
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

chapter 22


Vernon uses his new body as Venom to use his Son for pleasure. Dudley is brutally killed in the process of being roughly fucked by the monster that was formerly his father and was soon eaten up like his mother. Harry comes back home from school only to not find his relatives not around. Deciding not to worry too much about it, he decides to patrol London as Spiderling and eventually is captured by the being known as Venom. After hearing some unbelievable truths and realities, a new form is forced onto Harry after being forced to fuck what used to be his Uncle.

Dursley Household

Venom, formerly Vernon Dursley, approached his son Dudley. After witnessing the monster eat his mother and attempt to protect himself, Dudley shrunk in on himself in terror. Venom was horny. With Petunia being digested in his bulging belly, he still has his son for it, and he showed Dudley his massive cock with heavy balls. The boy was crying and begging to be left alone.

"D-Dad! P-please, don't do this!" Not in the least bit phased by Dudley's pleas, Venom pressed his immense body against the restrained h man. The boy was facing the enormous black cock, just before his face, as Venom looked down on him from above. Venom grabbed the black webbing and ripped it open, making Dudley tumble and reveal that he was stripped naked. He got up but didn't make it far as the enormous cock was now pressed against his fore ad. Dudley continued to plead and cry for mercy.

"You either open your mouth, or we will force you to!" Venom growled.

Before Dudley realized what was happening, Venom responded by stomping on his cock and testicles with the full force of their three-meter tall, morbidly obese body. The massive size and weight caused the balls to pop instantly, resulting in a yellow and red pol. The force of the stomp would've completed the same job if it weren't due to their body.

Dudley screamed in agony, his eyes wide with shock and pain, as he desperately tried to crawl away from Vernon's feet but could not move. Vernon waited for their son's scream before thrusting his entire cock into his son's throat in one go. While doing so, he broke a few of Dudley's teeth and even his lower jaw.

Dudley could not scream. His whole mouth and face were stuffed with the cock. Venom was cruel and sadistic, not stopping until Dudley's eyes rolled back in his head, his consciousness slipping away.

Venom punched the boy awake with a tentacle; he would not be sleeping while spending time with him. Each punch was more brutal than the last, Dudley's body trembling and shaking with pain until he felt as if it were his bones that were shattering and not his s in. His screams, silenced by the cock stuffed in his mouth, were replaced by sobs of agony as Vernon continued his onslaught.

Not only were the tentacles attacking Dudley, but the massive cock shoved down his throat ripped apart his internal organs, and the teeth that had broken off were pushed inside him. Venom's attack on Dudley was violent and unending, as his tentacles inflicted excruciating pain on Dudley's body while the cock caused devastating internal damage. As the tentacles and cock tore apart Dudley's body, his cries of agony only seemed to incite Venom further, as his assault was relentless and devastating.

"We are cumm ng! Take it all! Don't let a single one drop!" Venom screamed as they used their tentacles to bind Dudley's head to his cock like a condom and began to spurt cum down Dudley's throat.

Gallons of cum began to fill Dudley's stomach to the brim, rendering him unable to move or even escape the torture. Dudley felt like his body was about to burst with such an overwhelming weight.

Venom was brutally fucked, but it got worse when the cum started flowing into the trachea and began to fill Dudley's lungs. He struggled to breathe and gasped as he frantically tried to break free.

Dudley tried to cough the cum out of his lungs, but since there was nowhere to go, it just came back inside him. As a result, the monster began to brutally and sadistically facefuck Dudley while still cumming because of all the movement he was making. Venom used their entire body to fuck Dudley inside with the strength of a dozen bodybuilders.

The intense pressure of Venom's body against Dudley's face caused his eyes to start to water, and as he gasped for air and struggled for breath, his vision became hazy. Dudley's inability to endure the pain, cum, blood, and breathing difficulties reached a breaking point, and he collapsed on the enormous black cock, no longer having any fight left in him.

Dudley felt something pop as he awoke for the final time; as he finally passed away, the cum inside had destroyed his stomach and covered his intestines. Dudley was already dead when Venom pulled their cock out of the boy. They smiled at their work.

"That was most definitely worthwhile. Time for another snack!" Venom's lower jaw unhinged itself and lowered to the boy's corpse lying on the floor in a pool of cum and blood with his intestines burst out.

