
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 6 Stranger part 5

"I really don't know…" Bella was saying something then suddenly Ella her daughter hugged her from behind.

"Mom…I am sorry…are you angry??" Ella apologized to her mother.

"It's okay baby..." Bella touched her hands and smiled a little.

"Like seriously… he is so angry that he is not interested to attend his big brother's wedding

I can't believe that how can he do that, mom I am calling him now." Ayan felt heartbroken that because of a fight with Ella made him that angry.

"I and your daddy calling him for thousand times from morning but his phone is switch off." Aran's phone was damaged because of rain, Ella felt irritated and left from there because they were taking about Aran.

"When will he come home?? Please come home" Ayan was sad but no one knew that Aran came home to see his brother's wedding but when he saw the photo of the wedding couple Infront of their mansion gate he speedily went to Emily aka his girlfriend…

"Daddy… Give me a hug I am sad…" Ella went to her Daddy who was talking to guests.

"What happen to my princess??" Ryan aka her daddy looked worriedly to her daughter.

"Nothing I just need a hug now..." Ella went hugged her daddy, she could not tell his daddy that she hated Aran and his name made her pissed off.

"My princess is okay??" Ryan asked.

"Yes Daddy…"

'Aran do what you want… daddy will never love you after the things you did to Olivia, I hate you and daddy will hate you soon' Ella tightly hold his daddy.

In Church,

"My sister hates me because I don't like her boyfriend Joy…he is actually and my father's assistance Roni uncle's son, Roni uncle is a very kind hearted man but his son is opposite, he is just playing with Ella… I am trying to separate them many times that's why she dislike me very much and there are some huge misunderstanding between us…" Aran silenced for a bit moment.

"Then what about your big brother and mother??" Ava tried her 100% to make him feel like his story was not boring at all.

"Big brother always felt embarrassed to having a damp and stupid brother like me, he loves Ella because she is her perfect sibling not me." Aran's eyes were bit wet and Ava noticed that but she did not know what to say.

"I think you are perfect in your own way...believe me..." Ava told him.

"I know you are just trying consoling me…" Aran smiled at her.

"No… I am not... really I am feeling great with you..." Ava really mean it.

"Really??" Aran knew it's a lie but for the first time it's a beautiful lie that someone felt good with him.

"Then what about your mother??" Ava again asked.

"Mother believe that I tried to beat Joy with help of my bad friends and the family believes it too." Aran finished his story and looking at her for a response.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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