
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

she tastes like you, only sweeteroverdose

Summary: Yuri takes out his frustrations of Anya not being his and Yor's daughter on Anya herself

She looks just like Yor, and it's not fair. Anya has her jet black hair and red eyes, with not a trace of Loid in her features. Or maybe there is, but Yuri doesn't care about that. He doesn't pay attention to Loid that much at all in the first place. He only sees Yor's beautiful features in Anya, his drop-dead gorgeous sister in his young niece. There's a smile on his face as he bids Yor and Loid goodbye, only looking at his sister. The stress of motherhood hasn't done a single thing to ruin Yor's beauty, and even if it did—no, there's nothing that can ruin Yor in Yuri's eyes.

He wishes them a safe trip as the door closes, Anya waving her small hands. For a little girl, she receives her parents going out overnight without her well—though she probably believes the "work" reason as to why they're leaving. Yuri knows they're probably going to have the time of their lives away from Anya at dinner, ending their night at a hotel. The thought makes Yuri sick, and his smile falls flat when he hears the car drive away, teeth grinding against each other.

Yuri looks down at Anya, who looks up at him, and his smile magically comes back. He has to be nice to his niece, but at the same time, he despises Anya for not being his child with Yuri. Yuri knows he can't place the blame on Anya—she's just a little girl, after all, unaware of the cruel world that she lives in. Ultimately, it's Loid's fault for marrying Yor, impregnating her, trapping her in a loveless marriage with a child—Yor says they're in love, but Yuri refuses to believe it. Yor will be the happiest she's ever been if she leaves Loid and marries Yuri instead. He lets out a sigh to suppress his anger and bends down in front of Anya.Rememberit's not little Anya's fault, Yuri thinks to himself.

"Well, it's just you and me," Yuri smiles, patting her black hair. Black hair that belongs to Yor and him… not Loid, a man who is supposed to be her father!

Maybe, just maybe—Yuri managed to sneak into Yor's room one night and impregnated her. He has no memory of that, of course, but certainly, that had to happen. Why else would Anya look like him and Yor? Maybe Yor thought the burden would be too much for Yuri to bear, so she got married to Loid and lied. Yeah, that has to be it! Oh, poor Anya, living with someone who isn't her true father. Yuri will get her back. Yuri will get Loid away from his Yor and Anya.

"Uncle Yuri!" Anya raises her small arms up. Yuri picks her up, so lightweight and tiny, and starts to walk. "Anya isn't tired," she whines and wears a pout on her lips—lips that look exactly like Yor's, so delicate and pretty, begging for a kiss. "Play with me, Uncle Yuri!" Anya tugs his shirt.

The plan was to put Anya to bed after Yor and Loid left. She ate dinner a while ago but stayed up to bid her parents farewell, and Yuri assumed the departure would tire her out. He had no prior experience with children, so mistakes were bound to happen. With a sigh, Yuri places Anya down on the floor, kneeling again.

"Well, what do you want to do?" he asks, smiling. Yuri can't mistreat her. No, he can't possibly be so mean to the girl who looks just like his beautiful sister. "You can watch cartoons until you fall asleep," Yuri suggests, hand on her black hair.

Anya shakes her head and puffs her cheeks. How cute, she looks just like Yor—fuck, Yuri bites his lips and looks to the side—Anya is so, so cute… Why didn't Yor do something to him when he was Anya's age?

"It's too late for cartoons to play," Anya pouts. "Uncle Yuri can entertain me!" she says like a demand, smiling wide as she runs around Yuri. "Pretty please? Please!"

"I don't know how to…" Yuri begins but stops himself. It's his first time taking care of Anya for an extended amount of time. He visited Yor before and met the girl, spending time with the family as a whole—against his will, because he's filled with hatred and jealousy every time he sees Loid with Yor. He rather spend time with Yor and Anya without Loid in the area. Tonight, it's a different story overall—he's by himself. Yor and Loid are enjoying a rare date night without Anya around. He has a guest room to stay in after he puts Anya to bed. Loid isn't around to irritate Yuri, and his sister isn't there to distract him with her beauty, so he can focus on Anya tonight.

He looks at Anya and studies her face. "Let me think for a moment, okay?" Yuri tells her, and Anya stands there with a nod. He runs a hand through her straight, black hair, and it feels just like Yor's. Yuri makes a mental note to buy headbands similar to the ones Yor wears—she'll look just like Yor, even more than she already does! Anya giggles at the contact, and Yuri swallows the lump in his throat that formed from touching his niece.

"Alright," Yuri settles for an idea. "I have a game we can play."

