
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

chapter 17


Varians first monster is set loose on Disney Grove and it wastes cutting to the point.

"hahahaha ohh im liking this!" called Rita "ok you big saw go down and cut those rangers into ribbons!!!" she ordered

"You got it considered them sliced and diced!" Zawbozz yelled out before a flair of blue energy took his body leaving behind a brief image of a saw before vanishing, "Well he's got a spirit.."

Varian said with a chuckle as Goldar gave a growl still staring down at his sword, "eheh and no hard feelings about the sword?" He said with a slight nervous chuckle and smile

A growl form the monkey made him took a step back.

(Disney city academy)

The students were putting their things in the lockers as the bell sounded to announce the end of the first period and the start of the studying/break hour

"ugg finally" in a classroom a tall and muscular teacher exclaimed with frustration on his tone. He had black hair with several greenish-gray streaks, along with a goatee; red eyes and pointed ears. He was wearing a dark gray business suit (under a gold-colored apron with paint smears and pockets to hold art supplies) with light gray sleeve ends and collar, a red tie, black pants with a black belt, and black shoes. "I swear every new class has less talent that the other!" he exclaimed "Because of your ignorance and bad portraits everyone will have to bring a 3 pages essay about the Renaissance and its more important artists by FRIDAY!!!"

Multiple groans.

"except Miss Corona who it seems is the only one with talent in this class!!!!"

At that some member of the class shot Rapunzel Corona annoyed dark looks as she curled into herself at being put on the spot and shot her classmates a nervous smile, "eheh i'm not that good Mr. Rippen.."

She said with a nervous smile with the teacher however snorting, "Not that good she says.." The teacher said giving a sarcastic chuckle, "my dear you have more talent in your pinkie than the rest of these ignorant annoyances i'm forced to teach have in their entire bodies!"

He exclaimed with a dark laugh, "honestly the rest of your sorry lot could stand to learn from Miss Corona example."

Again more than one murderous look was sent at the blonde girl...with some being as exemplified as one breaking a pencil in half looking at her.

This caused Rapunzel to give a wide nervous fake grin, "Hehe..thanks.." She said before the students started to exit for the studying/break hour

With Rapunzel walking down the hall with a slight groan, "Honestly why does he always have to signal me out like that." She muttered with a low groan before raising her head at the sound of a familiar voice, "trouble with your favorite teacher sunshine~"

"Eugene.." She said smiling over at a dark brown haired teenager with a bit of stubble on his chin with brown eyes wearing a black shirt, purple sports jacket, grey pants, and dark shoes, "I wouldn't say trouble.."

Rapunzel said with a nervous giggle toward her boyfriend, "Just Mr. Rippen being well...Rippen." With Eugene nodding, "Ah.." He said giving a look of concern, "So basically praising you while giving all the other students extra work for not meeting his standards.."

He said with Rapunzel wincing before sighing out, "Pretty much.." But Eugene wrapped his arms around her shoulder causing her to blush at this, "Well dont' let him stress you out.."

He said with a grin, "you just gotta relax and do you blondie..' He said guiding Rapunzel down the hall, "in fact how about I help you forget all about that jerk."

He said looking over at Rapunzel, "what say we use this break hour to catch up?" He asked with a arched brow, "It's like i've hardly seen you around these past few months."

With Rapunzel getting a nervous look at those words, "Eh well I've.."

"busy with some project I know you have told me before" said Eugene as that have been what she had told him while canceling their dates for the last 3 months and so "and I really hope the score if worth messing with my poor heart" he said in fake dramatic tone

Rapunzel gave a guilty wince knowing she was actually fighting to protect the world as the pink ranger but she couldn't tell Eugene tell...hse also couldn't keep using the project excuse either it was a miracle he didn't get suspicious as is

"Ah Eugene...i'm really sorry.." She said with a frown, "Don't mean to have left you out in the cold.." She told him earnestly as he gave a blink frowning, "Hey, hey relax blondie i was just messing with you.."

He said with a note of concern entering his voice, "I know you got your reasons.." He said before giving a amused little chuckle, "Besides it's not like you of all people have been sneaking around and doing anything dangerous~"

He said with a laugh at the idea with Rapunzel giving her own more nervous laugh, "Hehe yeah..that'd be crazy.."

She said grinning wide, "But i'd love to use this chance to catch up." She said smiling up at him with Eugene returning the smile before another new voice spoke up, "Rapunzel, Eugene!"

Causing them to turn to see a 14 year old brown-skinned African-American girl with black eyes, small eyelashes, and bushy dark brown hair with golden-brown accents, kept in large afro-puffs with gray-colored hair ties, "Lunella?"

She questioned with a blink tilting her head with Eugene shooting the girl a curious look, "Have either of you seen Varian?" The girl asked with a frown, "because he hasn't been in any of his classes and it's not like him to miss school."

She explained her voice showing concern while another girl stepped beside her, "Chill Lunella i'm sure your boyfriend probably just overslept after working on some science project of his or something."

The girl a young, slender, tan-skinned teenage Puerto Rican-Jewish girl, possessing long straight black hair with dusty-blue accents, black eyes, thick eyelashes, and wears blush, lip gloss and nail polish, all colored in a coral-pink, said with a shrug

"Casey!!!" cried Lunella in embarrassment "I told you Varian isn't my boyfriend!!"

The new girl raising her eyebrow.

"you sure..cause that blush says otherwise"

"I..ah..you.." Lunella huffed with a pout as the girl pouted, "He's a friend.." She explained feeling Rapunzel and Eugene smirking at her along with Casey, "a smart friend who happens to be a boy.."

She said pushing her glasses, "who also happens to be very cute...brave boy...who saved me during the last major monster attack.." She said as her eyes got a little hazy with a dreamy gaze, "and carried me in his...strong..arms.."

She muttered out with a slight giggle before shaking her head as Casey snapped her fingers in front of her while Rapunzel let out a giggle and Eugene a snort, "Hehe anyway.." She looked over at the two, "Have you seen him?"

She asked worriedly only for Eugene to shake his head, "Sorry haven't seen him." He said with a head shake, "Actually.." He rubbed his chin, 'he's been kinda of recluse lately.." He muttered, "probably working on some big project like blondie here.."

He said giving Rapunzel a strong pat on the back, "Just hopefully nothing like the boiler incident.' He added with a mutter of concern

"must be quite the project" said Luella "its not like him to lose classes..at least without sending some note with Ruddier"

"I still can't believe you actually remember the name of that rat" called Cassey with a huff.

"come one Cass you are not still angry for that one time he stole your phone right?" asked Lunella

"That little rat proved once and for all raccoons being thieves isn't just a stereotype!" Casey exclaimed with a frown, "And what's worse when I finally got it back.."

She gave a low growl, "I found out he had been playing with my phone and somehow live streaming me chasing him everywhere...and it was trending!" She explained and exclaimed at the end, "i'm all for online clout but not at my dignity expense!"

she yelled with a huff as Eugene let out a laugh, "Hehe yeah I remember that you fell right into a thorn bush hehe hilarious~" He said with a laugh as Casey shot him a glare and growl, "But ah..also bad..very bad." He said with a cough, "But I haven't seen him.."

He said before turning over to Rapunzel, "What about you...blondie?" He began to ask before he saw Rapunzel frowning chewing on her lip, "Rapnuzel?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder causing her to start, "Ah..yeah..no sorry."

She said with a slight nervous giggle being brought out of her thoughts while also kicking herself for a moment because Varian missing class likely had logical explanation and this was Varian for goodness sake there was no way that he of all people could be the Alchemist....the current situation must be making her more paranoid than she realized.

"ehhh have you tried asking...ummm what was her name? oh yeah Gretchen! she seems close to Varian and have seen them working together before so maybe she would know?" said Rapunzel

This caused Lunella to scowl however as she huffed out, "No but I serously doubt she knows if I don't know." She said with Eugene letting out a laugh ,"Someones jealous~" He sing song, "I am not.."

Lunella said with a stomp of her foot as the others let out slight laughs or giggles at that reaction, "I'm just.." here she gave a frown, 'A little worried is all.." She said as she looked around the school hall, "you can't be careful these days with evil space monsters attacking the city on a weekly basis." she explained and said in a mutter causing the other three to wince and see her point, "Hey.."