Venom moved their head to Dudley's and fit the boy's head into his gaping maw without issue. With the head inside their drooling mouth, Venom began crawling on all fours as they continued to take in the body. Due to the immense abuse that Dudley's body took not too long ago, he managed to squeeze down into Venom's throat with less difficulty than with Petunia. Venom gulped and sucked as the boy's body was pushed into their throat and stomach.

Once Dudley's feet were inside Venom's mouth, they hinged their body back in place and sat up as the weight of Dudley's mutilated body slid down their throat into his final resting place. The stomach, right next to his mother. Venom could hear the muffled feminine screams of their former wife.

Venom stood back on shaky legs as their belly bulged out even more, with mother and son reunited in their tomb where they'll be digested and added onto the massive alien's fatty body.

They patted their belly as the muffled screams turned to silence, and the bumps of Petunia ceased. Venom grinned as those two were finally taken care of, "Ah!!~ Those two were quite delicious!!~"

Venom stopped their satisfied rumbling as they heard the front door open downstairs and heard the beautiful voice of their nephew, Harry Potter.

"Aunt Petunia, Dudley, I'm home!" Harry said as he stood in the hallway on the bottom floor.

Venom looked down at their stomach, swollen and distended from their meal, "Well, well, little nephew. It looks like you will have a chance to join me. But not yet." They quickly and quietly tidied up the bedroom and locked the door before tumbling down onto the bed to rest before their big plan with Harry started. They just needed to wait for the opportune moment to get Harry alone.

Luckily for them, that opportunity would come by quickly.

Tonight, London

A lone figure is seen swinging and jumping across the city's rooftops. This figure was London's one and only Spiderling.

The vigilante's outfit was a skintight bodysuit and mask with big lenses for the eyes and colors red and blue with white trim. These colors are reminiscent of the Union Jack, the flag of Great Britain. On the center of his chest was a symbol of a spider with its long legs covering his entire torso.

The suit clung to his feminine frame like a second skin. He had wide birthing hips, thick thighs, and a butt big enough to make any model jealous. Not only that, but he was also quite well-endowed for his age.

Harry was patrolling the streets as Spiderling and doing his best to keep the people safe from crime or whatever supervillain came his way. He knew it was only a matter of time before one saw him and attacked.

This is typically what he does every day. Harry would come home from school, do his daily chores, wait for night, suit up as Spiderling, fight crime, get food on the way home, then sleep for a few hours.

It was an exhausting job, seeing as London was pretty far from Surrey, but it was lovely to get out of the neighborhood, even if it was just for a few hours.

Westminster was one of the areas in London with a lot of crime, so he always made sure to patrol that area first and then move on to the next.

Right now, he was swinging around the city where there were a few high-rises. This area was Harry's favorite as he loved being up high, looking down on the beautiful lights that illuminated the metropolitan area.

A good-sized building was in the middle of the street, with many other smaller ones surrounding it. One of the buildings was surrounded by dark gray stone, while the others were mostly glass and steel.

"Maybe I'll stop there for a bit..." Harry said to himself as he swung to the building.

His body went on high alert briefly as his senses started tingling. However, Harry didn't have time to react as he was smacked into a wall. Knocked out and carried off by a large hulking figure to God knows where.

Waking up, Harry found himself in a penthouse with the lights off. He was tied to a chair with webbing similar to his own but oily black and much stronger.

He tried breaking the restraints, only to stop once his captor made himself known, "Ah, we see you're awake!!~"

Harry turned to see a creature of horrific proportions. He was a massive humanoid with a slick, oily black body about twice as tall as he was. Huge legs with thick thighs, a large and fat ass, a big belly, big arms, and breasts. Its face had big white teardrop eyes and a big mouth full of sharp teeth. It held a glass of Guinness in one hand with its other hand resting against its hip.

It turned to face him, "We sure hope we didn't hurt you too much!!~ It would've been nice not to hurt you, but we couldn't get you alone without you running away or fighting!!~"

Its deep, guttural, masculine voice made Harry shiver. The creature also seemed to speak in plural, referring to itself as "We."

It turned around and walked to him. Harry's eyes bulged as he saw an enormous black cock as long as its thighs and as girthy as its arm. Below it was two full wrecking balls of balls. Both those and its huge breasts swung as it walked closer to him.

"Imagine our surprise when we found out you're Spiderling!!~" It said.

