
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

chapter 19


Meeting Luna Lovegood and getting to know her changed Harry. The boy who lived started to hang out more and more with her, uncaring for the fact that Ron and Hermione seemed to edge further and further away from him.

He is happily in a relationship with Luna Lovegood, but he often finds her disappearing into the forest more times than he counts. So one day, he follows after her, shocked by what he finds, Luna on her knees, worshipping a Thestral's ass. He doesn't know how but his girlfriend manages to get him to join her in worshipping the creature.

Hogwarts Grounds

"Dear Padfoot, I hope you're all right. It's starting to get colder here. Winter is definitely on the way. In spite of being back at Hogwarts, I feel more alone than ever. I know you, of all people, will understand"

After sending his recent letter to Sirius, Harry left the castle alone. He was intent on going down to meet with Hagrid and talk about what's been going on recently.

Even though he felt alone, besides Sirius, Ron, and Hermione, he became close to someone who never associated with any of those three people. Harry spoke with the girl he met at the start of the year, Luna Lovegood. He didn't know what made them friends, but Harry didn't care all that much. Finally, he was glad to be friends with someone not from Gryffindor.

Besides Neville. Ron, Hermione, Seamus, and the rest of Gryffindor kept their distance from him in case they got in trouble with Umbridge for associating with him. Not that he could blame them, but knowing they turned their backs on him still hurts.

Becoming friends with Luna was a godsend for Harry since she was very open-minded and intelligent despite what people said about her. She never kept big secrets from him and always seemed to say what was on her mind, and to Harry, that was refreshing.

Their friendship started when Harry asked for a copy of The Quibbler. This made Luna very happy as she hadn't gotten anyone to read it, so for Harry to be asking to read one made her blush.

After that moment, their friendship blossomed into something beautiful. Harry hung out and talked to Luna more than with Ron and Hermione. They met in the library, studied together, and helped each other with schoolwork. Luna shared her life story with him, and Harry did as well. Including his yearly adventures where he escapes death each time.

She was fond of hearing of his third-year adventures with Professor Lupin turning out to be a werewolf, Dementors trying to kiss Harry and Sirius Black. He felt Luna could be trusted, so he told Luna the entire story involving him, Sirius, and the person who betrayed his parents, Peter Pettigrew.

One time in the library, she asked him what being kissed by a Dementor was like. He told her about your happy memories and joy being sucked out of you. Luna noticed it was a sore topic for him and made it better.

She kissed him on the lips, surprising Harry. Luna asked him what her kiss was like, and he answered, "Wonderful."

That kiss led to them becoming a couple, and they enjoyed making out with each other when they could. Hermione and the others didn't like this but stayed out of it.

Ever since that fateful day, Harry no longer felt alone.

As he reached Hagrid's hut, he heard a soft shrill echo in the direction of the forest. Harry looked where he heard the sound and saw a dark-skinned creature flying over the forest and landing under the trees.

'My talk with Hagrid could probably wait...' Harry's curiosity got the better, and he walked away from the small hut and to the forest to check out what that creature was. To be honest, even though it was in the distance, it looked like a Hippogriff like Buckbeak but skinnier and darker.

Forbidden Forest

Harry walked through the forest, keeping a steady pace as he got closer to the sounds by the minute. It was a pleasant sound, nothing loud or screeching, just high-pitched bellowing. He got to a clearing in the forest and found what might have been the creature he had seen earlier. There was not just one but multiple in the clearing.

They looked like bone-thin horses with no hair or fur, just dark skin. Their eyes were obsidian black, and they had large bat-like wings.

On the other side of the clearing, he saw something that shocked him but also made him blush.

On that side was his Ravenclaw girlfriend, Luna Lovegood, naked and currently licking and pressing her face into the ass of one of the creatures giving off a soft bellow.

He came up from Luna and spoke, making his appearance known to the estranged girl, "Luna, is this where you've been all this time?"

Luna plucked her face out of between the big ass and smiled at Harry, "Hey there. It's a surprise seeing you down here."

"What are you doing?" Asked Harry.

"Well, I come down here every few days for a few hours to help the mother with her needs."

"W-what, but why?!" Harry asks with confusion evident on his face.

"Because why not?" Luna's simple answer stumped Harry.

"What are they?" Asking Harry, he looks around the clearing at the creatures who paid him no mind.

"They're called Thestrals. They are creatures that can only be seen by those who witnessed death. Despite their reputation, they're pretty majestic and beautiful creatures." Luna explained.

Harry made a look on his face as if he was saying, "Ahh..." They were silent for a few moments until Luna spoke, "You wanna join in?"

Harry wasn't paying attention, "Huh?"

Luna clarified, "Do you want to join me serving the mother here?" She squished an ass cheek in her palm to emphasize her question.