Eugene bent down a bit and placed his hand on Lunella shoulder, "Relax Varian's a smart kid i'm sure he hasn't gotten himself into any serious trouble." He said with a comforting tone before letting out a snort, "Well no trouble he himself didn't invent at any rate."

"So im sure he is fine" continued the older teen "If you are worry why dont you drop by his place and look for yourself?" he suggested "knowing him he probably got caught up in some invention and is sleeping on his workbench right now"

"Yeah..I guess you're right.." Lunella said with a low hopeful tone, "i'm probably just overreacting a bit is all.." She said more to herself than the others before shaking her head, "But thanks anyway.."

She said before rushing off with Casey blinking for a moment, "Hey wait for me!" She yelled before adding with a grumble, "And you say you aren't his girlfriend." She muttered out as she quickly left leaving Rapunzel and Eugene with the latter chuckling ,"Hehe sounding like Varian's become quite the ladies man~"

He said with a amused smirk, "I remember just a couple years ago he was following dragon lady around like a lost puppy." He said while referring to their shared friend Cassandra, "Though suppose can't blame Lunella for being worried."

He said as he and Rapunzel started walking again ,"Disney Grove gone nuts theses past few months after all."

"yeah.."said Rapunzel with some worry "But hey! at least we have...our own superhero team now helping save people right?"

"Yeah sure.." Eugene said with a skeptical snort, "As long as they aren't planning to conquer us themselves after dealing with the competition." He muttered with Rapunzel giving him a shocked look, "Sorry sunshine but ridiculous outfits aside i'm not so sure we should trust the power rangers."

He said with a frown to Rapunzel who was both shocked at his words and slightly offended on the comment of her teams outfits

"I know more than anyone that selfish heroes protecting people out of the goodness of their hearts is a fairy tale." He said with a eye roll thinking back to the orphanage he grew up in alongside his bro for life Lance, "And really what do we know about the Rangers where they came from, where they got those giant robots, anything?"

He added asking with a frown, "Nothing except they showed up conveniently on the same day some crazy witch was declaring herself Empress of Earth." He told her with a frown, "way too convenient if you ask me."

Rapunzel looked at her boyfriend in disbelief.

"you are not suggesting..the power rangers and that witch are in cahoots, are you?" she asked with some anger in her tone

Eugene gave a wince at his girls tone, "Well maybe not in cahoots exactly.." He said with a nervous grin, "All i'm saying is they probably have their own angle and the witch is just in the way." He said holding out his hands placating

Rapunzel huffed crossing her arms.

Eugene seeing the walked and grab her in a hug.

"well Blondie I must say im surprise...didnt think you were such a fan of the colored group"

"Well why wouldn't I be." Rapunzel with a huff and pout, "they've protected our city and the rest of the world so many times now." She said frowning, "If it wasn't for them we'd all be slaves or worst by now."

she said in a low mutter while thinking that made it all the more unbelievable there was someone in the city potentially a kid no less trying to join Rita's forces

"ahhh have I told you how cute you look when you pout?" said Eugene kissing her cheek then her neck "like an angry blonde frog"

"Ah..Eugene..stop." Rapunzel said with a giggle, "i'm not a frog." She said pouting cutely as Eugene let out a chuckle

"hehehe I said a cute frog" he added kissing her more "ribbit...kiss...ribbit..kiss...ribbit..."

"Hehe Eugene..stop it~" Rapunzel said giggling at his words and kisses while temporarily forgetting all her worries and troubles

"Noooo...kiss...you are overdue on kisses...kiss...so time to pay off...kiss" he added changing to the other side of her face and neck "I also will accept my payment with you in your cheer leading uniform and a private routine" he added wiggling his eyebrows"

This caused Rapunzel to snort and giggle sending her into a fit of laughter, "Hehe Eugene you're lucky Cassandra didn't hear you say that." She said with a amused smirk knowing how protective her friend could be of her

"pff I think for once I dont care..." said the male keeping kissing the girl "I would take any pain she can deliver if I can see you in that short skirt before the season begins"

"Hehe~" Rapunzel herself let out another laugh before a third voice spoke up, "Is that so." The voice spoke in a dry annoyance causing the two to freeze while Eugene gave a gulp, "Well I can deliver a lot of pain."

Their friend (Mostly Rapunzel´s) approached wearing a black biker jacket over a violet blouse, dark blue jeans and black shoes with a choker on her neck.

"and you better keep your hands AND ideas for yourself Flint!"

"Cass you're looking as lovely as ever." Eugene said with a nervous chuckle as they turned to face her, "Though might want to ease up on the glare.." He said before leaning in with a whisper and slight taunting smirk, "People might mistake you for Rita Repulsa daughter or something~"

He said jokingly causing Cassandra to glare and give a slight growl while Rapunzel suddenly turned a tinge of green, "Hilarious.." Cassandra said before looking over at Rapunzel with a smirk, "and congratulations your jokes are so bad now they're making blondie sick." She said with a smirk causing Eugene to turn look at Rapunzel

"Urg..ah..ew..no..i'm okay!" Rapunzel said with the grimace, "Just...the image...of Rita breeding." She gave another groan, "Uh..feel like...i'm going to be sick."

"ugg..yeah no...I take it back...ugg" said Eugene finally getting what he said

Meanwhile Cassandra let out a amused laugh, "Oh i don't know.." she shot Eugene a smirk, "considering it's left you like this than that actually might have been your funniest joke ever."

She arched a brow seeing the look on his face, "I know i'm amused~" She said with a slight chuckle before giving a grimace, "Admittedly also trying to not think about the witch having kids...but yeah i'm amused at seeing you like this."

"Ha Ha love you too Cassandra" said Eugene "did you interrupt our romantic moment just out of jealousy or you actually want to tell Rapunzel something?"

"Actually yeah.." Cassandra frowned looking over at Rapunzel, "wanted to know when you want to meet up to do Professor Hackwrench shop project." She said to her friend with a frown,

"Oh the project..almost forgot...sure Cass let me go put my books on my locker and then we can go do that" said Rapunzel before giving a kiss at Eugene "sorry maybe we can..talk later" she added with a wink before walking away.

"eyes on your skull" Called Casandra "dont you think im not looking where YOU are looking"

Eugene gave a groan, "Do you have to act like this every time." He asked with a grimace looking over at the dragon lady, "I mean I know I got a bit of a shady past..never mind a bit of history with your cop dad.."

He said with a frown and grimace, "but haven't I proven by now I care about Rapunzel and wouldn't hurt her?"

"tsk so you said but I bet if I open your bag now I will find something that doesn't belong to you" said the girl crossing her arms "a leopard doesn't change its spots"

This caused Eugene to shoot her a glare, "I have changed.." He said firmly with a slight dark look, "And don't you have anything better to do than harass innocent people." He asked looking at Cassandra with a arched brow, "Like oh I don't know..." He said semi sarcastically while rubbing his chin before shooting her a dark smirk, "maybe helping daddy do his job so we don't have to rely on five crazies wearing spandex to protect us."

he raised an eyebrow "or maybe your dad simply like others doing his job for him"

This caused Cassandra to give a growl and glare, "Lister Rider.." Eugene eye twitched at his old pseudonym, "those 5 punks playing vigilante will be handled in due time just like the crazy witch."

She said with Eugene giving a snort, "Handled by who..you?" He said with obvious disbelief, "or maybe officers Stan and Pete~" He said with a laugh, "I'd pay to see you or them try to arrest those guys while they're in their giant robots~"

He said with a wide obvious amused smirk, "And last I check the people of Disney Grove were praising those vigilantes not your dad or the rest of the police." He said crossing his arms leaving out he didn't trust those Power Rangers that much either but hey any opportunity to get under Cassandra skin

"Grrr they are only a passing fashion!" Cassandra yelled angered for the fact it seems people were trusting 5 strangers in bright suits over her dad who had served and protect the town for years!

"pff sure they are..hey do me a favor if/when you try to arrest them please call me..would love to have that on video for Youtube" he said with a laugh

"Grr..listen here...Ryder." Cassandra said with a low snap, "I could handle those morons and the monsters anytime if I wanted to or had the chance." With Eugene giving her a look of disbelief and amusement though as he moved to say something else a flash of light happen behind Cassandra as Zawbozz teleported behind her and his eyes went wide, "Well..here's your chance."

he said with a gulp with Cassandra blinking before turning around causing her own eyes to widen when she saw the monsters, "Hehe who's ready to slice and dice!?" The monster yelled out eagerly raising his going circular saw hand this of course causing many students and faculty in the halls to panic and scream

"Oh fuck!" called Cassandra before rushing to the wall and pull down the fire alarm.



