
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

chapter 24


Danny runs to the Ghost Zone immediately when he gets his powers and is mistaken as a ghost by his parents. Luckily someone finds him and takes him into his care, who just so happens to be Walker. To forget about everything with his human life and to forever be at Walker's side for eternity. After all, Walker always takes care of his things, his precious ghost boy that will never leave him. He will make sure no other Ghost can take him away from him—the ghost boy who became his eternal prisoner and lover.

Fenton Works Laboratory, Amity Park

The Sun had risen in the sky, and the light shone down on Amity Park. While every other place in the country was relatively normal, there were at least a few crackheads, nosy neighbors, entitled couples, or troublemaking teenagers. Amity Park was different.

How different, one may ask? Quite a simple answer.

The paranormal.

Ever since the town's founding, Amity Park has been known for being the most haunted town in the United States of America.

Ghosts, curses, evil spirits, sudden unexplainable illnesses, anything and everything not of the norm happened on this patch of land.

For over 135 years, only some people could figure out where they all came from and how. But that all changed when the Fentons came into town.

Jack and Maddie are scientists who move into town and are immediately obsessed with anything of the paranormal or ghostly kind.

Being the scientists they were, the Fentons set out to learn all they could about the town's paranormal: sightings, accidents, encounters, ectoplasmic discharge, anything.

Eventually, they had their kids, Jasmine and Danny, and that put a hold on their research of the unknown, but they made up for it.

Jack and Maddie were not terrible parents in any way. They were more abnormal. Not just because they're obsessed with hunting ghosts but also because their personalities are more befitting of scientists than their parents.

However, they could have done better at ensuring their lab below the house where all of their ghost equipment was and kept it locked up when not in use.

This was not a good thing since both Jasmine and Danny were teenagers. Teenagers tend to do stupid stuff despite their being visible in warnings. This applied more to Danny as Jasmine, the oldest, was the more responsible and mature of the two.

The youngest Fenton thought it'd be a good idea to go through the portal his parents were constructing and failed at turning it on.

The portal was designed to gain entrance to what Maddie and Jack liked to call "The Ghost Zone."

Sneaking through the lab without his parents noticing, Danny slipped on a hazmat suit and went on in, unaware that he accidentally turned on the machine from the inside.

With a ZAP, Danny was in immense pain as his DNA and molecules were rearranged, which prompted him to pass out from the pain.

Waking up, Danny noticed that his eyes glowed a sickly green, his hair turned white, and he could phase through solid matter. The realization hit him like a freight train.

He has turned into a ghost. The one thing his parents were good at was hunting.

In fright, Danny quietly went to his room and stayed there for the rest of the day. He stayed under his bed's covers and hoped it was all a nightmare.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Next Morning

Knock Knock Knock

"Danny! Come on, we'll be late for school!" Jasmine knocked angrily on her brother's door, only to receive no answer from Danny.

"Fine! I'm coming in, and you better at least be dressed!" She opened the door and found what looked to be her brother's figure covered under the blanket.

"Danny, what are you doing under there?" Walking over to it, she grabbed the covers and flung them off the bed. What she saw wasn't her brother but some—

"GHOST!!" Jasmine yelled out, and the "Ghost" in question bolted awake, opened his sickly glowing green eyes, and jumped out of the bed, startled.

"No, no! Jasmine, it's me!" Danny tried calling her down, only to hear the loud thumping of his parents going up the stairs.

Maddie and Jack burst into the room decked out in ghost-hunting gear and saw him huddled in the corner.

Maddie Fenton looked furious, hoisted her gun, and pointed it at him, "How dare you, Ghost, take the form of my baby!!!" She opened fire, and Danny yelped as he jumped out of her line of fire as his Dad, too, began firing at him.

Danny screamed as he dodged his parents' shots at him and went downstairs, where they began to chase him down. For ten minutes, Maddie and Jack fired shot after shot at the ghost, who dared to take the form of their son and nick him a few times.

Danny, clearly tired from all the running and slowing down from having some of their blasts nick some of his body, made for the last place he would go to get away—the Ghost Zone.

"Stop shooting at me! I'm Danny!" He tried pleading with them, but they didn't listen to him. To them, he was just another ghost.

When all three of them got down to the lab, Jack remote-activated the portal, took one last shot at the "Ghost," and hit him square in the back.

Danny cried out in pain as he was flung through the portal, with Jack shutting it off once he got through.

