
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

chapter 21


Vernon Dursley had always been a man who valued normalcy above all else. He took pride in his work at Grunnings and his perfectly manicured lawn and scoffed at anything deviating from his idea of "appropriate." But one day, while on a business trip to New York City, Vernon stumbled upon a strange, black substance in an alleyway. It was the Venom symbiote, and before he knew what was happening, it had bonded with him, granting him incredible strength and agility.

At first, Vernon was terrified of the symbiote and tried to rid himself of it. But as he experimented with its powers, he began to see the benefits of being something more than ordinary. With the symbiote's help, he could finally stand up to the people who had always looked down on him - including his nephew, Harry Potter. The symbiote helps him embrace the darkest of thoughts Vernon has ever had.

Manhattan, New York City

The Big Apple bustling metropolis of New York City was never asleep, nor was it ever fully asleep. The lights were constantly on, and even when they weren't, some activity was always happening. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape it.

Even so, walking through midtown Manhattan was still different than anywhere else in the city. Even though the area was just as busy, everything felt more special and unique here, perhaps because of the rich history that came with it. There was something about being surrounded by monolithic buildings that had stood for over a hundred years.

The Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Grand Central Station were only a few of the most famous landmarks in the area, but there were hundreds of others scattered throughout the streets. A glance at a map would show you where each building was located, but you'd have to be a local to know which ones were worth visiting.

But if you come across one of these buildings or thousands of others, you might find yourself standing next to your worst nightmare.

And that's what's going on right now with one Vernon Dursley.

He came to New York for a business venture for his drilling company in England. He found himself in a bind when he arrived at JFK International Airport. His flight had been delayed multiple times, and since he didn't want to miss his previous business opportunities, he decided to take a cab to make up some ground.

Unfortunately, when Vernon got to where he needed to be, he found out he was indeed late and lost the company's opportunity to have some business deals in the States. He was angry at himself after calling his boss from across the seas about the loss and being reprimanded.

He did not want to let things go to waste, but he found something to do while in town. He found himself a map and moved through an alleyway as a detour to where he was looking to visit.

However, this was a mistake on his part, as something was waiting for anyone to come by.

It was nighttime, and Vernon couldn't see anything in the alley, with only the lights from the buildings around him and the moon in the sky illuminating his way.

The alley was in near complete darkness, and Vernon was utterly oblivious to what was lurking in the shadows.

He found his way to the end of the alley, which turned out to be a dead end. Vernon checked his map, curious about if he accidentally took a wrong turn, which he did.

"Bloody Hell. I should've stuck to the sidewalk." He said and turned around quickly as he heard a wet and slimy sound coming from behind him.

Turning, he saw a large mass of shiny black substance huddled beside a trash can.

Vernon thought he was going crazy as it wasn't there before, and it looked moving.

He slowly moved to touch it, but before he could, the substance shot a giant tentacle and wrapped itself around Vernon's outstretched arm.

He stumbled backward in terror and fell onto the ground as the black mass moved onto him, engulfing his entire arm.

Vernon was about to scream for help, but it only came out as muffled cries as the substance covered his mouth to silence him and continued covering the large man in its being.

But first, it tore all his clothes off, leaving his entire body bare to the cold air and the black goo.

Vernon struggled to pull himself away from the goo but was too weak to fight back.

Soon, the entire mass was on top of Vernon's body and bound his limbs apart using its tentacles.

Vernon struggled even harder than before but then began quivering as the cold goo slid over the sensitive parts of his body.

"Calm Down, Flesh Bag~." Vernon froze as he heard the monstrous voice. He felt the goo said that, and he would be correct as a head-shape formed out of it with a set of large sharp teeth and big white eyes.

The creature uncovered Vernon's mouth, allowing him to speak, "Who are you? W-what are you?" Vernon asked, afraid of what was going to happen next.

"Ah~! Don't worry about that! Well, exchange pleasantries once I'm done with you. For now, calm down and enjoy the ride!" The creature demanded as its mass began slithering around the human's body and between his ass.

