly at my touch.

"I'm sowy Daddy. Milim will be a good girl for Daddy." she sniffled.

[notice Ultimate skill: Sitri Empress of Desire is now active.]

I mentally nodded at the notice from Faust. Not that I needed it. I could feel Sitri at work permeating every word I spoke, filling me with power and a desire to dominate. "You'll be a good girl?"

Milim nodded instantly.

"Tell me Milim, did you like Daddy's hand?" I asked.

Her cheeks burned red.

"Well," I urged, "only good girls who answer their Daddy get cummies." I purred my last words, rubbing her lips with my fingers. Causing her to shiver in my lap. She was positively soaked now.

"Y-yes Daddy." she moaned desperately, her whole body trembling with need as she rubbed her thighs together. "I'll be a good girl from now on, so please…"

"Well, good girls listen to their Daddy's," I grinned, reveling in the control I had over her, "so strip, you're a good girl, aren't you?"

She blushes to the roots of her hair when I let her go, taking a step back so that I can get a good look at her, but nonetheless, she obeys my order. The first article of clothing that she removes is the chest armor that secures her bust, with only her top on as her last remaining piece of clothing. She hesitated for a moment. Asking me with a silent glance if this is what I really wanted.

When I nodded, silently urging her to continue, off it came. Revealing all of her curves to my keen gaze. She was bigger than Rimuru in the breast department, for starters. Her breasts were big enough that she might actually have a bit of cleavage. If she pressed her breasts together or wore a push-up bra. Perfect, perky little handfuls that were capped with little rosy nipples. And down below she was as clean shaven as a baby's bottom, not a single hair on her hairless cunt.

She was every bit the beauty that I remembered she was, and my hunger grew. "Come here…" I licked my lips in anticipation. "If you want to feel good, too. Then you're going to need to get Daddy ready."

Milim nodded, her cheeks flushed as she stood before me. "Now get on your knees." I instructed her. My hands on her bare shoulders as I guided her to her knees were more than enough for her to shiver in pleasure. A tremulous moan of bliss slipped past her lips.

"Daddy…" She panted.

"You're going to need to use your mouth to get me ready. Do you know what that is?" I asked as I helped her undo my pants.

"Y-yes…" she shyly nodded.

"Good," I smiled, "then say it, say what you need to do to get Daddy ready. You're a good girl, aren't you?"

She looked up at me with pink cheeks and large blue soulful eyes that expressed her innocence, "I'm going to give you a blowjob Daddy." well based on the sneaky grin she hid, maybe calling the look she wore innocent was a bit of a misnomer.

She gasped in shock when my cock was finally free of the confines of my trousers. And I have to admit, the surprised look she wore when my dick literally flopped out, smacking her in the face, sent a thrill right through me.

"Daddy, you're so big!" she exclaimed. Nuzzling into the side of my member with her cheek. Stroking it with both of her hands. "I can't even fit both of my hands around it."

It was a bit of a surprise when she took the head of my cock into her mouth. That I didn't need to tell her to watch her teeth was just a bonus.

Her little lips bobbed up and down what she could comfortably take. And I was ok with that. I would take things one step at a time. I was in no hurry to force her to take more than she was ready for. For now, I simply leaned back, the formless void underneath me becoming a reclining chair as I ran my hand through her pink locks. "Good girl, you're doing great." I sighed as she came off my cock with a pop to run her tiny pink tongue along the underside of my shaft. "You're sucking my cock like a pro. Tell me, baby girl. Who taught you this?" I spoke aloud.

Milim froze, with her pretty pink lips and tongue on the side of my shaft. Her blush once more returned to an atomic shade that trailed all the way to the tops of her breasts. "I-I don't know what you're talking about D-Daddy? I'm a good girl. Good girls don't know about anything like sucking c-cock or blowjobs." She stammered out in what to me was clearly a lie.

I snorted in amusement. If she didn't want to tell me, that was fine. Even if I was willing to bet that she learned this from spying on Frey and the other harpies. I'd let her keep this secret just this once. On another note, I felt it was high time I moved things along, "enough of that come up here and sit in Daddy's lap." I smirked at her, my words rumbling out of my chest as a hungry growl.

