
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

chapter 16


A soul finds themselves in what at first they believe to be a world where Disney characters live in a modern AU...that is before a familiar witch showed up declaring her intent to conquer Earth and a might morphin team rose up to stop her...now that soul is interested in joining the conflict...on the villains side~

"Disney Grove a large thriving community founded by dreamer and businessman Walt Disney who wanted to create a city where dreams come true.

At first glance seems like any other city but once you take a closer look you'll realize Disney city is a magical place."

A voice was seeming to read out in a slight bored tone before giving a slight scoff, "Honestly it know this is world where the disney characters actual exist but come on try to not be so cheesy." The voice said with a slight eye roll

The owner of the voice was a young teenager about 14 years old possessing bright blue eyes black hair with a bright blue streak through it though this currently couldn't be seen do his current outfit which was a black/gray trench coat, with black gloves, dark brown boots, brown pants, and a grey metal welding mask that was modified into a helmet to cover his entire head.

This was Varian Galanis and he was currently laying back against a tree chatting with and petting a raccoon by the name of Ruddiger with a strap traveling bag laying against the tree, "Honestly been just a few months and i'm still processing the situation."

Varian said with a slight amused snort, "I mean i'm living in a modern cartoon reality in a city with practical every disney character ever made living their lives!"

He exclaimed out with a slight laugh causing the raccoon to give their owner a confused chitter and concerned look because truthfully despite appearances this wasn't aspiring inventor and modern day alchemist Varian...well not completely but rather a unexpected soul that woke up in Varians body and inherited all their memories, knowledge, and talents.

"I mean at first seemed like bummer that it seemed like a modern au with no magic but I was up for embracing this new lease on life." Varian said to the Ruddiger as he stood up with a stretch picking up his bag while the raccoon climbed onto his shoulder, "After all I get a fresh start as one of my favorite disney characters and get a chance to make bonds or rivalries with other disney characters~"

He said with a amused chuckle before a eager smirk, "Than.." He looked out to the park and in the distance he could hear the sounds of what sounded like fighting happening, "The little twist showed up~"

He said giving little laugh, "Go go Power Rangers~" He said with a laugh as he headed carefully toward the action still unable to believe that the Disney Grove got rocked just a couple months ago with the appearance of monsters terrorizing the town and just when all seemed lost a team of brightly colored defenders rose up to save the day.

Though in retrospect perhaps the name of the city being well Disney Grove should have been a clue that this was going to happen.

"and here are the heroes of the day~" Varian said with a smirk hiding behind a tree watching the action from a afar as he watched the rangers Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink fighting the original puttie squadron along with a large golden monkey, "Poor Goldar just doesn't seem right without his wings."

Varian said with a amused smirk that fell slightly recalling the means of how he gained back those wings, "not sure how much longer I have till big Z shows up if at all." He said with a low tone and narrowed eyes, "but I ain't going to waste this second chance seating on the side lands and leave in my hand in bunch of boring goodie goodies.'

Varian said to Ruddiger with a slight a dark smirk looking at the rangers the original mighty morphin rangers right down to the outfits and zords though the outfits didn't look like spandex but some kinda unknown material,

"Not when the path to some real power and fun is all to clear." He said pulling out some colored orbs from his bag bouncing them up and down, "I just need to make a good impression and get a chance to meet my future mentor~"

He said before carefully aiming at the Red Ranger who was engaged in a sword clash with Goldar and let it fly

"uggg you never learn do you Goldar?" asked the Red Ranger as he held his sword against the monkey´s "you should know by now you will never win!!"

the golden warrior growled pushing harder.

"Insolent welp..I will destroy you and take this planet for my queen!"

"Ha the day that happens is the day Abu becomes king of the monkeys~" the Red Ranger mocked jokingly while pressing his blade against Goldar own causing the monster to growl

However in the next moment the Red Ranger felt something hit his back and explode out in some kinda sticky foam


The foam began growing around the ranger and immobilizing him.

"What the!!! guys!!!" he called as soon all his body sans head was trapped in the foam

"Aladdin!" The pink ranger yelled out while kicking a putty away before finding herself getting hit in the legs with a colored orb as well which exploded into some foam, "Ah what!"

