
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 5 Stranger part 4

Ava's favorite subject was psychology but because of some problem she had to choose another subject but she was good at human psychology.

"No, I am not misjudging anyone…" His voice was so strong that Ava did not say anything.

"From when you thought that everyone does dislike you??" Ava asked.

"When I am 7 years old, I realized that first."

'He might be in a pain and illusion that made by himself that no one loves him' Ava looked at him with a loveable eye, she wanted to touch his cheek but she could not do that because they were meet each other some time ago, she thought she did not have to dig pin in his back she might let him, hug her...

What am I thinking...' she felt bit embarrassed…

"Then??" she questioned again.

"My classmate always told me that why your father loves your sister very much but I did not care but one day I failed in maths but big brother got 100%, and Ella got 80% but father did not scold me like he did not care that I passed or not, he looked at me and said, " It's okay." Ava's eyes were getting bigger 'like seriously he was upset that his father did not scold him... I thought he was beaten by him.'

"Because he did not want to give you pressure..." Ava told him.

"No… because I am invisible…father wished Ayan at his birthday at sharp 12 and he did that for Ella as well but he wished me 12.30 am…don't you think I am pathetic." Aran voice trembled.

"You know my mother one day forget my birthday and after 2 days later she remembered that she missed my birthday. So are not you a lucky person that your father wished you..." Ava replied and understands that he was sensitive little incident could made line in his heart

"30 mins late..." He answered but then he realised how bad this girl might feel that no one remember her birthday.

"Sorry..." Aran felt her pain.


"No one remember your birthday..." Aran answered.

"It's okay. It's just a date… a person who forget your birthday doesn't mean he/she does not love… Birthday is a date…maybe in birthdays I am feeling sad that I am getting older day by day..." Ava was so positive she did not feel upset toward her mother because she did hard work for Ava.

"You are so humble..." Aran told her with a respectful tone.

"I am not… I was also sad that day but then I promised myself not to expect anything from anyone…" Ava smiled again he felt a different feeling that was amazing that some one he did not know wanted share his pain.

"Yes... you are right. But no one tell me those things, you are the first..." Aran also smiled and for some moment he forgot his pain.

"After that, every small incident makes me believe that daddy does not love me..."

"Then what about your siblings and mother?? Why they dislike you??" Ava knew that it's just misunderstanding maybe no one hated him it's just his illusion.

"Okay…Today I will tell you about my boring life..." Aran smiled

"Again…I will be decided that it's boring or not so don't say that…or I will scold you..." Aran felt good that Ava scolded him this affection he missed for years...…

In Aran's house,

"Mom… where is Aran??" Ayan asked his mom about his brother

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