Panting with need, her little chest heaving excitedly, Milim eagerly climbed into my lap obediently. She nestled in as close as she could, with her arms around my neck and her fascinated gaze affixed upon my cock. As it rested against her navel like a brand.

She shivered in my embrace when I came to rest my hands on her hips. Her face was stained with a lovely crimson flush. And her little nipples stood out hard and erect on her pert little breasts. Truly, she was a beautiful sight to behold.

"Are you going to take me now, Daddy? Milim promises she is a good girl!" she stammered out, swallowing thickly as she glanced from the sizable girth of my penis to my eyes.

I hummed in thought, letting her anticipation for what I would say build for the moment. As I gazed into her eyes with a predatory hunger.

She fidgeted in my lap under my hungry gaze, unable to maintain a strong front under my intense gaze. She looked away.

"Yes…" I finally answered her at long last, my hands coming to caress the globes of her ass cheeks possessively. "Yes, I am going to take you, you've been a Good girl for Daddy and I suppose I can spoil you and give you a reward. Just this once, ok?"

She looked so happy in that moment that it was a shame that I would have to rain on her parade. "But after this we have to fix the mess you made of Carrion." I smiled softly to show that I wasn't really all that bothered by her actions, when she stiffened in my grasp and looked at me so timidly that it was out of character.

I lifted her up by her hips and our lips met in a deep kiss that was full of passion. Our tongues dueled, seeking dominance from the other amidst our passion. Eventually, she submitted, allowing me to plunder her lips to my heart's desire. She was such a small thing, and yet tasted so so sweet. "We need to fix Carrion up so that your plan can go off without a hitch, after all? Don't we?" I said, grinning when we broke apart.

The matching grin that she returned, it was stunning… and finally I had glimpsed that brilliant, mischievous, sunny girl. That I knew she was. And perhaps the daddy kink was something that I had inadvertently awoken within her. And admittedly, this was perhaps an unforeseen consequence of my haste. I just hoped that it wouldn't stick. Faster than I could blink, the shy, timid, submissive Daddy's girl mask was back. "Ok, Daddy."

I sighed internally, yeah I was stuck with this one. Fine, I mentally nodded, as I quickly rallied my resolve. If this was the way she wanted to play, then I'd let her. Who was I to judge her, after all? "Get ready, baby girl." I lifted her by her hips, god was she such a slight thing. lining myself up with her entrance. I lowered her onto my cock, slowly, ever so slowly, sinking her onto my cock inch by agonizing inch. Taking my time so that I could relish in how she gasped at my intrusion. Then her brow furrowed, and she moaned in bliss around me.

"Oh Daddy! You're so huge!"

Her fingers were like daggers shredding my tunic and digging furrows into my back that healed just as swiftly.

"Just a bit more, Baby girl." I grunted, pushing past the temporary pain as I struggled to push in as far as I could into her achingly tight pussy. She was like a vise around me. Leaving me with no choice but to pull out until only the tip remained inside her.

Then back down she went, her vise like pussy sinking just that bit further down my length.

"Oh, oh, Daddy, I'm so full already. You're going to split my pussy." She moaned into my ear. Her arms tightening their grip around my neck. "You're going to break my poor kitty."

"Oh, really," I grinned, as she showed no actual sign of discomfort. Her legs had gone to secure themselves as best they could around my waist, in fact. Her little hips doing their level best to rock back and forth on my shaft. "I'm beginning to think that you want me to break your cunt. Is that what you want? Do you want your Daddy to split you open and fuck your tight pussy?" I emphasized each word with a powerful thrust that tore wonderful moans from her melodious throat.

"YES, DADDY!" she wailed, "do it! Break me, pound my pussy."

I grinned savagely, Well now who was I to defy my baby girl? I grunted, as I stood, bouncing her slight form up and down on my cock as the pocket space conformed to my will.

A 'bed' or rather a crude facsimile of one rose from the ground. Milim let out a squeak of surprise when I dropped her on the nonetheless cushy facsimile of a bed. My cock slipped free of her aching center.

She shuffled to the center of the bed, spreading her legs and pussy wide for me. "Daddy, my pussy aches. I need you inside me!" she looked at me with large, soulful eyes.

I crawled atop her, taking one of her legs in each hand, raising her legs up above her head and as wide as they would go. Who was I to deny this perfection before me?