"Oooh, a game?" the twinkle in her eyes resemble Yor's. Yuri tries to keep his smile, but the more he remembers his sister is with Loid and not him, the anger continues to grow. "I wanna play! Let's play, Uncle Yuri!"

"Uh-uh. Not yet," he says. "I have a few rules before we play the game. It's a secret game."

The word secret makes Anya's eyes sparkle more than ever. She jumps and claps her hands. A child can't stay away from the temptation of keeping a secret—it's something that excites them, gets them going. Yuri grins, knowing he has his niece in the palm of his hand. He'll do something he's always dreamt of Yor doing to him.

"Pinky promise you won't tell anyone, Anya! Including Mommy and… Loid," Yuri forces himself to say that name. He holds back a roll of his eyes and lifts his hand, extending his pinky.

"I promise! Pinky, pinky promise!" Anya connects her tiny pinky with Yuri, and the deal is done.

Yuri is sad, almost—it was far too easy to get Anya in his trap. Why didn't Yor do that—what he plans to do to Anya—to him? He would do anything in the world for Yor, he would let her touch him anywhere she wanted. Age doesn't matter to Yuri. Even as a young child, he fantasized about Yor and still does. She had the perfect opportunity at that time to do anything she wanted with him… He wonders why she didn't do it, but Yuri pushes those thoughts to the side and focuses on his niece, the mirror image of his beautiful sister.

"Tell me the secret game, Uncle Yuri! Please!" Anya shakes Yuri's arm.

Still, it's hard not to be angry at the world. Even looking at Anya infuriates him. He doesn't want to be mad, but he can't help it—the product of his sister and a man he despises is standing right in front of him. "Take me to your mom and Loid's room first."

He has everything calculated.

"Oh! Okay, just follow me!"

It's that easy, he almost wants to laugh, Yuri lets Anya take him by the hand—oh, how delicate her skin is, just like Yor's—and leads him to their room. When they're there, Yuri closes the door, leaving them in the darkness. That won't do. He turns on the light and looks down at Anya who is anxiously waiting on what to do.

"What's the game, Uncle Yuri?" she asks, bouncing her body with excitement.

Yuri's lips twitch, and he narrows his eyes at Anya. The word uncle sets him off—he's not supposed to be Anya's uncle. He's supposed to be her father.

He's Anya's dad. He has to be.

It's okay, she's a child—she doesn't know. Not yet. Yuri clenches his fists.

"...Huh? Uncle Yuri?" he knows she senses his change in mood. Children may not know much, but they're hyper-aware. Curious. "What's wrong?"

"When we play this game—" Yuri steps forward, and fear settles itself in Anya as she takes a step back. He reaches for her small neck, wrapping his arm around it. The shock in her wide, red eyes goes straight to his dick. "Call me father," he demands, letting go of her.

Anya is speechless, bumping into the bed behind her. "Fa—father? Papa…? But you're not—"

Yuri grabs her face, and Anya squeaks. "Poor Anya, you don't know, do you? Look at you, look at your face—" he doesn't have a mirror nearby, so he caresses Anya's cheeks. "Do you look like Loid? You look like Mommy Yor, don't you?" his hand entangles in Anya's black locks. "You have mommy's eyes, you have her hair, her adorable nose, and lips… You look just like Yor!"

"Anya looks like mommy," she nods. "But… Anya also looks like Papa—" she winces at Yuri squishing her cheeks.

"Anya," Yuri begins. "Looks like Yor. You look like me," he lets go of her face, and to escape Yuri's clutches, Anya rushes to the bed. What a mistake. He climbs on the bed and grabs Anya by the thin wrist. "Isn't that true? Look at me, Anya—look at me!" Yuri raises his voice.

She winces again. She sniffles her tears away, scared of Yuri's shift in attitude, and forces herself to gaze at his face.

"Be a good girl for daddy and listen to what I tell you, okay?" Yuri brushes her cheek, wiping the tears that managed to slip past her. "This is all part of the game, so don't worry. I won't ever hurt you, Anya, as long as you keep this between us."

He hopes that cheers Anya up a bit. Yuri didn't mean to get so rough around her… He feels bad. He'll make it up to her soon.

"O…Okay…" Anya rubs the tears away from her eyes. "D-Daddy."

"Good girl," Yuri cups her face and kisses Anya's cheek. 'What a good girl you are. So good, Anya," he licks the wet spots on her face, tongue tasting her salty tears. Yuri places a hand on her small leg and moves his mouth near her lips. "Let daddy kiss you."