Jasmine, who followed after her parents, started thinking out loud, "Wait… If that was a ghost that was in Danny's room. Where's Danny then?"

When Jack and Maddie heard this, they panicked and started looking for their Son.

The Ghost Zone

The glowing portal appeared, and Danny emerged, spiraling uncontrollably as his body smashed into a flying rock.

Danny groaned in pain and immediately felt sick to his stomach. Covering his mouth, he rolled off his back and vomited what was left in his stomach.

Once finished spilling what was left in his body, Danny got back up on shaky legs and looked around where he was. He was no longer in his own home. He was in the place where the town's ghosts came from.

"So… This is The Ghost Zone?..." Danny asked himself as he looked around and saw that this dimension was stripped clean, resembling anything man-made or human. There was no colorful sky, only sickly shades of green and black. No houses, streets, cars, or people. Just rocks, random landscapes, destroyed buildings floating about, and ghosts everywhere.

A few times, ghosts ravaged the neighborhood or the school he attended, and his parents were always there to save the day. But this was a whole other level. The sheer amount of ghosts flying about was insane.

"There's no way Mom and Dad have enough equipment to take them all on!" Danny wracked his head as he yelled out into the unknown.

"Take who on?"

Danny froze in place and slowly turned around to see a ghost that was quite recognizable among the people of Amity Park. A tall ghost with a metallic body, hair made up of green flames, black body armor, and weapons on his person.

This was someone his parents called "The Ghost Hunting Ghost."

The Ghost stood up to Danny with his impressive height, making the boy feel small.

"N-no one in particular!" Danny answered.

The Ghost Hunting Ghost slipped on a pair of goggles and grinned as they scanned the boy. Taking them off, he gripped Danny's shoulder and, without hesitation, threw the boy into a rock face.

Danny groaned in pain and struggled to get back up. A net was shot and stuck him against the wall. He tried to move but couldn't, so he asked, "H-hey! What's the big idea, man?!"

The Ghost laughed, "You are a rarity amongst others. A Halfa in these parts hasn't been seen in years. Your head will make a fine addition to my wall of trophies."

He went to the struggling boy, who then tried to speak, "I d-don't even know W-what you're talking a-about!" The cables from the net flowed green and brought him significant discomfort.

Before the Ghost could clarify, a large shadow formed over the two and the surrounding area. They looked in the distance to see a figure form and tower over everything.

This being had a pale white body with a white tailored suit with black gloves, boots, and a fedora. His build told Danny that he was not someone he wanted to mess with. This was someone of high authority who demanded respect.

The large figure leaned over the two and narrowed his large glowing-green eyes at the hunter, "Skulker. Why am I not surprised I managed to catch you today? It seems you have not learned your lesson from last time. Hunting and harming others is illegal in these parts, so you're going back to your cell."

His voice resonated with Danny and made him shiver.

The Ghost, now known as Skulker, growled, "I am not returning to that place, you spineless snake!!" Before Skulker could escape with his jetpack, the towering Ghost slammed a large fist onto the escapee, knocking him out in a fist-shaped crater.

Danny now noticed more ghosts appear in what looked like SWAT gear with riot shields, batons, face covers, and body armor. They went up to the body of Skulker and detained him.

The Ghost who knocked him out began to shrink and now stood before his men, looking satisfied, "You know, boys. I think the next time he pulls something, I will end his sentence for real this time." He began laughing as his men joined in.

"Hey, a little help here!" Danny interrupted their humorous moment.

The Ghost walked up to him, grabbed onto the net, and ripped it off like it was nothing.

Danny fell to the ground and looked up at his savior, "Thank you, sir. That Skulker guy was being a real freak."

The Ghost looked the boy up and down with his arms crossed. The boy looked perfect. He was a nice young boy he could have for himself. Dark thoughts came forth as another voice filled his head, "Yessss!~ Make him cower in our pressssence!~ Force that boy to ssssubmit to our will, fill him with our sssseed and make him ourssss!~"

The voice in Walker's head was overwhelming, but he had to reign it in before he bred the boy out of sheer lust in public.

"I-I'm not in trouble, am I?" The boy's voice brought Walker back to reality. From a distance, he saw that the boy didn't truly do anything he considered illegal or against the law. But he did need to know one thing.

"You're not like others around here. Your skin is still pink, meaning you're still alive. How did you end up here?" Walker asked, holding a hand for the boy and hoisting him back to his feet.

