
Smile: Real Or Fake

We are smiling everyday but is it really from our heart???? Aran has a psychological disorder called bipolar personality disorders (BPD).In this disorder he thinks everyone hate him. Can Ava bring him to the normal life??? Can Ava change Aran's fake smile into real???

IBK · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Aran

It's really raining hard, in this rain everyone wanted to went their home but Aran wanted to lost here, and he was sure no one would interest to find him if he would lost…

He was very tried mentally and physically blood dripping from his forehead and some cut was seen in his hand…

'If I lost will you try to find or will you care a little bit...no, you are not interested..' Aran's mind was blur and he consciously thought about that…His leg getting numb and he could not take it anymore he saw a church and he wanted to sit a bit, rest a bit In front of God, He wondered that God also wanted to take his hand from his head…He causally entered the church his cloths were wet with water, his body part was showing from his wet cloths, it's not summer's rain it's winter's first rain, in Aran's country there was no show fall but it's very cold he was shivering from cold.

Aran randomly seat on bench with wet cloths, his vision was getting blur…

'Mom…' he remembered his mom's face because he thought today, he might die, if not from physically pain it would be from heart pain.

"Ella, where is Aran??" Bella Parker aka Aran's mom asked this question to her daughter who was born same day with Aran, she was his twin sister.

"Mom. How many times I have to tell you, I don't know anything about Aran and don't ask me about him…I don't know and I don't want to know about him..." Ella replied bit rudely. Bella did not say anything to her daughter actually Bella could not blame her because it's not her fault totally so she stayed mute.

"Ella. Don't talk so rudely with Aunty..." A sudden voice shook Ella, its Joy's voice, Joy was her father's assistance Roni's son who was 2 months older than Ella and Aran... they all gather together because of an occasion.

"Joy… when did you come..." Ella was extremely happy to saw Joy and hugged him tightly. Joy did not response.

"Aunty I am sorry.." Joy looked at Bella.

"It's okay Joy... you guys enjoy." Bella smiles a little and left from the rest room.

"I am sorry I will apology to mom as well…" Ella murmured while hugging him.

"Okay, good girl." he hugged her back.

"You brat… you are openly hugging my sister..." Ayan came wearing the wedding suit, Ayan was big brother of Ella and Aran as well.

"Sorry bro..." They replied and leave each other.

"Brother do you see mom. I have to say sorry to her…" Ella asked his brother.

"Mom was talking with guest..." Ayan replied actually he felt a bit nervous cause today was his wedding. He was turning 26 this year, so is it bit fast to marry?? This question dazed his head, he wanted to see his dad, who was talking with the guest.

Hii dear readers hope you guys like this story...

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Have a good day...

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