Anya doesn't know what to do. She blinks. "Um, Unc—D-Daddy, I don't know—"

If she doesn't know, Yuri will teach her. When her lips part as she talks, Yuri leans in and takes her delicate lips. He kisses her, and it's not a familial, chaste kiss between family members. He slides his tongue in despite Anya's squirms, and he explores her small mouth. Yuri rubs her legs and feels them shaking with his touch.

"It's okay, I won't ever hurt you, Anya, not when you look like Yor…" Yuri separates himself from her and caresses Anya's face to comfort her. It doesn't work. Anya is hesitant, unresponsive, staring at Yuri with a confused expression. He doesn't blame her, of course—this must be too much for a child. Oh, well, Anya will learn to love it eventually. Yuri kisses her again and spreads her legs as he sucks on Anya's small, wet tongue. "Take them off, Anya," he orders with his lips against hers, mumbling. His eyes are open, watching Anya, taking in her identical features.

"Huh?" Anya asks, jumping when Yuri pulls her shorts.

"Off," Yuri demands, sucking on her tongue again, giving her no chance to respond. The message is clear when Yuri tugs on her shorts again, so she rushes to take them off.

With her bare legs and panties exposed, Anya doesn't know what to do next as Yuri keeps kissing her. His hands grope her legs and small chest, sneaking his hand under Anya's shirt to touch her petite, barely present breasts. He pinches her nipples, earning a squeak, a giggle. Yuri grins, shoving his tongue deep in Anya's mouth as he plays with her chest. He drools and knows he can cum just from kissing Anya and touching her perfect body. Yuri pulls away from her lips, their sloppy kiss creating a trail of saliva and immediately goes to tear her shirt off.

"D-Daddy's making Anya feel funny," Anya says when her shirt lands on the floor.

"Where, Anya? Tell me," Yuri quickly responds, ready to pounce at the girl at any moment. "Tell your daddy."

It's really not awkward for Yuri to call himself dad—when he eventually impregnates Yor, or when she finally admits that Anya is actually his child, he'll be fine with it. It's practice for the real thing, and it'll roll off Anya's tongue with ease when the truth comes to light.

"Here…" Anya points to her panties, and Yuri has a wide grin that goes ear-from-ear as she spreads her legs even further.

"Daddy will help you!" Yuri wipes the drool that escapes from his mouth. "Lay down for daddy, okay, Anya? Don't worry, leave it all to me," he says, letting Anya gently lay on the bed.

"Okay... Anya trusts daddy. Please don't hurt Anya."

"Of course not," he kisses the top of her head and moves down to Anya's spread legs. Yuri licks his lips, rubbing his hands before he pulls down Anya's pink panties. He brings them to his nose and sniffs it. Anya doesn't smell like Yor, but she has her own distinct scent that makes Yuri groan. He sees a small wet spot on it and knows just what he has to do next.

Adding her panties to the pile of her shirt and shorts, Yuri moves in front of Anya. "Raise your legs, Anya. Just a bit, okay?" he keeps his gentle tone for her, refusing to let the anger get to him. Yuri has to get her on his good side. She has to trust him. Anya has to love Yuri more than she loves Loid. Anya lifts her small legs and allows for easier access to her tight, virgin pussy for Yuri.

He wets his fingers with his saliva before sliding one between Anya's folds.


"Shh, Anya, I'm just getting started, baby," Yuri hushes her. "It's one! Just one finger. I'm gonna add more, you know that? I'm gonna put something bigger in you next," he plays around with her slick with two fingers, caressing Anya's sweet pussy before putting anything inside it. Her breath begins to pick up as Yuri circles her and feels her get wetter, dripping on his fingers. Who knew someone her age could produce so much slick, enough to get the sheets under them wet.

Yuri reminds Anya to relax, but that's not enough, he notices. He changes his mind, so instead of introducing his fingers first, he brings his face near Anya's clean and bare pussy. Yuri parts his mouth and slides his tongue all over her pussy, tasting Anya's virgin juices, a place so forbidden for someone to look or touch at that age. Yuri doesn't care, though. Forbidden, immoral, it doesn't matter. That's his niece, Yor's daughter—she should be his daughter, too.

"Daddy," Anya whines, and her legs are already trembling. "It-It feels funny…! Daddy's not supposed to touch there…!"

"Mhm," Yuri ignores her pleas. He sloppily eats out his niece, tongue as deep as it can go inside her tight cunt. She gets wetter by the moment as Yuri kisses and licks her everywhere down there. Anya tastes so pure, and Yuri can't help but go overboard as he doesn't come up for air, focused on tasting every part of her. Anya is pure and untouched by any other man, unlike her sister who allowed herself to get trapped by Loid. If Yuri can't have Yor anymore, then maybe he'll have to settle for Anya? But no, he wants both. He can still save Yor, and Yuri will start with her daughter—if Anya starts disliking Loid and favoring him, Yor will have no choice but to take her daughter and move with Yuri, finally exposing the truth!