Harry was confused but looked at the large glass window that gave them a skyline view. To his shock, he saw himself without his mask.

"Now, this would explain why we would see an overabundance of spider webs around the house!!~" It stopped and laughed as it towered over Harry's form.

Harry tried calming himself down and asked, "W-who are you?"

It bent its knees to be slightly over eye level with Harry. The creature opened its mouth, and a long red tongue dripped with saliva came out. Now was an awful moment for Harry; the creature dragged its wet tongue across his face. The teenager cringed at the feeling of the tongue against his skin.

It looked satisfied, "You're as delicious as ever, Harry!!~" It took a swig of Guinness before answering the boy's question, "We are Venom!!~ And you are mine!!~"

Harry was shocked. He was sure Venom wouldn't harm him, but he was still scared, "H-how did you know who I am? Who are you?!" Harry demanded as he screamed.

Venom sneered and backhanded Harry across the face. Spittle flew from his mouth as a little bit of blood dripped from his mouth. Harry quivered in pain, not expecting the harsh hit.

After realizing their mistake, Venom set their glass on the coffee table and knelt before Harry. They gently turned Harry's head to face them and took a clawed finger to wipe away the blood.

Now facing Venom, Harry watched in surprise as the face peeled itself back, 'It's a mask?' Harry thought.

He was right and wrong as the face was uncovered to reveal, "U-Uncle Vernon?!" Harry asked in shock at seeing his Uncle.

The man's face didn't look like it used to. His eyes were white with black tendrils pushed through his skin like veins. The man, now introduced as his Uncle, spoke, "Hello, our sweet nephew!!~" Instead of his regular voice, he still sounded like Venom.

"What the hell are you?! What did you do to my Uncle?!" Harry yelled as he struggled against his bonds.

Venom's mask returned, enveloping Harry's Uncle's face, and answered, "Vernon Dursley is no more!!~ Now, all there is is Venom!!~"

Harry's mind was reeling. All he could think of was that his Uncle was a monster. How was he able to transform? Was it because of a symbiotic relationship between Venom and Uncle Vernon?

"W-wait! If you're here in London! Where's Dudley and Aunt Petunia?!" Harry asked, even though he was afraid of the answer.

Venom mused as they tilted their head in mock critical thinking before patting their large belly, "Well, you see!!~ They were quite the delectable meal!!~" Venom chuckled as they played with Harry's hair.

Harry's eyes widened as he felt his body tense up as he remembered his dead parents.

"I don't want to die!!" Harry screamed as he struggled against his restraints again. Venom grinned as they leaned in close to him, "No need to worry, sweet nephew!!~ I won't eat you!!~ Your future will be as fulfilling as ours!!~"

Harry's eyes started to tear up as he stared at the hideous creature before him. He could feel his heart racing as he looked at Venom and spoke, "We are in a penthouse. Where are the owners?" Harry thought he already knew the answer, but he needed confirmation.

"They were also quite delicious but not as juicy as Petunia and Dudley!!~" Answered Venom.

Harry looked at the floor, "What's going to happen to me now?"

Venom licked their lips as a smile formed on their face, "Oh, you're going to have a wonderful life!!~ We'll care for you and give you everything you could imagine!!~" He began to palm Harry's impressive bulge under his suit with his larger hands.

Harry felt his body getting hot as Venom played with him. His cock began to stiffen and get longer as it strained against his suit.

Venom licked their lips as they saw Harry's cock grow from under the suit, "Perfect!!~" Venom used a claw to tear the restraints apart and quickly grabbed Harry before he could jump away. Next, they slammed the boy against the floor and held onto the red and blue suit before ripping it off of Harry, leaving him naked with a stiff cock.

Venom's hand wrapped around Harry's shaft and stroked it, "Isn't it lovely!!~" Venom moaned as they continued to play with the boy's dick. "If you're a good boy, we might let you cum!!~" Venom said with a knowing grin.

Harry fought with his bound hands, "Let me go, monster!!! Let me go!!" He yelled as his cock twitched in Venom's grasp. Venom licked their lips as they continued to stroke Harry's cock, "You can scream all you want, but it won't change anything!!~"

Harry was breathing heavily as the tension built up inside of him. Venom leaned in close and whispered in Harry's ear, "You're going to have the time of your life once we are through with you!!~" Venom let go of Harry's dick, tangled webs around the boy's neck like a collar and leash, and went down on all fours, facing away from Harry. From this position, all Harry saw was Venom's massive ass with a glimpse of his heavy balls and cock hanging below.

