
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

chapter 20

What if the Batman: The Animated Series episode, "Love Is A Croc", actually had Killer Croc and Baby Doll in love and loyal to each other?

Arkham Asylum

Inside Arkham Asylum, home to the worst baddies in the city was a containment chamber. This chamber was full of water and built to contain Killer Croc, one of Batman's more animalistic enemies.

At least eight security guards guarded him around the clock to ensure he never tried anything funny.

The reptilian villain swam around his tank and tapped on the glass when a security guard, hoping to scare him, walked by. But, the guard just tapped back, startling Croc and sending the man off laughing.

"Hey, Croc. You got a visitor." One of the senior guards announced as he walked in with a terse woman with blonde hair in a ponytail, glasses, a skirt, and a blouse.

This woman was Mary Louise Dahl, more commonly known by her famous tv show character from her youth, Baby Doll.

"Get lost..." Croc told them, but only the guard left them to their business.

"I brought you something." Mary clicked her bag open and tossed the villain an entire chicken, "They told me you like chicken."

Croc caught the bird in his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp, "What do you want?"

The short woman tossed him another chicken, "I heard what you said to the judge. I want you to know that I understand about being different." Croc raised an eyebrow at that, "'You've never let the way you look undermine your self-confidence.' I admire that." Mary admitted and told matter-of-factly, "I feel somehow that we're kindred spirits."

Croc couldn't help but smile, "Too bad we didn't meet sooner, babe. They're sending me up the river tomorrow night. My number's up."

Mary grasped the bars of his prison, "Don't lose hope." She smiled deviously, "Maybe fate will take a hand."

The next night, Croc was shipped out of Arkham Asylum to be sentenced to death row. Not many villains were condemned to such a fate, but humanity considered the reptilian villain to be more animal than man. So, they more or less thought of him as an animal that needed to be put down than a human who deserved a shot at redemption.

Hell, not even the Joker has been sentenced to death row.

Yet again, he has never been in custody long enough for the court to sentence him to death, as Harley Quinn always managed to break him out in time.

Now, here was Croc, being shipped to his fate via armored truck, "How's everything back in the luggage compartment?" The truck driver asked his buddies in the back who guarded the villain.

"This alligator bag's not goin' anywhere." They told him.

In the distance, Mary Louise Dahl was seen in her old dress from when she was starring as Baby Doll. She grinned mischievously as the truck approached where she would lay the trap.

Once the truck was close enough, Mary stepped onto the road before the car. The driver jerked the steering wheel over and ran the truck off the road, sending it tumbling down the hill.

Mary ran down the hill to rescue her destined soul mate. She got to the rolled-over truck and saw that the driver was passed out.

The guards knocked the back doors open, and they saw Mary standing there as if she had done nothing wrong.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing? You almost got us all killed." The guard reprimanded her, thinking she was just as her appearance made her out to be.

"I didn't mean to..." Mary claimed in her all-too-innocent child-like tone. She brought out a toy-looking gun and pointed it at them. The trigger was pulled, and suction cups stuck to them were attached via wire to the gun.

They were about to say something until the feeling of electrocution coursed through their entire body, making them scream and pass out from the pain.

Mary made way for her new lover. Croc was picking himself up after the tumble downhill in the back of an armored truck. He looked up in surprise to see the girl he met yesterday run toward him, wearing a little pink dress.

She jumped over to Croc, opened her arms, and wrapped them around the reptilian man, "Hugs. Now Baby Doll and Precious, be together forever." Croc rolled his eyes as he was now unsure of where his life was headed with this weird woman in the body of a little girl.

Three Months Later

A few months have passed since Croc's escape with the new addition to his life, Mary Louise Dahl, or as she insists on being called, Baby Doll. They managed to have quite a peculiar relationship for how long they've been together. Croc saw the girl as a kid version of Joker's girl, a great criminal partner, especially when tricking people on the streets.

On the other hand, Mary saw Croc as her One and Only. This side of the relationship made her quite sadistic regarding others, especially when dealing with female hostages during one of their many heists and robberies.

Underneath the streets of Gotham, Killer Croc is seen wearing a trench coat and a fedora. He was walking through the sewer to his and Mary's secret hideout.