Yuri pulls back and gasps. He wipes his wet lips. "You taste so good, Anya! Good job!" he praises her, patting Anya's cute cheek.

"Oh, but daddy…" Anya whimpers. "Isn't it super dirty down there…?"

"No, not Anya. Anya is perfect down there," Yuri smiles. She's getting used to calling him daddy, no longer slipping in Uncle by accident. He returns his fingers back to Anya's soaked pussy. "You're relaxed now, right? Daddy can put his fingers in you."

"H-How?" the curious look in her eyes is so adorable, it reminds him of Yuri himself when he was a child.

"Like this," Yuri wets his fingers using Anya's click and pushes two of them inside her. Slowly, they go in, and Anya lets out a long moan. Hearing that, his cock throbs, already hard and bulging inside his pants. Yuri groans, but focuses on Anya first. He has to stretch out Anya's virgin hole before he can shove his dick inside there. "Take a deep breath, Anya, and let daddy take care of you."

Anya tries to relax. She follows Yuri's instructions and takes a few deep breaths. There isn't any hatred or anger in her eyes anymore, and that's a good sign for Yuri. He pushes his long fingers in as deep as they can go. No matter how wet Anya gets—and right now she's soaking wet, slick dripping everywhere and making sticky noises—her virgin pussy is still tight. It's not meant to get touched like that yet. Yuri shrugs and keeps going. She's dripping wet, so he'll make it work—how can he not when Anya is letting out the cutest moans, whining as Yuri thrust his fingers? He strokes her pussy and stares at the heavenly expression on Anya's face. Her eyes are barely open, mouth parted as drool slides down. Yuri watches her legs twitch and shake. And this is before he takes his cock out.

He keeps working her pussy until the time is right. Yuri switches fingers and goes back down to taste Anya again. He does both, thrusting his digits inside Anya, stretching her entrance as he eats her out. Anya mewls, letting out unintelligible words, but Yuri can catch a few daddy's in there. That's all that matters, really. Her body shakes, and Yuri feels her pussy tighten around his fingers as his tongue sucks on her clit.

"Daddy!" Anya shouts.

Fuck, she came.

"Oh," Yuri pulls away from Anya again and looks at her exhausted body. She twitches, body splayed out on the bed. Her exposed chest moves up and down as she catches her breath. "Good job, Anya," Yuri wipes his mouth before kissing her.

"Did Anya… win…?" she asks, trying to keep her eyes open. "Anya… is tired… finally sleepy."

Yuri sees another opportunity to seize. "No, you didn't win yet," he replies, unzipping his pants. "Daddy will tell you when you win."

Anya whines. "When will I win?! Anya wants to win! Please, Daddy! Please!" she doesn't have the energy to move, but she does have the energy to complain. The more energy, the better—she'll need it for later.

Yuri remains patient and takes off his pants and boxers. Finally, his cock is free to breathe, ready to burst from fucking Anya with his fingers and tongue. He goes on his knees in bed, his cock right in Anya's face. Yuri sits behind her head, meaning the position is a bit awkward for a first-timer like Anya. Her eyes widen at the size, and a gasp escapes. "Open up, Anya," Yuri cuts right to the chase.

"That—Daddy, that's going in my mouth?" Anya asks.

"It is," he replies. "Now open up," he doesn't want to wait any longer to get inside Anya. Grasping his cock, he brushes her lips with pre-cum, pushing in. "Oh, Anya," Yuri groans as he thrusts inside Anya's small mouth. He has to remind himself that Anya has never done this before, so he slows down—but Yuri gets ahead of himself again and pushes every inch he can inside her. Like Anya's pussy, her mouth is small and warm, and it makes Yuri moan.

He must be too big for Anya's mouth. Her eyes are wide with tears, but she doesn't make any distressed noises. That's a good sign. Even if she hated it, Anya can't exactly move away from him. She moans as Yuri fucks her mouth and slowly goes in and out. Yuri stares at her face as he moves and continues to see how similar she is to Yor. He imagines he's fucking his sister's mouth, and at this point, it doesn't matter who's taking his cock. Yuri loves them both.

Since Anya's frame is short and small, Yuri easily reaches over his hand back to her pussy. Sucking his cock got her wet again, and Yuri wears a proud grin. He plays with Anya's pussy again as he fucks her mouth. His fingers plunge deep as Yuri's hips thrust into her mouth. Wet sounds coming from Anya's dripping pussy and his cock send a shiver down Yuri's spine. He decides to pull his fingers out and slows down his pace, removing his dick from Anya's mouth. When he finally gives her space to breathe, Anya gags and coughs. How dramatic, Yuri thinks when he rolls his eyes—he didn't put all of it inside, just what fits inside her. He'll have to work on that with her someday.