"No, No, NO! Please stop! Let me go! Help! Hel— Mmmmph!" Vernon pleaded and tried calling for help before being silenced again as the disgusting thing violated his body.

"Quiet, You're Mine Now! And I Am Going To Have Some Fun Before Your Mind Is Completely Corrupted! Then, we will become ONE!!" The creature commanded.

Its tentacles began probing every inch of Vernon's body, ensuring no part of his flesh went untouched.

Vernon's arms, legs, torso, and everything in between were violated until the creature was satisfied with the pleasure it gained from its playtime.

His cock was being milked by the creature's tentacles and eventually came as the creature moaned at the taste of licking up his seed. His ass was being penetrated by another girthy tentacle that stretched his inner walls to their limits. The part covering Vernon's mouth began forming a phallic shape, shoving itself into his mouth and down his throat.

"Mmmmmm~!" Vernon choked out after a while, trying to get the foul taste out of his mouth.

The creature grew bigger inside Vernon's mouth, forcing him to gag as it pushed deeper and deeper.

"You are delicious! Your cum is so warm, making me want more of you. Your body is quite large for a human flesh bag. Maybe I should make you bigger and fatter~." The creature cooed as it kept thrusting its phallus into Vernon's stomach.

It began to grow larger and larger as Vernon was forced to accept the creature's massive size as his belly began bulging out even more due to his body being filled by the beast.

But the creature didn't care as it stretched him open and pushed its giant phallus inside his body.

Once the creature filled Vernon's insides with its gooey mass, it began covering his entire body outside in a thick cocoon of black goo. Vernon squirmed as his arms and legs were forced together as the tendrils tightly bound him.

Soon, Vernon was enveloped in darkness as the goo covered the rest of his body and face. The creature's head grinned evilly as it was satisfied with its work. Vernon would've still been able to breathe and hear, but everything else was entirely against his control.

The creature spoke again, "Now that my fun is over. Let me introduce myself. I am Venom. And soon, you will be, too."

At this, tendrils burst out of Venom, clung to the walls of the surrounding alley, and pulled himself and his flesh bag high above, out of view of everything and hidden by shadow.

"Sweet dreams, human~." Venom cooed as the bonding process began.

Soon, Venom will rise above others and feast on the pitiful humans. And maybe, fulfill Vernon's desires.

Next Morning

Vernon felt himself beginning to wake up. He fluttered his eyes open and covered himself as the sun shone.

'What happened last night?' Vernon thought.

He remembered being assaulted by some tentacled monster that molested him. However, he also recalled being pleasured by the creature. Vernon shook his head and tried to move but was shocked that he was hanging high above the ground with tendrils clinging him to the brick walls.

"Bloody Hell!" Vernon yelled and thrashed his body violently, causing more of the tentacles to hold on tighter to prevent Vernon from falling.

He stopped his struggle to realize that his voice sounded more like that creature's from last night.

"Ah, I see you're awake, my sweet~." The creature, known as Venom, spoke in the back of Vernon's mind, making him whip his head around to try and find where the voice came from.

"You won't find me out there, big guy~. Now, the only place you'll know where I am is in your head and your body~. Hnhnhnhn!" Venom made a giggling noise of sorts, and it terrified Vernon.

Vernon now knew that the creature known as Venom was in his head, but he didn't know what he meant by "body."

As if it knew what he was thinking, Venom answered, "By body. Take a look for yourself~." Venom took control of Vernon's body and swung him back to the ground in the alley.

Vernon braced for the impact but found that he managed to crack the ground with his feet when he landed.

Walking to a rectangular mirror discarded alongside trash, Vernon gazed upon his new look in shock and horror.

His entire body was coated in the dark black slime that gave it a wet look and texture. It clung to every inch of his body and appeared to be skintight. His once-human face was replaced by the monster's face from before with a big mouth, razor-sharp elongated teeth, and big white teardrop eyes.

