
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

chapter 23


Dudley bought a new game and thought it would be fun for him, his Dad, and Harry to try it out before bedtime. The three of them start playing and choose for their players to be Elves. The moment they press "Start," They get sucked into the television. Waking up, all three of them have noticed that they are in the bodies of their avatars but highly feminine and packing. This new world they're stuck in is full of monsters, raiders, kingdoms, and other players. However, they have each other as family, or something more?... At some point, after being in the game for so long, they are not even sure they want to go back.

Dursley Household

In the middle of a neighborhood full of cookie-cutter houses, freshly-cut grass, cleaning driveways, and silence, the English community Privet Drive certainly had a "No Nonsense" policy and hated anything from the norm.

One house, in particular, believed this more accurate than anyone else in the neighborhood. A family that hated anything not considered standard.

The Dursleys and their nephew occupied this house. The family of four was a large obese man named Vernon, part of a drilling company. He could be described as greedy and envious of others with more authority than he did. Vernon was also a hard-working man who did anything to ensure his family was well off.

His wife, Petunia, was a housewife and typically ensured the house was clean and well taken care of before her husband got home from work. She was a tall slim woman with a face that most people around the neighborhood would describe as "horse-faced." Petunia was part of the local gossip group and went to tea parties daily with her friends. She was also a highly judgemental woman who preferred assuming before getting to know anyone and was quite a bigot.

Their Son, Dudley, was quite like Vernon but was bratty and thought he should have the best of everything. He was a bully at school and hated anything freakish like his parents. It certainly didn't help that Vernon and Petunia never seemed to correct his behavior and enabled him to do things others would deem unacceptable.

The last member of the house was Harry Potter. He was Petunia's nephew and an orphan as his parents were killed in a car accident (or so they said). He was a short and timid kid that often kept to himself and did everything his relatives asked him to do. If they wanted the weeds pulled, grass cut, make their meals, and clean the house, Harry would do it like an obedient slave. His relatives claimed he was a troublemaker and ensured the entire neighborhood and school knew.

Harry was also considered a freak among the norm. Weird things always seemed to happen whenever he was stressed or highly emotional. Once, he appeared on the school roof as Dudley and his gang chased him during recess.

Another time, he spoke to a little gardener snake that wandered into the garden through the fence. It spoke fluent English and claimed he was a "speaker," whatever that was."

Unfortunately, Harry didn't get to talk to it much as his Aunt Petunia screamed and came up from behind and killed the innocent serpent with the shovel.

After that, his relatives attempted to stamp out his freakishness by putting his body to work nearly every hour of the day and mistreated him whenever he did something they disapproved of.

Petunia was out with her friends for the weekend tonight, so Vernon had to watch Dudley and Harry.

The three of them finished eating dinner, so Harry cleaned the kitchen while Vernon sat on the couch watching a rugby match, and Dudley went out an hour or so ago with his friends to hang out.

The front door opens, and Dudley is seen coming inside the house in a hurry. He ran into the living room and exclaimed, "I got it! I got the game!"

Vernon turned down the volume to hear his son better, "What did my Son get?"

Dudley showed him the game he got as the man read the backside of the cover, "It's a cool fantasy game where you can slay monsters, find treasure, go on quests, and save kingdoms! It looked so fun that I had to get it!" Dudley shook with excitement.

Vernon groaned and rubbed his face before turning to his son, "Dudley, you know how your Mother and I feel about you entertaining yourself with this content."

Dudley sighed, "Yes, Daddy, I know. Magic and anything unusual are frowned upon and discouraged as a sin. I just thought it might be fun for us to try it out and play at least once! All three of us..." He sounded defeated.

Vernon's face contorted into confusion, "'All three of us'?"

Dudley nodded, "Yeah, I heard it's a four-player game, so I thought maybe starting with the three of us would be good. You, me, and Harry."

Vernon turned his head to see Harry not even listening to the conversation and sweeping the floor. He thought about it; Harry has been good recently and hasn't done anything freakish for weeks. This little gaming session with him and Dudley could be a reward for the boy.

"Fine. Only for an hour, then to bed." Vernon relented before bellowing to his nephew, "Brat! Put the broom away and get in here!"

He heard the shuffling of feet before his short nephew stood before him with his arms by his side. The raven-haired green-eyed boy with oval glasses looked up at him, "Y-yes, Uncle Vernon?"

"Sit down next to me. All three of us will play a game, but you better behave, or else you won't like what happens after. Is that understood?" Vernon looked at Harry with a stern look that promised punishment.

"Y-yes, sir." Harry sat beside Vernon as Dudley handed them controllers, who set off the game. Once finished, he sat on the other side of Vernon with the obese adult in the middle of the couch.

The television screen changed to that of the game, and an orchestral theme played with the words "Lands of Chronicia" on screen. Dudley pressed the start button, and it brought a screen displaying playing options.

The split-screen option was chosen, and three figures were shown for players one through three. They were all silhouettes but had a distinct outline before them, which was an option for what species each character should be.

The species they were chosen by default confused the only adult in the room, "Amazonian Breeding Elf?" Vernon questioned.

Dudley clarified, "I think they are like the one's in that Lord of the Rings book you gave me to read. No idea what an Amazonian is, though..."

"Oh well, if they are like anything in Tolkien's books, they must be good. We'll go as that." He glanced at his Son and nephew, "Any objections?" They both shook their head, "Good. Let's start."

They all pressed ready and started, but what happened next shocked them. The television screen turned to a blinding white light, and a green mist came out and covered the three of them.

"Ahhh!!!" Vernon watched in horror as he witnessed his Son get sucked into the television with Harry behind him, also screaming.

"Dudley!! Harry!!" Vernon watched his body stretch as he began to get sucked into the television.

Once all three of them were through, the television shut off, and time seemed to freeze.

Forest of Luunox, Chronicia

Vernon woke up with a groan to find himself looking up at the clear blue sky. Trees were all around him, and birds littered about. It looked like he was all wet and lying in a stream. Rolling over onto his hands and knees, he looked at his reflection in the water.

He looked at himself in shock. His face was that of a female with blue eyes, plump lips, smooth skin, long blonde hair in braids, and pointed ears like an Elf.

"I-I'm an Elf?!" Vernon spoke but then found himself breathless. His voice was also that of a female!

Disoriented, he pushed himself to his feet and stood on shaky legs, only to check out his body in even greater shock.

His body was huge In every sense. Not only was his body immensely feminine with thick thighs, large breasts, an enormous ass, and long legs. He was also morbidly obese with a large belly and massive bulge under a green skintight bodysuit with armored heels, shoulder plates, and a long cape. On his back was a long cloak that draped across his back.

"W-what is this freakishness? Vernon asks himself as he feels around his body, moaning at the feeling of his fat ass and prominent bulge tucked away in his suit.

A few feet away from him, he heard a groan and turned to another elf standing on their feet. Right now, Vernon was unsure if this was his nephew or Dudley.