"Already ahead of you!!" called Eugene already running and soon followed but the rest of the student body

"Hehe hey where's everyone going?" Zawbozz called out mockingly, "Don't you know you shouldn't cut class~" He added before throwing out his sawblade arm and sending out what appeared to be waves of energy in the shapes of saw blades that hit the lockers while zooming down the halls with a dark laugh

the lockers soon found themselves cut in half..alongside whatever was inside them..and the wall behind them

With the wall falling revealing the principal office where a short african american man with black hair and black eyes was sitting giving a shocked blink, He was wearing wide orange glasses, and he has a mustache. He also a light pink shirt underneath a blue sweater vest with a blue diamond checker pattern. He also had a purple tie, tan pants, and dark brown shoes.

"Oh.." The man looked around confused before giving a smile as he took a sip of his coffee, "guess it's a good thing i got the school insured for a monster attack." He said before looking over at said monster, "Coffee mr. monster?"

He asked holding up a cup because attacking his school or not the principal always wanted to be polite naturally this caused Zawbozz to shoot him a confused look, "Ah..no thank you."

"Oh ok...you mind if I made an announcement to evacuate the school before you start destroying it?" he asked grabbing his microphone "Im afraid the insuring company doesn't cover damage to students"

"Eh..sure know yourself out." Zawbozz said with a slight confused tone not expecting this kinda reactoin as the principal shot him a grateful, "Thank you.." He said before turning on the PA system and with a slight clearing of his throat, "Hello students it's your favorite principal Larry and i'm afraid we're in the middle of a monster attack."

He said with his voice all across the school grounds, "So if you all could run for your lives in a clam and orderly manner that be great." He chirped turning off the pa system

On the field Aladdin and Mulan exchanged looks before rushing to find the others.

"Thank you Mr monster" called the principal hopping of his chair and grabbing his keys "I think will surprise my wife taking her out for lunch today"

"Sure..you..do that." Zawbozz said still slightly befuddled before shaking himself out of it after Larry left, "What am I doing?!" He asked himself, "I've got buildings and Rangers to slice!" He yelled out and quickly got back to work in destroying school property to get the Rangers attention

Outsider the students and teacher were running in fear.

"Out the way im to handsome to die!!"

"Mommy I want my mom"

"please all try to calm down!!!"

"hey where is Perry?"

"Flint!!!" called Cassandra "have you seen Rapunzel?"

"Ah..no!" Eugene yelled his eyes widening in realization, "last I saw her was when she left to go to her locker!" He said his eyes going to the school, "She could be inside with that thing?!"

He yelled his hands going to his hair as Cassandra eyes also widen in realization and worry

"She heard the announcement for sure..she could be trying to exit for another door..or could be hiding out" called Cassandra in worry

"Right..but.." Eugene gave a gulp staring worriedly at the school, "What if she runs into that thing?" He asked Cassandra who bit her lip before a explosion from the schools front doors sounded out


"Hehe hey you all aren't cutting class without me are you!?" Zawbozz yelled as he emerged from the destroyed doors yelling out to the fleeing students and faculty, "Don't think that'll be a problem." Cassandra said with wide eyes before grabbing Eugene by the sleeve, "Move it Fitzherbert!"

(Close by int he football field)

"Guys!!" Rapunzel cried noticing Aladdin, Mulan, Hiro and Ron (the last two with white aprons)

"good we are all here" called Mulan. "seems Rita wants to catch up from where we left yesterday"

"Man and today it was our turn in the kitchen...I was going to do my special nachos!" complained Ron

"And I had a recipe I got from Aunt Cass." Hiro said with his own sigh before shaking his head, "But of course leave it to Rita to spoil our day."

He said to the others, "Well now it's our turn to spoil hers." Aladdin said with a frown as they all gave nods as they got into position

"IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Aladdin yelled out bringing out their Morphers

"MASTODON!" Ron yelled out being covered in black energy

"PTERODACTYL! Rapunzel yelled out covered in pink energy

"TRICERITOPS!" Hiro yelled as blue energy surged around him

"SABERTOOTH TIGER!" Mulan yelled with yellow energy

"TYRANNOSAURUS!" Aladdin finished with his own yell as they finished the transformation sequence

"POWER RANGERS!" They exclaimed together in a battle pose

(Not long after at the school entrance)

"hahaha come buy a car our prices are down in half!" Zawbozz cried cutting a car on the parking of the school as around people ran in fear

"NO I STILL HAD PAYMENTS ON THAT!" A short balding man with a reddish brown beard yelled out in horror seeing his car getting cut in half before a large muscular teenager with light orange hair grabbed him, "Forget about the car Coach Phil and worry about your life!"

The teen yelled using his muscles to carry him off

"hahahaha come on...lets cut to the chase!" he added focusing energy on his blades hand and shooting a wave of energy

"RUN FOR YOU LIVES!" Screamed out a man wearing what appeared to be a pharmacy coat while running beside a teenage girl wearing all black, "STAY WITH DADDY VANESSA!" He yelled over to the girl causing her to groan as the wave of energy hit some of the cars




"Heheh now that's how you cut class!" Zawbozz yelled out with a laugh while two forms cowered behind a car, "Ah Buford we need to get out of here!" Screamed out a Indian teenage boy with curly black hair and brown eyes.

Who was wearing a a light blue long-sleeved dress shirt underneath a greyish-blue sweater-vest with a diamond pattern on it, darker blue trousers, and black formal shoes.

"What and miss the action?" Demanded the other teenager hiding behind the car who had brown and cut in a buzzcut style, and possessed deep blue eyes, and also appeared to be somewhat overweight,

he wore a a black shirt with a skull on the front, set up in a "Punisher" style. He wears large, red hiking boots, with green-tan khaki shorts, "This our chance to see the Rangers in action!"

The other teen said with a eager smile, "No..this our chance..to GET CUT INTO PIECES!"

Bufford gave his companion a slap

"control yourself Baljeet!!!!" he cried "how are we suppose to be heroes like the rangers if we run away from the first monster we encounter!!"

"technically this would be the third monster we try to get close to"

"Yeah and you freaked out during the last two too!" Buford said in a low snap, "I mean even that wimp Varian showed some guts in the last attack to save his girlfriend." He told Baljeet frowning, "So if he can than so can you!"

He said putting his hand on Baljeet shoulder, "Otherwise how can we hope to be big time heroes like the Rangers."

In that moment the car they were hiding behind was cut in two and the monster walked on them.

"well..well..what we have here?" it asked.

The two teens blinked.

"BY STAYING ALIVE!!" cried Baljeet before fleeing.

"HEY!" Buford yelled shaking a fist, "HEROES DON'T RUN!" He called after Baljeet before turning to look at the monster, "Though they might fall back.." Buford said with a nervous chuckle as the monster stomped forward, "Uh ah..look over there!"

The bully yelled out pointing behind the monster who shot him a flat look, "Please I might have only been born today but i'm not that stupid." Zawbozz said with a eye roll while raising his spinning blade

He should have looked because the next thing he felt was a kick on the side benign him flying.

"dont touch the teens!" called Yellow after kicking the monster away "you ok?" she asked at Buford

"Uh.ah..of course I am!" Buford said at first nervously before recovering as he stood up coughing into his fist, "My plan worked after all and got the monsters in the perfect spot for your attack."

He said with a smirk as the Yellow Ranger even with the helmet you could tell she was shooting the teen a dry look, "sure you did."

"well thanks for your help but you better let us take care of things" said Pink arriving with the rest of the team

"Yeah this guy probably isn't worth my time anyway." Buford said smugly only to freeze at Zawbozz voice roaring out angrily as they got up from where the Yellow Ranger kicked them, "What did you say?!"

He demanded glaring over at Buford, "Come a little closer and say that to my face!" He said his saw blades giving a threatening spin, "Uh..you girls got this!" Buford yelled out as he took of running with Yellow shaking her head with a sigh before looking over at the latest monsters, "So who are you suppose to be?"

