
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

chapter 18


What do you do when you find yourself in a new life as none other than the brother of the Joker himself? If you're somebody else your answer is probably get the hell out of dodge. But if you're me than your answer is to hop on a goblin glider and starting flinging exploding pumpkins while letting the good times roll~

This Halloween had not gone anything like Kim expected or wanted first she gets a stolen piece of advance technology called the centurion project stuck to her, than she deals with the chance to attend the party of the year and maybe make a move in her crush Josh Mankey.

Only to deal with not only Ron wanting to trick or treat despite the fact they aren't kids anymore not even the tweebs her twin little brothers didn't trick or treat anymore! But also her mother wanting her help at the hospitals Halloween Haunted House.

So in order to attend the party she might have lied to both her parents and best friend telling them shed be with the other so she could go to the party which caused apparently lead to a Pinocchio situation with the bracelet that was the centurion project getting stuck to her but steadily forming armor over her body.

And then of course Drakken, Shego, and Duff Killigan came after her for the technology. Showing up at her mothers haunted house with Ron as a hostage to interrogate her parents on whereabouts with it becoming pretty clear she lied to them all, and with it all leading up to a throw down in front of the hospital and her lies being exposed.

While silver lining the centurion project packs a punch and it helped her best her enemies more easily it didn't change the fact that everyone was giving her disappointed looks as her three enemies grumbled while being lead away by local authorities (and them remarking about their own disappointment in her lies was both unbelievable as it was the cherry on top of this perfect night) while she had the centurion project reverted back into a bracelet around her wrist

"Kimberly Ann Possible!" Snapped her mother sternly with crossed arms beside her father as Ron lower half still wearing that donkey costume stepped up beside them frowning with a hurt look as she winced , "I don't think I've ever been more upset or disappointed in you young lady."

Ann Possible said as her daughter looked away in shame, "I'm sorry mom I.." she started to say only to freeze as the sound of laughter filled the air

A laugh that sounded all to familiar from news reports she's seen from Gotham causing her eyes to go wide as she paled no...there was no way that crazy clown would be here right!?

She thought only to look up in the air where it was coming from and she saw what look like a sphere in the form of a jack o lantern being thrown and at once old instincts kicked in, "Get down!"

She yelled as she tackle her parents to the ground with Ron and sure enough as the jack-o-lantern the ground a explosion went off as the laughter hit the Halloween air causing everyone to look up as a orange cape hooded figure zoomed down on some sort of glider device laughing wildly

With everyone from authorities, Kims three enemies, and even lingering hospital staff or people who had come to see either the hospital staff or the commotion at it (Her friend Monique and crush Josh Mankey included) stared at the figure in shock in some cases fear as well

"Hehe happy Halloween everybody!" The figure proclaimed bouncing another pumpkin bomb in their hand, "I hope you've had plenty of treats because Hobgoblins here to give you a trick you'll never forget~" The figure proclaimed before laughing again as Kim looked up with a glare while getting a better look at the figure

Quickly realizing it wasn't the infamous Joker but still someone she had heard of before from Gotham news reports and had hit the criminal scene earlier this year

Dressed in a yellow and blue full body suit, yellow boots and gloves, an orange hooded cape and ridding a purple bat-shaped glider; with sick-reptilian like yellow skin and dark red eyes.

It was the mad terror of the sky...The Hobgoblin

"Please folks hold your applause and save your screams~" Hobgoblin called out with a wide grin giving a dark laugh, "because Hobgoblin here to make this a Halloween none of you ever forget!" He exclaimed throwing another pumpkin bomb this time at the entrance to the hospitals haunted house


With the expected explosion following as it started to go down in flames while Hobgoblin zoomed down almost hitting some of the police force as well as Drakken, Duff Killigan, and Shego with everybody diving down for cover, "heheh oh and I advise the C-listers to take notes!"

