
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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That Time I Lewded A Slime! 3 of 4

Now that my lusts were sated, if only for the moment. I could look forward to the battle to come with eager anticipation. If I was honest, I was eager to test out my might, to see just what the limits of a Divine Dragon God were.

However, I found my senses drawn to the group of uninvited guests that were arriving. They came from the west on horseback. It was only a scant handful of seconds later that Rimuru noticed as well. When I followed Rimuru and the others out, I suppressed my aura, becoming all but invisible.

[skill stealth obtained]

Becoming so unremarkable that I was unnoticeable unless I wished otherwise. So that I could simply observe how things played out.

The only ones to take notice of what I had done were Rimuru and Souei. But I waved them off with a reassuring grin and thumbs up.

We barely had the time to go out and meet these newcomers before I could already sense more people arriving, one from the north and coming from the air, believe it or not, while there was another approaching from the south.

By the time Rimuru had finished explaining our current situation and her newly acquired Demon Lord status to the man I now knew was Fuze, the Guild master of the Blumund kingdom's Free Guild. The king of the dwarven race, Gazel Dworgo, had arrived. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. Both men were strong, incredibly so for mere mortal men. Just the thought of fighting them, not in terms of power, but skill. They were nothing in terms of power compared to the might of a dragon. But a battle of skill, however… Now that caused my heart to race.

"It's been a long time, Rimuru," the mighty king greeted. "I hear you've become a Demon Lord…"

"Yea, well a lot of things happened," she nodded in agreement. "We're just about to discuss what happened in a strategy meeting with my executives."

"Oh, in that case, I'll join you." Gazel commented idly, nodding right beside Rimuru.

"Oi, what the hell do you mean Demon Lord?" Fuze bellowed, finally snapping at such an outrageous subject being taken so casually. Well, at least it was from his perspective, but from our perspective, that of one belonging to a long lived or immortal race, this was just Tuesday. And while rare, things like this happened from time to time. At least once every other century or so.

They were far more common than my occasional rampages when I was younger and stupider. Even if I now understood why my sisters tended not to want to deal with me in my younger days, even when they did, it was to 'reset me' more than not. It honestly made me wonder if they had given me more time to develop as an individual, would I have gone on so many rampages.

"What do you mean by Demon Lord?" he asked, his voice trembling with his heightened emotions. "How am I ever supposed to stand for this?"

Fuze was visibly trembling. "If you need to pee, head that way." and Rimuru's comment did not help things either.

"I Don't want to know where the bathroom is!" he shrieked, totally losing his shit.

"Please, Rimuru, take this seriously. What did you mean by becoming a Demon Lord?" Fuze all but begged, "and what does this have to do with the Falmas war being already over have to do with that?"

Rimuru let out a tired sigh. "what King Gazel said is true. It was necessary for me to become a Demon Lord, that the Falmas army was sacrificed. They were a necessary part of that."

"Wait, Lord Rimuru," the dwarven king interrupted.

"You should know, correct? Would you tell me the reason why the Falmas army suddenly went missing in action during their march?"

Rimuru looked at the king in puzzlement, "uh, wait a min-"

"I too heard of this in the report Vesta sent." one of Gazel's subordinates interrupted. "It stated, the forces from the kingdom of Falmas have vanished abruptly without a trace."

"We are currently investigating the matter." He added.

I saw what they were doing here… they were covering things up. Not that we needed help, but I indeed appreciated it all the same.

I saw that small smirk on her face. It was all I needed to know she got the message. It was not a stretch of the imagination, just how poorly the other nations would take things if word got out.

I let out a silent huff of amusement. ' this was just the worries of mortal men.' I couldn't help but think. Even if I still acknowledged that, it was better to have the populace on our side. Why would we want them annoying us like ants scurrying around in panic? Yes, it was better to leave the masses ignorant of what truly occurred here.

It seemed that in the end, Fuze could do nothing other than go along with the cover story.

"I must be exhausted from the long trek. I think I am hearing voices in my head," he sighed sarcastically.

"the Falmas army has gone missing. I see, I understand the situation." he nodded.

"But please allow me to attend the countermeasure meeting as well. I trust you, lord Rimuru, but despite that, I cannot sit idly by and just watch."

That, of course, was when Diablo spoke up, "should the truth worry you, please leave that to me." she gave him her most winning smile. "Altering Memories is a specialty of mine."

The fact that she said that with a casual, confident air. Should have been utterly terrifying. But it was all the more exhilarating to me. Proving the point that Diablo was, in fact, worthy of serving Rimuru.

"Rimuru, you seem to trust that man." the king of the dwarfs stated.


"But do take care of his subordinates, if they overheard… Then spreading that information, even unintentionally, would be troublesome." he warned.

"I understand." Rimuru nodded. "Because I know they trust us as well."

Rimuru was right, of course. Had they bought into Falmas's claims, it would have been all too easy for them to wiggle out of the alliance they had with Tempest.