His body shocked him the most, with the chest supporting a set of large breasts with big nipples. The size of Vernon's belly looked to be more pronounced, with wide hips, a big fat ass, thick arms and legs, sharp claws, and a big girthy cock and heavy balls. Overall, he looked bigger in every way.

"No...Noooooooooo!" Vernon cried out in despair.

Vernon was no longer human. He was a monster now, and all of this was due to the creature known as Venom.

Venom continued speaking, "I told you that you'd become like me, didn't I~? I just finished with your transformation. You are now me~. A powerful beast that will devour the world for my hunger and enjoyment. Now, let's start with your training~."

Venom's voice and words repeated themselves as Vernon watched himself in the mirror, horrified at what he was becoming.

"So, from here on out, you're—." Vernin noticed that Venom paused in his monologue but didn't dare speak as the creature began giggling in his mind.

"Oh my~. What a naughty and delicious mind you have. Lots of dark desires and thoughts for your nephew~. A wanting to be rid of your wife and son and to keep others from harming your nephew~. But don't worry; we'll take care of those two together~." Venom replied, making Vernon shudder with fear.

"Yes, I can feel you want to be fucked by him right now~. You want him all to yourself~. Well then, we can help each other out~." Vernon ceased his resisting and hesitantly asked.

"H-how can you help me?"

"We are already bonded in body but not mind~. We'll need to be completely one~. Your wanting and desires will be fulfilled just as long as you feed me and consume anything in our path~. Get our body big and fat~. Become a greedy and lustful beast~." Venom stated.

Vernon had to think about this carefully. He did want to be with his nephew, Harry, and have them love each other. And he did want to be rid of his wife and son, Petunia and Dudley. But he didn't know how his desires would be fulfilled.

Though on the other hand. His body was no longer human; he had nothing to lose besides that.

"I'll do it. We'll become one." Vernon answered.

Venom cackled, "Good~. This makes it easier even if you have refused. I would have forced our minds to become one~."

Vernon began to feel his mind become cloudy and filled with the monster's thoughts, memories, and desires and merge with his own. He embraced the feeling completely.

"From this day forth, you are no longer Vernon Dursley~." It spoke one last time before both the minds of the human and symbiote became one and spoke as one, "Now! We are Venom!~"

They let out a monstrous shrill and screeched I'm the alley as their mouth opened, letting lose a long tongue whipping through the air with claws bared.

Soon, Venom's body was swinging through the city streets, roaring angrily, hungry for the world. Their priority was feeding for the long flight ahead on hitching a ride back to England.

4 Privet Drive, Surrey, England

Right now, Petunia Evans Dursleys was baking a pie in the kitchen while Dudley and the ungrateful brat she and Vernon took in out of the kindness of their hearts, Harry Potter.

She never wanted to have to care for the brat, but Vernon insisted that they raise him as a brother of sorts to Dudley. Petunia didn't want that; however, she wanted her nephew to be gone from their lives like her sister had done when she ran off to marry some Blueblood from Wales. Only to end up dead and have their son on her doorstep in the October cold.

Petunia sighed as she rolled out the dough. She had to admit that she enjoyed baking. Her mother used to bake with her when she was young and even taught her how to cook. Petunia hoped to teach Dudley, but she wasn't sure how long he could last with his attention span.

Harry, on the other hand, took cooking like breathing. He was a quick learner, so Petunia made him cook all the meals at home.

To her disappointment, Vernon loved Harry like another son, and Petunia hated it. She hated it when the man she married made Harry's life with them barrable despite him being mistreated by herself and Dudley.

Vernon tried getting her to see reason and stop before she did something she would regret and warned her that her actions would have consequences. She only glared at him and reminded him that he had brought this mess on himself by insisting they take Harry in.

Petunia was furious that her husband would suggest she hit or abuse the boy. Even though she did whenever Vernon wasn't around, she was outraged that he would even use the word 'abuse' when it came to Harry. To her, it was more like punishment for being a burden on them.