He called over his shoulder as he passed Kim's enemies, "Because you're about to see a real villain at work~" He added with a malicious smirk as his eyes went over to Team Possible by Kim's parents as her little brothers ran to her their side

"C-list!!!!" cried Drakken filling insulted "WHO ARE YOU CALLING C-LIST YOU SANTA ELF REJECTED!!!" he called trying to tear his cuff off and advance towards the goblin

Who stopped his glider to hover above the ground arching a brow but keeping a wide smirk, "Santa elf..pfff really that's the best insult you got." He asked with a chuckle before sending a dark grin, "And I call them as I see it~"

He said causing Drakken to fume and glare while Duff Gilligan and Shego raised up behind both of them frowning but the latter shooting Hobgoblin a more wary look, "I mean really folks.." He asked out loud to the remaining crowd who hadn't fled, "On one hand we have me.."

He gestured grandly to himself as he gave a bow on his glider, "The malicious fear inspiring Hobgoblin who brought the house and several neighboring skyscrapers down~" He said before adding with a laugh, "not to mention had all of Gotham quaking in their boot during my debut~"

Hobgoblin explained with a smug tone, "And here we have...you three.." He stated and finished with a lame unimpressed tone, "A wannabe scientist who couldn't get a prom date so he built one."

He stated pointing at Drakken who's eyes widen before he glared all the harder before Hobgoblin moved his finger to Duff Killigan, "The poster boy for sports posers who threw a hissy fight because he always lost at golf.."

Duff gave a low growl, "And finally and perhaps most pathetic of all.." Hobgoblin shot a mocking smile toward Shego, "The hazbin who never grew out of her emo phase and couldn't cut it as a hero so she sunk to being a lackey for one of the biggest laughing stocks of the criminal underworld~"

Shego´s hands glowed green as she growled.

"Oooh did I touch a nerve~" Hobgoblin said with a smirk chuckling, "Hehe i'd be careful who you pick a fight with greeny."

He said as he turned his glider over, "Otherwise I might have to pay those buffoons you call brothers a visit and show how evil a real villain can be~" he called over his shoulder before he zoomed his glider over to the Possibles and Ron, "Right now I have more important matters to attend to than you wash out jokes."

He said with a laugh before sending a grin at Kim, "The Centurion Project if you please my dear?" He stated eying the bracelet around Kims wrist, "And please lets avoid the typical denial or scuffle." he said with a bored yawn, "After all.."

He shot her a evil grin, "even with that little trinket we both know that a fight with me will not go well for you~"

Kim gulped taking a step back.

"gulp..oh yeah?...well maybe a fight is what i need right now" said the girl "after the night i had maybe letting out some steam on a yellow punching back is what the doctor prescribe"

The Hobgoblin however simply laughed at her threat in amusement, "Oohh you've got spirit to go with that body of yours i'll give you that~" He said causing Kim to flush and glare at him in indignation and disgust alongside her parents, "Now see here.." James Possible started to say only to duck a laser blast, "No talking from the peanut gallery!"

Hobgoblin snapped sending a glare at the man before glaring back at Kim as he lowered the finger the laser blast came from, "As for you my dear i've taken on and escaped from Batman himself you really think a trumped cheerleader with a ego who's used to community service and C-listers actually stands a chance against me?"

He asked with amused incredibility in his tone as his glider hovered back

"Just try me monster freak!!" said the cheerleader entering in fighting stance

"heheah ah ah ah my dear~" Hobgoblin laughed and smirk at her threat as he wagged his finger at her, "I think you need to realize the difference between me and.." He glanced over his shoulder sending a taunting smirk at the three villains, "Mooks you're used to fighting.." Drakken gave a low grumbled growl, "Oh we'll see who's a mook you freaky Halloween store reject." the doctor muttered with Duff giving a agreeing mutter, "Aye i'll show him my golf balls can out match those stupid pumpkins any day."

The scotsman said as Shego simply glared before they and everyone froze as the Hobgoblin reached into the bag that was over his shoulder pulling out what appeared to be a small detonator device, "you see before I revealed myself I wasn't just watching you kick those jokes butts with that wonderful science project oh no.."

