
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 3 Stranger part 2

Ava looked at him, he tried to smile while saying this but this smiles it's hurt her heart.

"You are all wet let's go to the father he lived pass by the church he will give you some dry cloths or you will be caught cold." Ava did not know what to say so she ended up saying that.

"Hehe Are you bore that fast that you want to get rip of me??" Aran looked at her with a tried eye, he was so pathetic.

"Off course no, if you continue with wet cloths you will be uncomfortable, don't worry go I am waiting for you here." Ava smiled towards her, Aran and his heart knew maybe this girl would go but he wanted believe in her, sometime a stranger could give so much warm feeling than family.

"I promise really I am waiting for you here because I am curious to listen to your story, come back soon..." Ava tried to convince his eyes. Aran did not ask anything and went to the father's residence for borrow some cloths.

"Daddy I want to talk." Ayan went to his father aka Ryan parker, his father was current billionaire but Ryan was very kind hearted person.

"Now??" His father asked curiously.

"Yes.." Aran said this kind of strongly. Ryan knew Aran was very obedient and good boy but he wanted to talk with his father that's mean it would be important.

"Okay... excuse me." Ryan greeted the guest and went to his son. They went to garden which was quit place.

"Daddy…Is my decision was right?? this love at first side, it's from me so how about her??" Ayan asked hesitantly.

"I know my son, but you have to be careful, don't force your wife, respects her, try to reach her heart and soul and don't touch her without her permission. She will love you after marriage just give her time." Ryan placed a hand in his son's shoulder.

"Thank you, daddy. I will try.." Ayan felt a little better and they were about returned the party. Ayan went little distance because of his phone call.

"Ryan, why are you doing here, there were so many guests so please come with me." Bella holed her husband hand and pulled the toward the hall.

"Bella… Do you know anything about Aran??" Ryan asked a bit lowly. Bella stopped walking and looked at her husband all the time she tried to control tears but it's falls down.

"I.." Bella words trembled; Ryan hugged her wife tightly.

"It's okay... he will return after cooling his anger." Ryan was very worried about Aran, but for a father it's difficult to shown his pain, so he was not able to shown his heart.

Ava was waiting for the 20 mins and then she saw Aran came and sit behind her chair.

"Are you waiting too long??" Aran asked her.

"No, no I have time till evening 4.30, and it's only 2.30 pm so you can continue." Ava's voice was a charm some time Aran wanted to listen to her sweet melodic voice forever, she would go after 4.30 that's feeling made him sad.

'What I am thinking??' Aran asked himself.

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