The other Elf groaned and held a hand to its head, "Uh, Daddy. I just had a weird dream!..." They said before stopping and realizing, "Wait... My voice?!"

'They said, Daddy! That's Dudley?!' Vernon thought.

"Dudley, I'm here!" Vernon made himself known to the Elf, now identified as his Son.

"D-Daddy?!" Dudley looked on in shock at what had become of his father before him.

While Vernon was large, Dudley was quite large, but not as much as his Daddy. His Son reached up to his shoulders and had the same blue eyes and plump lips but instead had brown hair that covered half of his face. His breasts were large and heavy but not as much as his own. A big, round belly adorned his body with long legs, fat ass, and bulge. Dudley's outfit was more or less the same as his own but had a few slight differences if one looked hard enough.

"What happened?! Where's Harry?!" Dudley asked frantically.

Vernon scowled, "I'm not sure, but I feel this happened because of your cousin's freakishness... When I get my hands on him, he'll wish he was never born!!" Vernon exclaimed angrily.

In the distance, they heard a male scream. The father and son duo were now on guard as they ran off to where they listened to the sound.

To them, it felt off running with them in high-heeled boots and heavy feminine bodies. But it also felt free and light, as if they were barefooted running in the park.

The screaming grew louder the closer they got until they found the source, another elf! They were young and short with black hair, green eyes, pale skin, a little chubby, and a leotard with barely any other armor. This one also looked male, as he had no breasts like them.

He was clinging onto a branch in a tree for dear life as a pack of hungry wolves surrounded the tree and tried getting the poor Elf to fall to become their meal.

Vernon and Dudley were not going to let that happen, however.

Vernon roared, "Get away from him, you filthy mongrels!!!" He lifted his leg and stomped on the ground.

All of the wolves turned to the large Elf before bearing their fangs and growling as they ran forward to attack.

In one moment, there was nothing in the Elf's hands. In the next was a large war hammer with jewels engraved in it. Vernon's surprise was brief as he grinned, ran at the pack, and bashed them left and right.

A hungry pack of wolves was no match for someone who grew up hurting others with a club.

Dudley joined the fight despite his father's protests, and a bow and a quiver of arrows appeared on his person. Dudley pulled back the string and fired some arrows at the wolves. The pair killed a few, and after a few minutes of fighting, a couple of wolves backed off and ran away from the Elves.

Vernon glanced up at Harry, still in the tree, and said, "You can get down now."

Harry slowly descended from his spot and now stood before what he assumed to be his Uncle and Cousin.

"T-thank you, Uncle Vernon..." Harry thanked the large Elf who towered over him.

Compared to the two of them, Harry was the shortest, reaching just as high as Vernon's pelvis.

Vernon rubbed the bridge of his nose before looking at his nephew, "Does your freakishness have anything to do with us being Elves with both male and female parts?" He tried to sound as calm as possible.

Harry shook his head, "No, no, no! I didn't do anything! I just woke up here and got chased by these wolves immediately!" Harry raised his hands, defending himself.

Dudley looked at him, "Really? This whole being a big fat Elf thing isn't some sick prank or something?"

"I promise I didn't do anything!" Harry replied to the curvy Elf.

Vernon nodded, "Then I suppose it's good that we're all here and together. I suggest we head on out and try to look for civilization. Find some information on where we are." The other two agreed, and the trio began heading East, hoping to find civilization.

A few hours later, the three Elves started to get hungry as their stomachs rumbled angrily.

Since saving Harry from the wolves, the short raven-haired Elf discovered they could view each other's stats, abilities, weaknesses, and names if they tapped the left side of their chest or breast in Vernon and Dudley's case.

As it turned out, Vernon's character's name was Valorianne, and he was a Futa Breeding Elf. These kinds of Elves were heavily fertile, powerful, and motherly, especially when it came to younger Elves. Vernon's sort of Elf, in particular, could also impregnate others, though they were less common. He specialized in heavy combat with the weaknesses of long-distance fighting and going a long time without fulfilling one's needs.

Dudley's name was Daelis, a Dream Elf with the natural abilities of heightened senses in the dark and mastery over archery but low in strength.

Finally, Harry was now known as Harealor, an Elfling. These Elves were considered toddlers to many species as they were child-sized and treated the same way one would treat an average human child. These Elves spent the first three hundred years of their lives being little but seemed to grow like normal once that time had passed.

Unfortunately for Harry, his body was just 52 years old, so he still had another 248 years until he could grow like others.

Unlike his relatives, who had more practical and physical abilities, Harry was more spiritual as he specialized in magic, as if the staff slung across his back was any indication.

After learning about themselves, Vernon suggested they go with their new identities to relieve them of suspicion from others. He told them that they refer to themselves by their sex and gender. To stop confusion, they all agreed that Vernon would be their mother, with Dudley being the daughter and Harry being the Son.

Valorianne, Daelis, and Harealor were a mother, daughter, and Son, a trio.

Valorianne's belly grumbled again. She wanted to curse whoever was making this happen to her, but they didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves.

Harealor tried to keep up with the two. Being known as an Elfling also brought about the issue of being hungrier than the others, as his body was more petite, and he needed more food to keep himself going.

Daelis seemed to complain the most, claiming she was tired and starving nearly every minute.

Valorianne had just about enough of her daughter's complaining, "Fine! I had hoped to avoid this, but that can't happen if we all are tired, thirsty, and hungry!" She led them to a knocked-over tree trunk and set down her weapon before sitting down. Daelis and Harealor approached her, hoping she had something to eat.

Unfortunately, they were not expecting what came next.

Valorianne slid the tight fabric that held her ample breasts down so they were uncovered. They sloshed out and sounded as if they were filled with milk. She held her breasts and bounced them before speaking, "What are you two waiting for? Get to sucking so that when you're done, I can get myself something."

Daelis was confused about what her mother asked her to do, but Harealor wasn't.

As if his Elfling instincts spoke to him, they practically demanded that he does as his mommy said and drink from her breasts. He did so by wrapping his little mouth over the sizeable puffy nipple and sucking for dear life as warm and creamy milk began filling him up.

Daelis watched her brother in surprise as he gulped each mouthful of milk down his throat. It took her a few moments before taking the opposite nipple.

Valorianne moaned as her children sucked on her nipples. She held their heads in place and pushed them further, squeezing her breasts. The Futa Breeding Elf bit her lip as she began to feel her cock stiffen from under her suit and strange against the tight material.

After about ten minutes, the Elven siblings held their bloated bellies as they slid their mouths off their mommy's breasts. They sat on the ground, and Daelis looked up as her mommy stood over her with the outline of a stiff cock visible through her suit.

"Now it's my turn~." Said Valorianne as she went down on all fours over her daughter and pulled open her suit to reveal Daelis' breasts. They were smaller than hers but looked just as full of milk.