"Hmm, then that means that the problem would be the ones over there." Gazel turned to face our new arrivals.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the monarch under the mountain." the newcomer said, "and to think that you've allied yourself with a Demon Lord, coward."

"Lord Rimuru," Souka whispered, getting her attention.


"They're envoys from the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion. Our information indicates that he is from a Ducal house." she whispered, informing Rimuru.

"Sarion's Duke," Rimuru could not help but gasp.

"Why would such a big shot come here in person?" she muttered. "Perhaps he is here for Elen-"

"Rimuru," the duke growled, "I see, so it's you."

"You're the bastard Demon Lord that bewitched my daughter!" he raged, unleashing his magic.

'You dare!' my aura surged up around me, thick and potent, permeated with my killing intent for just the barest of moments, a fraction of a millisecond before I wrestled it back under control. The duke faltered mid-cast. I don't know if it was because of my slip or whether it was the timely intervention of Elein.

I knew mentally that I need not worry about Rimuru, that she would easily survive such a paltry spell. But my reaction was instinctual, a rage fueled by my emotions, those of a dragon. I knew we were a greedy lot. But I did not think my instincts ran that deep. Either way I would have to work on that.

Only Diablo, who was looking in my direction with a hungry gaze and a wide, devious smile, spread across her beautiful face. Had actually noticed my slip and knew it was me.

"Just why did you come here Papa!" Elen thoroughly scolded her father after disrupting his magic with a timely whack across his head.

His attitude was like night and day when he was talking to his daughter, "Well sorry about that." he gave her one of his most winning smiles while rubbing the back of his head. "I got a report that my daughter was kidnapped by a Demon Lord, so I hurried over."

"He's always been an overprotective moron." Gazel sighed in exasperation. While the Duke tried to wriggle his way out of the trouble, he had gotten himself in with his daughter.

"How Typical of you Papa, always jumping to conclusions."

"Is he an acquaintance?" Rimuru hedged.

"Rimuru, may I introduce Papa?" Elen asked

"Yeah, go ahead." She nodded amicably.

"This is the Archduke of the Sorcerer Dynasty Sarion, Elalude Grimwald."

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Chancellor of the Great Forest of Jura and Ruler of Monsters." Elalude bowed.

"I'm Rimuru Tempest, it's nice to meet you too."

"So, did you come here just to inquire about Elen?" she asked.

"Of course, that is not the case," the Archduke denied, "in order to get an idea how to interact with your nation from hereon, I needed to ascertain with my own eyes, just what kind of person you, Who my daughter has grown to admire so greatly."

"And your verdict?" Rimuru asked tentatively.

"Ah, well, I haven't reached a conclusion yet, but there is one thing I have understood. You are not one who can be fooled by bluffs."

"So it was as I thought, that magic you showed was a sham." she concluded.

"Indeed." Elalude agreed. "It appeared flashy, but it lacked the necessary power to be cast. Please excuse my rudeness for testing you like that."

"I have not seen you for quite a while, King Gazel." Elen greeted with a formal bow, after spotting him in the crowd.

"Elwyn, is that you? I did not recognize you."

"If you lay your hands on my Elen, I will not forgive you," Elalude screeched at the pair like an overprotective chihuahua.

Honestly, the way Elalude flipped back and forth made it more difficult for me to tell whether he was an outstanding and competent man, or just a nutter with more than a few brain cells lose.

"Ah, right. If you don't mind me asking, would you allow me to join that meeting as well?" Elalude asked after being thoroughly punished by his daughter once more.

"Alright, I will have a seat prepared for you."

"Lord Rimuru, the meeting room we usually use, might not have enough seats." Rigurd informed her with a whisper.

It was about then that Fuze, of all people, finally noticed me. "ah, Rimuru, I had been meaning to ask, but who is that?" That alone raised him up a few levels in my book.

"Thats…" Rimuru began.

"I'm Veldora." I said swiftly, interrupting her half cocked explanation, getting straight to the heart of the matter. "Some of you refer to me as the Storm Dragon."

Panic broke out among our guests as I expected would happen once just who I was came out. It was with a thorough explanation of how all of this came about, and many, many exhaustive promises that I would not and I quote, 'go rampaging through their countries if I did not like something.' Not that they had a chance to stop me as I was now, but that was clearly beside the point. They wanted my word, and so long as they did not betray Rimuru or the Monster confederation, they had it.

And while I really didn't care about the political repercussions of the fallout of the war with Falmas. I could grudgingly agree that if for nothing else than the interests of the monster nation, covering things up was the best course of action.

"Now that everyone has finished their self introductions. I will introduce the representatives from each nation." Shuna began, now that proper seating had been arranged. And I felt it only right, of course, that I picked out the proper seat for my Rimuru, by which I meant my lap. While I cuddled her covetously, while glaring daggers at Gazel's smug grin.

"From the Armed Nation of Dwargo, his majesty King Gazel Dwargo."