"Hey..wait..thats!" The Blue Ranger began to yell out before he also found himself hit with same concoction leaving only the Pink Ranger left free surrounded by the Puddies and a blinking Goldar who was taken aback at these turn of events, "What is this!?"

The golden warrior demanded intrigued and curious wondering what was happening had Rita sent down a new monster to aid his attack, "This.."

Before he and the rangers both those trapped and the Pink still free turned their heads to approaching trench coated figure wearing a helmet with glowing green eyes while holding a staff with what appeared to be three glowing chemical vials attached to me , "is me giving my resume.." Varian said with a smirk under his helmet as he walked out of the foliage ready to put on a show

while Ruddiger hid in the back of his trench coat

"Resume?" Black asked in confusion.

"who are you? another of Rita's monsters?" Yellow asked.

"Thats what I would like to know too" said Goldar in confusion

"I am no monster...well at least not in the species sense." The figure said in a grand tone, "I am the Alchemist a humble admirer of Rita and the genius mind behind these marvelous creations."

The figure explained gesturing toward the putties that were circling the pink ranger who had out her bow weapon ready to fight, "as such.."

The figure glanced over at Goldar, "I would like the chance to offer my services and hopefully get the chance to serve the great Rita Repulsa side.."

He said with Varian internally thankful that Rita had given a global declaration of her intent to conquer the planet when she first attacked Disney City, "join the winning team if you will~" they said with a slight chuckle

"wait what?" Blue exclaimed.

"is this guy for real?" called Yellow.

"he cant be serious" called Black

"You want to work for a monster?" called Pink.

"ok i have hear plenty of crazy thing but thats by far the biggest one!" called Red

Goldar himself gave a low growl and look of surprise certainly not having expected this admittedly during his days of serving under Lord Zedd in his campaigns of conquest before being assigned under Rita service and even during those days till Zordon and that cursed dumpster happen..

They're had always been cowards and fools attempting to save their skins by pledging their loyalty though that was usually when they realized what they were up against and how they stood no chance against the forces of evil

This...this felt different as none of those certainly made a move in such a bold way by attacking their planets protectors...especially as much as it galled him to admit it the progress of conquering this planet hadn't been their best work

Though he gave the figure a suspicious curious look as they chuckled shaking their finger at the rangers, "you call it crazy I call it having ambition!"

The figure declared grandly, "why risk my life fighting a obviously superior force when I can take the opportunity for greater knowledge and power!"

They said clenching their fist in front of their face, "Humanity has become weak and stagnant and I refuse to become another weak pathetic sheep!" They yelled throwing their hand out, "I will learn the secrets of the universe, sell my soul to the dark forces, all in my quest to be recognized as one of the most diabolical geniuses this universe has ever seen!"

"so you will risk millions of innocent lives?!" cried Pink "you know that people will suffer if Rita wins!"

The Alchemist simply gave a shrug, "Eh you know what they say can't make omelette without breaking some eggs." They said in a uncaring tone, "besides.." The figure glowing green eyes of their mask looked over at the pink ranger, "They only have themselves to blame anyway for fighting a pointless war."

They said with a snort, "Honestly with Rita at the helm Earth could have become grander than ever before but instead.." He gave the Rangers a look of contempt, "they choose to embrace mediocrity and stupidity by resisting.."

He said before giving a growl, "While you choose to waste your frankly amazing power and technology protecting a bunch of stupid blind sheep!"

That was enough for pink who charged an energy arrow firing it Blue

at contact the foam dissipated.

"we are not waisting anything!" called Blue summoning his lance and cutting black´s prison

"we are helping protect innocent people" he said summoning his ax nd repeating the process with Yellow.

"from monsters that only look to cause pain and suffering" with daggers in hand she free Red.

"and we wont let anyone tell us otherwise!!" he added jumping to unite with his team.

"Earth defenders never surrender!!" called Pink

"POWER RANGERS!!!" the five cried with a explosion behind them

"Power Rangers.." Alchemist repeated mockingly before making some fake throw up noses, "and that speech can you five be anymore sickly sweet.."

He asked looking over at Goldar, "Are they..' He gestured over at the Rangers, "Always like this annoying speeches of friendship and righteous?" He asked ideally, "And.." He shot the Rangers a curious look, "what was with the explosion in the background?"