Danny explained his situation to the authority figure, starting with how he became what he was now, thanks to messing with his parents' ghost portal.

Walker's brow rose slightly at the realization, 'He's a Halfa and doesn't even know it. Perfect~.' He thought as he listened to the boy's story more.

The portal did something to Danny, making him feel almost dead but still alive. This morning, he had to run away from his parents because they had mistaken him for being an actual ghost that needed to be captured. Despite his pleas for them to stop and take a moment to realize he was their Son, they didn't listen. So, they chased him down to the lab and blasted him through the now operational portal, sending him to The Ghost Zone.

Now, Danny hugged himself and spoke, "Considering what happened. I don't feel safe there, knowing I'm some freakish ghost. Now I have nowhere to go."

'This is my chance to have him!' Walker thought as he gripped the boy's shoulder in comfort, "You can come and stay with me if you want."

Danny looked at him oddly, "I just met you. I don't even know who you are."

Walker smirked, took off his fedora, and held his hand for the boy to shake, "As you may have heard from that punk, Skulker. My name is Walker. I am the warden of The Ghost Zone's prison. And to answer your earlier question, you have not broken any laws and, therefore, are not in trouble."

Danny shook Walker's hand in return, "Danny Fenton."

Walker nodded, "Nice to meet you, boy. Now that we know each other's names, we are strangers no longer." He snaked an arm around the boy's waist and brought him closer to his body.

Danny blushed at the feeling of being close to the tall ghost, "R-right. I guess it would be alright to go with you."

Walker smirked, "Glad you see it that way, boy."

Ghost Zone Prison

After a short trip, Danny and Walker got to the prison with the guards and the unconscious body of Skulker following behind.

Danny followed the warden as he was led up to his office and looked around to see dozens of ghosts of all shapes and sizes, with many of them standing out from the majority. He saw a large werewolf, a gothic chick with blue flames in a ponytail, a short and stout guy, and many more.

Walker opened the door to his office and led Danny in while the guards took care of Skulker.

Danny sat in a plush seat before Walker's desk and looked around the office as the ghost poured them a drink and sneakily slipped in something special for the boy.

He returned to the boy and handed him his drink before sitting at his desk.

"Thanks…" Danny said as he chugged down what looked to be water.

"Of course." Walker drank some whiskey while observing the boy sitting before him. The poor Halfa was practically considered a newborn by ghost standards, and he planned to take advantage of this by any means possible.


The warden's gloved hand shot out to the rotary phone on his desk and brought it up to where his ear should be, "Yes, what is it?"

Danny didn't know what was being discussed on the phone but didn't like the smirk on the ghost's face halfway through the call. His expression was almost… sinister. This made Danny quite uncomfortable about whether he chose to come with Walker.

The warden stood from his desk once the call ended and swigged down his glass of whiskey before coming around the desk to Danny. He stood behind the boy's seat and placed his gloved hands on his shoulders.

"Is something wrong?" Danny asked as he looked up at the tall, pale man.

Walker rubbed his shoulders and answered, "Nothing major. One of the prisoners thought it'd be a good idea to try and escape again. And it seems he will be rewarded with the ultimate punishment in this prison." He leaned down to Danny's level and whispered, "For you, however. Don't worry about it. It won't take very long, only a few minutessss~."

Danny shivered when the older man spoke into his ear, but he felt wary when Walker finished speaking. For a second, he thought he saw the man's teeth form into long fangs with a forked tongue like a snake. All he could do was shakily nod.

Walker grinned, "Good boy." He the. Ruffled the boy's head, walked out of his office, and closed the door with a slam.

Danny didn't know what to do in the office alone. The only things that made a sound were the various clocks ticking on the walls and the distant marching of guards and Walker fading in the distance from the room.

'Screw it. Just a peak.' Danny stood from his seat and set down the empty glass on the desk before opening the door and silently moving through the halls.

He was just curious what Walker was going to do. Sure, he knew the man was the warden, but he felt like whatever punishment he was talking about would be worse than what Danny had in mind, especially since he saw those fangs and forked tongue form. It's like they were for a predator.

Just the sight and thought of them made Danny shiver.

He silently followed after them, making sure he wasn't caught, and went to a door they went through. He cracked it open and looked through the door for a few moments.

He saw a male ghost with pale blond hair and freckles wearing prison garb while looking worse for wear with some bruises. He was huddled into the corner while Walker stood tall with guards standing by his side. Honestly, it looked like the prisoner was terrified of Walker's presence.