She blamed that brat over anything wrong with her and Dudley, but Vernon never believed her and raised a hand against Harry.

It was times like that when Petunia thought about divorce but stopped as Vernon had a high income, and it was good for her as she didn't need a job, and it got Dudley into a good school. Though, she wished she could get rid of that brat without having to give up her house and her husband.

She looked at the time and saw that it was about 15 minutes till her son and the brat got home from school, but she was brought out of her musings as the sound of breaking glass and giant footsteps shook the house from the floor above.

"What in the world was that?" Petunia questioned as she grabbed her dough roller, held it like a cricket bat, and slowly descended the stairs. She crept towards the top of the stairs and peeked down the hall.

As she reached the top, she saw a large shadow coming from her and Vernon's room and crept toward the open door.

She could hear the unknown being moving around in the room and prepared herself. Once Petunia was ready, she jumped into the doorway in the creature's line of sight. And what she saw horrified her.

A large creature covered in a gooey black substance was seen holding Dudley on the ground with a tendril wrapped around his mouth, keeping him from speaking.

Her only child is hooked to have been beaten up and mauled by a bear. However, it was most likely the creature that did this.

"Petunia~. What a deliciously perfect time for you to join us~." It spoke with a deep, guttural tone that sounded nothing like a human.

Right now, Petunia didn't care that the creature somehow knew her name. All that mattered right now was saving her child.

"Get off, my son, you freakish monster!" Petunia yelled out as she swung the roller into the side of the creature's head.

Much to her disappointment, it didn't do anything as all it did was make a wooden "bonk" sound with the creature tilting its head.

"Was that supposed to do something~?" The creature asked as it began to rub its head, which made Petunia take an aggressive step forward.

"What do you want with my son? He hasn't done anything wrong! Just let him go. I'll give you whatever you want!" Tears began leaking out the corners of Petunia's eyes.

The creature sneered and stuck Dudley to the wall with its tendrils before stepping up to Petunia, who was now backed into the corner of the bedroom.

"To think this is how you've always been~. What a waste of our time~. I should've taken Harry before you could do anymore to him~." She-creature stood before Petunia and was an impressive height, nine feet tall with a morbidly obese body with a large bust and a big cock hanging between its legs. Compared to the creature, she only reached up to its breast.

However, what she paid attention to the most was what the creature said. It spoke as if it knew her personally, and the mention of the brat confirmed it.

"V-Vernon?" Petunia hesitantly asked the creature before her—all it did with giving a toothy grin.

"It's not Vernon anymore~. Now, there is only Venom~." He spoke with a smirk as his long tongue gave the side of Petunia's face a lick.

"But you're supposed to be in New York! Wha—" Petunia tried to say but couldn't finish her sentence as she felt the saliva dripping down her face.

"You don't need to know about that~. Now, time for a meal~." Venom snarled as he smothered Petunia's body against the wall with his own and bent down to her level. Petunia's face was etched in fear as she gazed into the big white ears with monstrous teeth.

What scared her was that the creature who used to be her husband was now grabbing her arms in a bone-crushing grip with his meaty hands. She cringed in pain and was about to say something until "Venom's" jaw unhinged itself, and her mouth opened wide.

Before she could question what he was doing, Venom tightened his grip on her and shoved the housewife's head into his mouth. Petunia began kicking and screaming to get him to stop and let her out, but Venom didn't care enough to listen. After all, food is not supposed to speak.

With Petunia screaming in horror as her head was now down the tight hole in his throat, Venom shoved her further in with the saliva coating her body, making her easier to swallow. Eventually, her body caved in from the tight space she was stuffed into. Petunia's body crumpled up, and Dudley looked on in horror as his mother's feet disappeared down Venom's throat.

Venom's belly expanded as Petunia's mutilated body landed inside him, and he let out a burp, "She was quite delicious~." He looked toward Dudley, "Now. It's time for the brat's turn~." Dudley wanted to crawl up and die right then and there as the looming figure stood before him with razor-sharp teeth smiling down at him.