Venom spread their legs apart, showing off their rock-hard erection and dripping with pre-cum. Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. He struggled to escape, but Venom pulled him forward with the web leash. Harry's body smacked Venom's enormous rear end, and he blushed at the slick feel of his hands pressed against it.

Venom moaned as the teenager rubbed his hands all over their ass, "Mmmmmm!!~ That feels nice!!" Venom said as their hips buckled and shuddered with pleasure. They looked to the boy, "We know we helped you with your sex education schoolwork!!~ You should know what to do if you want to be able to cum!!~"

"Y-yes, Sir..." Replied Harry.

"No, no, no!!~ No more 'sir,' only Daddy or Mommy now!!~" Venom ordered.

"Y-yes D-Daddy!" Corrected Harry.

Venom smiled at Harry's obedience, "Good. Now you're starting to understand how things will work!!~ Mmmph!!~" Venom grunted as Harry pressed his rock-hard cock between his Daddy's fat asscheeks and thrust back and forth until his cock pushed into Venom's anus.

Harry's cock was covered in Venom's grease, and it slid in easily, making a loud squishing sound as Venom's tight ring swallowed it. Harry gasped at the sensation as he kept thrusting in and out of his Daddy's ass.

"More!!~ More!!~" Venom moaned as their ass goo (slime/skin? Whatever) allowed Harry's hands to sink into the fat and squeeze them tightly. Harry looked at his Mommy's big ass rumbling and jiggling as he plunged his throbbing dick in and out of them. Wet clacking sounds were heard throughout the room and filled Harry's ears as his body slapped against Venom's ass.

On Venom's end, their heavy breasts swung under them like a pair of milk-filled udders from a cow. They panted as their sweet nephew plunged his very being into them.

"Fuck you're so fucking tight!!~" Harry groaned.

Venom grunted as they felt the teen's cock sliding in and out of them. Their heavy cock twitched as some precum leaked onto the floor, 'Fuck, we better mark him as ours before the end of today!!~' Venom thought as their claws sunk into the floor.

Harry was panting as he continued to slam in and out of his Daddy's ass. Venom's ass was so tight and warm. Venom could feel Harry's powerful thrusts pushing their cock deeper and deeper, each one making them moan louder and louder.

"Ahhh!!~ Ugh, fuck, yes!!~" Venom grunted as Harry's cock made contact with their G-spot, sending tidal waves of pleasure throughout their body.

Harry's cock started to throb, and he knew he was about to cum. Venom's ass clenched down, and Harry felt like they were squeezing him to death.

"AHHH!! Fuck, I need to cum!!" Harry cried out.

"Cum for us, Spider!!~ Cum for us!!" Venom said, "CUM FOR US!!"

Harry's cock exploded inside Venom's ass as he slid in and out. Venom could feel their insides tightening as the floodgates opened, making their cock blow a large stream of hot cum all over the floor.

"Ugh!!" Harry cried out as his balls emptied their seed deep into Venom's ass. Venom grunted as his heavy wrecking balls unloaded themselves.

After about a minute or so of nonstop cumming, Venom released the webbing around Harry's neck, causing the boy to fall to the floor on his back sweating profusely with a cum-covered cock.

Venom groaned as Harry pulled out. The symbiotic creature turned to face the boy and saw his cock covered in cum. Licking their lips, Venom turned around and crawled to Harry.

Harry's eyes closed, trying to focus and regain his strength. Imagine his surprise when he opened his eyes to see Venom looking down right on top of him. Their large breasts pressed Harry against the floor.

"Thank you for that!!~ Feels nice to be filled with your seed!!~ But now it's our turn!!~" Stated Venom.

Before Harry could ask what they meant by that, Venom slid back to where their head was between Harry's legs hovering right over the cock.

Venom let loose its tongue as it wrapped itself around Harry's length, making him shiver at the feeling. His former Uncle was now getting a taste of his seed.

Venom swirled its tongue around the tip of Harry's cock, coating it in its saliva. Venom then took a mouthful of cum and swallowed it down, making Harry moan as their mouth wrapped him up.