Daelis was about to ask what she was doing but already got an answer: Valorianne was sucking her breasts and drinking her milk with one hand caressing her bulge.

The Dream Elf blushed and moaned as her mommy greedily sucked on her breasts and was rough with them.

The Futa Breeding Elf could feel herself throb against her suit. The maternal desire to feed and care for her children and the unbearable urge to mate and fuck was strenuous on Valorianne's mind. She felt the need to breed and make babies.

She pulled away from Daelis' breasts with a pop and stood up, leaving the young Elf in confusion as she turned to Harealor.

The little Elfling sat there, shocked as he looked at his mother's erection poking through the suit.

"Mommy?..." Harealor spoke up in confusion.

"Harealor, my son." She walked up to her child, pulled the fabric off his body to show off her massive erect cock, and sat between his legs as he looked up at her with his large green eyes, "You will be a big strong Elf someday, won't you, my son?"

Harealor gulped, looking at the large shaft as it throbbed, "Y-yes, Mommy. I promise to become a great Elf!" He exclaimed in excitement.

"Good, then it's only fair that you care for your mommy's needs as I just fed you." She smiled at him and kissed her Son on his forehead.

Harealor blushed and turned his attention to the growing erection between his legs. It strained the fabric that held it down and pulsed with need. He touched it through his suit and gasped as the sensation sent waves of pleasure up his spine. He looked at his mother, who smiled down at him as she slid off her suit and laid back on the ground, revealing the giant cock hidden underneath.

It was thick and long. The head was plump and had veins pulsing along its surface, and the shaft was ridged and smooth. The base was round, and the testicles looked as big as bowling balls. Harealor gulped as he looked at the imposing sight.

"Come, my Son. Plow that fat dick of yours and fill my hungry pussy~." Valorianne spread apart her thick legs and lifted her balls out of the way to reveal her plump pussy.

Harealor bit his lip before doing as he was told. Undoing the clippings, he slid off his little outfit and crawled on his hands and knees before coming to a stop in between his mommy's thick thighs and began licking her cock and kissing her balls.

"OOooh Fuck!!~" Valorianne moaned. The stimulation of her Son's touch felt so good that she had to stop herself from fucking his throat.

Harealor kissed up and down her cock and licked the sensitive head before moving down to her pussy. He gripped his cock before sliding the tip right between the plump lips. He was about to ask if this was okay before his mommy growled and grabbed his ass, "You're not even using half of it. Put your whole thing inside and start pounding my womb, boy!!" She snarled.

Harealor whimpered but nodded as he did as he was told. His tiny hands grabbed her fatty body, took a deep breath, and pushed his cock in.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!~" The young Elf cried out as his mommy's pussy swallowed his whole cock. He had never felt anything like this before. It felt so wet and warm as her inner walls squeezed his meat. Harealor held onto his mommy for dear life as he began thrusting in and out.

Valorianne bit her lip and smiled as she looked down at her Son. She touched his back and said, "That's right, boy! Make me feel good. Fucking my womb with your fat dick!" She snarled.

Harealor grunted, and his face turned red as he fucked his mother. It felt so good, and he wanted to do this forever.

However, his pounding of his Mommy's pussy was soon added on as his sister, Daelis, moved in front of him with her suit off and rock-hard cock hanging out with her glorious orbs filled with cum and milky breasts. Her cock was quite literally hanging right above him and was quite intimidating.

Daelis stood before her little brother and giggled at the slight blush he seemed to have gained and spoke, "Do you love the sight of my fat cock being near you~? Could you suck it for me?" She questioned with lust dripping with every word.

"I suppose I could do that…" Harealor answered timidly as he looked back and forth between the plump pussy his dick was inside of and his sister's meaty length.

"Though… I'll have to position myself properly first~." She looked over her shoulder to see her mommy looking up at her in curiosity.

Daelis grabbed her fat asscheeks and spread them apart to show her tight anus. She lowered herself over her mommy's cock and grimaced as she felt the bulbous tip and felt a bit intimidated at the sheer size of it. Taking a deep breath, she sank lower onto the Breeding Elf's cock and moaned at the massive size filling her ass and stretching her wide open. Daelis managed to slip to the base of it and squirmed at the intense feeling in her body.

Daelis looked down at her brother and held up her milky bust, "Before you suck me off, could you drink from me as well?~" She asked.

Harealor just nodded and sank into his Mommy's pussy to get closer and wrapped his lips around his sister's nipple and started drinking from her. His sister's milk tasted different from their mommy's. It tasted more relaxed and a bit rich but none more so than that of the Breeding Elf.

All while this was happening, Valorianne moaned at the feeling of her enormous breeding stick enveloped in warmth from her daughter's insides. She has been holding off the need to cum since her daughter wrapped her ass around her.

After a few minutes, Daelis said, "Okay, that's enough. Now, could you please suck my dick?~"

Harealor got off of her nipple and then wrapped his lips over her length and bobbed back and forth on it. He figured it was the same concept as pounding into his Mommy with her pussy being the lips around his mouth.

Daelis sucked on her lip and shook as her mommy's cock twitched inside her, sending jolts of pleasure throughout her system and making her moan. Also, the fact that her brother was sucking on her cock made it all the better.

Soon, Harealor bobbed his head back and forth while pounding his body into his Mommy's. Both Futa Elves moaned at the feeling of the Elfling pleasuring them like this and wanted to do this every day.

'Fuck I need to cum!/Can't cum yet!' Both mother and daughter thought at the same time. Harealor, too, felt the need to cum, but he never experienced this feeling before, so he didn't know what to think of it. But it felt good.

After bobbing his head around his sister's cock and pounding into his mommy for a few more moments, the floodgates were opened for all three of them as they all came into each other simultaneously. Daelis into her brother's mouth, Harealor into his Mommy's pussy, and Valorianne up her daughter's ass.

This was like the recycle sign but with the arrows being each of the three Elves going into each other.

Soon, all three were filled with a warm, thick, creamy mixture of breast milk and cum. For sure, an interesting combination.

They all pulled out of each other, and Harealor collapsed, resting his head into his Mommy's balls like pillows while Daelis slid off the enormous cock to fall on the ground next to them.

They held their milk and cum-filled stomachs and moaned at the warmth inside of them. Valorianne and Daelis's bellies were a bit bigger concerning the big loads they took into their bodies and the milk.

Harealor, however, his belly bulged outwards and felt like an inflated balloon with how much cum and milk was in his system.

Valorianne ruffled her baby boy's hair but thought, "I don't know what came over me. I just felt the need to feed you two and be fucked."

Daelis sat up from her spot on the ground, "Well... I may have an idea of what's going on. Maybe our instincts match that of our Elven bodies. Maybe we fucked because it's in our nature too."

Valorianne cocked an eyebrow, "You may be right. I just had an uncontrollable urge to take care of you two and a need to be filled with cock. Specifically Harealor's."