'Why is that?' Danny wondered as he listened in on what was said.

"Johnny 13. My favorite punk until recently. It is quite a disappointment to see that you tried breaking out. I had hoped you would've learned your lesson. As I have now discovered, that is too much to ask." Walker stated while shaking his head.

The ghost, now identified as Johnny 13, was shaking on the ground, "I-I'm sorry! I won't try to escape again! I p-promise! Please don't eat me!" He cried out on the verge of tears.

'Eat him? What the Hell is he talking about?' Danny wondered.

"I have given you enough chancessss~!" Walker's voice changed and turned high-pitched, sounding almost like a snake with the hissing he had just done.

"Now, you'll sssspend the last momentssss of your pitiful existence assss my meal~!" Walker's form then turned ethereal and grew in size.

Danny suddenly began to feel dizzy and couldn't think straight as Walker's form blurred. Not knowing what was happening, he passed out onto the ground, and the last thing he heard was the screams of horror coming from the ghost named Johnny 13 and a serpentine hiss.

Not long after, Walker came out of the room and saw the boy unconscious, lying on the ground. With an annoyed and somewhat delighted-sounding hiss, he wrapped himself around Danny and returned to his office.

A Few Hours Later

Danny's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as he held his head; it felt like he had a headache. Looking around, he found himself in a room with black and green walls.

Looking down, he realized that he was naked with everything hanging out and had a collar around his neck with a chain attached to it. Following where the chain went, it was being held by a large white and green serpentine-like creature with a humanoid body.

It dawned on him. Whipping his head around, he saw that the creature's massive body was wrapped around him, keeping him safe or like a dragon protecting its hoard. Nevertheless, he was trapped within its coils.

Trying to move out of its coils, he alerts the creature, "I ssssee that you're awake, my little Hatchling~."

Frozen from awakening the creature, Danny looked up at it only to have it looking straight at him with its large glowing green eyes.

Danny shivered under its gaze and tried to move away, but the chain prevented that.

"W-what are you?" Danny questioned.

The creature yanked the chain forward, and Danny yelped in pain as he was forcefully pulled up onto the large chest of the beast. He held his neck in pain as he looked up at the smiling creature.

"Don't tell me you already forgot my name. That painssss me considering I ssssaved your life~."

Danny's eyes widened as his mind started to piece everything together.

"'I am not going back to that place, you spineless snake!!'" Skulker.

"'For you, however. Don't worry about it. It won't take very long, only a few minutessss~.'" The fangs and forked tongue.

"'I-I'm sorry! I won't try to escape again! I p-promise! Please don't eat me!'" Johnny 13's voice stated, begging for his life.

"'Now, you'll sssspend the last momentssss of your pitiful existence assss my meal~!'" The warden's declaration then shifts into a massive form, with the other ghost screaming in horror.

All these little bits of information gave Danny a clue as to who this large serpentine creature was. This creature was, "Walker?"

Now identified as Walker, the creature smiled and ruffled Danny's hair, "Very good~."

Walker's appearance was that of a giant serpent with the upper body of a human. His scaly body was pale, with various shades of green stripes going down the length of his head to the tip of the tail. His chest was large, with his pillowy pecs almost looking like full breasts with some puffy nipples. His arms were large and full of muscle, with some gnarly-looking claws on his hands. Even though his tail was technically his belly, it also seemed that he had a human one, as it was big and round.

"W-what happened to you?" Danny questioned.

Walker began petting his little Hatchling and explained, "This issss my true form~."

"W-what did you do with that prisoner?"

It sounded almost as if Walker was giggling at Danny's question but answered anyway, "I'm ssssure you can figure that one out~." He held the Halfa's head and turned it to his large and muscular tail, and the boy saw a bulge coming from inside the body.

Danny turned back to Walker in horror, "Y-you ate him?!"

Walker scratched his chin with his enormous claws and answered truthfully, "In all honesty, he wasn't as ssssatisfying as his girlfriend wassss when he was punished~."

"Y-you're sick!" Danny exclaimed.

Walker's menacing eyes narrowed into slits, "You might want to refrain from such wordssss. You don't want to ssssee me when I'm angry~."

"Why should I?!" Danny cried out, "I have nothing left to lose anymore. I'm just a freak ghost now!"