After a few minutes of sucking off Harry, Venom got up and lifted the boy into their arms, and carried him off to the bedroom, where they swallowed up the owners of the penthouse.

They slammed Harry onto the bed and had him on his back. Using some tendrils to pull Harry's legs apart and raise them, Venom got on the mattress and held their cock as it was positioned before the boy's ass.

Harry now realized what Venom was going to do. He was about to take a monster cock up his ass.

Venom spread their legs and looked down at Harry, "Do you want our cock in your ass?" Venom asked.

Harry was scared and nervous, but he nodded his head.

Venom smiled and licked their lips, "Then take it!!"

Harry mentally and physically prepared himself as he felt the large black tip, still dripping with cum, press against his ass. He gripped the bedsheets and gritted his teeth as Venom slammed into his ass.

Harry groaned loudly as his body was immediately filled with the foreign invaders that were Venom's girthy cock. Venom's whole body shuddered as they bottomed out inside Harry's ass. Venom's cock was so thick that Harry could feel the veins running along its length.

Harry was in so much pain from the massive member that he didn't know how long he could last, "H-hurts... So big!" He whimpered.

Venom could hear the boy's cries and grunts as they pounded his ass. Venom looked down at the boy beneath them, "How does that feel?"

Harry could barely speak as he gasped for breath, "Ow... Ow... H-hard..."

Venom grinned as they continued to slam their cock in and out, "You like it?!!~"

"Yes... D-Daddy..." Harry grunted in reply.

Venom licked their lips as they started to pick up speed, slamming the entirety of their cock in. They began to see Harry's belly started to bulge from their giant cock and cackled, "You are lasting a whole lot better than when I fucked your cousin to death!!~ We wonder if it has anything to do with your spider abilities!!~ How curious!!~"

Harry cried as they slammed their cock repeatedly, "I-I'm sorry! I can't take any more!! Please stop!!"

Venom didn't slow down but picked up the pace as their massive balls slammed into Harry. Harry's entire body shook and quivered each time they pounded him. Venom looked down at the boy and saw his body shaking, "There we go!!~" They slammed into Harry once last time before they released a heavy load of cum.

Harry groaned as his belly inflated from having cum fill it to the brim. It was a bit painful, but it wouldn't kill him.

After a full minute of filling their nephew, Venom pulled out and looked satisfied. Harry held his cum-filled belly with seed leaking from his gaping hole.

"Now for the next step!!~" Venom said to no one in particular. They pinched much of their body's goo/slime (whatever) off them. It wiggled in their hand, and Venom grinned at what would come next.

Taking their hand and enclosing it into a fist, careful not to harm the little bit of symbiote in their palm, Venom rammed their whole arm up Harry's entrance.

Harry barely noticed the feeling as his walls were stretched to a high degree.

Once their fist was deep enough, Venom's hand opened, and the little symbiote hopped on out and into the cum buried deep inside Harry's body.

Suddenly, Harry's eyes bulged as his body started convulsing and twitching uncontrollably as Venom pulled his arm out of his ass.

He struggled to lift his head to look at Venom, but he questioned them anyway, "W-what did you do to me?!"

Venom laughed as they watched their nephew writhe in agony but then suddenly thought, 'Agony!!~ That would be the perfect name for him!!~' They then answered, "What I did is give you a chance at a better life alongside us!!~"

Harry didn't get the chance to respond as he felt he couldn't breathe and was gagging. A dark purple and white substance similar to Venom burst from Harry's mouth and anus. It began to coat and cover his entire body, wrapping him up like a cocoon or mummy.

Harry tried to move, but his hands and legs were bound with the substance tightening around his body and eventually covering his head.

After a few moments of struggling, Venom saw that Harry stopped struggling. Satisfied with no more resistance, they picked the cocoon up, hurried up to the head of the bed, and hugged the dark purple cocoon against their own.

"Soon!!~ Soon, this world will know Venom and Agony!!~ Father and Son!!~" They closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep with the human-sized symbiote cocoon held against his chest.

Next Morning

The bedroom was quiet and dark, with the Sun's light peeking through the blinds.

A figure began to move on the mattress. It struggled to get up but eventually did so as it fell off the bed and onto the floor. The figure groaned as it got up on shaky legs and went to the bathroom, unaware that it was taller than before.

Turning on the light in the bathroom, the figure's eyes bulged as it looked on in shock.