She asked as Red, Black, and Blue arrived and got in position by the girls

The monster growled

"Name´s Zawbozz and three guesses what I do!!!" he called as the saws on his chest and elbows glowed blued before shooting three energy circular saws at the group.

"Look out!" Yellow yelled out in warning to Pink as they tried to dodge with them ducking in time only for the saws to hit the ground behind with a loud of explosion


"AHHHHH!!!" sending the group flaying.

"uggg...ok i will guess he does that" complained Black after landing.

"hahahaha give up Rangers! you are not cut for this job!" the monster called

"Urg..great another monster that does puns." Yellow said with a groan of annoyance

"Well lets show him how sharp we can really be.." Red said as he stood up in a crouch as he summoned his weapon, "Power Sword!" He yelled charging forward

"hahahaha come and get me!" the monster cried charging forward and meeting Red´s sword heads on.



the sword met with the hand-saw as they slashed as each other with the monster laughing all the way as he intercepted Red´s attacks without issues

"Clank!" "Urg this guy's tough~" Red said as he narrowingly dodged a downward slice, "but i'm tougher!" He yelled as he lunged forward while Zawbozz laughed gleefully as he struck the sword with his sword and much like earlier with Goldar


"Woah!" Red Ranger yelled out jumping back before gazing at his power blade in horror as he saw it had been cut in half! "my sword!" He yelled with horror as the others went to his side while Zawbozz laughed, "Hehah that's exactly what that ugly monkey said!" He said throwing his head back with a laugh

The saw kept spinning and gaining energy.

"and I think the next thing you say is ouch!!!" he called before shooting at red a barrage of blue lighting from his saw

"Look out!" Blue called out in warning only for the warning to come one second too late as the attack hit




"AAAAH! The Rangers yelled out as they took the hit and were sent falling back with pained grunts, "Urg..ah..okay.." Pink said with a groan, "This monsters...going to be..a tough one.."

She said with Zawbozz laughing, "Hehe more than that pinkie i'm going to be the one to cut the Rangers careers short!"

He yelled with triumph as the blades on his body spun, "Hehe the boss will be so happy at my success once the big boss Rita rewards us and lets him join her ranks~"

"What did he just say?" asked Black standing up.

"so he was made by some new goon of Rita?" wondered Yellow.

"you dont think..that Alchemy boy..." started Blue

"No..at least..I think not?" said Pink...ok on one hand good the kid is alive...but now Rita let him join her?

"Hehe that's right Rangers you stand before Zawbozz the first monster created by the Alchemist!" The monster said seeing their shocked and was amused while seeing a chance to exploit a chance to put more fear in them, "As well as the last monster you'll ever face~"

He said with a dark laugh before he thrust his arms back and the saw that was in his chest launched forward like a missile straight at them followed by another and another all glowing with evil blue energy

"watch out!!!" cried Red moving away followed by the rest.

The ranges managed to evade the saws but this ones kept flying cutting all the cars, light posts and even a chunk of the school's entrance before returning to Zawbozz

"Hehe who needs a boomerang when you got saws~" The monster joked as the saw returned to his chest, "But don't worry Rangers.."

He clenched his left hand into a fist and brought up his circular blade for his right as all the saws on his body spun, "There's plenty more where that came from!" He yelled as he charged forward with the eager desire to slice and dice them all

"keep your distance!" Called Yellow "dont let him get close!"

"Pink, Black you have the range weapons try keep him back so we can think on an strategic!" called Red

"Got it!" Both Pink and Black called summoning their Power Bow and Power Axe respectively with Black converting his axe into it's cannon blaster form, "Fire!'

Pink yelled sending pink energy arrow at Zawbozz as Black open fire with the monster charging with a yelled, "I"LL SLICE YOU ALL!"

all his saws began spinning and the moment the blast reach him he simply cut through them (exploding behind him) and kept its charge

"Hehe give me your bests shots i'll just cut through!" Zawbozz yelled with mad laughter cutting through each attack and blast before he arrived at the Rangers position, "and you too!"

He yelled swinging his right circular blade down at the Black Ranger

"Ahhh!!!" Black tried to cover with his ax.


only for it to be cute in half.

"Ron!!" Pink cried trying to shot another arrow.


only for her bow to be torn to pieces too

"HEhahah~" Zawbozz laughed as he swung down at Pink chest hitting her armored body causing it to spark out as she was sent flying back, "AHH!"

"RA-PINK!" Red yelled out almost shouting out her real name while the monster twisted around and shot energy saw blasts at him, Yellow, and Blue




"AHHHHH!!!" all the rangers cried at being impacted and sent to the ground.

(At the moon palace)

"hahahahaha yes!!! we are winning!!!" called Rita in delight seeing the monster kick the rangers collective asses through her telescope

"Wait really?!" Varian said in note of disbelief in his voice, "I mean.." At the looks of everyone else he shrugged, "to be honest I was expecting him to give a tough fight but winning.."

He said the disbelief evident in his voice, "It's just my first monster.." He said shaking his head wondering if he was actually about to beat the Ranger plot armor and cause Rita to win before he actually even got the job

"hahahah that just show your potential my boy" called Finster with pride "it seems I wasnt wrong..you have a future as monster creator"

"Really..thank you sir." Varian said with a smile honestly genuinely touch by Finsters words as Ruddiger peaked his head out of his trench coat

"So does this mean we're getting a new friend after all?" Baboo asked Squatt, "Quite possibly Baboo.." He said with a nod of his head while Goldar growled out, "It's not over yet.."

He said glaring over at the human, "The monster has just gotten a lucky start the Rangers will probably turn the tables soon. " He said growling he should know it had happen to him before Varian gave a blink arching a brow, "Almost sounding like you want the rangers to win there."

He pointed out dryly wondering what the heck he did to get on Goldar bad side

(Back on the fight)

"Ahhhhh!!!" yellow cried as Zawbozz slashed at her.

sparks emerged from her suit as she was sent flying away.

Blue tried to attack with his power lance.

two hits were true but only stagger the monster a bit before he sent flaying three of his saws.


The lance fell in pieces as the blades impacted the blue ranger

"Hehaha is that all you got!" Zawbozz called out mockingly, "you all might as well stand still and let me slice you down now~"

"uggg this guy is giving us a beating" called Yellow as she and red helped each other to stand up

"Urg..yeah...tell me something I don't know." Red said as they looked at their teammates trying to beat back or slow down the monster, "that kid seriously made this thing?" He repeated incredulously recalling what the monster said earlier

"Yeah looks like he's interested in Finsters work." Yellow said back in a dry tone recalling Rita monster maker servant

"uggg well I said he will be an A+ student" Black called.

"this is starting to hurt..."called Blue "more that usual...we need to think on a strategy to take him down fast!"

"Woah!" Pink yelled ducking Zawbozz blade, "I'm open to any ideas here!" She called out worriedly as she back flipped back to get some more space between them, "Hehe you want a idea.."

The monster called out mockingly, "How about hold still and let me slice you!" He yelled as the large blades around his shoulders spun before they sent out two sharp and large blades of energy that cut straight through the ground and headed toward the gathered Rangers as they fell back together

"we need to retreat and regroup!!" cried Red before the five teleported away as the energy blades exploded

"HEY YOU CANT JUST CUT AND LEAVE!" Zawbozz roared out angrily knowing he was so close to destroying the rangers, "Grrr GET BACK HERE!" He roared out sending blasts of saw blade energy all around him in his anger causing further destruction

(Moon palace)

"ahhh the Rangers have retreated!!!" exclaimed the witch "hahahaha the Rangers retreated like cowardly mice hahahahahaha"

"They ran away like chickens~" Squatt said with his own laugh, "Hehe guess they couldn't cut it huh~" Baboo said chiming in with a joke of his own, "I don't believe it!" Goldar exclaimed with disbelief as Rita cackled and smirked, "Believe it monkey boy~"

She said before looking over at Varian was petting Ruddiger in his arms looking both overjoyed and slightly overwhelmed at how well his monster was doing so far, "My monster actually sent the Rangers running.."

He said with slight disbelief before laughing out joyfully, "This is incredible!"