One thing about Elflings they learned about from the boy's bio of his race was that they had an aura to them that made every creature around them, whether they be sentient or not, desire to make the little Elves theirs in both the maternal and lustful sense. Elflings cannot control this aura, so they are forced into being cared for most of the time.

Though, information on them is limited as they are the rarest of all Elven species in Chronicia, and one only shows up every few hundred years. So when one was around, they were everyone's top priority to care for.

"Well, now I'm ready to go." Valorianne chuckled as she got up to suit back up, slipping her skintight suit onto her sweat-covered body.

Daelis helped Harealor clean up and was supported in return by him quickly licking up her cum-covered cock, but then they looked at their mother. Valorianne still had an erection that was barely hidden in her suit and had milk leaking through the fabric.

"What is it, you two?..." Valorianne looked down at her cock in confusion.

Daelis spoke up, "It's just... You're still hard. Do you want me to suck on it?"

She looked down, "I don't think that's necessary. I think I'll handle it later. Though, I like the feeling of it trapped like this." She emphasized this by stroking her length and rubbing her bulge.

They all began walking in the direction they hoped to find civilization like before.

Not even half an hour later, they found themselves on a cobblestone street with medieval buildings lining the road and various creatures walking around.

At first, Daelis and Harealor thought it was cool to see so many different creatures, but that thought changed when the three of them were given looks of disdain. Valorianne tried asking questions but was only met with glares.

They got to a pub and sat at a table with their mommy sneering, "What have we done to deserve such treatment? We just got here!"

Her children didn't have an answer for her, so they stayed silent until a barmaid approached them and took their order. They didn't know what they served, so they just went with what was recommended.

One would think it would be a lamb, cow, pig, or chicken. But nope! The recommended meal was a Roasted Colagalon Bull Worm. A creature that looked like a sizeable fat caterpillar with two eyes and a tail with an egg sac at the end. The worm was about 3 feet long and a disgusting meal unless prepared correctly.

As they waited for their food, Valorianne stood for her seat, "Well, I believe I need to relieve myself."

"Same here!" Daelis added.

Their mommy nodded before turning to the Elfling, "Watch our table for when the food arrives."

"Yes, mommy!" Harealor said as mother and daughter headed to the ladies' room.

Now, Harealor sat at their table alone, surrounded by dozens of different groups of adventurers sitting at their tables. Unbeknownst to him, they were all thinking of kidnapping him, showering him with so much love he'll drown and be the only one he could count on as his mommy/daddy.

There were adults throughout the tavern, but males and females wanted to care for him in one form or another. One group on the far side of the pub was an all-female group and made their move by approaching the boy from behind.

Harealor noticed a shadow had covered him and looked back to see futa wolf-like creatures, known as Worgens, looking at him from above with their breasts out and erections through their clothing.

The leader spoke up, "Hello, little one~. How would you like to be our baby boy and take our cocks?~" She asked.

Harealor was not liking where this was going, "No! Get away from me!" He attempted to run away but was grabbed from behind.

"Hey, we're not going to do anything bad. We just want to show you how much we love you~." Another said as she pulled off her armor and exposed her erect cock and large breasts.

"Stop it! Let me go!" Harealor cried out as he struggled to free himself. The wolf-like futa began to touch and caress him all over.

"No, no! Leave me alone!" Harealor exclaimed as he was pushed onto the ground and held there. Looking around, he saw most of the occupants' eyes glazed over of sorts and not helping him in any way, shape, or form. His Elfling aura made everyone's instincts work into overdrive to fulfill their maternal, paternal, and sexual desires.

The group held him there momentarily before picking him back up, "Come; you shall join us at our table~. We'll feed you whatever you could want~. Do you want milk?~ We have tons of it~."

"Stop it! Stop it!!!" Harealor cried out as the pack took him to their table. The pack leader sat down and forced the Elfling to straddle her lap. Her large erection pressed against his body as Harealor gulped at the sight of the enormous knot.

She spoke, "Do not worry, little one. We won't hurt you~. You will be treated like a prince and spoiled by your mommies~." The group smiled at the boy in their leader's lap before they all began to touch him again, which made the boy cry out as the leader rubbed his nipples and fondled his bulge through his suit before pressing his head into her breast.

"P-please! Stop!" Harealor cried out.

The leader didn't listen as she pulled open her suit and let her breasts free. She pressed them against his mouth and shoved him down, making Harealor drink milk from her breast. The rest of the pack smiled and giggled as the little Elf was forced to drink the milk.

"That's right, baby~. Drink up~." She stroked his head and smiled.

After a moment, the other pack members began stripping themselves of their armor. They each removed their armor to expose their breasts and erections before moving to the boy and pressing their bodies against him, pinching and groping his small feminine, and chubby frame.

The moment was short-lived as a mug full of ale flew through the air and smacked right into one of the Worgens, knocking her out. The gang of Worgens, Harealor, and the other occupants in the building turned to where the mug was thrown from and saw the two futa Elves with their weapons drawn.

"Get your dirty paws off of my Son!" Valorianne demanded.

The leader, who still held the Elfling, stood up with him in her arms. "Your Son?~ I don't think so~. He belongs with us. We're his family now~."

Valorianne and Daelis cocked an eyebrow before the former spoke, "Family? Really? I see a bunch of flea-bitten bitches that didn't get a chance with the males, so they decided to prey on a helpless Elfling."

"It is our right as futas to have a child. And you can't stop us!" She growled before they drew their weapons, as did the rest of the tavern's occupants.

With a roar, Valorianne and her daughter ran forward and met the Worgens head-on. Outside the building, the townsfolk could hear the clashes of steel, splintering wood, yelps of pain, and screams.

A crowd formed before the building, asking each other questions, with no one having any honest answer as to what was going on.

Their questions were answered when one of the Worgens was sent through the window, glass cutting her skin and crashing onto the stone road. Valorianne was then seen carrying her Harealor in her arms with Daelis behind her as they jumped through the broken window and dodged magic spells and arrows left and right.

"After them! Get the Elfling!" The pack leader commanded as her gang and other groups began chasing after the three Elves intent on stealing Harealor back.

Daelis began shooting arrows back at the mob of Elfling wanting gangs. They struck multiple foes but did little to slow them down.

A kobold leaped at Valorianne from the rooftops down to them and bit down onto her shoulder, drawing blood and making her howl in pain.

"Give us back the Elfling!!" The male Kobold commanded, which resulted in him getting grabbed by his tail and swung flung through a shop window.

"Fuck off; you perverted beasts!!" Valorianne spoke as she looked down at the Elfling, who grappled onto the part of her suit that held her breasts, "Are you okay down there, my Son?"

Harealor, "Y-yes, Mommy!"

"Great!" Valorianne turned to her daughter, "Daelis!"

"Yes, Mommy?!" Ask the Archer as she fired off more arrows.

" I'm going to run ahead. I'll need you to cover me as I will be making it so we can speed up and get away from the mob." She looked back to the onslaught of gangs and other creatures chasing them.