He added scratching at his helmet, "I mean i'm all for dramatic flair but do you just add a explosion in your heroic speeches to go with your corny poses all the time?" He said tilting his head, "because if you do than you are all bigger idiot losers than I thought."

"you know I think I agree with you" called Goldar "I've had enough of silly stupid inspirational speeches!!!" he said charging his sword and unleashing a wave of energy at the rangers


With the Alcehmist giving a impressed whistle at the explosion, "Nice shot..' He said ideally to Goldar who gave a growl before they heard loud yells with the Rangers have managed if barely to dodge the blast in time as they leapt up in the air from the smoke left behind by the attack,"Let's send Goldar and his friend packing!"

The Red Ranger yelled out as the putties swarmed forward to attack, "Sigh..should have known it wouldn't be that easy." the Alchemist said in a low flat tone before taking out a couple more orbs from his belt but rather than the pinks that were thrown earlier to form these were colored purple and Green, "let's see how they like this~"

He said throwing orbs forward causing to explode out in purple smoke and bright flashes of light


the attack managed to blind the rangers momentarily allowing the putties to swarm on then giving them some good hits

"Hehe now this is a show~" Alchemist said with a laugh bringing out two more orb this time gold colored which he started to shake, "But I think it need's a little more of.."

He lobbed it forward, "a bang!" He said lodging at the head of the black and red with the orbs exploding out in the moment they hit





"Got to be careful around dangerous chemicals!" He called out with a mocking tone and chuckle though internally doubted that the chemicals he managed to work up could do any real damage against the Rangers with their mystical suits...he needed better materials to change that

However while his attack didnt caused much damage, it do was a nice distraction allowing the rangers to be hit and actually being surprised by the putties

"Urg..!" The Blue cried out, "They're swarming us!" He yelled out with the Red one yelling back as he kicked one putty back, "Tell us something..urg..we don't know.." he said as another putty jumped onto his back

"Egr.." Yellow managed to elbow one in the gut, "these guys aren't this annoying.." She said in a low growl, "urg..blame the evil monkey's new friend!" Black yelled out with Pink attempting to struggle her power bow free, "Urg..let go you jerks!"

though as this was happening the Alchemist looked over at Goldar, "So.." He scratched the back of his neck, "as potential job interviews go how am I doing?" He asked while making a slight joke

The golden monkey narrowed his eyes.

"tch you really are serious about that?!" he called as he pointed his sword at him "you really think something like this makes you worthy of being in the presense of the queen of evil?!!

"Certainly not.." The Alchemist said holding his hands up placating as he looked over at Goldar, "I know Empress Rita would of course have the highest standards for those that have the honor of serving part of her inner circle."

He said before gesturing over a Goldar, "Why just look at yourself.." He said causing Goldar to give him a look and slight growl, "I've seen you in action enough times on the news and such to realize you are likely one of the greatest warriors across the universe!"

they declared grandly before placing a hand on their chest, "This.." He gestured over at the Rangers and putties, "is put a demonstration that I hope will help get my foot in the door a chance to prove myself if you will~"

Goldar growled...however.

"well he might not..but I think our queen have the last word" a more soft voice sound as a smaller white colored alien with a dog/bird like face with big ears approached. It was dressed in a blue work overalls, a handkerchief tied on its head and big class on his snout "and she is quite curious about you"

"I am glad to hear it.." Said the Alchemist doing his best to keep his voice even at the presence of one his original characters from Power Rangers he always had a soft for the original monster maker the ever faithful follower to Rita and later Zedd as well who might not have the raw power as his fellows but showed his mind along with his scientific and artistry could give the Rangers plenty of trouble

Though internally wondered and was a bit worried at what his history and background was in this universe as mind went to the rather gruesome background the Boom comics gave him before focusing back on what's important, "the Queen honors me with this chance."

He said with a bow before adding with a smirk, "And I hope to at long last to meet the genius that created these wonderful monsters." He said gesturing over at the Putties that the Rangers were sadly starting to push back not revealing he already knew Finster was said genius

Finster let out a small laugh.

"My my..susch a curious mind..and I will say she would be quite curious about your little chemical spheres" he said "quite simple yet effective method of attack..although it lacks potency"

"Thank you and yes.." The Alchemist said feeling a slight thrill at his praise, "i'm afraid I had to make do with what inferior chemicals I could get my hands on."