"hahahahaha a wonderful start in your career my young apprentice!" applauded Finster in delight

"Thank you sir and it's a honor to have the chance to be your student." Varian said with a wide smile while bowing his head to Finster, "Ah that is.."

He shot Rita a nervous look and chuckle, "After I pass those three tests of course~" He said grinning nervously not wanting to get ahead of himself and accidentally upset his perspective employer/queen after all

"hehehehe indeed...but for now....im seeing a nice bonus" added looking at trough the telescope "Goldar!!! make yourself useful and go down there and collect the remains of the power weapons!!!"

"At once my Empress~" Goldar said bringing his fist to his chest before bowing and making his leave, "Their weapons?" Varian asked with a frown as he struggled to recall if the rangers weapons had ever been destroyed like this in canon or taken as prizes...and he was truthfully coming up blank yeah he remembered times their swords got destroyed but their weapons themselves, "thinking souvenirs to hold over their head or.."

He arched a brow, "somehow use them against the rangers?" He asked with a tilt of his head muttering to himself rubbing his chin, "could they be used with another monster creation...a evil team of rangers..maybe."

He muttered his mind swarming as they went to perhaps his favorite version of evil rangers a good few series down the timeline, "Psycho Rangers..' He said aloud mostly to himself while lost in thought not fully realizing the others could hear him and were staring at him curiously

"uhhhh..not bad" said Rita "I will say that do sounds appealing" she added "I was planning using them to create monsters with powers similar to the rangers...but my own team of evil rangers..."she drawled as her mind worked in that idea

True she had possession of the 6th power coin for the Green Ranger which she had gained before Zordon had imprisoned her in that cursed dumpster but she had been holding onto it a part of her loving the idea of using her enemy power against them but another part of her felt a hit at her pride that her own power or monsters wouldn't be enough to defeat Zordons warriors.

So she had left that potential plan to use the power coin after finding a suitable warrior for it on the back burner...but...taking that plan a step forward with her own team of evil rangers...yes..that had...potential~

she thought with a slight evil grin

(Command center)

"ayayayayai this is bad" said Alpha as he passed an ice bag at Ron for his face. "that monster really made a number out of you guys"

"Urg..yeah haven't felt like this since I first convinced KP to spar with me." Ron said holding the bag to his face while referring to when he first started training in martial arts and got his best friend since Kindergarten to help Kim Possible, "yeah that things tough."

Hiro said with his own groaning wince rubbing at his side with some ointment, "Even with our armor my bruises have bruises.." He told the others with a grimace, "Yeah.."

Aladdin agreed with a wince, "And that thing was created by the Alchemist kid.." He said with disbelief shaking his head

"if what the monster said is true then I fear Rita might have won a powerful ally" called Zordon.

"I still cant believe a kid could have made that thing" called Rapunzel with some pain in her tone "that is more powerful that anything we have faced before!"

"he cut through our weapons as if they were paper" said Mulan with a bandage over her left shoulder

"and then almost made us into confetti too" finished Aladdin

"Yeah what's the deal big Z?" Ron questioned looking over at their mentor, "We faced plenty of monsters before but.."

Hiro spoke up with his own frown, "Finsters monsters were dangerous no doubt but something about this one is different.." He added in with a thoughtful frown, "But Finster is Rita monster maker with eons of experience apparently.."

Aladdin said frowning, "So how could some random kids monster be so powerful?" Mulan finished with a frown, "Maybe the dudes just losing his touch in his old age?" Ron added in again unable to resist cracking the joke as they looked at their mentor and Alpha for potential answers

"Finster has created monster for Rita for eons and he was known for his extremely good work that allowed her to conquer entire planets" said Zordon "however based on what you have told me im afraid Rita now have something on his side that could tip the balance of this fight"

"which is?" asked Aladdin.

"humanity" answered Zordon

This caused the rangers to blink and share confused looks, "Humanity what do you mean?" Rapunzel asked with obvious confusion, "Yeah pride in the human race aside what makes our species anymore special than the other ones Rita conquered?"

Aladdin asked with a frown internally hoping those same planets Rita conquered in the past had the chance to gain their freedom when she was imprisoned so long ago

"the same way you were chosen to become rangers because you show the best qualities that the human race could do, the same Rita could use of humanity worst sides to power up her creations" explained Zordon "feelings are not something she understand unless she thinks she can use them as tools to her advantage so she never had used them at their true potential"

"But this kid could change that.." Aladdin said in a low tone frowning in thought, "She could use what makes humanity great our passion, our love, everything...as a weapon" Rapunzel added with her own dark frown

"exactly Rapunzel" called Zordon "and the same way you can call upon the power through them"

"this new ally could use them to power up Rita's creations" finished Alpha

This caused the team to exchange looks of shock and worry at that, "O-kay.." Ron said with a gulp, "so this kid might be a bigger problem than we thought."

He said worriedly to the others with Mulan shooting him a dry look, "Which makes it all the more important to find out who he is and handle him." Hiro said with a frown, "But first.."

Aladdin spoke with a grimace, "we got to handle his first monster.." He said with a sigh, "but how.."

He said frustrated, "yeah the guys tough.." Mulan said with a frown, "too bad we can't get him all rusty or something." Ron said with a slight joke trying to lighten the mood

Hiro blinked.

"wait...maybe we can" said the blue ranger

"wait really?!!" called Ron confused.

"his entire body seems made out of metal" said the small genius "so in theory it must had the same weaknesses"

"so if we managed to rust it..." Mulan continued "he couldnt not be able to defend himself against our attacks!"

"Yeah..than we could have the chance to fight back.." Aladdin said with his own smile, "Cool.." Ron said with a blink before raising a finger, "But two question?"

He said getting their attention, "How do we do rust him, and how do we fight him without our weapons?" He asked worriedly, "Because seriously doubt a super soaker will cut it here you guys."

"no but we have something bigger" said Aladdin "the sea!"

"if we can take him to the water we can give him a big soak" added Hiro

"meanwhile Alpha and I will work up some upgrade versions of your weapons...ones that can resist the blades without breaking" said Zordon

"Sounds like we got a plan.." Rapunzel said with a eager smile, "So what say we give this creep a overdue bath." Mulan spoke up getting up from where she was leaning against the console, "And show his maker the power rangers aren't going down so easily.."

Ron said as the five got into position, "Good luck Rangers and may the power protect." Zordon said as the rangers all teleported away in five individual colors of light

(Disney grove)

"open fire!!" Captain Gainey ordered his men as they surrounded the newest monster that was attacking the city

"Hehe that tickles~" Zawbozz said as he felt the bullets click against him, "Here.." His right "hand" saw blade started to spin, "let me show a real attack!" He yelled thrusting his arm forward sending a blade of energy in the shape of a circular saw flying straight at the officers who all jumped out of the way causing the blade to slice clean through a police car behind them


With it than exploding in a fiery mess mere moments later

"ahhh Captain!!!" An orange head cop approached the captain "I dont know how much will be able to resist!" he called "our weapons are only tickling him!!!"

"Dont get desperate now Bobcat!!" called the brown mustached man "we need to keep that thing away from the civilians at any cost!!"

"That's easier said than done sir!" Another officer this one a female with long silverish whitish hair and purple eyes said with a grimace, "This thing is cutting down everything we send against us!"

She yelled trying to take some pot shots, "It's a miracle no one's gotten killed yet sir!" She added looking over at her superior who growled, "And no ones going to get killed on my watch Hopps!"

Gainey said with a slight snap glaring at the monster as it laughed gleefully, "For now focus on distracting it and keeping it away from civilians till we figure out how to bring it down!"


another police car was hit by an energy attack

"uggg!!!" and a cop sent flying.

"NICK!!" called officer Hopps in worry rushing to an orange haired officer wearing sunglasses.

"uggg im fine carrots...I almost didnt feel it" Nick groaned "and not to make you angry capt but...any news from our multicolored heroes?" he groaned with a crack on his back "because think we need them"

"We don't need the help of those vigilantes Wilde!" Captain Gainey said with a slight snap and glare over at the two, "With all due respect sir.." Officer Hopps shot her own glare back her superior officer, "The Rangers are more equipped to handle this than us."

She said with another explosion going off emphasizing the point


"Hehahah going cut you, and you, and you!" The monster yelled out sending circular energy disks all around causing more destruction with the officers wincing, "Yeah.." Officer Wilde grimaced, "unless we got enough in the budget for giant robots I think we're out of of depth here."