This figure was, in fact, Harry Potter. However, he looked human no longer. He looked like a dark purple, white, and black alien. His eyes were now white and teardrop-shaped like Venom's, with a complete set of sharp teeth. His hair was now long and flowing like tentacles from an octopus. Before, Harry had always known that he had a feminine body, but now, there was no denying that he looked like one.

His legs were now thicker and had an enormous ass. His arms looked to be more muscular, but not by much. Claws were now adorned on his fingers and feet. Now, instead of his flat chest, he looked to have grown a set of breasts. His body looked a bit chubby, but Harry chalked that up to being inflated full of Venom's cum. His cock was also longer and wide with a large and round pair of balls.

Though his clothes were gone, a black and white pattern adorned his body, almost like a leotard shape.

Harry began to feel about his new body with his monstrous hands. His curvaceous body felt great, and the length between his legs added to it. He wrapped a hand around his cock and lifted the heavy flesh to start stroking the length.

"Oh my good!~ Feels so good!~" It also seemed that his voice became more feminine.

"Enjoying yourself, my son?!!~" Venom's voice came from behind, and Harry jumped back into the sink in surprise at not noticing Venom from behind.

Venom leaned against the wall with a hand resting against their breast and another over their belly.

"W-what did you do to me?!~" Harry questioned as Venom stepped up to him. While Harry used to reach their waist, he now grew up to their breasts.

Venom reached a hand on out, and instead of backing away from it, Harry felt compelled to give in to Venom's touch. So, against his judgment, his body moved independently and leaned into their palm.

Venom looked happy as their new child gave into his body's new instincts to want their touch. They answered their child's question, "We gave you a better life!!~ Now, you are no longer a weak human!!~ Now, you are an apex predator just like your Daddy!!~" He answered as the boy crooned at their touch.

Venom's smile widened as they saw the boy's cock harden from the pleasure of being touched, "See?!!~ You enjoyed our touch so much that you couldn't help but get hard from it!!~"

Harry blushed and looked down at his cock. Venom chuckled as they gently rubbed a claw down the cock's length, "Good to know that you're enjoying yourself, my dear agony!!~"

Harry looked up at Venom, "What did you call me?!~"

Venom laughed, "Agony!!~ That's your new name!!~ Do you love the name your Daddy gave you?!!~"

Against his original thoughts on the matter, Harry felt compelled to comply and agree, "N-no~ Y-Yes, yes, Daddy!~"

Venom giggled as they pushed their body against his, "That's our baby boy!!~"

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at the cock pressed against his Da-'What?! I can't seriously be thinking Venom's my Daddy!!' Harry thought.

Venom took advantage of his son's surprise and wrapped their arms around the boy's body. Agony couldn't even muster up a protest as he was already trapped in Venom's tight embrace with his head stuffed into his Daddy's breasts.

Venom felt the boy's cock throb and grow harder against their own. Venom smiled at the reaction but then remembered something, "You may have been given a name, but there is still something missing, isn't there?!!~"

Agony looked up at his Daddy, confused. Venom chuckled at their son's confusion, "Well, let's see here!!~... We have done everything else, so why don't we finish it off with a little snack?!~"

Venom lifted agony, only for him to be slammed down onto his Daddy's cock. His womanly ass was immediately spread up as agony let out a yelp having his entrance filled once more with his ass resting against the cock's base. Agony wrapped his arms and legs around his Daddy's body as his face pressed between both breasts.

It felt so warm and secure in the arms of his Daddy. Venom smirked at the sight of their son riding their cock. They guided agony's head out between their breasts and pressed against his mouth.

Agony looked up at his Daddy, confused, to which the Venom answered the unspoken question, "We learned not long ago we could lactate!!~ So, go ahead and start sucking!!~"

He didn't need to be told twice, so he latched onto the large nipple before him and started sucking. Nothing came out for a few moments, but then his mouth began to fill with warm and creamy milk.

He took his mouth off to speak, "So-so good!~" He latched on once more, sucking in more and more milk as Venom patted their son's head while walking around the penthouse with their son riding his cock.

"Soon, my Son!!~ You'll grow big and strong like us!!~ Would need to feed you quite a bit of pathetic humans along with my cum and milk in that belly of yours!!~ Hahahahaha!!~" Venom cackled as the pair were out of sight.