He said with a sigh, "one of the greatest curses a mind with vision must suffer is insufficient materials to bring your vision to life."

"well...I think we can fix that" said the old monster maker "ok Goldar I think its enough for today..lets take our new guest with us"

Goldar gave a slight growl, "If we must.." He said before throwing the Alchemist a look, "but you best hope you aren't wasting our time or else.." He said raising his sword to emphasis while the Alchemist gave a nod, "understood but believe me.."

He said adding a bit of menace, "If all goes well we'll be calling each other friends and co workers in time while dancing over the power rangers graves~" He said with a dark laugh

"grrr if you say so!" he cried before the three disappear in a blast of lighting leaving the rangers to finish the remain patrols

"ARG..COWARDS!" The Red Ranger yelled out as he and the others finished off the putties shaking his fist at where the three had been, "I can't believe that just happen.." the Pink Ranger said in a low tone of shock, "Who would join Rita and betray Earth like that?"

She asked looking over at her friends, "Yeah that's just wrong sick!" The Black Ranger added nodding his head, "I don't know.." the Blue Ranger said looking over at where their enemies left, "but I got a bad feeling he's going to be trouble."

"And Goldar was as surprised as the rest of us when he showed up." The blue ranger said rubbing his chin in a thoughtful tone with Red sighing, "human or not it's clear we might have another enemy."

He said looking over at the others, "so lets head back to the command center." He said with the others nodding, "hopefully Zordon and Alpha might be able to help us shed some light on our new friend." He said as the Rangers teleported in five colorful beams of light

(Else where on the moon in Rita Palace)

A flash of light went off in a room announcing Goldar, Finster, and the Alchemist aka Varian arrival, "Huh.."

The last said looking around with a slight clench of his fists, "really nice place you guys got here." He said looking what appeared to be a large empty chamber before hearing the arrival of two figures, "Ah thanks we really put a lot of work into decorating."

Said a large rotund blue figure of Squatt, "Oh I didn't know we were expecting company." Said the second a tall, slue blue skinned figure that resembled a cross between a monkey and vampire, "I would have gotten the snacks ready~"

"Forget the snacks you pair of buffoons !!!" and screeched voice sound as Rita Repulsa herself walked into the room "let me pass...Finster!!! you brought him?!"

"Yes my queen our unexpected friend is here just as you requested." Finster said gesturing toward the Alchemist, "And he is most honored to meet you and be the presence of your great evil."

The Alchemist getting onto one knee and giving a bow thinking best to play to Rita ego a bit in attempt to start getting on her good side, "and I humbly ask for the chance to join your forces."

"Oh really?" asked Rita "and tell me..Alchemist..why do you think I should take you in?" asked the space witch "what can you give me that I could use?

"Well beside another loyal servant to carry out your evil bidding." The Alchemis said looking up at Rita, "I like to think I would bring new blood and fresh perspective to the table.." He said before adding with a slight smirk, "And if my suspicions about the Power Rangers are right someone a pair of eyes that you can keep close to them."

"you mean like a spy?" asked Goldar in disbelief "why would we need a spy? in fact how you would even get close to the rangers to do so?

"Well as for the former having a agent among those the rangers trust could be quite useful." The Alchemist said with a chuckle, "Not just for espionage but also at having the perfect position to strike when the time is right."

They explained before reaching up to their helmet, "As for how I'd get close.." He removed revealing his face, "That part is actually quite easy ~" Varian said with a smirk

"You human?!!!" exclaimed the golden monkey in shock.

"Stop pointing to the obvious you stupid monkey!" cried Rita in anger "So a boy wants to join the winning team eh?"

"But of course why wouldn't I want to take the chance to serve under the great Rita Repulsa.." Varian said gesturing toward her, "and a chance at power and knowledge most people only dream of~"

He added with a slight chuckle

"hahaha well its refreshing to find a human with actual brains" said the witch.

"My queen you are not actually thinking about hiring him right?" asked Goldar with Rita turning at him in anger.

"and why not?! for what I saw you were about to be defeated again if he handnt intervene!!!" she yelled at Goldar

"Arg I had the Red Ranger right where I wanted him!" Goldar yelled out with a protest with Rita merely snorting as she rolled her eyes, "Sure you did monkey boy.." She muttered with a slight scowl, "But yes.."