The captain growled and seems ready to exploded but another attack close to their position called their attention.

"dont think I forget about you!!!" called Zawbozz noticing the group.


only for a laser to impact his back.

"and dont think we forgot about you" called the Blue ranger holding his blaster/dagger gun and shooting at the monster

"Urg...." Zawbozz stumbled forward before whirling around ,"well look who it is~" He said mockingly, "Decided to come back and fight like a man after all~"

He said raising his saw hand threateningly, "And look.." His eyes fell on the blaster, 'you even managed to get yourself a new toy~" Zawbozz said with a laugh, "I can't wait to cut this one into pieces too~"

"thats if you can catch me!!" he said shutting a couple more of times before turning around and running away.

"aggg..come back here you blue vermin!!!" called the monster before giving chase

Leaving the officers to sigh in relief, "Sheesh that was too close." Officer Bobcat said with a groan leaning against a overturned squad car, "you said it we almost that minced and diced." Wilde said with a grunt while Hopps hovered worriedly over him

While the Captain gave a growl, "Grr if the civilian safety weren't a priority.." He muttered glaring at the forms of the monster and ranger, "Sir with all due respect.."

Hopps said sighing, "I know you don't like the Rangers but you have to accept we just aren't equipped to handle those monsters!" She exclaimed with a dark frown and that was something she had a hard time accepting herself not liking innocent people put in danger while she could do nothing

"For now.." The Captain said with huff and narrowed eyes, "mark my words we'll find a way to even the odds and lock up those vigilantes alongside that crazy witch."

He said turning his back on his officer while beginning to search for any fellow injured officers or lingering civilians, "One way..or another."

he said in a low growl

(with Blue)

the ranger kept running just stopping for moments to shoot at the creature chasing him to make sure it kept doing it.

"come on slowpoke is that the best you have?"

"I haven't even begun to cut!" Zawbozz yelled sending some energy saws at the Blue Ranger while pursuing


"WOAH!" Blue yelled out narrowingly dodging them as he turned to the right, "Get back here and take your slicing like a man!" Zawbozz yelled before also turning the corner of the street distractedly noticing they seemed to be heading out of the city proper

eh one place was good as another to slice a Ranger down

however as he turned the corner.


a blast on his side causing him to trip and fall.

"well now I can say you are as dumb as you look" Yellow called with a smug tone

"Urg you!" Zawbozz said with a snap, "Where'd your friend go?" He demanded not seeing Blue with Yellow giving a laugh, "Sorry you just missed him~"

She said as the monsters charged at her, "Than i'll slice you!" He yelled cutting down only for Yellow to jump back and dodge at just the right moment, "Ah than lets cut to the chase~"

She yelled out before running off, "Grr when I get my saws on you!" Zawbozz yelled after as he pursued the Ranger

From a corner Blue emerged.

"ok guys the plan is working" he called "he is following Mulan..Rapunzel they will reach your position in 3 minutes!"

"And i'm ready and waiting~" Rapunzel said on her end holding her new upgraded power bow at the ready, "Can't believe Zordon and Alpha got these ready so quick."

She said in a mutter, "Luckily they were already working on upgrading our weapons." Blue told her with a sigh, "otherwise we'd might be in a bit of trouble."

"you can thank them after we finish with this guy!!" called Mulan as she kept running "be ready Puzel we are close!!"

"I'm ready.." Rapunzel said raising her power bow as she saw Mulan and the monsters coming her way, "And..3..2..1!" She yelled out opening fire

Meanwhile Zawbozz was raising his sawblade for a attack till he felt a attack his his face "ARG!"

He yelled out as his hand going to his face after being hit by some pink energy, "MY EYE THAT STINGS!"

"That was for my old bow!" called Pink in anger preparing another arrow "and this is for messing with my friends!" she called shooting again

"Urg!" Zawbozz let out a again before giving a growl, "Forget your friends and worry about yourself!" He said sending a blast toward Pink direction with the Ranger dodging it in time with "Hehe need to work on your aim~"

The ranger yelled out playfully with Zawbozz growling and once again giving chase

"grr I will turn that bow into pieces and then you!!!" he roared chasing after Pink

"Heh you'll have to catch me first~" Pink yelled over her shoulder seeing the coast and beach up ahead knowing Aladdin was waiting, "Guess the Alchemist first monster just a dud huh!" She added on causing Zawbozz to give a angry growl at that

Fortunately the school zone was relative close to the beach..although the Rangers were guiding the monster towards the pier as it would be easier set a trap there

"Thank goodness for Disney Grove being on the west coast." Pink muttered while Sawbozz roared after her ,"I hope you're ready Aladdin, Ron!'

Pink said urgently over their communicator, "Ready and waiting to give this monster a bath." Ron said alongside Aladdin from their hiding spot both deciding that the next part was crucial to the point they needed two ranger serving as the bait and lure

"ok im about to turn the street!" she called giving a big jump.

"come back here you bird!!" the monster roared only to come out but not seeing anyone.

"Its just you and me!" called Red standing on the middle of the pier with his sword out "come and face me unless you coward!"

"Grrr gladly!" Zawbozz yelled raising his spinning blade as he charged forward not knowing that Black was waiting for the right moment to strike as Red stood his ground, "Come on just a little closer.."

Black said from his position under the pier pointing his blaster straight up

"hehehehe coming a special order of ranger chop!!!" said the monster in delight as he began walking on the pier

"Please you couldn't cut wood at a sawmill!" the Red Ranger called mockingly in a battle position, "Heck I bet you couldn't give someone a papercut~"

"Grrr i will cut you to pieces!!!" roared Zawbozz before rushing towards Red.

"come on..juts a bit more..."Red rushed also against the monster..sword ready.

Both were about to clash.


when Red suddenly leaped over the monster and kept running

"WHAT?!" the creature cried in confusion.

"TAKE THIS!!" cried Black shooting at the pier with his ax/canon.


"AHHHHHH!!!" Causing the monster to fall on the sea

"Booyah baby got him!" Black cried out with a cheer while Zawbozz coughed and and splashed in the water, "Coff..ah .what ..what is this?!" He demanded as he started to feel his body sink in the water

"something that you needed" called Pink as she and the others rushed to their friends "a bath!"

"Grr so what!?" Zawbozz yelled still struggling and splashing as he made his way to shore, "You..think...you think a..littel..water will stop me?!" He demanded not yet noticing that some of his body seemed to be turning into a rusty brown color

"Ugg what's..going..." his steps became heavy and hard to do.

"what's going on is your end!" called Red with his sword out followed by the other rangers.

"time to sent this tin-can to the trash" called Black ax ready.

"you really thought you could beat us?" asked Pink Bow in hand.

"not in your life freak" called Yellow preparing her daggers.

"We're never to lose to your maker or Rita!" called Blue taking out his lance.

Zawbozz road and tried to rush at them.

"Im not finish yet!!!"

"yes you are!" called Red "lets do it team!"






Calling their names the rangers combined their weapons into one

"POWER BLASTER!" the five cried "FIRE!!!!"

a multicolored blast emerged impacting Zawbozz and causing a great explosion


"ARG..HOW?!" The monster demanded as he took a direct hit with the attack actually hurting and than some as his body let out some more sparks and explosions, "Urg..sorry..boss.." He said with a weak groan as he stumbled forward, "Guess...I..couldn't...cut..it."

He said weakly before he fell to the ground and as soon as he hit the ground a another explosion went off as he exploded


(Back in the Lunar palace)

"HA just as I expected!" mocked Goldar "that monster was nothing special and the rangers beat it!"

Varian gulped knowing his neck was on the line here quite literally, "Hey he still destroyed their weapons and sent them running!" He said defensively sending Goldar a glare, "How many times have you managed to do that?"

"and they got new weapons so dont think yourself special boy!" called the golden monkey taking a step towards Varian threatening way

Varian took a nervous step back as Ruddiger let out a hiss from his shoulder, "Uh ah..I.." He raised a finger nervously, "At this time i would like to remind you that was only my first monster." He said with a weak chuckle as he felt his back hit the wall, "And the Queen's test wasn't to make a monster to destroy the rangers.."