He remarked shaking his head as he gave a wide evil grin, "I was taking the liberty of decorating this lovely hospital here with some lovely Halloween decorations~" He said before he started to cackle, "And believe me these pumpkins pack a real a bang!"

He yelled out holding his detonator for emphasis as he laughed

Everyone (villains included) gasped at that as some pumpkins and decorations in the hospital began beeping.

"you monster!!!" cried Kim.

"there are sick people there!" Kim´s mom cried in despair.

"you cant do that!" cried Ron feeling the situation scaling WAY pass what he was comfortable with

"Uh news flash people.." Hobgoblin began to snap before roaring out, "I"M THE BAD GUY!" With the roar actually causing Ron to jump back while Rufus scuried into his shirt shivering, "Did you really think the other villains in the world were like these jokes!"

Hobgoblin added gesturing toward Shego, Drakken, and Duff Killigan who showed they were unnerved at this, "HA!" He gave a sarcastic laugh as he scoffed out, "you're lucky i'm not throwing in fear gas like Crane or joker toxin like my..coff..like the Joker." He said though seemed to give a cough at the end with both Kim and Shego despite shock and horror noticing the slip up, "no this is real true A-game villainy!"

He declared grandly with a laugh

"you are sick!!!" cried Kim in anger

"No I'm evil~" Hobgoblin said back with a slight sing song before holding out his hand, "Now how about you hand over the Centurion project and you can go back playing in the kiddie pool pretending you're actually accomplishing something by beating these jokes over and over."

He said before adding with a low mutter, "never mind the fact that even that moron Booster Gold or hell Killer Moth could probably kick their butts if they by some miracle got anywhere with their schemes."

The trio of villains growled in anger

"you...you..." Kim looked around trying to find a solution "you are bluffing..you cant..


and explosion on one of the floors caused her to shut up

"Not a bluff! I REPEAT NOT A BLUFF!" A freaked out Ron screamed out along many of the by standers who started to flee screaming...including the law enforcement, "where are you buffoons going!?" Drakken yelled out after a cop as he and others ran off, "Forget it they don't pay me enough to deal with Gotham level crazies!" One shouted over his shoulder while Drakken just shot a look of disbelief, "Aye...the American tax dollars at work people."

Duff Killigan said as he took the chance to break out of his cuffs with Shego doing the same to her restraints internally glad they didn't have anything for meta human level prisoners though during all of this Kim looked at the explosion as smoke plum out of the building with the Hobgoblin laughter filling the air, "Hehehahah you were saying my dear!?"

He called hovering closer to her bringing his face next to hers, "Now are you giving me that pretty bracelet pretty or do I have to bring the hospital down on the poor fools inside~"

Kim looked in horror almost like she REALLY thought he was bluffing.

The girl that could do all began trembling as slowly began taking off the bracelet...her eyes never leaving the fire that just started

"Hehe that's the ticket.." Hobgoblin said with a smirk holding out his hand watching with dark glee as Kim removed the bracelet, "and don't take it to hard my dear just take this as a lesson that you aren't ready for or maybe just not cut out for the big leagues~"

He said with a amused smirk, "At least not unless you stop wasting your time with losers~"

Ron would have protest...hell..ANYONE would but all were paralyzed in fear as the goblin descended to be at Kim´s level

"Though for what's it worth do think you've got potential girl~" Hobgoblin said staring into Kim's shocked eyes quite a lovely shade of green as he held out his left hand for her to drop the bracelet in, "you just weren't ready for the real world much less me yet~"

Kim´s fist closed in anger but she didnt move a bit with her eyes looking straight into his

"Oh something to say?" Hobgoblin asked with a amused arched brow and smirk at the look in her eyes, "Well go on spit it out but be careful.." He chuckled gesturing with his head toward the hospital, "you're not the one who'll pay the price if you push your luck too far~" He reminded her in a dark tone

Her teeth clashed as she snarled

"Hehe come on now sweet cheeks don't leave me hanging.." He held up his hand making a gimme motion, "give me the bracelet and tell me what's on your mind~"

"Grrr....I....I..." slowly the girl began raising her hand

"yes..yes..go on I don't have all night." Hobgoblin said with a roll of his eyes, "I've got places to be things to blow up."