"Hey, babe, I'm home!" Croc announced as he walked up the steps to his hideout to see Mary having some cereal at the dining table. There was little in their hideout besides a living room space, cabinets for food, a table, a fridge, a doghouse, and for some odd reason. A giant stuffed teddy bear larger than Bane.

The "little girl" gasped as she saw her lover come home, "Crocky-Wockle!" She raised her hands and pushed aside her food from the table to the floor.

She jumped from the table, grabbed his coat, and kissed her man's reptilian lips with hunger and lust, "Where have you been? Baby misses her precious so much!" She asked in an annoyingly childish voice.

'Does she have to talk in that voice?' Croc thought as he responded, "Alright, alright. Enough of the mushy stuff." He grabbed Mary and set her on the table, 'I refuse to address her by that horrid name.'

"I went out to get our reviews." He slapped the newspaper onto the table as Mary crawled over to check it out. The headline from the Gotham Gazette read, "Killer Croc And Baby Doll Rob Jewelry Mart." A picture was taken of the pair with Croc carrying bags of cash with the other blasting away the police with machine guns in hand. The following article was from Picture News, "Gotham's Bonnie and Clyde." Showing a front-view picture of the pair with guns in hand.

"Ooh! 'Bonnie and Clyde.' How romantic." Mary was amazed at such a title being given to them.

"That was a terrible picture. I could've gotten a better face up." Croc grumbled but then brought out another paper from under his coat and showed her, "That's not all. Even the out-of-town rags like us." This time, it was an article from The Daily Planet.

Mary picked up the newspaper to read it while her "Crocky-Wockle" walked over to a cabinet to take a load of cash from their stash, "We got the whole city panicked. I love it."

He began walking out of the hideout with Mary sounding sad, "Where is Crockle going?"

Croc waved off her worry, "Don't worry. I'll be back for dinner."

Whining like an actual child, Mary jumped off the table and moved to stop Croc from leaving, "No! Baby wanna come. Baby wanna come!"

Croc moved his hand as if to smack her off but stopped at the look on her face. He stopped himself from doing something he may have regretted doing in the future. He doesn't blame her for wanting him to stay. They were partners, and partners will stay together. However, Mary thought of them as something far more than that.

And that was something Croc needed to know, "Mary. Why do you want to be with me?"

"W-what?" She asked, unhanding him.

He turned to face her and looked down at her, "We've known each other for three months, and the only reason you rescued me and stuck around was that our lives are similar. What makes me so different from others with similar problems?"

Mary was speechless and couldn't form an answer of any kind.

Croc groaned, "I'll be back later. When I get back, I expect an answer of some kind." And then he walked on through the sewer, leaving Mary to her thoughts.

'Why did I decide to stay with him?' She thought to herself.

Later that night, Croc returned to see Mary uncharacteristically lying on the couch, hands together, looking at the ceiling, not making a sound.

"So, have you found your answer?" Croc questioned while crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

Mary sat up and faced him from the other side of the room. She spoke, not in her Baby Doll voice, but in her normal voice, "My entire life. I've always been different compared to everyone else. Sure, there were short people, but they were tall compared to me." She took a breath and continued, "My condition and past stardom have neglected me from being able to have a normal relationship with anyone. When I saw you on TV during your trial, I thought this may have been my chance to be with someone who went through it all as I have."

Croc could see she was genuine about it and knew those words came from the heart. His usually serious expression dropped into a more softened one.

"I rescued you, not just because we would've torn up the streets of Gotham and made this city our playground but also because we both have the chance to look out for ourselves and each other. Not as partners but instead lovers." She finished.

After her explanation, a few moments of silence came, but she dared not interrupt Croc.

"I wish you would've just told me sooner." Mary's eyes widened at what could be Croc accepting her.

"I'll be honest; this would be considered my first serious relationship with anyone. So, don't expect me to be perfect about this." Croc took off his trench coat and hat and set them off to the side while he sat beside Mary on the couch and wrapped a clawed hand around her, pulling her close.

"Wait!" Mary crawled up over Croc's body and faced him straight on, "Does this mean—"

"Yes. Yes, I can be your boyfriend." Croc said simply with a toothy grin.

Mary all but squealed and wrapped her arms around Croc's neck and kissed him to her heart's content as he returned the gesture.