Rita looked over at Varian with a smirk, "I think this young human could be quite useful~"

"Indeed my queen" said Finster "if anything I think will be quite pleasant have someone else with brains around" he said "my queen excluded of coarse"

"Of course.." Rita agreed with a chuckle, "I actually agree.." She shot a look at Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo, "evil knows more brain power is something we need around here." she muttered while Goldar gave a growl while Squatt and Baboo shot each other confused looks, "Brain power...what she mean Squatt?"

Baboo asked scratching at his head, "Maybe...she wants a brain monster to attack the rangers?" He said in a low whisper with Rita giving a roll of her eyes, "Speaking of monsters.."

Varian spoke up from his bowing position, "I must confess one reason I have for doing this is because of them.." He said giving a smirk as his eyes lit up in interest, "it's become a theory of mine that the monsters like those putties are likely created and if so.."

He looked at those gathered around, "I was hoping for not only the chance to meet the genius behind them but learn from them as ah.." He gave a hum, "well guess apprentice would a fitting term~"

"Apprentice?!" asked Rita "you want to learn how make monsters?"

next to her Finster actually looked interested

"Of course.." Varian said his smile along with his voice becoming more tinge with genuine excitement, "I mean just the sheer of idea of being able to create any sort of monsterous abomination my imagination can think of.." He let out a laugh while his smile became slightly more dopey, "It's ah..well just thrilling to even think about~"

He told them truthfully because one of the reasons why the original seasons villains of Power Rangers were favorites was because of the concept of their monsters creation whether through Finsters art or Lord Zedd power the fact they created their own monsters was always fun to see and being able to create his own...oh the fun he could have~

"ummmm..." Finster rubbed his chin looked interested at the kids aptitude...almost looking at a reminisce of himself in his younger years.

"well..who would of thought" said the evil witch "hey Finster what do you think? it seems you have quite the fan"

"Well..it is good to see ones work properly appreciated." Finster said with a small smile toward his queen while looking at Varian, "And while I must admit i've never thought of taken on a apprentice before.."

He admitted truthfully rubbing, "the idea sounds most intriguing.." He said with a slight smile and the more he thought about the idea of taking another his wing and molding them into a great monster maker...why it sounded quite exciting~

A chance to share and pass on his art and knowledge to the next generation

"Oh please as if we need another so called-artist playing with clay around here" called Goldar not liking this..human was being accepted that easy "how do we know he is telling the truth and this is not some sort of trick of those Rangers? that they didnt send a spy to OUR side?"

"Hmm.." Rita at that did let out a hum Goldar was a brute but he was a deadly warrior and had the mindset for it, "Monkey boy can be a idiot but he's got a point."

She said giving the boy a stern glare which Varian did his best to meet knowing quite well that if it came to a fight he was dead no ifs or buts..but he knew the risk when put this plan into action and he wasn't going to turn back now and as he steeled himself Rita found herself liking the look in the boys eyes, "Give me a chance to prove my loyalty and that i'm genuine.."

He said dipping back into a bow, "Whatever the task i'll do my best to see it through.."

"ummm ok I think after these months some entertainment would be good for me" said Rita "very well boy! I will give you three tasks! if you are able to complete them then you will win a place alongside me" she declared "if not!!" a bolt of magic from her staff hit Varian but he didnt feel pain..instead he noticed he now had what looked like a snake bracelet..with its fangs ready to bite his wrist "then my snake will inject its venom and you will die in the worst of agonies!!!"

Varian eyes went wide giving a small gulp before shaking off the fear he knew that attempting to join the big bads of power rangers likely wouldn't be easy or without risks when he first thought of the idea just some time after the monster of the week madness started..so now it was time to show he was more than willing to risk his life to accomplish this goal, "Name them.."

He said toward Rita with a dark smirk, "And i'll see them done in your name my queen."

"you better will" said the queen "ok..first test..since you are so eager to create monsters I think that will be your first assignment" said Rita "you will work with Finster and will create a monster to fight the Rangers...IF the monster satisfies me I will declare the test as pass..if not!" an evil look appeared on her face "well I think you can guess what will happen" she said pointing at the bracelet

"Understood.." Varian said with a slight nervous look at the bracelet before giving a firmer nod as he stood up, "Rest assured while i'm but a amateur compared to Mr. Finster skills.." He said gesturing to the monster maker in question, "I shall do my best to create a monster that the rangers will never forget!"