Suddenly, Walker gripped the boy's chin and forced him to look up at him. The boy was terrified that what he saw in his eyes was correct. Instead of being angry, Walker calmly spoke, "You are not a freak. You are my Hatchling, and Daddy issss going to take care of you~."

Before Danny could question what the giant ghost serpent said, his face was forced into Walker's chest, and he saw that his nipple started leaking, 'Is that–?!'

"Go on, Hatchling. Let your Daddy feed you hissss warm milk~." Walker hissed out.

Danny didn't want to do this but had no choice if he wanted to stay on Walker's good side and not get eaten like Johnny 13. So, he did what the serpent wanted and helped himself to take down the warm liquid in his mouth.

Walker moaned at the feeling of Danny drinking from his being and reached down his body. With one hand keeping Danny in place, the other slid down the scaly body and rubbed his pelvic region.

Walker's reptilian fingers parted as he rubbed the part that was his slit and grinned lustfully as his two cocks slid right on out.

Danny, of course, was preoccupied at the moment doing as Walker asked and didn't know what was happening behind him. Walker grabbed him by the hair and pulled the boy off his nipple. He looked happy to see his Hatchling do as he was meant to: do anything his Daddy ordered him to do.

"W-what now?" Danny asked as he wiped his mouth of the excess milk dripping from his lips.

"Now that you, my Hatchling, have been given hissss milk. It'ssss time for you to pleasure Daddy and make him happy~." Walker answered.

Danny didn't know what the serpent was talking about but got his answer when he was forced to turn around.

In Danny's view, there were two cocks belonging to the ghost that slid right out of a slit. They certainly looked quite scary for him, given their size and shape. Both were about two feet in length and were barbed with what looked to be knots at the base. Unlike Walker's ghostly serpentine body, which was white and green in appearance, his two cocks were black and glistening.

Danny had to look back at Walker in slight horror, "W-why are you doing this? Did you save me so that you could do this to me?!"

Walker's scaly head tilted to the side as he gave it a thought, "Mmmm, to be honest. I would've waited a bit longer to do thissss but you ssssneaking around without my permission and sssspying on my work hassss made me think differently~." He then grabbed Danny's head and tilted it back to look at him, "Sssso now that you have already sssseen it. I do not need to hide it. Your Daddy issss all ready~."

Danny didn't enjoy the look he got from Walker. It was like he was being viewed like a piece of meat, similar to how the boys at school looked at Paulina and Star. A look full of lust and wanting desire. Though, he did know one thing for sure.

"There is no way I'm calling you 'Daddy.'" Danny stated.

Walker looked down at him blankly, "You're ssssure about that~?"

Danny nodded, "Absolutely." Just calling the ghost by that title left a sour taste in his mouth.

A look of mock hurt flashed across Walker's ghostly serpentine face, "Oh… I guess that's a pity. I ssssuppose I'll have to force you to call me Daddy~." With a hiss, he bared his fangs and struck forward to Danny and caught the boy by surprise by biting his neck.

Danny yelped in pain as the fangs pierced his skin and grasped his neck, "W-what was that for?!"

Walker's mouth twitched upward, "Thissss is just ssssome precautionssss along with an easier way to get you to obey and behave~." He leaned his head down to Danny, "Now all you need to do issss look into my eyessss and relax~."

Danny's head was held in place by the large hands, and he closed his eyes. "Nope! No way! I have seen the Jungle Book. I know where this is going!" He then felt his body numb as his cock hardened, 'Did he have some venom on him that's making me this way?! Just what is he planning on doing?!' Danny thought to himself.

Walker scoffed at the boy's pitiful attempt at avoiding his gaze but pressed on, "Do you not want to look at Daddy~? You'll feel good~."

Danny shook his head and repeated himself, "I am not calling you that!"

Walker grew agitated at his hatchling's pointless resistance toward his care and "affection." This prompted the ghost to take one of his hands and give a quick and precise slash at his body. Danny gasped in pain at the sharp feeling from his leg and was forced to open his eyes.

That was not something Danny wanted to do at all.

As Danny opened his eyes, he was now looking into the deep and hypnotic eyes of the ghost serpent. Walker's glowing green eyes now had white swirls, and Danny felt he could look into them forever.

Walker was delighted that his Hatchling was being obedient by looking into his eyes and spoke in a soothing tone, "Yessss, that's it. Look into these eyessss of mine and drown in my love and affection~." He pressed his head into Danny's as the boy's head had been emptied of all conflicting thoughts.

