
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 2 Stranger part 1

'Its so cold and this annoying rain I hate it.' Ava was freezing from cold she could not get home in this heavy rain so she quickly entered the church what was near to her.

She entered the church and sat on a chair greet the God and sat on the bench, she was bit tried because she had to go her tuition class after that she was a private tutor so went there and then she went to the college, she had no stress left.

Suddenly she rolled her eyes she was shocked to see a someone with wet cloths in this winter she could not able to see his face he hided his face with his hands, his body was very attractive but Ava was very different from other so she did not feel anything toward him but his hand was bleeding in very places his condition so not normal.

'No Ava don't be so kind…it's not my problem if he bleeds but it must be hurting but I will just go for once it's the last time' she went to him.

"Excuse me… are you okay..." Ava asked hesitantly, Aran's mind mixed up he suddenly thought, 'Mom, it's my mom…. I know mom care about me...' he did not think twice turned toward Ava wrapped his strong hands in her waist hugged her tightly, Ava was very surprised what he did. In her 22 years old life no one hugged her like that, his grip was so strong. And suddenly she got in her sense.

"Hey…what's wrong with you just leave me, or I will shout..." Ava shouted in anger.

"Mom…" Aran murmured...

His strong hands and wet cloths Ava really felt disgusted she undo her hair pin and dig that in his back.

"Ah..." he back to his sense.

"I …mom…" Aran's dizzy head finally realised.

"You bustard how dare you. That's why mom say don't help anyone... you..." she was crying.

'Everyone is right I can make everyone cry.' Aran felt sad.

"I am really sorry…I thought you are .. my mom. I .." Aran words mixed, Ava could see he was in pain and his eyes that felt like that was speaking the truth.

"Are you in pain??" Ava knew that he forcefully hugged her but she did not know why she asked that.

"I think no one is interested to listen to my boring life..." Aran smiled a smile which had lots of pain.

"I will listen..." Ava wanted to listen cause Ava's father did suicide she did not able to find his father's pain that's why she wanted to knew everyone's pain.

"But I can't tell you." Aran again said.

"Don't worry I do not even know your name so I will not tell anyone so it's safe to tell a stranger." Ava smiled. This smile Aran could feel attraction towards her smile, it's so warm. She was not attractive nor charming or sexy but she was definitely cute with her short hair and a mole in her cheek made her cutest, she was not so tall it's seems like 5.2ft but her smile. He could not resist.

"It's my big brother's wedding..." Aran looked at her said in dry voice.

"So, it's your problem, say your parents to find you a beautiful girl." Ava's words made Aran smile in this situation.

"My brother is about to marry my girlfriend."

I shall update two chapter regularly for 1 week then I shall update 1 chapter per day.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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