"Got it!" Daelis shouted.

"Alright then! Here I go!" Valorianne began to run faster until she was a good 200 meters ahead.

She knelt and set her Son on the ground before stretching open the fabric that held her breasts. The futa Elf looked to her Son, "Alright, climb on in!" She ordered hurriedly.

Harealor just looked at her with confusion, "W-what?"

His mommy looked back at the crowd getting closer, turned back to her little boy, and barked, "No time to explain! Feet first, facing me, wrap your arms and legs around my body!"

After being barked at by his mommy, Harealor raised a leg and pushed it under her suit. He put in another and slid down into her suit as his body was now trapped against her round belly and the fabric with him sitting on what felt like her enormous cock.

Once Harealor was inside her suit and wrapped around her body, Valorianne stood up and shook her breasts as the Elflings head was now stuffed under them. He had little room to breathe, but it was good enough to stay safe.

Daelis caught up to her, "Come on, Mommy! Let's go!"

"Right" Suddenly, Harealor felt like his body was bouncing up and down his Mommy's body but did feel her legs moving quickly, so he chalked it up to her running.

"Where's Harealor?!" Daelis turned to her mommy, who rubbed the Elfling-shaped bulge under her suit.

"He's safe. Come on!" The two Elves ran faster until they got out of town.

An hour later and they were still running away from the mob. Harealor was now drenched from the sweat his mommy built up under her suit.

"Fuck! There's no way this body was made for running long distances!" Valorianne complained as she huffed alongside her daughter.

"Yeah, no kidding! But we have no choice but to keep running!" Daelis replied as they kept going.

Soon, they came up on a small village, and their mommy seemed to trip on a branch and land on her front, squishing her Elfling son under her fat. Valorianne groaned as she heard her Son moan in pain from under her suit.

She looked down at him, "O-oh Harealor... I'm sorry! Are you okay??" She sputtered.

She heard a muffled "Yes, Mommy!"

Daelis returned to her mommy and tried getting her back up, "Come on. We have to keep moving!"

Valorianne's body shook as she looked up at her daughter from below, "I can't. I have no energy left. We didn't even get to eat!!"

Soon, the mob stopped a little bit away from the trio as Valorianne rolled into her ass and saw her daughter standing over her own, showing off her impressive ass.

Daelis had an arrow drawn and pointed it at the mob, "The next person to step forward is getting an arrow through the chest!!" She warned.

The Worgen pack leader had a nasty scar run across her face from the tavern scuffle and spoke up, "You can't take us all on, you pointy-eared treehuggers!"

"Don't count on that." Daelis sneered as she kept her stance.

Their mommy pulled open her suit, allowing her Son's head to pop out and breathe fresh air after what seemed like forever.

The Worgen and the rest of the mob saw this and smirked, "My~. I may have to try that when I pry him from your body~." She stepped forward.

"You won't get that chance!" She fired the arrow only for the Worgen to take a sidestep and catch it mid-air before tossing it to the ground, "Quite a pitiful attempt. All we want is the Elfling."

"Well, you're not getting him." A booming and masculine voice rang out as the mob and the Elves turned to the sound, and eyes widened.

Before them was a minotaur. Not just any ordinary minotaur; this one was huge and looked taller than even Valorianne. He had an enormous cock and giant udders in the place of his balls and a set of large horns on his head. He had a muscular yet overweight body with a big pot belly, puffy pecs, and a big round butt. In his hand was a battle axe that was as large as Daelis.

The Worgen leader spoke up, "You! What is a minotaur doing out here?"

The Minotaur blew a puff of smoke from his snout, "I am the Chieftain here, and you are trespassing into my village without my permission." He brandished his axe as he stepped up to stand between the Elves and the mob. He looked down to see the little Elfling under the suit of the Breeding Elf.

"Is this your kid?" The Minotaur asked.

Valorianne nodded, "Yes, he is. He's my Son."

The Chieftain smiled, "Stay behind me." He ordered as the other Minotaurs around the village surrounded the mob with their weapons drawn.

The Worgen leader growled before barking out, "Attack!!" With a roar from both sides, chaos ensued, and as the clashes of steel started, Valorianne and Daelis realized just how out of their depth when it came to this world. They had just arrived and witnessed a fierce battle between an Elfling-Aura-fueled mob and a village of Minotaurs.

"This is insanity/This world is nuts..." Valorianne and Daelis commented simultaneously before passing out from sensory overload and too much happening in such little time.

A Few Hours Later, Night

Valorianne worked up like she did this morning when she and her children first arrived, but she was lying on a bed of animal furs in a wooden building instead of a river. She also noticed that her clothes were no longer on her and was now completely naked, with her fatty body, breasts, and well-endowed cock exposed to the fresh air.

She rolled over in the bed and saw her sweet daughter lying naked beside her. There was only one problem, though.

Harealor was nowhere in sight.

Valorianne quickly jumped out of bed onto the wood flooring before calling, "Harealor?! Where are you?!" Daelis bolted awake at her mommy, screaming her little brother's name.

"What's happening?" She asks her heavily-built mommy.

"Harealor is gone!" Her mommy answered as she grabbed her war hammer before Daelis grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows. They now stood at the door and kicked it open and found themselves looking at a sight they never expected to see.

"Oh! I see you're awake!" The Chieftain's voice boomed.

They were looking at the Minotaur Chieftain, with the rest of his villagers in the center of the town square, having a feast with a giant bonfire. Piles of meat, fruit, vegetables, and ale were stacked high on the tables as the large Minotaurs sat around, stuffing their faces and engaging in conversation.

In the middle of this, the Chieftain sat in his chair. It was raised slightly off the ground with a smaller Minotaur who had Harealor in his lap being fed.

"What's going on here?!" Valorianne demanded as she looked at the Minotaur leader.

"Why, it's just a victory feast. That battle against the mob who chased you managed to put up a good fight, but they were not strong enough to take on fully grown Minotaurs such as ourselves." He pounded his large chest as his people raised their mugs, cheering.

Valorianne and Daelis glanced at one another. They had no idea what was going on or what just happened.

"It doesn't matter. What matters now is that we take our Son back!" She growled as she tried to take a step forward, but the Chieftain raised his hand, making her stop.

"Please, stay. I could tell you three hadn't eaten when you entered my village. And judging by the way you two carry yourselves, you must have been running all day." He rubbed Harealor's back as he lay on the younger Minotaur's lap, "Come, join us. There's plenty for everyone."

Daelis and her mommy exchanged glances before looking at the Chieftain.

He smiled, "My name is Kydris, Chieftain of this village."

Valorianne and Daelis shared one more glance before walking toward the table and sitting across from the Chieftain. They sat down with their weapons still in hand, which made the other villagers stop what they were doing and stare at the Elves in confusion.

Kydris then turned to his people, "Go on, my people! Enjoy yourselves! You have earned this!" The Minotaurs cheered again before going back to eating.