"I...I cant believe you think i would give up!!!" she cried before launching a spinning kick at him

However Hobgoblin gave a smirk ducking under the kick as he lunged forward grabbing her by the arm, "Actually.." He shot a dark smirk, "I was expecting anything but~" He said seeing Kim's eyes widen momentarily in surprise before his glove let out bright electric glow that engulfed Kim's entire body electrocuting her with a powerful shock before everyone's shocked eyes, "AAAAAAAA!!"

"KIM!!!" multiple calls of worry echoed.

"LET HER GO!!" Ron called rushing in , sure he was both angry and sad that Kim lied and tried to ditch him but still he wont allow her to be hurt like this.

"HeheheheheHahahaha!" However the Hobgoblin simply desolved into a mad cackle as his glider zoomed off up into the air as he grabbed and held Kim electrocuted body close allowing her to fall into his arms as she fell unconscious with him smirking down at the gathered crowd as he adjusted his hold on her bridal style, "Look like I'm leaving with a extra special Halloween treat ~"

"Let my daughter go you monster!!!" Doctor Ann Possible cried in fear

"And why would I do a crazy thing like that?" Hobgoblin replied back with a arched brow, "After all.." he leered down at Kim form, "Since I've given you all such delightful Halloween tricks it's only fair I get my treats ~"

The family could only watch in horror as the goblin took off higher with their daughter with them being unable to do anything

With even the villains shocked at this turn of events as they watched the Hobgoblin take off with not only the centurion project but also their arch enemy Kim Possible as his prison the night air filled with his insane cackles, "That..glr...smug little...who does this psycho think he is!"

Drakken demanded whirling to Shego with Duff Killigan off to the side crossing his arms with a growl, "Not only does he have the nerve to mock us but he just swoops in and takes not only my centurion project but my arch foe without so much as a howdy do!"

He exclaimed throwing his arms up in the air, "What happen to respecting other villain boundaries and territory!"

"Ugg dont start and we better leave now while the family is in shock" said Shego "the sooner we return to the base the sooner we can track that bastard down and teach him some manners" she added her fist glowing green

"Hehe sounds like a plan to me~" Drakken said eagerly with a dark smile as he rubbed his hands together before Duff Killigan spoke up shooting them a look, "Are you two daft?" He asked in a low harsh whisper as they quickly started to make their leave, "I'd love to give that ghoul a few whacks with my side iron but that mad lad is one of Gotham maniacs!"

He said in a low hiss, "we try to golf on their course and we might all those crazies after our heads!"

"Well they entered OUR turf first!" called Drakken back "and had the GALL to insult us to our face..that calls for retaliation!!!"

"Your funeral lad.." Duff Killigan said shaking his head, "But I ain't going anywhere near that den of insanity." He said with a huff with Drakken giving a growl, "Coward after what he said!" Duff frowned as they left the hospital grounds, "Aye and i'm mad but i'm not about to risk my life over pride."

He said with a stubborn dark frown, "Possible and her lad are one thing but the Bat never mind the clown no thank you!"

"huff then it seems it will have to take care of things" said Shego "i didnt become what I am today just for some clown with fancy gadgets to come insult me!"

"A clown with fancy gadgets is exactly what I'm afraid if lass!" Killigan snapped back at her, "That ghoul laugh almost gave me a heart attack because I thought that mad laughing demon was here."

He explained giving a brief shiver not noticing Drakken get a sudden thoughtful look, "I got no wish to go into the dragons den." He said with a huff and turned away from the two, "But if you two barmy fools want to risk die laughing than all the power to you but leave me out of it!" He exclaimed and called over his shoulder as he made his leave from them and this entire mess

"Grrr sure go ahead leave!" called Drakken "we will show everyone we are NOT c-ranked villains!!!"