He declared with slight dramatic flair and determination

"hahaha I cant wait to see it" Rita said in delight "you have one day to make it so I suggest you to get to work!"

"Believe me I won't disappoint you.." Varian said while moving to follow Finster as he added in a low mutter, "my life depends on it after all.."

(Meanwhile on Earth)

the 5 colored lights reached the dessert and entered into a building made of white rock.

On the inside a dark room filled with technology out of this world await them.

"Welcome back Power Rangers!" from a tube filled with bluish-white liquid a giant bald head talked "I can already tell you have something to tell me"

"Yeah and you won't believe it Zordon.." The Pink Ranger said as her body flashed with Pink energy that once dispersing revealed a teenage girl of around 16-17 with long blonde hair, green eyes, wearing a pink hoodie, a black shirt underneath, blue jeans, and pink shoes, "Some creep called the Alchemist showed up out of nowhere to help Goldar."

She explained looking up at their mentor who first choose them to become power rangers, "And we think he's a human from Earth." As the other Rangers reverted to their civilian identities

"which is quite crazy" called a teen of the same age from where black was standing "who would want to join that witch to take over his own planet?" he had messy blond hair and brown eyes and was wearing a long-sleeve navy blue mock-turtleneck shirt under a short-sleeved red jersey, light brown cargo pants, and white sneakers.

"Ron is right" called Yellow becoming a Chinese girl with short black hair wearing a red and yellow training jacked with golden eastern dragons on the side over a white t-shirt, black jeans, white socks and red and white sneakers "its quite crazy...are we sure he was human?"

"He certainly talked like he was.." Said Blue as in a flash of blue light he became a shorter boy of Japanese descent a lean and slender frame. He had tousled, jet-black hair, almond-shaped brown eyes, somewhat thick eyelashes and eyebrows, light skin, and a slight gap in his front teeth, along with a slight overbite

and was wearing a casual red shirt, cargo capris, and Converse sneakers all likely topped off with a blue zip-up hoodie, "and that stuff he used...call me crazy but it seemed familiar." He said rubbing his chin

"How so?" Asked the red ranger as in a flash he became a boy of Arabian descent with black hair, dark eyes, wearing a purple vest, red shirt, capri pants, and red shoes, "Well.."

the boy looked over at the others, "It almost looked like the formula adhesives that my brothers friend Honey Lemon made.." He explained frowning, "but no way she's connected to that creep." He said shaking his head

"you think whoever that one was could have stole it from her?" asked the Chinese girl

"maybe.." The boy Hiro Hamada said frowning at the idea, "but the way he used them.." He said crossing his arms, "he clearly knew what he was doing and those formula aren't exactly simple to make either."

He said to the others because what the Alchemist used against them wasn't exactly something that anybody could cook up in a mail order chemistry set, "point is whoever this guy is he's human and he's likely smart.."

He said rubbing at his chin with the red Ranger Aladdin giving a snort, "Can't be that smart if he's trying to get a job working for that old witch?" He said with a eye roll, "maybe.." the yellow ranger Mulan said giving them a frown, 'but point is we might have a problem here."

"we can fight against Rita and her monsters no problem" called Pink Rapunzel "but now we have to fight a human? one that, if being honest, didnt seem that...well old.."

"Yeah now that you mention it.." Mulan said with a frown, "either he's short or he's about as old as the kid here." she said jabbing a thumb over at Hiro ,'hey I told you not to call me that.."

He said with a slight grump muttering, "honestly I have enough brains to graduate already if Aunt Cass didn't want me to make friends.." He said with a eye roll recalling the reason why he just skipped some grades to Disney Highschool instead of just testing out completely, "but yeah.."

he sighed rubbing his chin, 'I think you're right.." He said frowning with worry, "So what we're dealing with some kid rebelling too far or something?" Ron said scratching at his head, "If something.."

Aladdin chimed with a worried frown as Alpha the robotic assistant to their mentor and loyal friend walked into command center chamber, "odds are the guy has no idea what he's getting into." He said with a frown, "kid or not he could still cause us problems."

"what is more he could put himself in serious danger" called the robot "not only from Rita and her goons but from you guys too" he added much to the shock/anger/surprise of the group.