He said in a hurried rush looking over at the looming Goldar who growled, "It was to make a monster that impressed her!"

and you think that failure would impress her?!" the monkey roared.

"GOLDAR STOP TALKING FOR ME!!" Rita yelled in anger as she and Finster returned from checking the remains of the "old" weapons now housed in the sculptor´s workshop "OR DO YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION?!"

Goldar flinched at Rita tone, "B-but..but my Empress!" The monster protested pointing the sword at the boy, "The childs monster failed miserably." He said giving a growl, "why should we bother humoring him any further."

He asked giving a growl and glare at Varian who while gulping glared right back determined to show some backbone even if things go south

"huff..for a brute like you maybe" called Finster "but he proved he is capable of great things if his first monster was able to put the rangers against the ropes and as a nice bonus we got those weapons that could become great assess in the future"

Goldar growled as Varian took the chance to speak, "Yeah.." He smirked slightly, "And i'm sure under Mr. Finster guidance I'll only make bigger badder monsters with time." He said with a slight tinge of eagerness

"Grr as if you will.."

"ENOUGH GOLDAR!!" yelled Rita "Right now we have bigger things to worry that your useless complains!" called the witch "That monster prove its usefulness so I think he won its second chance!" she declared rushing to the balcony "MAGIC WAND!!! MAKE MY MONSTER GROW!!!" she cried throwing her staff on earth´s direction

Something that caused Varian to give a eager smirk, "Yeah let's cut those giant robots down to size!" He exclaimed out with a slight dark cackle before chocking a bit, "Arg..Urg...need to work on the evil laugh."

He admitted sheepishly to the others

Meanwhile the staff flew down until it crashed on earth opening a figure from where vapors came out.

"Ahhhh THIS WILL BE MORE THAN A PAPER CUT RANGERS!" Zawbozz said growing 20 stories high.

"oh I always hate when they do that" called Black with a groan

"Time to cut this issue for good" called Red "We need dinosaur power now!"

And at that call the personal Zords of the rangers answered

From a deep beneath the Earths surfaced emerged the Red Rangers Tyrannosaurs Zords

From a Icy Tundra emerged the Black Rangers Mastodon Zord

From a desert plains rose the Blue Rangers Triceratops Zord

From great forest plains came the Yellow Rangers Saber-Tooth Tiger Zord

And finally from a volcanic eruption emerged the Pink Rangers Pterodactyl Zord

All of them heading to Disney Grove and the sight of the latest giant monster battle

"Ok lets do this! called red as each of the rangers jumped and transported into their zords "Rangers report in!"

"Ron here...I really hope we didnt have to do this"

"Hiro reporting all systems ready to fight"

"Mulan here lets finish this monster"

"Rapunzel lets be careful guys"

with that the five Zords enter the city

Something Zawbozz quickly noticed, "Hehe well look what we have here~" The monster called called out mockingly as it's circular saw hand spun, "Five ugly piles of junk for me to slice and dice!"

He yelled sending a energy attack in the shape of saws at the approaching zords


Red and Black were the first to feel the attack causing their Zord´s to stagger.

"Man this guy doesn't lose time!" called Ron.

"dont worry guys I got him" called Hiro as the Tricera-zord moved its tail to canon mode.

"right behind you Hiro" called Mulan also preparing the canon of her tiger-zord.

blast of yellow and blue were shoot impacting Zawbozz



"ARG!" The monster yelled out stumbling back before giving a dark laugh, "Heheh you call that attack!" He yelled out mockingly as the massive saws around his shoulders started to spin at intense speed, "This is a attack!"

He yelled out before the two saws sent great blasts of energy cutting a path of destruction through the ground and city and straight at the Zords!

"evasive maneuvers!!!" called Hiro as the Tricera and Tiger zords almost got hit by the attack (that impacted a building cutting in half).

"ok this guys really is bothering me!!" called Rapunzel as the ptera-zord dived shooting a barrage of lighting at the monster

"You mean he wasn't before?" Ron called with a slight joking tone as Rapunzel attacked landed however the monster laughed as all the saws on his body spun and seemed to absorb the attack, "Hehe thanks for the extra juice!"

Zawbozz yelled as the saw on his chest glowed with power as he launched it out of his chest straight at Aladdin Zord!


the attack actually caused the Tyrannosaur to fall on its side

"AAAAAH!" Aladdin yelled out from the hit with the others all shouting out in worry, "ALADDIN!"

"Hehah ah what's the matter Red Ranger~" Zawbozz called out mockingly as he started to charge forward while raising his spinning saw blade, "can't cut the mustard~"

"Ok time to put this guy on ice" called Ron as the Mastodon-zord shoot its gelid attack on the monster

"ARG HEY!" Zawbozz yelled out as he got hit in the face mid charge causing him to yell angrily, "I'll slice your stupid trunk to pieces!"

He yelled sending out a energy attack toward the mastodon


only for a sonic roar of the Tyrannosaur to intercept it.

"freeze this freak out Ron!" called Aladdin.

"right!" called the black ranger increasing the potency of his attack.

soon Zawbozz started to be covered in hard ice

"Urg..hey...I'll.." Zawbozz started to say in angry threat before the ice covered his head as he struggled with the Tryrannosaur in and in what seemed like mere moments the monster was covered and encased completely in ice, "Hehe chill out dude~"

Ron called mockingly with Hiro giving a tired groan, "That's one ugly ice sculpture." He added unable to resist his own jab, "Now.." Aladdin looked at it from his own zords own cockpit, "Lets finished this while we have the chance.."

"Time for Megazord power!!"

the 5 zords reunited with Tricera and tiger joining at Tyrannosaur and Mastodon.

then they raise up transforming into legs while the sides of the mastodon became arms.

Ptera descending becoming the chest plate as the tyrannosaur head descended revealing a more human head as the transformation was completed

Though just as the transformation completed a grinding sounded emitted from the frozen Zawbozz with the ice cracking before it burt off, "ARG I'LL SLICE YOU DOWN TO ATOMS!"

Yelled the infuriated monster with every blade on his body spinning at intense speed as he charged straight toward the zord intent on living up to that promise

"careful guys we dont know if Megazord will be able to take on those blades" called Aladdin.

"increasing the energy on the shields" called Hiro "that should give us a chance of fighting"

"ITS SLICING TIME!" Zawbozz yelled as he brought his blade down attacking the chest before lunging forward to tackle the zord as the blades on his body spun



sparks flew out the giant robot with each hit.

Megazord tried to catch him but the spinning blades caused damage to its arms and left it open for another strike.


"Ahhhhh!!!" the rangers cried as sparks exploded inside the cabin

"Heheh this is too easy!" Zawbozz exclaimed out before taking a step back but only to launch the saw in chest out in another attack straight at the megazord

with the saw twirling and going around striking the megazord several times





"Hehahahaha~" Zawbozz laughed as the saw returned to his chest, "How about this slice!" He yelled throwing out his saw hand for another energy attack sending it straight at the Zord


Sparks flew as the megazord fell on the ground.

"ugg shields down at 20%" called Hiro.

"we are losing energy to fast!" called Mulan in worry.

"Urg we need a plan you guys!" Rapunzel called out with worried grimace under her helmet, "Yeah one that doesn't involve us becoming sliced Rangers!" Ron yelled in a panic as the Megazord took another from the laughing Zawbozz

"Urg..it's not...over yet!" Aladdin yelled out with a determined voice, "It's time to show this monster and it's maker what happens to monsters when they go against the Power Rangers!"

He told the others determined to not lose his friends morale as his eyes went to the spinning saws frowning, "we'll need to attack from long ranged we can't get too close."

Megazord managed then to evade a new attack.

"Cranial blast full power!!"

a beam of energy emerged from the horn of the Megazord hitting Zawbozz




some pieces of saw fell from him as if they were glass.

"what?!!" he cried in shock.

"you guys saw that?" asked Ron.

"did our attack do that?" asked Pink.

"no look closely!" called Hiro noticing some ice remnants on the fallen pikes "of coarse..if colder too fast metal weaken and crack!" he exclaimed "thats it!! we need to freeze him as fast as we can! that will give us an opening to finish it!"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ron exclaimed with a eager grin, "Lets freeze this guy good!"

"GRRr I WON"T GO DOWN SO EASILY!" Zawbozz yelled out as he once more charged forward raising his blade hand for another attack intent on slicing up these rangers and their toy once and for all!