After the two had dinner. Croc kicked the door open to the small bedroom that the two had. Mary was carried on her boyfriend's shoulder and tossed onto the bed that the two would now share as lovers.

Mary watched as Croc slid off his ripped pants to let loose his absolute monster of a cock and heavy balls. Mary blushed as she gazed at the impressive length of 10 inches hanging between her man's legs.

"O-oh my!" Mary exclaimed.

"Like what you see?" Croc questioned with a grin.

"Very much so." Mary grinned as Croc lay on the bed beside her and rubbed her hair.

"Then I suggest you make it a whole lot better." He grabbed his cock and held it up for Mary.

She crawled between Croc's thick thighs and grabbed the veiny cock with small hands. Mary grinned as she slid her tongue from the base to the tip.

This action made Croc moan in pleasure as his cock twitched from the wet feeling of Mary's tongue, giving him some real attention.

Mary suckled on his dick's tip before covering the rest of Croc's cock with her saliva. She opened wide and wrapped her lips over the girthy cock before taking it down her throat.

Croc ripped up the bedsheets with his claws as his cock was being swallowed by his newly declared girlfriend.

'This feels so good! I almost did this with another girl in the past, but I can tell right now she wouldn't have known what she was doing!'

To Mary, the size of the cock was intense. It filled her entire mouth and some of her throat, 'It's a wonder how I can even take this much of him. Will my body even be able to stand it?'

Once she was done getting Croc's cock wet with her saliva, she took her mouth off of him and wiped the drool from her mouth, "Satisfied?" She asked him with a smirk, knowing that he wanted more from her.

He smiled, "Not even close!" He got onto his knees and repositioned himself so that he was now over Marry with his cock hardened and wet.

"Drop whatever you're wearing under there!" Croc barked as he ordered Mary.

She did as she was told and slid her undergarments off from under her tiny dress. She, too, got on her knees from underneath Croc and prepared herself for what was to come.

Croc said, "Now, I need to know if you want to do this."

She looked up at him, "Of course, I want this. Why wouldn't I?"

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Well... You're much smaller than anyone else, and I am a complete monster in the streets and under the sheets."

Mary scoffed, "Oh, I'll be fine!" She said, annoyed, "Just hurry up and stick it in there."

Croc gave her a small smile, "Very well, you asked for it."

He took his wet cock and lined it up with Mary's ass. The tip prodded against her tight little hole, and the woman quivered at the intense size that was about to fill her entire being.

Croc pushed a bit further, "And in. We. Go." With just the right amount of force, he moved his cock inside of her tight hole, with her moaning in pleasure at only the tip entering inside of her.

Once the tip was inside her, Croc pushed more of himself into her and began pumping in and out, more going in with each thrust. Mary tried to keep steady, but that proved difficult with the size of her body being filled with, 'Fuck! He's so big!'

Mary's inner walls clamped around Croc as he slid further in with the help of her saliva acting as lube.

Croc began to feel the pressure build up in his cock and shot a quick load of precum into Mary. He grits his sharp teeth and pounds into her faster until he reaches his cock's base.

To Mary, it was like a jackhammer was going off inside her, with heavy balls slapping against her petite form.

"Prepare yourself!" Croc ordered as the pressure build-up began to be too much. He didn't wait until Mary was ready and began dumping his entire load of hot seed into her tiny body.

Mary gripped the sheets as she moaned loudly in pleasure at being filled with so much cum.

If Mary was a water bottle and Croc was a water hose. She would've filled up instantly.

After a few moments, Croc panted as he was done cumming into his girlfriend. He slowly slid his cock out of Mary's greedy hole and pulled out.

Her body leaked warm cum out the backdoor and onto the bedsheets.

Croc lay on the bed next to her and found himself to be quite tired after unloading.

Mary struggled to move but did so to kiss Croc on the lips, "Thanks for that. It was amazing."

He gave her a thumbs up, "Yep." He now yawned, "Now, if you don't mind. I'm going to rest my eyes for a bit."

"No. No. Go ahead." Mary didn't mind her lover falling asleep on her after such an intense session. She, too, started to feel tired and cuddled up against her Croc, only to fall asleep a few moments later.