Kydris turned to the Elves, "Please, eat with us. This food is not only for us but also for you." He held up a leg of some roasted animal before bringing it to his mouth, taking a bite out of the meat, and chewing before swallowing.

"Come, now. What's a victory feast without guests to enjoy it?" He asked them.

Valorianne said, "We don't mean to be rude, but we just met you. How do we know you didn't lace this with anything harmful to Elves?"

The Chieftain gave them a "You can't be serious" face before pointing down to the little Elfling that tore into a piece of lamb like it was the first and last thing he would ever eat.

"He can eat it." Before looking at the two, the Chieftain stated, "I'm not going to poison him. If he isn't poisoned, then neither are you." He put his hand to his mouth, grabbed the animal's bone, and flicked it to the bonfire.

Harealor looked at his mother and sister before speaking, "Mommy, it's safe to eat. It's delicious!" He bounced up and down in the younger Minotaur's lap, who began to blush and look away.

"Fine." Both Elves said with finality as they joined the village on feasting.

The Minotaur Chieftain watched with a smile on his face. He enjoyed moments like these, some poor creature stumbling into his village asking for help or not and then providing them food before the real fun began. Especially seeing Harealor on his Son's lap with his hands wrapped around the boy's short and chubby body as he continued to feed himself.

The boy had an aura about him, an almost tingling sensation that sent signals to his mind about what to do. On the one hand, the atmosphere around Harealor told him to submit to his parental instincts and be a father to the child. On the other, it told him to mate with the Elfling and make him his mate. It made no difference to him; he would care for the child as if it were his own.

Kydris was no ordinary minotaur. He was a Dairy Bull. A breed that can impregnate others while also being able to produce rich milk with a bunch of health benefits.

Minotaur Dairy Bulls are also known to be highly fertile and will impregnate any female creature they desire.

Kydris watched the Elves eat before them. At first, they were slow and made sure to be careful to see if anything tasted suspicious, but when nothing happened, they began shoveling down food at the same pace as his people.

"I must say, I didn't expect this kind of welcome…." Daelis spoke as she looked around.

"You came here seeking our help, albeit unintentionally, so we had to provide you some kind of hospitality." He took a bite out of a fruit.

Valorianne nodded, "Fair enough. Where are our clothes?"

"They will be brought to you in the morning just before you wake up to head on your way. As this is my village, I have a rule that everyone who comes here as a guest must remain bare until they leave. It's a tradition for us Minotaurs since we do not need clothing." He explained.

"Alright then." She replied before continuing her meal.

Daelis spoke up, "But what about Harealor? He's still wearing clothes."

Kydris stroked his chin as he thought of an answer, "Well... he was quite hesitant to. He seemed afraid that I was going to do something to him." He glanced at the Elfling on his lap, who blushed.

Kydris continued, "And if I may add, he looks quite... Fuckable wearing this little outfit of his. Makes me hard seeing his chubby little body under the skintight fabric."

"Daddy. You're always hard..." The little Minotaur that had Harealor on his lap spoke up. He seemed to be adjusting himself in the larger Minotaur's lap and squeaked every few moments.

"Oh! Right, this is my adorable Son, Dregar. He's a bit shy, but I tell everyone how good my Son is in bed." He spoke with a wink.

"Dregar, my Son, why don't you say hello to our guests?" He smiled at the smaller Minotaur.

Dregar turned his attention to the Elves before him. His eyes wandered over their plump bodies and large breasts. He swallowed the lump before saying, "H-hello, my name is Dregar, Chieftain Kydris' Son."

A smaller Minotaur lay upon the lap of the Chieftain. This one was about the same size as Daelis but had a bit of muscle to him despite being chubby with a big round ass. His cock was long, and reached down to his knees. Just like his Daddy, he had a bunch of thick furs on his chest and around his pelvic region.

The other Elves nodded, "It's nice to meet you, Dregar. I'm Valorianne, and this is my daughter Daelis." She smiled at the Minotaur, who blushed and turned away from them.

They all started to talk amongst themselves and engage in each other's conversations. Sometime later, Harealor groaned as he held his full stomach with his mommy and sister looking better than he was.

"Thirsty..." He said it felt like he needed something to help wash down all that food. It was the most he had ever eaten.

"Oh, you're thirsty? Would you like some of my fresh milk?" Kydris questioned the little Elfling as Harealor looked up at him, confused.

"Milk?" Harealor asked, wiSonthe Chieftain nodding in response. The Minotaur asked the Elfling to get off, which he did.

Kydris then took hold of his Son and hoisted him off his big cock, making the younger Minotaur groan at the length of slipping out of his stretched hole and placed onto the ground next to Harealor. The Chieftain lifted his large and heavy milk-filled udders before squeezing one of his teats, which made milk squirt onto Harealor's face.

He took a dab of it with his finger and tasted it, "Delicious!" Harealor commented as he latched on to the large udder Dregar joined him by sucking on the other.

Kydris moaned as the two of them sucked him warm milk from his udder and looked to the other two Elves on the other side of the table, "I sure hope you two don't mind me feeding your Elfling!"

Valorianne and Daelis shook their heads, "No, no. Go ahead." Valorianne added.

Daelis agreed as the two children of separate species continued drinking without a single care.

Harealor moaned as the taste of the milk filled his mouth. He felt so much better now and felt nice being breastfed alongside another creature that looked to be around his age.

"MMMhhhmmm~" The little boy moaned into the udder before pulling away and taking a breath.

Kydris chuckled as he let his son have his share of milk before Harealor leaned forward again, "More, please~!"

The chieftain laughed, "Then what are you doing stopping now for? Get in there!" He wrapped a hand around the backside of the Elfling's head and pressed him into his udder.

The little boy squealed at the sensation of the large udder covering his head, and his nose squished against the flesh. He felt the warm milk flow into his mouth and down his throat, and it tasted so sweet. He could say it tasted better than his Mommy's and sister's milk.

Kydris held him there until he felt like he was done, and Harealor pulled away, letting out a breath. He smiled as the warm milk filled him up and felt so good.

However, he also felt quite tired. Almost like he hadn't slept in days, and that prompted his body to shut down, making him fall flat onto the ground asleep.

"My baby!" Valorianne and Daelis stood up from their spots and hopped over the table to Harealor. Their mommy lifted his head intoSonr lap and turned to the chieftain angrily.

"What did you do to him?!" Valorianne questioned the chieftain, who lifted his son back into his lap and fell asleep.

"I have done absolutely nothing. Besides many health benefits, my milk has special properties that cause young ones to fall asleep if they drink until they can no longer. It helps them grow and strengthen their bones faster than normal milk. I still keep my dear, Dregar on the tit even though he's thirteen winters old." The Minotaur smiled as he held his sleeping child in his arms.

Valorianne cocked an eyebrow before Daelis said, "He's 13 years old?! But he's as tall as I am!"