"Really what makes that freak think he's better than us!" Drakken demanded toward his sidekick as he whirled too Shego, "and give me one good reason why he's anymore dangerous than us!"

And as if waiting for that cue Drakken, Shego, and even Duff Killigan who was a sone feet away all gave startled jumps as they heard a large explosion go off


With all three whirling to the source the hospital they just left with a massive plum of smoke and even some flames seen from their location, "T-that..was..the hospital... wasn't it?"

Drakken said his tone weaker as his arms dropped in shock as he stared horrified at the sight, "Aye.." Duff said in a hard tone and grim frown before looking over at Drakken and Shego, "Still confidant about taking on that ugly ghoul?"

The duo didn't say anything Drakken was quite shock the guy actually did it...as for shego.

"if I wasnt before now im MORE sure" said the green villainess before turning to Drakken "can you imagine what he would do to the princess? at the end it would be someone else the one who beat and destroy her"

At this Drakken gave a dark grimace , "Yes Kimberly Ann Possible is my enemy and no Halloween reject will be the one to destroy her that honor belongs to Dr. Drakken,!'

"then lets go arm ourselves..and then you can rub in Possible´s face how she needed your help" said Shego

"Ohh hehe Kim Possible in my debt now isn't that just a delicious scenario ~" Drakken say with a low laugh and smirk as he and Shego made their leave to plan and prepare for war and to show this Hobgoblin just how dangerous these C listers could be

While hobgoblins himself was arriving toward a warehouse on the edge of Middletown entering from a skylight with his prize's, "Honey I'm home ~"

writing on a laptop a woman with short blonde hair dressed in a purple top and black pants took a deep breath before standing up.

"so any problem getting the armor?" she asked

"Please it was like taking candy from trick or treaters hahhahaa~" Hobgoblin said zooming around the ware house with a laugh before he came in for a landing sending the woman a smirk, "And looked I even picked up a little bonus too~"

He said holding up a groaning Kim for emphasis with a dark smirk

The woman blinked.

"is that...you kidnapped some teenager?" she said in some shock "What for?!"

"Oh not just any teenager my dear~" Hobgoblin said with a giggle as he walked over to a crate and Kim leaning against it, "This is none other than self proclaimed girl who can do anything and teen heroine Kim Possible!"

He explained before gesturing grandly to Kim

"the so called teen-hero?" said the woman with confusion "i thought that was just silly rumors or some girl trying to get views online"

"Nope~" Hobgoblin said with a smirk looking down at the girl as he pulled the Centurion Project off her wrist, "she's the real deal as are the morons she usually deals with believe it or not~" He said standing up as he spun the bracelet around his finger, "of course she certainly wasn't ready for a A-lister like myself one little bomb threat and shock and she falls helplessly into my arms heheahah~"

he explained with a cackle as he turned to the woman with a smirk

The woman narrowed her eyes seemingly wanting to argue..but just sighed.

"Just...give me the bracelet so i can find out how it works" she said in tired tone

Hobgoblin put on a mock hurt look, "Ah what's wrong Rocky~" He asked as he walked up to the woman and before she could do anything pulled her into a hug, "Don't tell me your jealous that a spicy red head drawn my eye~"

he said with a chuckle as the mad red eyes of the Hobgoblin stared into the eyes of Dr. Roxanne "Rocky" Ballantine as he cupped her cheek, "you know this naughty goblin has plenty of love to give~"

he said with a husky growl before pulling the woman into a rough kiss

"Ummmm!!!" the woman closed her eyes powerless as she let the goblin have her way with him

With the Hobgoblin eagerly deepening the kiss with one hand roughly grabbing and squeezing her breast through her shirt while the other

SMACK! Hit her ass before squeezing it hard~

"uggggg!!!!" Rocky cried into the kiss

Hobgoblin savored the kiss and feel of her body for several moments before breaking it, "Hmm fantastic kisser as always baby~"

He said with a cackle giving her ass another hit

SMACK! "Honestly almost feel sorry for how I stole you away from Kevin boy~"

"ugg..please...dont...dont mention it" she said looking down feeling dirty at the thought..of how she betrayed the one she loved

"Hehe very well~" Hobgoblin said giving a low laugh before giving her a leer as he handed her the bracelet, 'i'll save the dirty talk for when i'm railing your sexy ass and making you scream all night long...again~"

Roxy looked away with a small blush.