Danny's eyes shifted to match the serpent's, and his mind became heavy.

"Now, what does the Hatchling ssssay? Do you want to pleasure your Daddy~?" Walker asked.

Danny's eyelids grew heavy, and answered, "Y-yes, Daddy… I want to make Daddy happy…"

Walker's grin grew, "Good. Now it'ssss time for you to ssssit back and relax~." He lifted Danny and positioned the boy over his two barbed cocks. Danny was lowered and gasped at the feeling of his entrance being invaded and stuffed by his Daddy's meat.

Walker moaned at the feeling of the boy's body tightening around himself and looked satisfied to see that he managed to fit both of them into his Hatchling's anus. He saw Danny's belly bulging out a bit thanks to his body being stuffed full of serpentine dick.

Walker held his shoulders and pressed the boy further down onto him, which made Danny vocally express his discomfort.

The hypnotized Halfa would do anything for his Daddy. Even if it meant he had to handle having his body be violated and used like a sex toy.

Walker's eyes rolled in his skull as he gave one final push that slammed the boy's body to the base of his two cocks. He panted as he saw Danny drown in his touch and the long meat filling his entire being.

He smirked, "Now that my dear Hatchling is all sssstreched out, I can now fill you with my sssseed. Do you want your Daddy to fill your insidessss with my cum~?" Walker asked as his hypnotic eyes looked into Danny's.

The boy gave his answer, "Y-yes. I want Daddy to fill me with his c-cum!" He breathed out.

Walker smirked and petted the boy's hair, "Good. You're going to be an excellent cum dump for me. Time for you to take it all and ssssubmit your entire being to me~!" He wrapped his scaly hands around the boy's waist and roughly handed him.

From then on, for the rest of the time, Danny's body was subject to extreme use by his new Daddy, who immensely enjoyed his entire being.

Walker roughly pounded into his boy and significantly sought gratification by using the former human however he saw fit.

By the end of the session, Walker filled Danny's body with his seed like a balloon, with the boy's belly bulging out from the cum and some leaking out his anus.

Danny slept from exhaustion after being thoroughly used by his new Daddy and rested his eyes while listening to the soft hissing and curling into the warmth of the scaled ghost.

Sometime Later

It's been a few months since Danny was turned into a Halfa and forced to adjust to his new life.

He now lived in the Ghost Zone and was forced to call his Daddy under the watchful eyes and protection of the Ghost.

After that fateful day of fleeing from his ghost-hunting family and being saved by the Ghost Zone's prison warden, Danny was never the same.

Since being hypnotized and used by Walker, Danny has never been able to do anything himself. He was always under the care of the pale ghost, who would turn into a large serpent-like creature called a Naga on a near daily basis.

Being Walker's boy meant that Danny had to witness the horrors of daily life for the prisoners that he had come to learn their names. There was Ember, Skulker, Desiree, Wulf, and the Box Ghost (who Danny was never told the name of).

Whether he deserved it or not, Danny was subject to punishment of any kind courtesy of his new Daddy. On a few occasions, he would be sent to the isolation room, where he would be made to spend a few days without social interaction, pitch-black darkness, and a low food intake.

Other times, Danny would be treated as a Hatchling, as the prison guards and the warden now called him, while the prisoners just called him boy, kid, or brat.

One of Danny's least favorite things to do or be punished for is being forced to have sex or pleasure his Daddy in any way. What was worse was if Danny resisted too much, Walker would have turned into his Naga form and hypnotized his Hatchling.

It was never a good sign when he would turn into that form. Turning into that meant Walker was either going to roughly handle and fuck his Hatchling or scaring the shit out of the prisoners by threatening to eat and digest them.

At some point, Danny stopped resisting and ceased any escape attempts, which made his Daddy happy. Danny didn't decide overnight, but it happened over time. It was a major case of Stockholm Syndrome where Walker did everything for his Hatchling and took care of him all the time, limiting his contact with others to just him or the prison guards.

Eventually, Danny forgot his name even as "Hatchling" was all he was referred to when he first came to the prison. Once he accepted this fact, Danny never fled from his Daddy again. Whenever they were together, Hatchling began to cling to his Daddy and never got further than an arm's length away.

Now, Walker and his Hatchling were inseparable from each other and always kept each other company no matter what one another was doing. However, despite no longer resisting or trying to escape, Hatchling was still never let out of the prison. Most of his time was spent in his Daddy's office or room.