"Adult minotaurs can get quite large. My Grandfather, Chief Dorok, was twice as tall as I am and remained the largest Minotaur in a century." He explained before standing up from his seat, cradling his son against his chest, and turning to the Elves, "We will see you off tomorrow. My maids will return your suits as they are washed and cleaned. You may take the room you woke up in." He addressed them before walking off to his house as the rest of the village cleaned up the feast.

Valorianne lifted Harealor into her arms and carried him back to their room to sleep as Daelis followed them.

Next Morning

The three Elves were strapping their gear to themselves as they stood in the village square. They had joined the Chief and his people for breakfast and were ready to head.

Valorianne and Daelis were given back their clothes and noticed they seemed tighter than before. That could be because they had a large meal last night and this morning.

Harealor stood beside, hugging his Mommy's leg as the villagers, the Chief, and his Son stood before the three of them.

"Chief Kydris. Thank you for allowing my children and me to stay the night and bringing us back to health." Valorianne said.

TheMinotaurr raised a hand, "Please, just call me Kydris. You three are the only adventurers that came through my village and were non-hostile. You treated my people and care with respect, and for that," He bows slightly, "You three are now honorary members of the village. As long as you do nothing to harm my Sonple, you will always be welcome here."

"Thank you." All three Elves said.

"Plus, my dear Dregar enjoyed playing with your son. Perhaps they can have another play date sometime in the future." Kydris added as he ruffled the hair of the blushing younger Minotaur.

"Perhaps so. Harealor here is very friendly." Valorianne stroked her son's head as he looked up at her with emerald green eyes.

"Anyway, where do you three plan on heading now?" The Minotaur Chieftain questioned as they looked at one another.

Valorianne spoke up, "I did manage to see a quest board when we were at the tavern before we were attacked. Maybe we'll go find somewhere for work, get paid, and fight some monsters on the way." She listed off before thinking, 'And other things, such as finding a way back home.'

The Elven siblings looked at each other excitedly at the thought of adventure.

Kydris smiled before speaking, "I hope you three have a safe journey." He stepped forward and lifted Harealor into his arms, "And this little one is more than welcome to return here. I need another child filling my life anyway." He brought the boy close to his chest, and Harealor rested his head into the large pecs of the Minotaur.

"Thank you for helping us!" Said Harealor as he felt the large hand rub his back and nuzzle into the furry body.

"Anytime, little one. Now, you should go on and join your family." He let Harealor down as the Elfling hurried back to his mommy, as the three of them waved their goodbyes, with the villagers and the chieftain doing the same.

Now that they were far from the minotaur village, Daelis turned to the larger Elf, "What's the plan, Mommy?"

Valorianne thought momentarily before replying, "We take quests, get paid, have sex, and hopefully find a way back home."

Harealor spoke up, "How are we going to do that?"

Valorianne smiled lightly before ruffling her son's head, "We shall see, my dear~."

They continued on their way through the forest to their next destination.

Adventure Montage!

After their time in the minotaur village, they began their journey home. But to do that, they need to be skilled enough to take on any foes they come across, but they also need money to buy food and other gear.

They had a set schedule for every day. It was wake up, eat, fuck, take a quest, get paid, eat, fuck, do something fun, fuck again, and then sleep. It was the same thing every day, but they switched it up occasionally.

One moment, the three Elves are seen fighting a tribe of lustful and incredibly gay kobolds to stop them from taking over more land near a town.

Another time, Harealor is seen wielding his magic for the first time in desperation and blasting away a scuttle of human-sized spiders while Valorianne and Daelis are wrapped up in webbing cocoons. They were quite nearly eaten.

The three of them, covered in saliva, walk away from a dead dragon after being mistaken for a meal. How did they get out? Valorianne stuck herself in the throat and cut it open, killing the dragon from a torn open neck with blood leaking out.

Some of the more pleasant moments were the three of them in a hot spring relaxing after saving a village from being overrun by the undead. They were rewarded with a free room to rest in for a few days and a pass to the hot spring.

Lich Kings, Rogue Witches, Necromancers, Humans, Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Goblins, Kobolds, Worgens, Wolves, Dragons, Nagas, Harpies, and more. All of these creatures are ones the three of them have come across and got into a fight and beat them or fight to the death.

Valorianne and her children learned new skills and abilities and visited exciting places, but they always kept sight of their one true goal.

To get back home.

Six Months Later

Right now, the three of them were on a dangerous mission that was of the utmost importance. After hearing of their skills, a wise and old wizard personally hired them for a job.

The mission? To take out a former council member of his wizards dealing in witchcraft and dimensional magic. Two things that can take their world out of balance and throw it into chaos.

After hearing of the "dimensional magic" part, they felt it was a portal and thought it might take you anywhere you desired to go.

This was their chance to get back home. All they needed to do was take out this rogue wizard and whatever forces he had (of any…).

Unfortunately, the only way to get to where his base was, was through a blistering cold tundra.

Violent snowstorms blinded the three Elves and never allowed them to see more than a dozen feet around them.

Another thing was that even though they had clothing suited for this mission, it needed to be warmer, especially for Harealor. Valorianne and her daughter could take the cold just fine since their body fat kept them warm, but the Elfling was practically helpless.

Their idea of keeping their Harealor safe from the cold was to try something they hadn't tried in a while. Something they liked to call "Fannypacking."

This was the position Valorianne tried with her son in the village when they were running from the tavern's mob and horny Worgens on their first day of arriving in this world.

So, Harealor climbed into the front of his Mommy's suit and hugged her body as they moved faster through the snow to get to their objective earlier than anticipated.

They managed to find where the man was hiding and working on his magic in an ice cave.

They stood around the corner and saw the wizard at the end of the room with all his gear and potions filled with various ingredients. Before him stood a shimmering portal of bright lights.

Valorianne huddled against the wall and turned to her daughter, seemingly having the same thoughts as each other.

Daelis brought out her bow, pulled back a poison-tipped arrow, and aimed right at the back of his head. The sounds of light shimmering emanated from the portal, a perfect camouflage to mask the sound of her arrow being flung at the guy and catching him with his pants down.

Taking a deep breath, Daelis stilled her aim and released. As if in slow motion, the arrow shot through the arrow and embedded itself through the back of the wizard's skull, killing him.

The two Elves waited for any revival as they had encountered a few magic users who revived themselves from death after being shot in the chest or head by them.

But no revival came.

Valorianne rounded the corner as Harealor's head popped out from her suit, now able to see from his pillow prison.

He looked up at his mommy from the pillows that were her breasts and asked, "What's going on?"

Daelis answered, "He's not reviving himself…" Valorianne stood back with her weapon ready and watched as her daughter knelt beside the wizard's body and checked for a pulse. She turned toward them and shook her head.

"He's dead?" Their mother asked.


"Man, this guy didn't even have any traps or guards… Was this wizard just some inexperienced pushover?"