"Did I—" Anya begins to ask when she catches her breath, but Yuri doesn't give her a chance to finish. He pushes her back down on the bed, gently, and changes to their original position—Anya laying down with her legs spread for Yuri.

"This is the final part of our game, Anya," he tells her. "If you make daddy feel good, then you'll win."

"Yay! Okay, I got this!" Anya nods. "What do I do?"

"Just stay like that. Listen to your daddy—me—and you'll win," Yuri positions his hard cock on Anya's entrance. She's still soaking wet even with her previous orgasm catching Yuri off guard. Fingering her earlier helped. Yuri gulps before he pushes his cock inside, her pretty pussy lips spreading apart for him. He groans as the tip slips in, so hard he could cum from how wet she is.

"A-Ah—" Anya's legs shake. "It-It's…It's big…!"

"Don't worry, it's fine," Yuri tries to comfort her. Slowly, he pushes his dick, biting his lip from how hot Anya's pussy felt. He holds her legs above her head as he moves deeper inside. She's meant for this—she can handle it. When every inch is inside Anya, Yuri groans and remains in the same spot, savoring the moment.

"Oh, Anya—" he starts thrusting. "Doesn't it feel good? Doesn't daddy feel good inside you?"

Anya doesn't seem present in the room, but she nods either way. "Mhm…" her tiny fists are curled as Yuri slowly pounds into her. The slow pace is on purpose for her to get used to having his cock inside her. She's taking it well.

"There's just no way that Loid can treat you like this," Yuri grips her legs tighter than before. The mention of Loid makes Anya more aware, though she's still somewhere else, eyes rolling to the back of her head every time Yuri thrusts into her. "Only I can treat you like this—wanna know why? Because you're Yor's daughter, and you should be mine, too—" he starts speeding up as the emotion takes over. "Mine, mine, mine," Yuri repeats, smacking into Anya's pussy, making loud noises with each slap to her skin.

"Yours," Anya whimpers. "I'm daddy's, I'm daddy's," she trembles, unsure of what she's really saying.

It doesn't matter to Yuri as long as the idea is planted in Anya's tiny brain. She'll come to him eventually, Yuri knows. She's Yor's daughter, and there's no way Yor can stay away from him! He goes quicker now, balls smacking against Anya's pussy from how fast and deep Yuri went.

"You look just like mommy," Yuri rambles. He knows he's getting close, everything in his brain fogged by his impending orgasm. Letting go on Anya's legs, he cups her face, still fucking her tiny, no longer virgin pussy. "Just like mommy Yor, so beautiful…! I love you both so, so much—oh, Anya, there's just no way you're not my daughter!"

"Daddy, 's getting hot," Anya mumbles, a bit of drool coming out of her mouth.

"So, so hot, right? Yeah, baby, don't worry, daddy's—daddy's coming soon—Oh, I love you so much, Anya, I love you and mommy Yor—!"

Soon meant now as Yuri's body gave out on him. He let out a relieved groan and held Anya's tight body as he came deep inside her. The warm cum entering Anya's pussy made her turn hot, letting out a confused squeak. Yuri doesn't move until he feels everything come out of his cock, and when he does, his body shakes as he pulls himself out of Anya. Small, white streaks of cum dripped out of Anya's pussy and onto the already wet sheets.

Yuri collapses next to Anya. They made a mess, but at least Yor and Loid aren't coming home until tomorrow evening. He has time to clean, and he already has an excuse in mind—oh, Anya missed you guys so much that she fell asleep in your bed and then wet it. Too easy.

"Did Anya win?" Anya's bright, curious eyes gaze at Yuri, still concerned with the secret game even after Yuri took her virginity. Well, she doesn't know that yet. That's the fun and innocence that Anya still has.

"Yes, you won," Yuri replies with a smile. "Good job, Anya."

"But that means Anya can't call you daddy anymore," she pouts. "It was… fun! I liked the game!"

"Yeah, it was fun, but you can't say that anymore. Only when it's just us, okay?"

Anya nods. "Okay!"

God, it's too easy to plant ideas into a child's head. He should go ahead with his plan and tell Anya he's her real dad… But that's for another day. Yuri is exhausted, and so is Anya. His niece—should be daughter—falls asleep next to him. He looks at her peaceful face and sighs.

He loves Anya, he really does—but Yuri would love Anya more if she was his daughter that Yor had from Yuri breeding her.