"From the Beast Kingdom Yuurazania, the leader of the three Beastketeers, Alvis. From the Kingdom of Blumund, guild master and also assistant supervisor of the intelligence bureau, Fuze."

One by one, Shuna continued to introduce them without fail or pause. "From the Sorcerers Dynasty Sarion, Archduke Elalude Grimmwald. Lastly, from the Jura-Tempest federation, Chancellor and now her majesty Rimuru Tempest."

Then Rimuru began her tale, flushed scarlet practically from head to toe from embarrassment. And yet she did not bother to move from her spot on my lap.

She told them of her origins, that she hailed from Japan, how she and I met. Then about the deal she and I struck. She told them everything up to the point where she had sacrificed those twenty thousand souls to become a Demon Lord.

"That said, I feel it's only right that I inform you all of my own evolution." I said, while patting Rimuru's head. Despite her scarlet blush, she even leaned into it.

"What exactly do you mean by that, Veldora?" King Gazel asked me, regarding me with keen eyes.

"As you know, there have only ever been four True Dragons, the Star King Dragon Veldanava, white Ice Dragon Velzard, Scorch Dragon Velgrynd, and I, the Storm Dragon Veldora. Each of us represented a fundamental aspect of the multiverse, creation, stillness, acceleration, destruction. My brother Veldanava was, as eldest, the strongest. But what if I told you that was not true?"

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. It was full of teeth and positively vicious. "What if even a True Dragon could evolve? We True Dragons already grow stronger with time. Thanks to my imprisonment for the last three hundred years, I had plenty of time to test out that theory. So what if I could live countless lifetimes in a short span of time?"

"But that would mean you'd have to…" Elalude gasped in shock, his eyes wide with realization.

"Yes, I split my soul into countless fragments, but that, of course, is only half of it. The other half was something I could have never gained, couldn't have ever known of as a dragon, as an existence that knew nothing of death, that knew nothing of human wants and desires. I lived countless lives and died countless times, all to build up the necessary magicules to evolve, and yet I was still no closer to my ultimate goal, even when the majority of my fragments had already returned to me."

I flexed my power in demonstration as I manifested an entire universe in the palm of my hand. It spun about teaming with just the beginnings of life. "The thing I was missing were those all too human desires, free of the baser wants and desires of a dragon," with just a thought I crystalized it, encasing it forever more. "I think it was this desire that led my brother to desire something like humanity, well as close as he could get to being human anyway, if only to be with the one he desired above all else. And it is only now that I understand his desires and his decisions." It was needless to say that my revelation left them speechless.

With how heavy the revelations sat on everyone, we all had decided to wrap up this part of the summit as soon as we could. In the end, I was to take on the 'sin' of extinguishing the twenty thousand souls that comprised the Falmas army. I did not mind in the slightest as far as things went on that account.

As for Falmas itself, Rimuru intended to release the king, intending for his country to pay impossibly high reparations that they could never hope to pay off. But that wasn't the brilliant part. The whole aim is to spark a civil war within the country. And from the ashes of which will be born a new country. With the brilliant swords woman, Youm as its empress.

From there, once the archduke had determined the intentions of the other countries allied with the Jura-Tempest Federation. He too requested to establish diplomatic relations with our country.

Now that this part of the summit was over, if only for the moment, I had hoped to sneak away with Rimuru for some alone time. But the very moment that it ended, she was stolen from my grasp, and then promptly surrounded by the other delegates, who all wished to seek amicable trade deals with her nation. I could have joined, of course. I had the experience from a past life as a member of a certain president's cabinet. But I remember that being a thankless job that sucked out my soul, it was never my passion, no not truly.

And I had also promised not to lay my hands on any of her subordinates until after we deal with Clayman. I sighed in defeat. I at least wanted to cuddle, but I couldn't even do that now, not with Shion and Shuna hovering around her so closely.

That was when the most brilliant of ideas came to me. I can't believe I had almost forgotten that I still needed to punish my naughty 'niece'. She had been such a naughty girl, destroying the kingdom of Yuurazania's capital, after all. Yes, she deserved to be punished quite thoroughly indeed. And when I meant by punishment, I meant giving her a deep dicking that she would never forget. I would leave my dick ingrained in her mind. But the only snag in such a plan was that I did not know where she was, not only that, but I definitely wanted to be here for the rest of the summit…

Fortunately for me, I did not have to pick one or the other, with but a thought one became two.

[Unique skill Clone obtained]

[unique skill clone evolved into Ultimate skill Parallel Existence]

In an instant, the other me vanished from sight.


[skill stealth evolved into unique skill invisibility]

I still needed to find her.

[skill detection obtained]

[ultimate skill Parallel Existence and skill detection will now merge]

[creation of Ultimate skill, Bathin, Diviners of the Hidden ones successful]

I licked my lips in anticipation as I spread my senses wide. This would most definitely make things easier.

Now, no matter where she was, Millim could not hide from me. 'Ready or not, here I come….'