"I think so…"

Now that the wizard was dead, they stood before the portal, and Valorianne had her son climb out of her suit to stand next to his sister.

The two siblings held bated breaths as their mother slowly approached the portal and held a hand out. Just before she could put her hand through, she stopped and turned to her children.

"I don't think we should go back…"

Harealor and Daelis protested but were silenced as their mother raised a hand and explained herself.

"That world was miserable for you, Harry." She turned to her Elfling child.


"Yes, we have been using our characters' names as our identities for so long I have forgotten what mine and Daelis' was. But I still remember yours. And not just your name, I have also remembered how my family and I have treated you, and I don't want to put you through that again if I could stop it."

"I don't understand…" Harealor commented.

Valorianne knelt before him and held his face before looking him in the eye and speaking, "I was your uncle before, and Daelis was your cousin. We have mistreated and neglected you for so long, and you don't deserve to go through that again or be in a place it reminds you of that. I want to keep you happy and safe as you are now, my Son, and I love my family."

Sonealor began tearing up and shook liSona leaf at what he was hearing. His former uncle-now mother said he was not just her son for appearance's sake. He was her son through and through.

He looked to see his sister kneeling beside him, smiling at him, "And you're just my adorable Elfling little brother."

Harealor cried as he wrapped his arms around his mommy, hugging her as he rested his head on her breasts. Daelis wrapped her arms around her brother and, in turn, had their mother's arms around them.

"I-I want to s-stay." The Elfling choked out as the two Futa Elves nodded, and the three stayed in the cave till the snowstorm died.

They were no longer going to be human. Now, they were Elves through and through.

One Year Later

Over a year has passed since Valorianne, Daelis, and Harealor came into this fantastical world of knights, kingdoms, monsters, magic, and wizards.

So much has happened since coming into this world—many things for the good and the bad.

During one of their daily fuck sessions, Harealor managed to get his mother pregnant. And that was three months ago.

Pregnancy isn't the same for all creatures. That's just a basic fact about nature. In comparison, human pregnancies last about nine months before falling into labor. Elven pregnancies could be as long as ten years.

A strange idea for Elves to live their lives pregnant for that long, but that's how it is.

Harealor gained a harem of sorts with a few creatures as part of it. Chieftain Kydris' Son, Dregar, was one of the members as he fell in love with the Elfling on their next visit to the village.

Dregar managed to get his Daddy to allow him to join Harealor and his family, but the hard part was how he was allowed to. The only way the young Minotaur could think of getting his Daddy to get him to agree was by making a bet. A bet in which if he lasted more than six hours being fucked by his Daddy, Kydris had to let him go.

Once he was allowed to join, the Elves learned that he specialized in cooking, camouflage, and hand-to-hand combat and was given a pair of Vadamonium Steel knuckle dusters by his Daddy before departure. But that was just one of many things he had on him.

The Futa Worgen, the Elves, met at the tavern was also one. Her name was Wunhilga, and when they met her again, Harealor and the others were quite surprised at her current state. Wunhilga had lost an eye in her fight with the minotaur village and lost the respect of her gang and now wore her loss with shame.

When they found her, she was hungry and desperate for food, anything and everything she would've taken with thanks in mind.

Harealor was the one that offered her help first, even though he was nearly used by her when they first met at the tavern. Valorianne, Dregar, and Daelis were reluctant to help; they thought it was just another ploy to get into the boy's pants or fulfill her maternal instincts.

They were wrong, though, as they learned what Harealor's Elfling aura felt like and noticed that although it was full-blast, Wulhilga did not move on him. Didn't even flinch. All she did was whimper and blush as her motherly instincts fought for control to take care of the Elfling, but the side of her with common sense won that battle. She did want another nasty scar from being bashed in the face by the Breeding Elf.

Sometime after that, Wulhilga asked if she could join them, and it took the begging of the Elfling to get his family to allow her to join them. Like before, when it came to offering aid, they were hesitant but relented and allowed her to come along. Now, Wulhilga was a member of their party and was helpful regarding tracking, stealth, and speed.

Soon enough, after spending a few months with the Elves, and the young Minotaur, she developed genuine feelings for the Elfling. This shocked the two other Elves as Harealor's aura didn't affect them much anymore, thanks to always being near him. But here was a Worgen, who barely even knew the boy, was now practically immune to his race of Elf's natural ability to make anyone near them submit to their parental and lustful instincts.

So… Being the experienced-in-sex Elfling he was now, Harealor gave her his feelings in return, and not long after, Wulhilga became Harealor's second member of his harem. Valorianne and Daelis didn't count as they were his family.

The last and final member was a male Kobold with a plump body named Luko. A pink-scaled Kobold.

The gang met him in a cave they were exploring, frightening the poor Kobold so much that he accidentally nicked a highly combustible material in the rock. His body was a bit burned and smoky but came out relatively unharmed.

The next thing they all knew, the cave began collapsing.

They all ran in fright as the cave began collapsing behind them, and they managed to escape on time.

After catching their breath, Luko rounded on the Elves and barked at them angrily for disturbing his work and stopping him from getting his "precious." Though, his barking didn't do much to intimidate the group, as his voice sounded a teensy bit squeaky with a feminine yet masculine tone behind it.

Also, the other matter was his height was shorter than Daelis, just reaching her neck.

In fact, instead of being intimidated, they all laughed at the now-blushing Kobold. However, they agreed to let him join with the chance of being protected while mining for his "precious" as their way of apologizing to him.

Soon, the Kobold joined the strange group and eventually found his way into Harealor's heart by giving him a shimmering light blue and yellow gemstone.

The gemstone was so beautiful that Harealor rewarded him far more valuable than anything else in the land, a kiss from an Elfling.

After that kiss, Luko was a blushing and sputtering mess as he enjoyed the kiss and vowed to bring more gemstones for the Elf.

This kind gesture soon became a desire for Kobold as after one too many kisses, he asked for another reward, something different. And that was having sex.

Luckily for him, Harealor didn't mind and enjoyed the sex with the plump Kobold. Despite his appearance, Luko was a Dom and enjoyed filling the Elfling's hole with his seed. Harealor, too, found the experience enjoyable as the two finished the session by saying "I love you" to each other simultaneously.

They blushed, but that comment soon became the truth as he became the last member of his harem.

Now cutting to the present, the strange group of three Elves, a Minotaur, Worgen, and Kobold, bought a room at an inn, and all slept on the same bed. A bed that somehow managed not to break under all of their weight.

The Elfling's Mommy, Valorianne, slept in the middle with her little Harealor lying on top of her. Daelis and Wulhilga slept to her right, with Dregar and Luko to her left.

It was the perfect moment for all of them. In a warm bed, they all surrounded their favorite Elfling with the sounds of heavy rain outside and the fireplace crackling in its spot for a bit more heat.

Nothing was more perfect for Harealor and his family of five, soon-to-be six.