
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 4 Stranger part 3

Aran looked at her with an affection. Ava was founding something in her bag.

"What are you doing??" Aran asked her.

"I have some medicine for cut skin… You are injured so you can applied." Ava looked at him a worry was coming from her voice.

'This girl…why she is worried about me…no one is worried about me mom also don't care why she was so good??' Aran looked at her with so many questions.

"Don't worry I am helping because you are my relative that's all." Ava smile at him and give him the medicine. Aran could not believe how Ava knew his mind.

"Do you know me??" Aran was shocked to hear the relative word.

"No… But a human is another human's relative because they are same genre." Ava's word was confusingly cute.

"You are unbelievable..." Aran told that when he applied some medicine in his head. He was smiling, his love was losing today for forever and he did not have anything to do this was pathetic.

"Okay let's start the story..." Ava looked at him with a curios face.

"Then prepaid you self for being bore..." Aran looked at her.

"Why you are judging everything…I will tell that it's boring or not..." Ava was bit annoyed why Aran thought he was boring, Ava felt good siting with him. A stranger could be so cute she did not imagine.

"Okay…" Aran looked at her starting the story....

"You know my father is rich… I am the second child…I have a big brother who is 3 years elder than me and I have a twin sister who is 5 mins younger than me…I am the middle boy…. Daddy always want a daughter and my sister Ella he loves her a lot and my brother he is the perfect son.. like he is top in everything. My daddy is proud of him…. And I am the extra one…who is not good looking or good at study…I am not good at anything…"

Ava looked at him while he was continued his story, he was so handsome but he thought he was not good looking, she thought he might misjudge everyone.

"Then??" She looked at him to give him believe that she was interested because he could misjudge her.

"My brother is the next owner of my father's company and my sister is owner of my daddy's love. I just have my mom she also hates me and the last one my girlfriend she is leaving me because of my brother who is the next CEO of my father's company and I am nothing...." Aran looked at her see her reaction.

Ava gave him a water bottle. Aran was shocked how she knew he wanted to drink water.

"Drink…" Ava told him, Aran felt memorized and drank the water.

"Why you felt that everyone dislikes you… Maybe you misjudge them…" Ava looked at him she had to careful about his feelings.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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