"Alpha is right" called Zordon "if this child is sent to fight you he could get serious injuries from any of your ranger weapons thats not to say what Rita could do to him once he is in her presence "

This caused them to exchanged worried looks none of them happy at picturing a scenario of some kid getting tortured by Rita and her goons or them blasting him with their weapons even after this stunt

Rapunzel to frown worriedly, "So what can we do?" She asked looking over at her friends, "I know he's trying to join the bad guys but he's still a kid.." She said her voice full of worry as she found her mind flashing to another younger friend she had, "and.."

she bit her lip as Aladdin sighed rubbing his face, "and this is bit different from facing Rita usual goons and monsters yeah.." He said with a frown as Mulan shook her head, "still can't believe anyone much less a kid would try to join Rita."

"we need to find out who the kid is and try to learn why he wants join Rita" called Zordon "maybe we can help him with whatever put him in this evil path or at very least stop him before things reach a breaking point"

"Hopefully.." Mulan said shaking her head, "But how do find out who he is or deal with him when we do?" Ron asked looking at the others, "somehow I doubt military school will cut it here." Hiro added with his own frown

"umm it will depend if we see him again" called Aladdin "Goldar took him to see Rita..so..." a pause and silence fell on the base

All the Rangers and Alpha exchanged grim looks at that, "Well.." Hiro said with a sigh, "here's hoping Rita in a mood to humor him." He said frowning with Mulan giving a snort, "and likely at our expense too."

She said before shaking her head with a sigh, "best we can do is head home and see if we can figure out way to find out who the kid is....if it's not too late." she said and added with a low tone

"good idea..I will contact Honey Lemon and see if can learn if she has been seeing someone or told anyone about her chemical bubbles" said Hiro

"Sounds like a plan.." Rapunzel said with a smile before sighing, "I just hope the Alchemist can be stopped and saved before it's too late."

Mulan put a hand on her shoulder.

"dont worry Rapunzel...im sure we will be able to help him"

"at least..I hope he wants to be help" said Hiro

(The next day at the Moon Palace)

The day following the Rangers encounter with their latest potential enemy said enemy was at work molding his first monster from the magical clay that Finster used in his works while listening to his potential mentor chat up a bit while watching the boy work, "I must admit I think the Queen likes you.."

Finster said with a hum rubbing his chin, "she doesn't often give many this sort of opportunity after all~" he said with a slight chuckle, "And it really is refreshing to see someone appreciate my work."

He admitted with a slight smile

"and I must say im quite impress by your work so far" he said looking at the small clay doll "you have been able to make the outline of your creature quite nicely" said the sculptor "now remember...details are important so the final product can come up exactly as you need..a mistake or a missing detail could cause your work to not meet your expectations"

"Understood sir." Varian said in a respectful tone to his perspective mentor while internally thankful that thanks to one time crush and baby sitter Honey Lemon Varian in this life focused on both science and art, "Have to say this clay is fascinating stuff."

He said with a slight grin, "can't believe I'm molding a actual life~"

"hahahaha indeed my queen was quite kind to gift it to me to work for her" said Finster "and since then I thank her with my best creation" he added "but remember young Varian..you might be creating life but each life need its special touch...that something only you can give it..if you dont do it..well..it will be the same that creating a patrol"

"It's own special touch.." Varian repeated with a slight frown, "you mean like putting more of your heart into or something?" He questioned looking up at Finster

"indeed young Varian" applauded the alien "your feelings and thoughts can affect how your creation will come and act..so the moment you gives him form you also need to think on how you want it to be"

"Hmm in essence focus not just on his physical form but pour passion and imagination for how this monster would be at his core?" He stated/questioned while working the head a bit molding a helmet with a blade at the top intent and determined to make his first monster something to remember for sure

"indeed young Varian..indeed!" praised Finster

"Hehe than i'll do my best to mold a monster that will give the Rangers a tough fight." He said with a determined dark smirk focusing with intensity on his monster something fierce, ruthless, with blades sharp enough to cut the rangers to pieces

piece by piece the clay fell leaving behind a humanoid figure with notable blades on its body and a circular saw for right hand

All under Varian careful hands and eyes while Finster watched on with intrigued yet a growing smile he couldn't remember a time when he had seen another artist a work much less a budding one with he was starting to see potential it was actually warming his dark heart, "Just a little touch here...and done!"