"Mastodon shield!!!" called Ron summoning the head of his Zord as a shield blocking the attack

"ARG THINK THIS WILL STOP ME!" Zawbozz said with a growl, "No but this will~" Ron called back with a chuckle as the attack from the shield started to spray the monster

The icy blast hit the monster directly.

"ah ah ah uhhh cold..COLD!!!" Ice and frost soon began covering him.




and cracks began opening on his skin and pieces of his saws began falling.


"Its working!" called Rapunzel.

"now is our chance!" said Aladdin "POWER SWORD, NOW!!"

"I'll SLUCE YOU!" Zawbozz yelled with fury his saws all speeding and spinning to point the metal grinding could be heards for miles outside the city as he met the rangers attack with his own



And mere moments later both combatents stood back to back not breaking their poses or silence until


Zawbozz right arm to the ground as he groaned and sparked, "I guess...this is my final ..cut."

He said weakly as he started to fall to the ground, "Sorry...boss." Before hitting the ground with a bang


(Moon palace)

"Well I think thats the end" called Goldar "you want me to destroy this pest now my queen?" asked the monkey pointing at Varian

"O-kay seriously what is your problem!" Varian exclaimed with a frown while throwing his arms up in the air finding himself in a foul mood after the Rangers destroyed his first monster true a large part of him was expecting the outcome but that didn't make the feeling any less of a bitter pill to swallow...ideally he wondered if this was what Finster had to deal with everything one of his creations and hard work got destroyed

Before shaking it off as he glared at Goldar, "you've been acting like a jerk ever since I got here." He said crossing his arms, "I know we're suppose to be bad guys but come on man all i've done is help you in a fight and ask for a chance to sign up so what's your deal?!"

"MY DEAL is that if you think I or anyone here will accept an inferior being like you as easy as you think it will be then you are crazy!!" called Goldar "I dont know what game you are playing BOY but I WONT play it!!"

"Hey 1 if this is about being human.." Varian said growling glaring as Ruiddiger shifted nervously on his shoulder, "i'd like to remind you you've been getting your butt by 5 human teenagers so i'd watch who you'd call inferior."

He said bolding with a slight mocking smile as Goldar growled clenching his sword, "And 2.." He gave a little chuckle, "The only game i'm is playing is the one where I gain power, knowledge, and prestige while learning to make monster and serving under Queen Rita Repulsa.."

He said before giving another dark chuckle, "while the Rangers get 5 shallow graves~"

Goldar looked ready to explode when..

"OH ENOUGH WITH THAT!!!" called Rita sending a small blast of energy on the ground "you are making my headache worst!!!"

"Sorry ma'am!" Varian yelped straightening out his back while Goldar gave his own little concerned growled, "Apologies my Empress." Giving a bow to Rita, "But the boy has failed.."

The monster said pointing his blade at Varian who shot him a dirty look again while Baboo, Squatt, and Finster watched the confrontation from the side lines the latter with a frown and concern the first two with intrigue and amusement, "Hey Zawbozz almost had those rangers cut to pieces.'

Varian said glowering knowing he might need to get Goldar on his side eventually if he wanted to help secure his position when Lord Zedd likely came calling but this attitude was making that difficult and he wasn't about to let himself get pushed around, "But you're right..he did fail."

He admitted with a sigh before giving a bow to Rita, "And I can only apologize for my monsters failure and promise to hopefully do better in the future.." He said looking up at Rita from his bow warily, "that is...if you'll be so kind as to give me that chance your dark majesty."

The space witch just looked at him for a moment.

"well..what do you think Finster?" she asked at the monster maker "what's your opinion about the boy?"

The monster maker hummed looking carefully at the boy..a boy who was starting to remind him of himself a bit in his younger years.

A lad who's shown nothing but respect and interest in his work and a eagerness to learn it himself. The more he thought what he had seen of the boy the more he realized he was quickly taking a liking to him and the idea of becoming a mentor molding his apprentice into a great monster maker..perhaps dare he say...greater than even his own work~

He thought giving a chuckle as he looked over Varian, 'I say give the young lad a chance my Queen." He said with Baboo and Squatt giving a slight cheer while Goldar gaped in disbelief, 'He's shown nothing but delightful wicked ambition and honest attentions since he aided Goldar in his last scuffle with the Rangers."

He said causing the monster in question to growl angrily as Finster stepped to Varian side placing his hand on the boys shoulder, 'I know he's still has two more test needed to pass before you accept him fully into your ranks my Queen."

Finster said respectfully with a bow of his head, "But I see potential in him that I wish to help mold." He said with a slight smile and chuckle, "And..' He gave a grin, "I think we can consider the first test passed~"

He said looking over at Rita. "you must admit his first monster was a impressive one after all~"

"HAHAHA on that you are correct!" exclaimed Rita "I still cant believe the Rangers ran away like that ohhh the memory bring a smile to my face!" she declared "plus we got a nice set of tools we can use to destroy them later thanks to him!" declared the witch "Very well...Alchemist consider your fist task a success!"

"YES!" Varian found himself exclaiming with excitement and a large smile at knowing he was one step closer to joining the ranks of the Power Rangers officially, "Uh I mean..' He froze mid fist pump at their looks with Finster looking quite amused, Squat and Baboo laughing a bit, Goldar growling and groaning into his hand in disbelief while Rita arched a brow

"Coff..thank you for this your highness." He said giving a bow to Rita, "just name my next test and i'll it done eagerly." He said with a eager smile eager to pass the next two tests and to be fully accepted into their ranks

"hehehe like the enthusiasm" said Rita "your next big task will come later..for now I have a much simple task in mind" said the with "take it like..a bonus missions for you to prove your loyalty" she added "you said you can spy on the Rangers right?"

"Yes..ma'am." Varian said with a eager nod smiling as he straighten back up, "you see.." he started to click his fingers together, "For some time now I had my suspicions on who some the rangers could be.."

He admitted to her truthfully since no lying with the canon rangers not being around it had been a bit tricky to find out who Zordon had chosen as the team but little perseverance, determination, and the Rangers lives and themselves changing a bit do to being well Rangers helped, "and while it took some work believe I know who some of them are."

He admitted looking over to Rita with a smirk, "For example the Pink Ranger wouldn't happen to be my old friend Rapunzel Corona would it~" He asked with a chuckle

"hahahaha ohh what a coincidence" said the witch in fake innocent tone "then this task will be easer for you" added the witch "you will gather intel from the rangers...their secrets, their lives outside the helmets...all you can gather that can be useful for me I want it!"

"Done and done your highness!" Varian said with a salute, "already got a in with Rapunzel.." He said with a slight chuckle, "And if Blue is Hiro Hamada that'll be two people with the Rangers who trust me.."

He explained giving a dark smile, "After all why would they suspect good ol Varian of anything sinister~"

"they better not" said the witch "it would be a shame they discovered you before the right time" she glared at his arm where the snake bracelet was "right?"

"Gulp..right...hehe." Varian said with a slight gulp and nervous chuckle, "But they won't i'll make sure of it."

He said giving a firm nod knowing quite well he was still walking the tight rope here and if he screwed up...well he glanced over at the bracelet..the consequences wouldn't be pleasant he thought with a internal wince

"But i'll ferret out any secrets or information I can get from the Rangers you have my word." He said with a bow before adding with a smirk, "If i'm lucky a opportunity to sabotage their civilian lives might present itself~"

"hahahaha i will be surprised if it does" said Rita walking into her castle "WELL WHAT ARE YOU TWO WAITING FOR!" she cried at Squat and Baboo go fix me a drink or something!!!"

"come on young Varian" said Finster "lets go to my lab so I can add you to the transportation system of the castle"

"Right behind you sir.." Varian said as he moved to follow Finster, "While we're at it think you could tell me more about that Monster-Matic machine because it is just fascinating."

He said while Goldar gave a groan on the balcony, "Urg...is this what we're reduced to?" He growled shaking his head in disgust, "letting a pathetic child join our ranks!" He said scoffing in disgust

"Grrrr I must do something to proof we dont need that child!!" he roared "Next battle it will be I the one that take the rangers OUT!!" he promised with fury before entering the castle looking for a time in the training room to let out some steam.