"I..i probably will need time to break the code of this thing" she tried to excuse

"Hehe i'll leave you to it my sexy brainiac~" Hobgoblin said pecking her lips before looking over at Kim, "in the meantime i'll see to getting our guest more comfortable and ready for transport back to Gotham~"

He said before looking over at Rocky with a smirk, "Who knows she could be of use for my big thanksgiving plans ehehha~"

The woman tremble.

"you..you are not planning to do..anything bad to her?" she was a teen and couldnt be older than 16!!!

"Hmm maybe I am maybe i'm not~" Hobgoblin said with a teasing smirk over his shoulder as he approached Kims form, "I like to keep people guessing it's the spice of life~" He said with a cackle, "Besides.."

He gave a positively evil grin over at Rocky, "A little late to be growing a conscious now my dear especially after what happen to your friends~" He said before clicking his tongue, "especially that mouthy police officer who just didn't know proper respect and should have let herself become a good dirty girl and cop for daddy Hobgoblin~"

Rocky's body trembled at that..remembering their faces...their blood...the explosion...

The girl fell on her knees breathing hard

Hobgoblin saw this and gave a low cackle truly it was fun to be the bad guy~ He thought as he heft up Kim and put her over his shoulder like a sack of flour, "Now i'll see to our guest and leave you to your work my lovely Rocky~"

He said as he stopped by her standing over her form with a dark smirk, "Though don't work yourself all night especially when my bed will be missing your company~" He said watching as she had her break down, "besides.."

He started to walk off, "we've got a busy month ahead of us and I for one can't wait to spend the holiday with family~" He said before he started to cackle madly, "Hehahahahaha!"

"Hehe confused folks~" Suddenly the scene froze with everything going still on the "screen" with Hobgoblin voice heard, "I know what you're asking what the heck is going on why is the handsome menace known as Hobgoblin in the world of DC?"

"Is this perhaps a shared Marvel and DC dimension with others like Kim Possible in the mixture?" The voice asked before giving a chuckle, "Hehe i'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that~"

It said before it started to explain, "You see as you might of already figured out that handsome devil is me~" He said with a laugh, "But I wasn't that handsome devil oh no once upon a time I was a regular joe living their life best they could...by being a coach potato watching their favorite forms of media over and over again eheheh~"

"But one day...ehhh let's just say I had appointment with with the pale horseman and leave it at that." Hobgoblin voice said with a grimace being heard if not seen, "Next thing I knew i'm waking up a wee little lad by the name of John Napier~"

At that the scene started to rewind as if one a vhs tape, "that's right I said Napier twin brother to one Jack Napier..needless to say it didn't take me long to figure out I was in a DC reality~"

Hobgoblin said before adding with a mutter, "it was the other crossovers that eventually showed up that threw me off." He said before giving a cough as the screen stopped at the scene of two young boys exactly alike both of them carrying sense of mischief and cunning in their eyes running down the streets of Gotham

"Surprisingly growing up as the twin brother of the Joker before he became...well the Joker wasn't actually that bad." Hobgoblin said and the audience could see his shrug as the scene showed one boy getting a dark smirk when he saw a fruit stand and after whispering into the other boys ear started to whistle no nonchalantly while walking pass the fruit seller, "even if he did get us into mischief~"

The boy one Jack Napier kicked at the stand holding up the tarp above the stand causing it to fall on the seller while the other boy grabbed as much fruit as he could, "Not that I was much better~" Hobgoblin said with a laugh as the other boy John Napier threw some of the fruit right at the seller face as they got out from under the tarp as the brother took off

"Of course over the years we certainly grew beyond small time pranks and mischief and like any good citizen of Gotham we joined the thriving industry.."