Varian said leaning back to look proudly at his work, "So.." He glanced over at Finster, "What's the next step?" He said making sure not to show he knew about the machine Finster usually used to bring his creations to life, "Do I.."

He scratched at the back of his neck, "Have to say some kinda spell or chant?" He questioned doing his best to put as much curiosity in his voice as possible can't risk anyone getting suspicious by hinting that he knows more than he should after all

"hehehehehe ohh that certainly would be something" said Finster with a smile "but the next step is quite simple" he added taking the small statue taking it to a conveyor belt "now all it needs is to go through my monster-matic machine..." turning a wheel the statue enter the machine "now we pull this lever" he pulled the lever and the machine began spelling steam until from the upper tube something exploded out.

"aahhhhhh!!! ZawBozz ready to slice and dice!" said the monster with a military salute

"Hehehaha amazing!" Varian exclaimed out with a wide eager smile both at the process and the results having expected it, "Did you design that machine yourself because it is brilliant!"

He said as he stood up examining his monster who now stood in front of his first monster a blue almost robotic looking knight covered all over in saw blades, "Just like you~" He said to Zawbozz with a dark grin, "are you ready to mince some annoying do gooder into pieces~"

he asked with a dark laugh while smiling wide

"I will cut them to pieces!!!" cried the monster "mince and divide!!! cut and slash!!" his circular saw began turning

At this Varian let out a dark eager laugh, "Yes!" He exclaimed raising his hands clenching his hands into fists, "you're my first monster Zawbozz and that means you need to show the Rangers how special that makes you~"

He said before giving another dark laugh as he exclaimed, "by bringing back and presenting the great Rita Repulsa with their remains minced and diced!" He said feeling a thrill surge through his bod as Zawbozz gave another salute, "understood sir when i'm done their wont be enough of those Rangers to recognize!"

The monster said giving a dark laugh while Finster stood to the side feeling a odd surge of pride as Varian celebrated his first monster creation...ah a young lads first monsterous abomination that certainly took him back he thought with a slight nostalgic smile before shaking his head at his Queens voice yelling out as she entered the room

"Finster is the boys monster ready yet!" She yelled with slight impatience yet also curiosity to see if the boy managed to create anything interesting, 'Indeed my queen.."

Finster said with a bow before gesturing over to Varian and his monster, "May I present Zawbozz.."

"Ready to slice and dice some power geeks!' The monster yelled out as he raised his right hand that was replaced by a circular saw which started to spin for emphasis

"uhh i will admit like how he looks" said the queen giving an approving nod to the metallic monster.

"puf I hope he can do more than just look menacing and actually do his job" called Goldar not that impressed

"You got a problem with me you ugly monkey!?" Zawbozz demanded holding up his right ciruclar saw as he growled out, "come a little closer and i'll show you how deadly these bad boys can really be~"

He said and with that every saw on his body started to spin, "Or better yet i'll show the Rangers how deadly I can be!" He exclaimed with a dark laugh

Goldar raised his sword and began advancing

"Bahh as if a creation for that cild could eve..."


"Ah!!!" the golden Monkey jumped backwards as half his sword fell to the ground after being cut by Zawbozz´s saw "my..My sword!!!"

"Well now.." Rita said with a intrigued raise of her brow and slight smirk

"Oh my.." Finster said looking down at the sword but gave a small smile seeing the power of his potential student first creation and Goldar getting a little bit of humbling

Varian gave a wince knowing this probably wouldn't help get on Goldar good side but couldn't resist giving his own cocky smirk, "You were saying?" He asked with crossed arms looking over at Goldar, "I think you'll find Zawbozz can get the job done~"

"Hehe you know it boss!" His monster yelled out with a cheer, "Just say the word and those Rangers are diced meat!"

"hahahaha ohh im liking this!" called Rita "ok you big saw go down and cut those rangers into ribbons!!!" she ordered

"You got it considered them sliced and diced!" Zawbozz yelled out before a flair of blue energy took his body leaving behind a brief image of a saw before vanishing, "Well he's got a spirit.."

Varian said with a chuckle as Goldar gave a growl still staring down at his sword, "eheh and no hard feelings about the sword?" He said with a slight nervous chuckle and smile

A growl form the monkey made him took a step back.