Harry started sputtering, "W-what?! I wouldn't even know what to do for her."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Harry Potter. She's a female. Like all females, we have things in common such an ass," She gives the butt a lick, "A pussy," Luna stuck her entire hand into the Thestral's pussy, "And breasts. Though, in her case, it would be udders." Finally, she stuck her hand between the legs and squeezed a nipple, letting milk out from the udder.

The Thestral heard Luna ask the boy to join in and turned its head to look at Harry, who appeared to be sweating a bit. She then started swaying her massive ass side-by-side and clicking the ground with her hooves.

Harry blushed as he looked down to see how wet her pussy and donut-shaped anus were.

'You know what? Screw it.' Harry thought as he slowly removed his clothes and discarded them on the grass.

Harry walked over to the mother barefoot and laid a hand on her dark body. He felt how warm it was before gliding his hand down her back and to her massive ass. Luna moved her body out of the way for Harry and under the mother's body to drink her glorious milk from her teats. Harry grasped both cheeks, pushed his face in between, and began rimming the moist hole with his tongue. One of his hands removed itself from its current position and spread apart the lips of her pussy, and sunk his whole hand in.

The Thestral bellows out, stomps her hooves, unfurling her wings in pleasure, and bucks her hips, forcing Harry's face further to the hole. Luna, all the while, tried to keep on drinking her fill with the mother trying to get Harry further into it. Harry had no choice but to keep on pleasuring her.

After a few minutes, the Thestral moved forward as if she was bored with the current setup. Luna speaks up, "She wants us to switch places."

Harry looked down at her incredulously, "How do you know? Can you understand her?"

Luna laughed, "Merlin, no. When you've spent much of your life around animals, you tend to pick up what they want basing on their movement. Mother wants us to switch." The Thestral nods her head and bellows out.

Harry looked at her, "It seems she understood you quite well..."

"Well, this isn't the first time doing this with her."

Harry didn't bother replying as he moved out of the way for Luna to take his place while he took hers. Harry now found himself kneeling on the ground with two udders hanging in front of his face. He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked on it with warm and creamy milk flowing into his mouth. Luna was now in her previous position before Harry came around, sticking her face into the ass of the mother, greedily eating her out.

The Thestral wasn't satisfied enough, so she lowered her body, forcing the two students onto the ground, trapping Harry under the entire weight of her body. Harry didn't mind the weight on top of him since the mother's body was warm and comforting to be pressed against. This goes on for quite a good hour.

After this session of eating out and drinking from the mother, Harry and Luna are seen lying on the ground, huddling against each other as their backs against a tree trunk.

"Well, this seemed to be quite a fun time!" Harry said, caressing Luna's body from her chest, down her belly, and to her forest-covered snatch.

"Oh really? What did you enjoy about it?" Luna asked, burying her face into his chest.

Harry blushed, "Well, I never thought that pleasuring an animal felt that good. It was refreshing, away from all the chaos happening in the school." He smiles, "I'd like to do this with you again sometime."

Luna moved her body on top of Harry's naked form and brought her face to his for a kiss. They both kissed each other, grasping their bodies. Luna parted her mouth from his, "I'd like that very much. You have no idea how much you're missing out on."

"I'd appreciate that. Though," Harry turned a bit serious and concerned, "I wish you didn't hide this from me. Despite how abnormal what we did was. You know I would have still accepted you if you came out and told me the truth."

Luna smiled and giggled, "You're right. I'm sorry for keeping this from you for so long. We told each other our secrets, and you deserved to know this."

They kissed each other and were about to get up and head back to the castle but stopped when the mother cornered them. They looked up at her as the Thestral stomped her hooves and shook her head in displeasure. They both looked down to see her teats will still leaking milk.

Now it was Harry's turn to think he was brilliant, "I believe she wants us to stay the night with her."

Luna grinned, "Oh? And what makes you say that, Harry James Potter?"

Harry, too grinned. Luna only said his full name when she was playing with him, "I believe it has something to do with her movements, though I could be wrong."

He wasn't wrong as the mother beckoned them over and laid down, keeping her hind legs open for them to suckle on her leaking teats. Harry and Luna shrugged and got up to move over to her. They huddled up close together as they latched their mouths on her teats and began suckling the milk out of them. The mother moans in pleasure and happiness as she furls her wing to cover them up from the cold outside.

The two stop for a second before thanking her. At the same time, they both said, "Thank you, Mommy." Before continuing to drink from the happy Thestral. Soon, they fall asleep with warm milk in their bodies, huddled against their Mommy's belly, wings covering them, and closed her legs against them.

Knowing they were asleep, the mother opened her hind legs and felt her pussy juices leaking as they dripped down her and onto the hair of her two human children. Marking Harry and Luna as hers.