A scene of the two brothers of teenagers both smirking and shaking hands with a group of made men in business suits was seen, "crime~" Hobgoblin said with a dark tone and chuckle, "Of course where my brother excelled as a enforcer~"

A scene of Jack Napier looking out from a street corner with a smirk watching as a ambulance loaded up with a body bag, "I preferred to apply my own skills with helping moving merchandise and getting experience in the business side of things~"

A scene of John Napier looking over a crate holding all sorts of high grade illegal military weapon with a smirk before and after looking over the numbers gave a pleased a nod before looking too two men in Gotham PD uniform and handed both of them a stack of bills with both men greedily counting the wealth

"Of course as you would expect like any true Batman fan I knew what was coming and that the hay day of crime would take a dive before making a costumed crazy comeback when the Bat signal would hit the skies~"

John Napier could be seen frowning up at the skylight knowing what would one day shine upon it before shaking his head as he joined his brother for a round of cards, "And of course I figured out like in the first week that my bro was the future clown prince of crime~"

Jack was seen telling John a joke with the isekai soul that had become his brother giving a laugh, "And if you think i was working on a way to save my brother from that fate...THAN YOU'RE DEAD WRONG!" Hobgoblin said giving a cackle with past John looking to his brother hiding a smirk, "after all what would be the fun in that, and why would I want to hold my bro back from his glorious destiny~"

Hobgoblin said with a dark glee in his tone, "Of course...that left one question." John was seen staring up at the ceiling with a deep look of thought and frown on his face, "once the days of Batman arrived and my brother became Joker...what was left for John Napier?"

John got up and headed out his apartment building and to a special hide away he had made from his himself in a old warehouse, "Fortunately~"

John was seen working on some tech with a large smirk, "Over the years I discovered whatever power brought me here to this second life had blessed with a special gift of knowledge and technology~"

John was seen holding a prototype pumpkin bomb with a large smirk, "and I used that knowledge to prepare for the days of cape and cowls~"

John was looking over designs of a costume made from memory, "For when I would join the leagues of villainy like my brother as one of the big names~" Hobgoblin said with a laugh, "And considering I was the brother of the Mark Hamill Joker and we not only looked alike but sounded alike who better to become than the other comic villain Mark Hamill voiced the Hobgoblin of Spiderman the Animated Series!"

Hobgoblin exclaimed before descending into a cackle fit as the scene showed John Napier putting on the costume before turning to the camera with a dark evil grin as the Hobgoblin, "Of course I realized if I did this I would have to do this right."

The outside of John Napier apartment building could be seen with Jack Napier parking the car across the street to pick up his brother, "I would need to bide my time for the perfect chance to enter the game I couldn't do it to soon.."

Jack got out of the car only to be blown back by a large powerful explosion


"And considering that being Jokers brother would likely put a bullseye right on me if the connection got out before I was ready...than John Napier needed to disappear."

Jack got up staring in horror at the sight of his brothers burning building before a look of absolute fury entered his eyes, "Though I know i'm going to have a LOT to explain later when its time for a brotherly reunion."

Hobgoblin observed with some reluctant humor and wariness before giving a cough, "Though what happen after wards you might ask?"

"Well after John Napier death I forged the identity of eheh Mark Hamill." John now Mark Hamill wearing a slightly altered appearance as to hide in plain sight, "where I used not only my skills in technology, the business experience I gained from the mob, and little bit of outsider knowledge to establish myself a bit in the world of business and science."

A scene of Mark Hamill meeting and working alongside a few scientific minds ironically one Dr. James Possible among them, as well as meeting a few businessman such as Oliver Queen or even Lex Luthor about his work.

"Hehe not to brag but I brought the modern cell phone of the 2020's decades earlier to the DC universe and made myself quite a rich man~" He said with a laughing smirk, "All while keeping a eye and ear to the ground on not just Gotham but the rest of the world when the cape craziness started to hit waiting for the perfect moment for my debut...and that moment came earlier this year~"